9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 5 - February 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • February
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Ensemble
  • Baroque

oronto Musicians'

oronto Musicians' Association News compiled and edited by Brian Blain Toronto Music memorabilia: The Toronto Musicians' Association has a lot of old memorabilia and some interested members have been going through this treasure trove to begin the long process of cataloguing and archiving. lf you have any material of interest from the early days of the Toronto music scene, please contact the office so that we can begin gathering a list of resources. Contact TMA president Rosemary Galloway at 416-421-1020 ext 222 or email TMA at the Bridal Shows: The TMA public relations committee had booths at two major bridal shows: Jan. 7 to 9th - Canada's Bridal Show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, and Jan. 28 to 30th - The National Bridal Show at the CNE National Trade Centre. Many of the general public don't know where to turn to source out live musical performers for their speciaJ events, so the Toronto Musicians' Association presence at these shows is an important way of obtaining work for our members and helping people get professional musicians at their functions. This way, people have access to over 3000 members with a versatile assortment of musical styles and genres. Our new promotional publication, See the Music, (where musicians can place an ad for their services - the directory is given out at trade shows) is up for publication in January 2006. To view See The Music, you can go online at or you can call the TMA at (416) 421- 1020 ext. 236 and get a copy Mentoring: The TMA has been approached by The Toronto Training Board, a non profit organisation funded by MTCU and HRSD, to find mentors for students who have learning disabilities and are interested in a career in music. Mentors are asked to spend one hour a month helping students make choices about their career paths. The pilot project includes 20 students from three high schools, and there is an immediate need for mentors, especially in the popular music genre. Mentors will experience a great personal growth opportunity, and the satisfaction of making a difference in the life of an at-risk youth. Please contact Teresa Roberson, Career Mentorship Project Coordinator, at 416-934-1653 if you can help. Passing chord: Lew Lewis, a fine saxophonist during a career that lasted more than 60 years passed away September 26, 2004 after undergoing quadruple bypass surgery. He was 88. His good friend Murray Ginsberg writes "A member of the TMA since 1937, Lew played with all the top orchestras in Toronto ... and was a a first call session player on CBC radio and television shows like The Wayne & Shuster Hour, Jack Kane's Music Makers, Howard Cable's General Electric Hour and many others. Lew got his first saxophone on a Saturday and played his first job, a wedding, on Sunday. Blessed with a keen ear, he spent Saturday figuring out the fingering and on Sunday he managed to get through the job. In the early 30s he played mostly in North Bay, Timmins and Kirkland Lake but returned to Toronto to play at the Palais Royale with Rudy Spratt's Quintet and later Luigi Romanelli's orchestra at the King Edward Hotel. He even played with Harry James' band for a few months until he was arrested for working illegally in the States. Atier he retired in the 90s, Lew said 'I had as good a run in music as anybody can have. I was succesful in that I always enjoyed what I did and always played with good people.' Ambience Duo celebrates 20 years: 2005 marks the 20th year of Ambiance Flute & Guitar Duo performances. Watch for a new CD and anniversary concert in 2005. Check out in 2005 to see their new website and see information on the 20th anniversary celebrations. The Ambiance Flute & Guitar Duo are TMA members Doriann Forrester & Philip- Disera. Stolen Trumpet: Callet Jazz, Serial Number 25784. If you have any information about the location of this instrument, please call John Liddle at (416) 822-8826. "REWARD" We'd like to hear from you: The Toronto Musicians' Association invites WholeNote readers to give us your feedback on this new column. If you have any suggestions for news items relating to members of the Toronto Musicians' Association, please forward them to Please include the word "WholeNote" in the subject line. Music & HEALTH & Music ••• by Masha Buell and Eli Eisenberg As a prelude to our on-going coverage of music and health here are two true stories sharing this common theme: how musical expression and good health are inextricably linked, like two halves of an hourglass. Turn it one way and health sifts into music and makes it even better. Turn it the other way and music sifts into improved health. Turn it back up the other way and .... well, you get the picture, a perpetual motion, life-affirming dance of the hours. But knock the hourglass over to lie on its side, and at first nothing happens. An offhand habitual glance might suggest that both parts are partially full. But before long music, for want of healthy activity, trickles to a halt. And there can be no question that health suffers for want of music. Health and Music ... "The poets did well to conjoin music and medicine, because the office of medicine is but to tune the curious harp of man's body. " · Bacon (1561-1626) Many musicians experience discomfort and performance-related pain during their playing years. Some, at their doctor's suggestion, take time away from their instruments or even stop playing completely. But some, determined to continue playing, seek other options .... When this particular pianist and composer first visited the Feldenkrais Centre the practitioner was more than surprised at his physical condition. She used the term 'atrophied' to describe the damage that had, over time, occurred to his right arm. What had begun as occasional stiffness had escalated to the point where almost all mobility was gone. As any pianist will attest, right hand dexterity is a crucial part of technical development, and for a working professional, it's an essential component of staying employed in a very competitive field. After trying to combine various therapies with a busy performance schedule, he decided to put his career on hold in order to seek treatment and re-training at the Feldenkrais Centre. Although not specifically designed for musicians, the system of movement and bodily kinesthetics "'' developed by Ukrainian-born engi- Serenity;1ru;t

Music and Health ... ··1 rhi11k I should have no orher morral wanrs, if I could always have plemy of music. fr seems ro infuse strength inro my limbs and ideas imo my hrai11. Life seems to go on wirhour ejforr, when I am filled 1virh music." George Eliot (1819 - 1880) The walls of the waiting room are covered with photos of internationally reknowned opera singers, rock stars, comedians and yes, politicians; people who use their voices every day of their lives. But don't we all? An intense woman of about 45 is sitting face to face with the physician who has just conducted a thorqugh examination of her larynx including videostroboscopy, a specialized procedure which allowed the doctor to actually view her vocal cords in motion. He has not found any physical reason for her discomfort - a stabbing pain in her throat that occurs when she raises her voice, is moved either by happiness or sorrow to tears, or attempts to sing. She did have a bad wugh back in November and assumed that the pain was related. Now she is perfectly well again but the pain has not gone away, waiting there to jump up and bite her if she allows herself to be expressive. She is terribly afraid she may have some kind of a lump in her throat. In the autumn she had decided to resume singing recreationally. She thought she'd join a community choir, get some coaching, then try out for an auditioned choir. When she became ill, she postponed her plans. Now she is alarmed by the pain and afraid that she· may harm her voice by singing. The physician is cairn and reassuring. The news is good - her throat looks fine. There is no lump, her vocal cords are in fact in very good condition. She is expecting to be told "never mind, it will go away in time", and maybe " ... let me know if it doesn't" ... But instead he begins to ask questions about her busy lifestyle. diet. and how much, if any, coffee or alcohol she consumes. He asks a lot of questions about how and when she hurts. He encourages her to talk about her need tu sing. what kinds of music she likes, and whether there are other barriers. besides her discomfort. He pays careful attention to her body language. observing the places she carries tension. He observes carefully how she uses her hands as she speaks, and is alert to the changes in her voice and manner as she attempts to remain unemotional, despite her distress. His prescription: a eook to read, called "Anatomy of the.Spirit" by Carline Myss, a tirm instruction to give herself unlimited permission to do the things that have made her throat hurt, but just stop if it hurts too much: to be vigilant about reminding herself that slie is entitled to shout, to feel happy and sad, to cry and to sing. And to take time for herself to begin untangling the reasons she was trying NOT to do those things ... She left in tears, read the book, and joined the choir. The prescription worked. And so the hourglass turns again, and again. There are many many dijferenr clinics, re-training faciliries and studios tlwr specialize in helping people in the arrs communities meet the challenges they face. Some are al/ached ro hospitals. Some are in p1:ivate studios. If you know someone with a story abour music and health that you rhink should appear in these pages, please contact, or call the editorial deparrmenr at 416.603.3786 A CLINIC THAT OFFERS A UNIQUE, INNOVATIVE APROACH TO DIAGNOSING AND TREATING SINGING AND SPEAKING VOICES • ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. THIS APPROACH IS MULTI-DISCIPLINARY: CUTTING-EDGE DIAGNOSTICS FOR ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT WITH A MEDICALLY TRAINED VOICE SPECIALIST, AN EXPERIENCED SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST AND A VOICE COACH • PSYCHOTHERAPY AND CHIROPRACTIC ALSO AVAILABLE. YOUR VOICE IS THE MIRROR OF YOUR SOUL. YOUR VOICE IS YOUR LIFE. BRIAN HANDS, MD FRCS (C) AARON LOW, MS CCC-SLP 200 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST SUITE 404 TORONTO M4V 1R1 416. 922.0070 TLC for musicians bya mi:istctan Endurance • Breath Posture • Muscle Release Dr. Katarina Bulat CHIROPRACTOR Private Practice: Danforth Et Coxwell Tel: 416.461.1906 healing power, ease, comfort & confidence through your authentic voice • Hugh Smiley psychotherapist, musician . 25 I 416-924-4941 "UJe can f!eai··n lo moue wilh a:Jloni:J/iin g Ag/,fneJJ an(/ /.·eedo',,1 - al

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