9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 6 - March 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Ensemble
  • Musical
  • Symphony
  • Faculty
  • Choir
  • Orchestra


••• CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA - 8:00 Wandering Minstrel CD Shop. Grzegorz's Great lakes Guitar Tour. Bach: Lute suite BWV 995; Barrios: Un sueZo en la Floresta; Kleynjans: A I' aube du dernier iour; Mozetich: Five pieces; Tarrega: El Carnaval de Venezia; D' Angelo: Due Canzoni Lidie. Grzegorz Krawiec, guitar. Glenn Gould Studio. 250 Front St. West. 416-205· 5555. , 1sr/st). - B:OO: TSO. Modern Masterpieces. Helu: Le Tombeau de Nelligan, Op.52; Dutilleux: Correspondances; Ranjbaran: Violin Concerto; Murphy: TSO commission. Joshua Bell, Grz.egorz' s Great Lakes Guitar Tour Toronto: Wed. April 6 Hamilton: Fri. April 8 Stratford: Sat. April 9 Oakville: Sun. April 10 Mississauga: Tues. April 12 Collingwood: Wed. April 13 Samia: Fri. April 15 Windsor: Sat. April 16 Tilbury: Sun. April 17 Waterloo: Mon. April 18 Wandering Minstrel CD Shop presents Grzegorz Krawiec All Sunday concerts are at 3:00 pm. All other concerts are at 8:00 pm. Please check listings for concert details. Guelph: Tues. April 19 Goderich: Wed. April 20 London: Fri. April 22 Milton: Sat. April 23 Oshawa: Sun.April24 Almonte: Tues. April 26 Ottawa: Wed. April 27 Brockville: Fri. April 29 Kingston: Sat. April 30 Leith: Tues. May 3 violin; Barbara Hannigan, soprano; Peter Oundjian. conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4B2B. -$105. Thursday April 07 - 12: 10: U of T Faculty of Music. Erika Raum, violin; Lydia Wong, piano. Lutoslawski: Subito; Szymanowski: Nolturno e Tarantella; Penderecki: Sonata /12. Waller Hall, BO Queen's Park. 416-97B·3744. Free. - 2:00: Toronto Senior Strings. Music by CPE Bach, Haydn, Gershwin & Gajic. Marina Dancheva & Aleksandar Gajic, violins; Anna Barycz, viola; Gregory Gold· berg, cello; guests: Bach Children's Chorus; Linda Beaupre. conductor. St. Andrew's Church, 73 Simcoe. 416-221-6090. . - 8:DO: Brampton Music Theatre. Gypsy. Joe Gomes. director; Michael Domet, music director. Lesler B. Pearson Theatre. 150 Central Park Dr., Brampton. 9D5·B74·2BOO. , , (chlld 1 O & under). group rate. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Living Arts Centre Mississauga. Melissa Manchester, vocals. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905-306· 6000. $10·. - B:OO: Tafelmusik. Violinissimo! Trinity­ St. Paul's Centre. See April 6. - B:OO: TSO. Modern Masterpieces. Roy Thomson Hall. See Apr 6. - B:30: Worlds of Music Toronto. End ol season workshop participant recital/party. Hart House, Arbor Room, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-58B·BB1'3. Free. £ive :Music fur a£ove{ier £fje Terry Holowach, violin (TSO) Alexander Sevastian, accordion (Quartetto Gelato) Shauna Basiuk, flute Tamara Dovgan, piano In a program of J.S. Bach, Mendelssohn and Schubert April 10th, 4:30 pm St. Simon The Apostle Church 525 Bloor St. East, (near Sherbourne subway) 416-923-8714 x208 Free admission TORONTO SENIOR STRINGS 1(;; '?Ju , Ruth Budd, Founder Aleksandar Gajic, violin Marina Dantcheva, violin Anna Barycz, viola Gregory Goldberg, cello Two-CONCERT SERIES April 7, 2005, 2:00 pm Guest Artists: The Bach Children's Chorus Linda Beaupre. conductor Music by: C.PE. Bach, Haydn, Gershwin, Gajic May 12, 2005, 2:00 pm Guest Artist: Anna Guo, yang qin Music by: Vitali, Stamitz, Spohr, Arriaga, McConnell, Schickele • No Intermission • Be home before rush hour Both concerts at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church t (across from Roy Thomson Hall CJ. at St. Andrew's Subway stop) Pleasantly priced: Single: ; Series: 1 free single pass with series Information: call 416 221 6090 or e-mail Alan Sperling at CD LAUNCH CONCERT Saturday, April 9, 2005 2:30pm Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto /15 (seniors & students) (Admission and CD!) Advance Tickets: or (905) 793-7697 ·1•:tl•:ilt:Ol•:OJ•:OJ•:il•:Ol•:Ol•:OJ•:il•:il•:il•:Ol•:il•:Ol•:Ol•:Ol•:il•:il•:::

Welcome to Whole Note's CONCERTS BEYOND THE GT A Please alwa)'s use the phone numbers prm·idcd to call ahead. in this issue: Angus, Barrie, Bra·ntford, Cambridge, Campbellford, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, l

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