Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul Van Nevel Uonso Ferrabosco "ll Padre" has suffered Aa curious fate: he has long been neglected on record, yet in his own time he was the most eminent representative of a famous Bolognese musical dynasty. he Stephen Hough Piano Collection, available Tat a special low price, brings together tracks from all eleven of Stephen Hough's acclaimed solo recordings on Hyperion, and includes 7 tracks of new material. The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists, conducted by John Eliot Gardiner "Sir John Eliot Gardiner and his musicians deserve the undying gratitude of all lovers of Bach." (Hugh Canning, Sunday Times) John Rutter conducts the Cambridge Singers Rodney Bennett his important disc therefore brings together for the first time a broad selection of Bennett's Tchoral music and shows him to be a formidably skilled 'English' composer. This is a beautiful and haunting recording of heart-melting, unforgettable music that is sure to appeal to a wide audience. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Mariss Jansons, chief conductor he release of this new multi-channel hybrid SACD, featuring a live performance of Dvonik's Tbeloved New World symphony, celebrates both the inauguration of Mariss Jansons as chief conductor of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the debut of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra's new independent label RCO Llve.
wholenoteN TORONTO'S CLASSICAL AND POST CLASSICAL MUSIC SCENE Volume 10 #8, May 1 - June 7, 2005 Copyright © 2005 WholeNote Media Inc. 720 Bathurat St., Suite 503, Toronto, ON M5S 2R4 Publisher Editor Production Manager Listings Jazz Listings Webmaster Web Technician Layout & Design System/Special Projects Cover Design Advertising Circulation Manager Bandstand Book Shelf Choral Early Music Jazz Musical Life New Music Opera Quodlibet TMA T.O. Diary World View Feature Writers Staff Allan Pulker David Perlman PeterHobbs Simone Desilets, Karen Ages Sophia Perlman Colin Puffer Lee Weston David Perlman, Verity Hobbs Paul Farrelly, Jim Rootham, James Lawson Rocket Design Allan Pulker, Karen Ages, Masha Buell Sheila McCoy COLUMNISTS Merlin Williams Pamela Margles Larry Beckwith Frank Nakashima Jim Galloway, Sophia Perlman Masha Buell Jason van Eyk, Keith Denning Christopher Haile Allan Pulker Brian Blain Colin Eatock Karen Ages Larry Beckwith, Masha Buell, Phil Ehrensaft, Catherine Muir, Allan Pulker, Paul Steenhuisen DISCOVERIES (CD Reviews) Editor David Olds Reviewers: Alex Baran, Larry Beckwith, Don Brown, Eli Eisenberg, Daniel Foley, Janos Gardonyi, John S. Gray, Tiina Kiik, Pamela Margles, Gabrielle Mclaughlin, Alison Melville, Frank Nakashima, Ted O'Reilly, Allan Pu Iker, Cathy Riches, Colin Savage, Bruce Surtees, David Swan, Robert Tomas, Dianne Wells Display Ad Sales, (Un)classified Ads & Listings: Phone 416-323-2232 Editorial: Phone 416-603-3786 E-mail: Fax: 416-603-4791 Websites: Paid Subscriptions (/year + GST) Phone: 416-406-5055 Circulation & Display Stands: 416-406-5055 Dates and Deadlines Next issue is Volume 10 #9 covering June 1 '05 to July 7 '05 Free Event Listings Deadline: 6 pm Sunday, May 15 (covering period June1 '05 to Ju/y7 '05) Display Ad Reservations Deadline: 6 pm Monday, May 16 Colour Ads must be received by Tuesday, May 17 Black and White Ads must be received by Wednesday, May 18 Publication Date: Friday, May 27 Circulation CCAB QUALIFIED CIRCULATION: March 2004 32,433 Additional copies printed and distributed this month: 3,567 Total copies printed and distributed this month: 36,500 Printed in Canada by Couto Printing and Publishing Services Canadian Publication Product Sales Agreement 1263846 ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTE WlloleNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. Publications Mail Agreement #40026682 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: WholeNote Magazine 503-720 Bathurst St. Toronto, ON MSS 2R4 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITOR'S OPENER David Perlman 9 COVER STORIES: Choral conductor Lydia Adams by Allan Pulker 10 Two Key Choral Players by Larry Beckwith 12 DISCOVERIES: CD FORUM 14-15, 60-72 CD Editor's Corner by David Olds 14 CD Reviews 60-70 Early Music and Period Performance 60 Classical and Beyond 62 Modern and Contemporary 64 Jazz and Improvised 66 Pot Pourri 68 Old Wine, New Bottles by Bruce Surtees 70 Discs of the Month 72 CONCERT NOTES 16-24 T.O. Musical Diary Colin Eatock 16 Quodlibet Allan Pulker 17 Early Music Frank Nakashima 18 Choral Scene Larry Beckwith 20 World View Karen Ages 23 TORONTO HEAR & NOW - NEW MUSIC 24-28 Some Thing New Jason van Eyk 24 News Roundup Keith Denning 25 Composer to Composer 26 Eric Morin and Patrick Saint-Denis interviewed by Paul Steenhuisen JAZZ AND BAND 29-30, 54-55 Band Stand Merlin Williams 29 Jazz Notes Jim Calloway 30 In the Jazz Listings Sophia Perlman 30 OPERA AND MUSIC THEATRE 31-33 On Opera Christopher Haile 31 Opera at Home Phil Ehrensaft 32 MUSICAL LIFE 33-35, 57-59 Toronto Musicians Association News Brian Blain 33 Book Shelf Pamela Margles 34 CONTEST: Music's Children Masha Buell 35 How I Met My Teacher Erin Cooper-Cay 57 LIVE LISTINGS 36-56 Comprehensive Concert Listings: Greater Toronto Area 36 Comprehensive Concerts listings: Beyond the GT A 53 Music Theatre 54 Jazz 54 Announcements, workshops, etcetera 55 OTHER ELEMENTS WholeNote Specials 14 WholeNote Hirings 35 Index of Advertisers 35 MAY 1 - MAY 7 2005 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM
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