9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 6 - March 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Ensemble
  • Musical
  • Symphony
  • Faculty
  • Choir
  • Orchestra

Victo .... Togni 1935

Victo .... Togni 1935 -1965 Memot-iGtl Concerl: Friday May 27, 2005, 7:30 At Historic St. Basil's Church 50 St. Joseph Street at Bay Street For information: 416-926-7110 Performing Organists William Wright, William O'Meara and Gordon D. Mansell Special Guest Organist Peter Togni Also perfonning: The senior choir of St. Michael's Choir School Limited seating. Advanced tickets recommended. General Admission:$ 15.00 Seniors and Students: $ I 0.00 i Quartetto Gelato h st i , The Palestrina Chamber Chorus Musical Director, Sabatino Vacca Saturday, April 30, 8 pm George Weston Recital Hall Toronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge St (North of Sheppard) Toronto Centre Box Office 1icketmaster 416-872-1111 Centro Scuola e Cultura ltaliana Columbus Centre TWENTY FIVE YEARS xxv VENTICINQUE ANNI L,urr! 2004-2005 Concert Series IJ rrn rn 26th Concert Series presented by SHARING THE VOICES . Friday, March 18, 2005, 7:30 pm St. Basil's Church, 50 St. Joseph St. (at Bay) Toronto Guest Artists: The Bach Choir from the University of Toronto Faculty of Music, Doreen Rao, conductor. Bach, Jauchzet dem Herren, a/le Welt, Mendelssohn, Sanctus · ('Heilig ist Gott") , Brahms, Three Motets op 29and 110, Mozart, Missa Brevls In F Major THE CELTIC SPIRIT Friday, May 6, 2005. 7:30 pm Glenn Gould Studio, King and John Streets, Toronto Guest artists: Mark Haines and Tom Leighton An evening of Down East music and superb entertainment that will make you tap your feet and leave with a song in your heart. All programs and locations sub)sct to change • CanadaCouncll ConselldesArts torontdartsbouncil forlheArts duC1n.eda M.,m•l9nOl"DOd'ot1MC>1,01T0

their studies. becoming part of the cultural fabric of the city. There can be no doubt that the arts are a significant component of what Toronto has to offer; even a casual perusal ofWholeNote Magazine will give the participants in the ·'image branding exercises" much to work with. The Music Schools With the end of the academic year in sight, March is a good time to get out to a concert or recital at the music schools, whose ensembles, large and small perform their end of year concerts and performance students give final recitals - often there are three or four a day of these at the U ofT Faculty of Music. I'm sure it is much the same at the University of Western Ontario. York University has many collective (all the students of a particular discipline) recitals listed in this issue. If you live beyond the GT A there are music schools at Carleton University. the University of Ottawa. Queen's, the Eastman School, the State University of New York in Buffalo. Wilfrid Laurier Univer ity. Western, the University of Windsor and Brock University. Their websites will he goldmines nf information. Orchestral Music One of the favourite hones for journalists in various media to chew on is the always imminent demise of the symphony orchestra. You will find lots of evidence for this in WholeNote, of course, like six orchestral concerts on March 5. The TSO. too, is doing its bit to provide the doom-and-gloomers with lots of reality to ignore! Have you heard the sylllphony lately? It has been getting a whole lot better under Peter Oundjian when it comes to the quality of the ensemble playing. in my opinion. His work with dynamics too is adding to the strings· palette of colours: he is not lllaking their. fortissimos louder or their pianissimos softer ut rather is elllpowering his musicians to discover many lllore dynalllic nuances in between, which, he explained to me, trans- !ates for the listener into a greater range of string colours. Even if you go to nothing else, get out to at least one of the Symphony's "New Creations" concerts at the end of March and early in April. These will feature not only interesting new work, like Gary Ku Iesha 's Second Symphony, but also some landmark old works, which Peter Oundjian invites us to hear as •·new creations", which, of course, they originally were. Coincidentally, the Hamilton Philharmonic 's April 2 program is in a very similar vein, bringing together Imam Raminsh's Magnijicat and Mahler's Resurrection Symphony. They will be joined in this concert by the McMaster University Choir, soprano, Laura Whalen and mezzo, Michelle Sutton. Two orchestras are taking on the challenge of developing young peop.le's interest in orchestral music. On March I Sinfonia Toronto will perform with three high school orchestras at North Toronto Collegiate; and on March 30-31 the Mississauga Philharmonic Orchestra is giving four school performances of an educational program entitled "The Hollywood Sound." playing the scores of popular current movies, an effective way to introduce twelve and thirteen year aids to symphonic music. And one other interesting concert you may not want to miss this month is Ben Heppner's benefit concert for the Lung Association on March 9. It's repertoire he loves, in a novel context. The history of music is full of socalled "golden ages." After all, time has a way of distilling, focusing and glamorizing the past. The profounder skill is learning to be a "gold card holder" in a fertile, living cultural milieu, like the one we're in. People a few decades from now may well look back on this time as a golden age of music in Toronto. Better for our city (and its policy makers) to recognize that fact now. PHILIP L. DAVIS Luthi er formerly with ]./. Schroder: Frankfurt. West Gem1ony A Fine Selection of Small and Full Sized Instruments and Bows· Expert Repairs (416) 466-9619 67 Wo/verleigh Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, M4J I R6 MASSIVE PIANO CLEARANCE! SDAYSONLY! March 1st to Sth In preparation for the opening of Ontario's ONLY cxclusi,·c St einway Piano Gallery, Rcmcnyi House of Music is clearing ALL non-Steinwa y pianos from their i1wcntory! Over 125 baby grand, grand, upright, digital and digital player grand pianos MUST BE SOLD! Choose from New & Used .. • Yamaha (used) • Kawai •Schimmel • Ritmueller • Seidl & Sohn •Seiler • Sauter • Floor Models • Heintzman • Kohler&Campbelt • Ibach • Baldwin • Bentley • Bohemia • Rental Returns • Discontinued J oo o "'X,! 210 Bloor Street West (just w. of Avenue Rdl 416-961-3111 Tues-Wed-Sat 10am-6pm, Thurs-Fri 10am-9pm SAVINGS UP TO 40% OFF! ALL WILL BE SOLD e First come ... First Served! Piano & Keyboard Centre • Sales • Service. •Tuning • Restoration • Event Rentals Official Concc11Tuner1 Technician li1r CBC I Glenn Gould Swclill National Ballet of Canada National Ballet School St. Lawn:ncc Centre for the /\rt> Toronto Centre for the Performing 1\rt> 70 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1 G6 Tel: (905) 709-2771 Fax: (905) 709-4624 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 9

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