••• CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA Tones. Schubert· String Trio in B flat D581, Weber Clarinet Quintet in B flat Op.34, Mendelssohn· Quintet in B flat Op.87. David Stewart & Paule Prefontaine, violins; Stephen Marvin & David Rose, v10· las; Chris11na Mahler. cello; Nicolai Taras· ov, clarinet. Eastmmster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. 416·889·5414. ,$10. - 8:00: Anno Domini Chamber Singers. Christmas with Brass. Pinkham: Christmas Cantata; Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on Christmas Carols: trad111onal carols wnh brass arr Holman. W1llan & Bel!efeu1lle. Paul Massei, baritone, members of Tallsker Players; David Jafehce. conductor. Holy Name Church, 71 Gough 416-696-0093. , fsrlsll. Ofchildl. - 8:00: Brampton Symphony Orchestra. Holiday lights. Music by Corelli, Tcha1ko· vsky; Chinese. Jewish & Japanese trad1· tional music. Giovanni Amenta. tenor; Rob· ert Rames, conductor. Heritage Theatre. B6 Mam St. North, Brampton. 905-874-2800. . (sr/stl. (ch1ld under 121. - 8:00· Chamber Music Concert. Clarke: Cousins for trumpet, trombone & piano; Khatchatu11an: Tuo for clannet, violin & piano; Wilder: Sonata #2 for bassoon & piano; Constant: Danse for guitar & piano; Lalo: Tllo for violin, cello & piano. John McGuigan, trumpet; Kent Bowman. trom· bone; Peter Margolian, piano; Art Forer, clarinet; Steve Prime & Gina Maenhaut. violins & other performers. Victoria College Chapel. 91 Charles St. West. 416·769· 5253. Free. - 8:0D: Etobicoke Centennial Choir. St Dlave's Church. See Dec 10. - 8:00: Markham Theatre for the Per· forming Aris. Toronto Children's Chorus. Holiday season music. Jean Ashworth Bar· tie, director. 171 Town Centre Blvd. 905· 305·7469. . Weber & Mendelssohn Speaking zn Tones Extraordinary Works for Strings and Clarinet Mendelssohn: Quartet Op. 44 #2 and Quintet Op. 8; Weber Clarinet Quintet Op. 34 David Stewart/Paule Prefontaine (violin) Stephen Marvin/David Rose (viola) Christina Mahler (cello)/ Nicolai Tarasov (clarinet) Saturday, December 11, 2004 at 8 p.m. Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Avenue /$10 416-889-5414 - 8:00: Music Gallery. Morris Palter. solo percussion. Wilson: new work; Gordon: XY; Alvarez: Temazcal; Globokar: Corporel. St George the Martyr Church, 197 John. 416· 204· 1080. . $ lO(member/srl. (stl. - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Academy Symphony Orchestra. Students of the Young Artists Performance Academy; Rennie Regehr, conductor. 90 Croatia St. 4 I 6·408·2824 x.321. $10,. - 8:00: St. Michael's Choir School. What Sweeter Music. Massev Hall. See Dec 10. - 8:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. Mu· sic for the holiday season. Markham Theatre. 171 Town Centre Blvd .. Markham. 905·305· 7 469. $ 35. - 8:00· Toronto Consort. The Praetoous Chflstmas Vespers. Trinity-St. Paul's Cen· tre. See Dec 10. - 8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Youth Choir. Noell Noell Noell Charpentier. Messe de Minun. Ron Ka Ming Cheung, conductor. Calvin Church, 26 Delisle Ave. 4 I 6·598·0422. ,. Sunday December 12 - 1 :OO(English) & 3:00(French); Brampton Symphony "Rose Garden" Orchestra. Young People's Concert. Prokofiev: Peter and the Woll; Haydn: Toy Symphony Rob· ert Rames. conductor. Heritage Theatre. 86 Mam St. North, Brampton. 905·874·2800. O. (ch1ld under 14). - 1:00: Harbourfront/Jeunesses Muslcales of Ontario. Music with Bite: fom1/y Sunday Concerts: True North Brass. Ch11st· mas music. Ravmond Tizzard & Barton Woomert, trumpets; Joan Watson. horn; Alastair Kay, trombone; Scott Irvine. tuba. lakeside Terrace. 235 Queens Quay West. 4 I 6·973·4000. , (family of 41. - 1 :OD: Hugh's Room. Nancy White. lmda Gflfliths, Erika Ritter. 2261 Dundas St. West. 416·531 ·6604 for reservations. (advancel. S 16(doorl. - 2:00: Brown laMarche Duo. Music by andel. Rolla. Albeniz. Brown. James Brown, guitar; Bridget laMarche, viola. Edward Day Gallery, 952 Queen St. West. 416·530·2426. ,. - 2:00: New School of Classical Vocal Studies. Annual Christmas Recital. Helico· nian Hall. 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-927-9800. $ t 5,.50. - 2:00· Northdale Concert Band. The Spmt of Chostmas: Music for the Holidays. Stephen Chenette. music director. St. Jude's Church (Wexford). 10 Howarth Ave 9D5·8B6·085B. $10. (sr/stl. children under 12 free. - 3:00 & 8:00: Singing OUT! Holiday Concert. Traditional & favourite Christmas music. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416·967·2759. . - 3:00: Aradia Ensemble. Christmas Con· cert: Vivaldi Sacred Music. Marion New· man, alto; Tracy Smith Besse11e. soprano; Kevin Mallon. director. St. Paul's Bas1hca, 83 Power St 800·461·3333. .. - 3:0D: Bell' Arte SingerslToronto Masque Theatre. A Christmas Masque. Charpentier: Messe de Minuit; Christmas music by Pergoles1. Praetorius & Poulenc; modern & baroque dance; readings. Edgar Tumak & Natasha Royka. dancers; Christo· pher Verrette & Rona Goldensher. baroque violins & other performers; Larry Beckwith, BELL' ARTE S N G E R S LE• WILLINGHAM, MUSIC DIRECTOR wilhthe If TORONTO \L'Vls qu Theatre LARRY Bl:Ct
host; lee Wilfingham, director. Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. 416· 4 I 0-4561. . - 3:00: Counterpoint Chorale/Counter· point Chamber Players. Together for the Season. Bach: Cantata 11140 Wachet au!!. Guests: Taras Kulish, baritone; Agnes Zig· ovics, soprano; William Woloschuk, direc· tor. Eglinton St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416·253·4674. ,$10. - 3:00: Hart House. Linda Maguire, Mel· 1o·Soprano. Great Hall, 7 Hart House Cir· cle. 416·978·2452. Free. - 3:00: Markham Concert Band. A Sea· sonal Celebration. Anderson: Christmas Festival; Shostakovich: Festive Overture; carols, singalongs. Markham Theatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd. 905·305· 7469. ,. - 3:00: Mississauga Choral Society. Handel: Messiah; Passmore: Majors Cana· mus. Sharla Nafziger, soprano; Lynne Mc· Murtry. mezio; Peter McCutcheon, tenor; Michael Downie, baritone; Sinfony Players; Chrys A. Bentley, conductor. Hammerson Hall. 4141 living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905·306·6000. S35/S25, /S 15(sr/st). - 3:00: Mooredale Youth Orchestras. Featuring performers ages 6· 18. Rosedale Heights School. 711 Bloor St. East. 416· 922·3714 x103. ,$10. - 3:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra. OSO Family Christmas. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. See Dec 11. - 3:00: Orchestra Toronto. Viennese Holiday. Mozan: Magic Flute Overture; Beethoven: Violin Concerto; music by J.Strauss Jr., Kreisler, Lehar & Sieczynski. Jacques lsraelievitch, violin; Kurt Lehmann, tenor; Errol Gay, music director. 2:00: Pre· concert talk by Artist·in·Residence Cather· ine Manoukian. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416·872· 1111. , s 25(srlst), S 1 Olchildlyouthl. - 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. Sunday Tw1: light Recital Series. Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill, organ. 65 Church St. 416·364· 7865. Free. - 4:00: Toronto Classical Singers. Han· de/.· Messiah /highlights/. Nancy King, so· prano; Sandra Boyes. mezzo; Stephen Mc· Clare, tenor; Bruce Kelly, bass; Talisker Players Orchestra; Jurgen Petrenko, con· ductor. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416·443· 1490. ,. - 4:30: All the King's Voices. Christmas for Kids. Guests: Lawrence Park Communi· ty Church Children's Choir; David J. King, conductor. Willowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave.416·225·2255. ,$10. (childl. - 4:30: Yorkminster Park Church Choir. Carols by Candlelight. William Maddox, con· ductor; Ronald S. Jordan, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416·922· l 167. Free. - 7:00: Ensemble Tryptych Chamber Choir & Sinfonia Instrumental Ensem· hie. Karols, Korales, & Kris Kringfe - A Christmas Concert. Music by Bach, Britten, Sweelinck, Handel & 'others. Lenard Whit· ing, director. Trinity Church. 2737 Bayview Ave. 416·763·5506. , children tree. - 7:30: Alexander Singers and Players Festival Choir. Seasons! Concert. Celebra· tion Church. See Dec 11. CONCE RT LISTINGS : GTA ... I COUNTERPOINT ?wonductor & Artistic Director presents CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS Featuring the Lawn?1ce Park Camm1111ity Clwn:h Childrc11 s Choir Sunday, Dec 12 al 4:30pm SONGS FROM THE HEART Saturday, Feb 26 at 8:00pm illowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. Adults Scnior/S1uden1s $10 Chjldrcn S5 Call 416-225-2255 Sunday, December 12 at 3:00 pm St. George United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd., Toronto Oust west of Yonge St., north of Eglinton Ave.) Tickets , Students $10