9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 6 - March 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Ensemble
  • Musical
  • Symphony
  • Faculty
  • Choir
  • Orchestra


... CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 390 Bamburgh Circle. 416-499·4890. $10. 905·306·6000. ,, sr/st rates. - 7:30: Gilbert & Sullivan Society of - B:OO: Music Gallery. Great lake Swim· Toronto. G&S Jeopardy and sing·along. St. mers CD Release Concert. Sandro Perri, lap Andrew's United Church, 117 Bloor St. steel; Erik Arneson, banjo; Almog Ben· East. 416·221-4864. Free. David, Wurlitzer piano; Colin Huebert, - 8:00: Brampton Theatres. Njacko drums. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 Backo. African style percussion featuring John. 416·204· 1 OBO. (advance}, the kalimba. Heritage Theatre, 86 Main St. O(door}. North, Brampton. 905·874·2800. ,, - 8:00: Musicians in Ordinary. The group rate. Bottegari lute Book- An Evening of Italian - 8:00: Counterpoint Chorale/Voices Renaissance Song. Music by di Rore, di Choir. Mozart: Requiem; Bach: Cantata Lasso, de Wert & Caccini. Hallie Fishel, # 140 Wachet au!! Agnes Zsigovics. so· soprano; John Edwards, lute. Church of the prano; Deborah Dveres. alto; Taras Chmil, Redeemer, 162 Bloor West. 416·603-4950. tenor; Mark Hamilton. baritone; Ron Ka .. Ming Cheung & William Woloschuk. conduc· - B:DO: Newtonbrook United Church tors. Walmer Road Church, 188 Lowther Concert Series. Cantabile Chorale. Robert Ave. 416·924·0753. ,. Richardson, director. 53 Cummer Ave. 416· - 8:00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir. 222·5417. . Haydn: Creation. Michele DeBoer, soprano; - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Jimmy Martins, tenor; James Hofman, YAPA Showcase. Students of the Young baritone; Anne Marie Leonard, organ; Dr. Artists Performance Academy. Royal St. Harris Loewen, music director. All Saints George's College. 120 Howland Ave. 416· Kingsway Church, 285D Bloor St. West. 4D8·2B24 x.321. $10,. 416·239·1131 x49. . - B:OO: Sinfonia Toronto. The Tho11 of - 8:00: Mississauga Symphony Orches· Discovery (Concerto Competition). tra. Beethoven: Piano Concerto #3; Bern· Tchaikowsky: Souvenir de Florence; concer· stein: West Side Story Overture; Shostako· to tba (winner's concerto}. Mario Carbotta, vich: Symphony #5. Roberto Piano, piano; flute; Nurhan Arman, conductor. Glenn John Barnum, music director. Hammerson Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416· The Musicians In Ordinary The Bottegari Lute Book - Italian Renaissance Song Saturday April 2/05 at 8pm 205·5555. , (sr}(st}. - 8:00: Toronto Festival of Storytell· ing. The last Seduction: A Storyteller's Don Giovanni. Diva! Diva! Diva! !Rachel Huys & Sinead Sugrue, voices}; Lorne Brown, storyteller. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·656·2445. ,. - B:DO: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Four By Four. Luedeke: TSO commission for winds and percussion; Schafer: Four . forty; Beethoven (orch. Oundjian}: String Quartet Op.131. St. Lawrence String Quartet; Peter Oundjian, Joaquin Valdepeiias, conductors. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416·593· 4828. ·$105. - 8:00: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. University Choirs in Concert Gala. U of T Choirs; Doreen Rao, Robert Cooper, Brainerd Blyden·Taylor, conductors. St. Basil's Church, 50 St. Joseph St. 4 l 6·97B· 3744. ,. - 8:00: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Wind Ensemble; Alain Trudel, conductor; Lydia Wong, piano. Mcfee: Concerto for Piano and Winds; other works. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416· '978·3744. ,. Sunday April 03 - 1 :OD: Royal Conservatory of Music Community School. RCM Guitar Ensem· bles Concert & Guitar Festival. Students of the RCM Community School; William Beauvais, conductor. Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408·2824 x321. Free. - 1 :30: McMichael Gallery. Renee Barda, classical singer. 10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. 905·893· 1121. Gallery admis· sion: , , (family rate}. - 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Matthias Goerne, baritone. Schubert: Die Winterre· ise. Eric Schneider, piano. 60 Simcoe. 416· 872-4255. ·. - 2:DO: Royal Ontario Museum/Metro Toronto Board of Health. RDM Sundays: Glenn Gould School: Chopin and The Night· ingale. Musical dramatization of newly discovered romance between Chopin and Jenny Lind. 100 Queen's Park. 416·946· 3463. Free with admission to the ROM: ,, child $10. - 2:30: Opera in Concert. Donizetti: Maria Stuarda. Stephanie Piercey, Julie Nesrallah, Eric Shaw & Luc Lalonde, per· formers; Opera in Concert Chorus; Robert Cooper, chorus director; Dixie Ross Neill, music director & pianist. 1 :45: Back· grounder with host lain Scott. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416·366· 7723. ,. - 3:00: Chrylark Arts & Music Series. Alissa lee, violin & Jeanie Chung, piano. Music by Schubert, Ravel, Morawetz & Beethoven. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·654·0877. ,. - 3:00: University of Toronto at Scar· borough. UTSC Concert Choirs & UTSC Wind Ensemble Year End Concert. Lenard Whiting & Lynn Tucker, directors. The ARC Theatre, 1265 Military Trail. 416·287· 7076. Free. - 3:00: York University Department of Music. York University Wind Symphony. Works by Bryant, Holst, Grainger & de Meij. William Thomas, director. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416·736· 5186. $10,. Pre-concert lecture at 7:20 pm . Church of the Redeemer Bloor Street and Avenue Road This concert generously supported by torontdartsbouncil ,oWi" lstituto Italiano di Cultura "? \ lof h· 416-603-4950 Oultural Affairs, UTSO presents a Vear-End musical Celebration featuring the UTSO Choirs and Stiring Ensemble Oirected by lenard IJJllit;Jog The Con

- 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. Sunday Twilight Series. Ian Sadler, organ. 65 Church St. 416·364· 7865. Free. - 5:00: Czech Community Centre. Milan St. 416-736-5186. $10,. - 8:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Percus· sion Ensemble. Robin Engelman, director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. Midday: Organ & Trumpet Fireworks. Emma Murley, tru111>et; Michael Bloss, organ. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x231. Free. - 8:00: Music Toronto. Pascal Roge, f Op.31; Impromptu #3 in A flat Op.34; Ravel: Sonatine; Satie: Two Gnossiennes; Poulenc: Three Pieces: Pastorale, Toccata, Hymne; Debussy: Preludes, Book II. Jane Brunner, flute and Zita Petrak, piano. Works by Dvorak, Mozart, Bach & Monday April 04 piano. Faure: Barcarolle #1 in a Op.26; Barcarolle #2 in G Op.41; Impromptu #2 in Mallet Theatre. 27 Front St. East. 416· 366-7723. ,. Beethoven. Restaurant Prague, 450 Scar· borough Golf Club Rd. 416-439-4354. $ 20,(st). - 6:30: Church of the Ascension/Grace Church. My Redeemer liveth. Works by Handel and Mozart. Church of the Ascen· sioh, 33 Overland Dr. 416-444-8881. Free. - 7:30: American Harp Society, Toronto Chapter. Jennifer Swartz, harp in Recital. Armour Heights Church, 105 Wilson Ave. 416-781-8206. ,. - 7:30: York University Department of Music. York University Concert & Women's Choirs. Orff: Carmina Burana. Guests: Benjamin Butterfield, tenor; Daniel Lichti, bass baritone; Lisette Canton, director. Mclaughlin Performance Hall. 4700 Keele Church of the Ascension & Grace Church proudly present y CJ?gcfeemer Liveth - Works by Handel and Mozart - - 7:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Cham· ber Music Series: St. Lawrence String Ouartet. Berger: Doubles for string quartet; Ravel: Introduction & Allegro; Mozart: Viola Quintet in D. Geoff Nuttall, Barry Shiffman, violins; Lesley Robertson. viola; Chris Costanza, cello; Judy Loman, harp; Scott St. John, viola. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. ,. - 7:30: York University Department of Music. York University Concert & Women's Choirs. Orff: Carmina Burana. See April 3. - 8:00: Canstage. Ain't Misbehavin'. Music by Fats Waller; starring Jackie Richardson. Bluma Appel Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416-368-3110. (preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Hart House Chamber Strings. Spring Concert. Shostakovich: Chamber Symphony Op.110; Vaughan Williams: Cancer· to Grosso; Handel: Concerto Grosso & other music. Paul McCulloch, conductor. Great Hall, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. - 8:00: WholeNote Magazine. Nine Mondays Salon: DISCoveries. David Olds, - 8:00: OnStage. Concerti for One and Two Harpsichords. Bach: Italian Concerto; music by Krebs & Telemann. Olivier Fortin & Luc Beausejour, harpsichords; Shelley Solmes, host. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. . Wednesday April 06 - 12:30: Music Gallery Institute. Me/a· nie Trot a, piano: New Works by Alessandra de Crescenzo. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John St. 416-588-2514. Free. - 12:30: Yorkminster Park Church. · Noonday Recital.· Douglas Schalin, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922· 1167. Free. - 7:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Violinissimo! Vivaldi: Cello Concerto; music by Locatelli, Corelli, Durante & Tartini. Christina Mahler, cello solo; Elizabeth Wallfisch, violin soloist and guest director. Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. West. 416-964·6337. ·, · (sr/st). CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA ••• Sunday, April 3, 2005; 6:30 p.m. host. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 Church of the Ascension 33 Overland Drive (Don Mills & Lawrence) (416) 444-6881 John. 416-323-2232. ,, family rate, 12 & under free. Tuesday April 05 ''Elizabeth Wal/fi..Jcb i..J a mega-watt baroque mu.1ic pruence, fully rupon.1ibl.e for mu.1ical firewor/cJ." 'fot1t1'lfl:---l\lt Wed, April 6 at 7pm Thurs - Sat, April 7 - Sun, April 10 at 3:30pm 9 at 8pm This thrilling conc.,rt features music by Locatelli, Leo, Durante and Geminiani, and also highlights Tafdmusik cellist Christina Mahler in a concerto by Vivaldi. Call 416.964.6337 Trinity-St. Paul's Centre 427 Bloor Street West A R.OY THOMSON HALL lntimate!J' Poweiful MARCH 1 - APRIL 7 2005

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