9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 5 - February 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • February
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Ensemble
  • Baroque


ANNOUNCEMENTS •February 3 7:00: Via SalzburglBMW Toronto. Fast Cars .and Fine Music. Fundraising gala. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres; live auc· tion; dessert reception; performance by Via Salzburg Chamber Orchestra. Dress: leather or business attire. BMW Toronto, 11 Sunlight Park Rd. 416-972-9193. 5, group rate. •February 4 & 5, 9pm: Samba Toronto. Carnaval Brasil Brazilian Barbecue Buffet, traditional dance show, samba lessons & car· nival drumming. Performers include Sambaca· na, The Escola de Samba de Toronto & friends. The Red Violin, 95 Danforth Ave. 416· 465-0969. •February 5 7:00: Toronto Jazz Orches· tra. The Annual Swing Thing. Fundraising swing dance. Admission includes dance lesson and 3 hours of dancing to the original arrange· ments of Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman & others. Dovercourt House, Main Floor, 805 Dovercourt Rd. 416-899-5299. 1with lesson), $ lOldance only). •February 19 & 20 9am-5pm: Musician's Wellness Inc. Performance Wellness. Clinical· ly proven, creative, music-based approach to overcoming stage fright, over-use injuries and extreme perfectionism. Dr. Louise Montello. Music Therapy Centre, 1175 Bloor St. West. 212-529-9737, 0 USO. •February 20: Orchestra Toronto. Calling All Orchestra Toronto Alumni!· former arches· tra members, conductors, board members & supporters of the East York Symphony 11967· 1998) or the Bennington Heights Community Orchestra 11954-1967). A Homecoming Re· ception, immediately following Orchestra To· ronto' s Feb 20 concert I see daily listings). TO· ronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-467 · 7142, ·February 21 3:00-8:00: Toronto Centre for the Arts. Open House. Includes draws for free tickets to upcoming shows. 5040 Yonge St. For more information: 416-250-2690. •March 5: Opera Ontario. TOthAnnuallover's Ball Black tie. Rotunda, Kitchener City Hall, 200 King St. W. 905-527-7627 x233. 5. •festival Wind Orchestra. Two Open Com· petitions. 1. Weber: Concertina in E-flat for Clarinet; 2. Rimsky-Korsakov: Concerto for Trombone. Competitions held at end of March; winners will receive an honorarium & perform in concert with the FWD in May/June. Applica· tion deadline: February 28, 2005. 416-491· 1683, ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES SYMPOSIA, MASTERCLASSES, WORKSHOPS, ETCETERA •Ruth Watson Henderson Choral Compo· sition CompetitionlChoirs Ontario. Biennial competition for new choral works, the 2005 competition being for SSA treble voice choirs, duration 4·8 minutes. Winning entry an· nounced in November 2005. Scores must be postmarked no later than September 1, 2005. For more information, Choirs Ontario:; LECTURES/SYMPOSIA •February 3 4:00: U of T Faculty of Musi cl Centre for Russian & East European Stud· ies. Sergei Prokofiev, Story of a Real Compos· er. Lecture by musicologist and Prokofiev biog· rapher Prof. Simon Morrison, Princeton Uni· versity. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978-3744. Free. *February 3 7:00: Harbourfront Centrel York U. View Points: Someone Sang for Me: Building Community Through Music. Featuring Jane Sapp, musician, civil rights activist & ed· ucator who has worked with school students fro economically devastated neighbourhoods in Springfield, Mass. Lillian Allen, moderatorl interviewer. York Quay Centre, 235 Queens Quay West. 416·973-4000. $10, st). *February 5 9:30-12:30, 1 :30-5:30: Centre for Russian & East European Studiesl Prokofiev Festival. Prokofiev Onstage: New light on a Modern Master. Public symposium on opera, ballet, piano, and his personal histo· ry under Stalin. Speakers include: Nelly Kravetz, William Littler, Paul Mitchinson, Si· man Morrison, Michael Pisani, lain Scott & others. Town Hall, Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave. 416-946-8994, Free !reservations recommended). *February 7 1 O:OOam: York U Graduate Program in Dance/Prokofiev Festival. Prokofiev festival: Restoring a famous Con· structivist Ballet. Lecture-demonstration by Lesley Anne Sayers. Robert Gill Theatre, 214 College St. 416-946-8994. Free. *February 8 4:00: U of T Faculty of Mu· sic. Thinking in Mbira. Lecture by Paul Berlin· er, specialist in African music, jazz & improvi· sational systems. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. *February 9 12:10: U of T Faculty of Mu· sic. The Heart that Remembers: A Tale of Mu· sicians during Zimbabwe's liberation War. Lecture by Paul Berliner, specialist in African music, jazz & improvisational systems. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. *February 10 12:10: U of T Faculty of Music. Symposium on Handel's opera Semele. Discussion by ·members of the creative team, chaired by lain Scott, with excerpts performed by members of the cast. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. *February 14 8:00: Toronto Wagner Soci· ety. Wagner, Bismarck, Siegfried. Talk by Wil· liam Blissett. Arts and Letters Club, 14 Elm St. www.richard Mem· bers free, non-members: -$10 suggested contribution to the TWS scholarship fund. •February 27 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. The Operas of Leos Janacek. Audio/visual presentation by Yvonne Chiu. CDs to be won! All welcome. Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416·924-3940. . MASTER CLASSES •February 4 2:30: York U. Dept. of Music. Masterclass by Roy Patterson, jazz guitarist. Observers welcome. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416· 736-5186. Free. •February 5: Lindsay Concert Foundation. Violin & viola master classes with Mark Few· er, Scott St. John, Erika Raum & Annalee Patipatanakoon. Glenn Crombie Theatre, Flem· ing College, Lindsay. 705-878-5.625. *February 6 2:45: ORMTA North Toronto & North York-York Region Branches. Piano masterclass with Andrew Markow. Euromusic Centre, 2651 John St., Unit 8, Markham. 905-669, 7642. O(st), (memberJ, (non-member). *February 14 4:00: .Wilfrid Laurier University. Masterclass by the True North Brass. Faculty of Music, 75 University Ave. West, Waterloo. 866-509-0724. *February 20 3:00: Home Music Club. Masterclass for chamber music ensembles coached by Shauna Rolston. Auditors wel· come. 3rd floor, large classroom, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queen's Park. 416-736· 4694. auditor's fee. *February 24 9:30am: York U Dept. of' Mu· sic. Masterclass by Mark Eisenman, jazz pian· ist. Observers welcome. Mclaughlin Perform· ance Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416-736·5186. Free. *February 25 2:30: York U Dept. of Music. Masterclass by Barry Elmes, jazz drummer. Observers welcome. Mclaughlin Performance ,Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-51B6. Free. *March 3 9:30am: York U Dept. of Music. Masterclass by Bonnie Brett, jazz vocalist. Ob· servers welcome. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-51B6. Free. ··March 4 2:30: York U Dept. of Music. Masterclass by Lame Lofsky, jazz guitarist. Observers welcome. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416-736·51B6. Free. ·March 5: Lindsay Concert Foundation. Vocal master class with Sally Dibblee, so· prano. Glenn Crombie Theatre, Fleming Col· lege, Lindsay. 705-B7B:5625. WORKSHOPS 'February 3 time tba: Holy Trinity Cultur· al Series/Small World Music. Kitka. After· noon workshop by B·women vocal ensemble singing music from Eastern Europe. 10 Trinity Square. 416·59B-4521 x223. Reservation only: limited seating. *February 5 lOam-12 noon, 1:00-3:00: CAM MAC. Workshop in Renaissance dance with Linda Adams. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-421-0779. (member), (non-member). •February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27: RCM Community School. Orop·in work· shops and open rehearsaVperformance by Es· cola de Samba de Toronto. 1 :00: Workshop: /nicia11tes. (Beginner music lesson); 2:30: Au/a de Samba. (Samba Dance Lesson); Open Re· hearsal: Ensiaro da Bateria (Bateria reears· al). Concert Hall, Ursula Franklin Academy, 90 Croatia St. 416·4DB·2B24 x321. Workshops pwyc, open rehearsal free. •February 6 1 :30: Toronto Early Music Play· ers' Organization. Workshop with Femke Bergsma, recorder maker and performer. Bring your early instruments and stand; music availa· ble at the door. Lansing United Church, 49 Bo· gert Ave. 416-77B-7777. . •February 13 2:00: CAMM AC. Reading of Verdi: La Traviata (complete). Led by Sabatino Vacca. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge. 416-421-0779. (non·member), (member). •February 14, 28, March 14, 28 7:30· 9:30: Peter Smith Jazz Workshop. All wel· come, no pre-registration. Playing & analysis of improvisation techniques; tips on jazz ensemble playing .. Bring something to write with & your instrument. Japanese United Church, Dovercourt south of Bloor. 416· 7B5-B609, per session. •February 18 7:30: Recorder Players Soci· ety (Toronto). For players of C and F instru· ments. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-536-5750. (CAM· MAC members), (non-members). *February 18 8pm·10pm, 19 10am-4pm: Toronto Mass Choir. Power Up!- first An· nual Gospel Music Workshop. Workshop culminating in Saturday evening concert (see daily listings); hands on experience in performance & presentation of Gospel music. Led by clinician: music teacher & conductor Karen Burke. Banfield Memorial Church, B9 Centre Ave., Willowdale. 905-794-1139. Registration be· tSHERWAY MUSIC.COM Ages 5-Adult, accredited instruction in: Piano Guitar Voice Brass Violin & Woodwinds *Free Lessonl •New :.Uldcnt. .. , with rci.:i,.tratilln u( 4 IC!oMHlS. 416-259-0251' I 00 The East Mall @ North Queen FREE PARKING seconds to SHERWA Y GARDENS David Smith, MusM. Pianist and Vocal Coach Director, Toronto Camerata Offers Instruction in Advanced studies in Piano Preparation for RCM Examinations Grade X, ARCT, Harmony, History & Analysis Classical Vocal Coaching for Opera, Oratorio, and Song Repertoire CALL: 416-233-1357 e-mail: FEBRUARY 1 - MARCH 7 2005

fore Feb 1: . after Feb 1: . UNCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING •February 19 1 Oam·3pm: Hymn Society Southern Ontario Chapter. African:Ameri· can Worship Music: Getting it Right. Led by Dr. James Abbington. Seeley Hall, Trinity Col· lege. 6 Hoskin Ave. 416·699·5124. Advance registration until Feb 10: , student & group rate available. •February 19 1:00·3:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Pastime with Good Company: TEMC Viola da Gamba Workshop with Susie Napper and Margaret Little. Also available is a Novice Class for those who are interested in beginning the viol (instrument supplied), and the opportunity to audit the day's sessions. To reserve a place and for further information. RSVP to Joelle Morton: 416·760·8610 by February 9, or email bml (member), (non·member). •February 19 7:30: Andrea Soos Yoga Studio. The Magic of the Sitar: Workshop & Concert with Neeraj Prem. Interactive lecture demonstration on the history of Indian classi· cal & folk music. culminating in Indian classi· cal music concert (see Beyond GTA listings). 1685 Main St. West, Ste 202B, Hamilton. 905·523·9310. $ 25(advance). $ 30(door). •February 20 8:00: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Squeeze Box. Push, pull, squeeze - any· thing to get the wind up & result in music! Workshop by Len Wallace, Tom Leighton, Pe· ter Jellard, Ena O'Brien. TRANZAC, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416·410·3655. ,. •February 28 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choral music. Ability to read music desira· ble but not essential. 12 Millbrook Cres. Mem· bers free. (non·members). •March 5 9:30am·4:30: Ontario Band As· sociation. Wind Conductors' Symposium 2005. Richard Clary. featured clinician; guests: U of Calgary Wind Ensemble, Dr. Glenn Price, conductor; hosts: York U Wind Sympho· ny, William Thomas, conductor. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, York University, 470D Keele St. 905-479·2787 x549, Registration before Feb 7: D,(st); after Feb 7: ,(st). •March 6 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading of ex· cerpts from musicals. Led by Melody Mc· Shane. Christ Church Deer Park, 157D Yonge. AAA+ OPPORTUNITY FOR VOCALISTS & MUSICIANS with the Toronto Starlight Orchestra ... one of Canada's finest ballroom dance orchestras!!! Openings available in violin. trumpet. trombone, saxophone and rhythm sections for our second new orchestra. Visit our website al and call Andrew today @(416)712-2555. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICE for small business and individuals, lo save you lime and money, customized lo meet your needs. Norm Pulker. B. Math. CMA. 905-250-0309 or 905-830-2985. ALTO SECTION LEAD ior an eclectic music program al Leaside United Church. 822 Millwood Road, Toronto. Thursday evening rehearsals and Sunday morning Worship. Contact Sharon Beckstead, Music Director al 416-696-6051, for more information. BARD·- EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorder and virginal available to provide background atmosphere for teas, receptions or other functions - greater Toronto area. For rates and info coll 905-722-5618 or email us al CELLO FOR SALE 3/4 size Germon Handorff 4 years old; nicely played in; S3.500. Call Catherine al 905-333-9875. COPYIST AVAILABLE: full scores. orchestral parts, transpositions (vocal, instrumental); good rates; professional results; phone or e-mail for info/rates. Attila (416)575-7397 COUNTERPOINT ORCHESTRA ne'eds volunteer musicians. Monday evening rehearsals. Concerts: March 12 and June 4. All sections, esp. violins. Terry Kowalczuk 416-658-5359 or EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP, SIGHT­ SINGING. THEORY, JAZZ THEORY. All levels, professional/serious beginners. Art Levine, MA, ARCT. Host. "Art Music", CBC. 30 years experience: RCM, UofT. York. 416-924-8613.; ELEGANT BACKGROUND JAZZ for your party, reception. or corporate event. Larry Bond Trio - piano, bass, drums. 905-294-5651 for rates. phone 416-491-1683 or visit FLAUTANDIA An adult amateur flute chir invites new members lo join the group. Professional conductor. In addition lo flute players a pianist, double bass and percussionist (mallets and set) are welcome. Contact Shelley al 416-491-1683. GRAND PIANO. Erard Paris, antique, beautiful. 5' 7". carved legs, stand and harp. 58000 or best offer. Call 416-440-1700. HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING, thought you wouldn't or couldn't, or do you just want a place to play with the possibilities of your voice. Small groups. 6 -S75. Johanne, 416-461-8425. HORN, DOUBLE F (professional). Prototype, circa 1978, crafted for Selmer by Reynolds. Immaculate condition. 416. 721.4940 (celli; 416.323.2232 (bus). Mosha. MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Small ensembles. Dance Band, Big Band; Cocktail Hour, Dinner music, Concerts. Shows; Classical. Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditional and Smooth Jazz! JSL Musical Productions 905-276-3373 The PERFORMING EDGE Performance enhancement training in tension management, concentration, goal selling, imagery. Individualized to meet your performance situation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinical and performing arts psychology. 416-961-0487, PIANIST, ACCOMPANIST, OPERATIC VO­ CAL COACH with Italian music education available for concerts, exams, lessons, gigs. Adolfo De Santis, 416-499-4416 or PIANO AVAILABLE for teaching or for practising in downtown studio, annex area. close lo University of Toron[o. The Kaleidoscopic Place -416-964-3308. PIANOS FOR SALE. Pre-owned Yamaha, Kawai & others. Top condition, reasonably priced, free delivery, tuning, warranly,1Affordable tuning/repair. Victor Marlin, cert. piano technician/pianist. Bus: 4 I 6-877-6021, 416-265-0381. Open daily 10am-4pm. RIVERDALE STAGE BAND, a fun, semi serious bunch of guys and gals need a trumpet SINGERS REQUIRED all voices; to augment UXBRIDGE CHAMBER CHOIR performance J.S. Bach's Mass B minor; Sat. May 14, 8:00pm. Workshop compulsory, Sat. March 26, 11:30-4:00, lunch included. Rehearsals Mondays 7:30pm begin Jan 17. St. Paul's Anglican Church, 65 Toronto St. S .. Uxbridge. Contact Hilary Balmer 905-852-2676. or Director Thomas Baker. 905-4 73-5640. STUDIO TO SHARE w/Kawai Grand. Will suit piano or voice teacher. Bloor & Sherbourne area. Available Mon. Wed. and Fri. 1 JAM lo 7PM Call 416-927-9800. THE BEST MUSIC LESSON IN NORTH AMERICA FOR THE BEST PRICE (for professionals and music lovers of any level and specially). Wonderful results instantly! Vladimir 416-321-5627 INSPIRED ACTING! Add ENERGY, POWER, POISE to every musical performance • Connect emotion to music • Remain relaxed, focused & alive while performing • Communicate with your whole body HEATHER DICK, CAEA www 416-236-9011 BOSLEY REAL ESTATE Jl•."ISl .. 'r U.C.l urATl LTV. il:l:'.AL'l""..Jtt 416-421·0779. (non·member), (member). •March 7 1:30: Toronto Early Music Players' Organization. Workshp with Sophie Lariviere, recorder performer. Bring early instruments and stand; music available at the door. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416· 778- 7777. . •worlds of Music Toronto. World Music Workshops, winter 2005. 10 weeks of 2-hour EVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committed piano students ( or 416-504-4297). FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA has immediate openings for all percussion, bassoon, and saxophones, especially baritone sax. Professional conductor. Rehearsals on Tuesdays. 7:30pm- 9:30pm, Yonge/Sheppard area. For details. and trombone player. Great tunes and director (intermediate level). Mike 416-804-5161 c. 416-699-6888h. SIMONE TUCCI PIANO TUNER-TECHNI­ CIAN -Complete Piano Care Service. Affiliated with The Royal Conservatory of Music piano service staff. Registered with O.G.P.T. Servicing Toronto and GTA areas. Call: 416-993-6332 PETER MAHON Sales Representative 416-322-8000 www. petermahon .corn workshops beginning Jan 21. To register: 416-588·88 l 3, 0, O(students). - Monday: Canadian Fiddling with Anne Lederman; Tuesday: Klez· mer Ensemble with Martin van de Ven; Wednesday: Belly Dance & Arabic Rhythms with Roula Said; Friday: Songs of the Caucasus with Andrea Kuzmich; Saturday: Portu· guese Fado Singing with Catarina Cardeal; Cu· ban Ensemble with Luis Mario Ochoa; Brazilian Song with Marta Aratangy; Ethiopian & Congolese Dance with NouvelExposeDance; Sunday: Latin American Rhythms with Rodrigo Chavez; Pan African Orumming with Waleed Abdulhamid; Indian Song with Gauri Guha. FrnwARY 1 - MARCH 7 2005

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