9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 8 - May 2005

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Singers
  • Choral
  • Chorus
  • Jazz
  • Choirs
  • Concerts
  • Festival
  • Musical

gical music during

gical music during Sunday services, and have the opportunity to participate in concerts, festivals, social events, recordings, and tours. Our Choir of Men and Boys (8-14 unchanged voices) is a professionalcalibre choir which sings at the 11 am services, the St. Cecilia Girls' Choir (8-17) sings at the 9: 15am services, and the Women's Choir has a flexible schedule. Scholarships are available for both boy and girl choristers. Melva Treffinger Graham: 416-488-7884 x11 I HAMn.roN CHAMBER CHom The Hamilton Chamber Choir, formed in 2004, is an auditioned 20- member SATB chorus (ages 16 and up) that rehearses weekly on Mondays from 7-9pm. The choir most recently performed in the Concert 'Sing Sea to Sea' featuring music of Howard Cable and other Canadian folk music. The HCC warmly encourages singers of all vocal sections to audition. Come and join a great musical experience!! Shawn Grenke: 905-522-6843 x26 HAMILTON llARBOURTOWN SoUND Formed in the fall of 2003, the "Sound" was assembled to wow audiences looking for musical entertainment that spans a wide range of styles. Jazz, swing, soft rock, pop, standards and inspirational music, all done a cappella! Under the direction of Jordan Travis, a youthful and dynamic musician from the University of Toronto, this exciting men's chorus has already won a major provincial competition, and currently are the reigning 2004 Ontario District Barbershop Chorus champions! We provide entertainment for groups and organizations at corporate events and functions, and do everything from singing telegrams by a quartet to a 60-minute show with the full chorus. Sam Sloane: 905-689-4858 llAiu.EQUIN SINGERS The Harlequin Singers were founded in 1967 as a support group to Hamilton Theatre Inc., becoming a separate choir in the mid-seventies. The 35-voice mixed choir with members ffom the Hamilton and Halton region specializes in popular music with repertoire coming from Broadway musicals, films, pop charts, jazz and big band. At the recent 2005 spring concert, the choir performed medleys from Crazy For You, Les Miserables, ABBA, and Chicago. The choir hosts two major cabaret concerts yearly at Christmas and spring and also performs for service organizations, charities, churches, and retirement homes. Singers interested in auditioning should be able to read and memorize music. John Packer: 905-575-9360 HARMONY SINGERS OF ETOBICOKE Celebrating 40 years of music-making, the Harmony Singers, under director Harvey Patterson, continue the tradition of singing and entertaining in their community that was begun back in 1965. We are a non-audition ladies choir that performs music in a lighter vein; our repertoire includes popular, folk, show, and semiclassical music. The choir entertains at community events and seniors' residences and presents two annual concerts. Rehearsals are Mondays, 7:30-lOpm at Martin Grove United Church. Join us for our 40th Anniversary Concert, Songs for All Seasons, on May 27 and 28 at 8pm at Martin Grove United Church. HART HOUSE CHORUS doriproc@sympatico .ea The Hart House Chorus is a 70- voice choir auditioned from students, faculty, and alumni of the University of Toronto. Since its inception in 1972, the Chorus has maintained a reputation for the highest standard of performance locally, nationally, and abroad. Under the capable direction and strong musical leadership of John Tuttle, an internationally respected organist and choral conductor, the Chorus' aim is to provide talented musicians with the opportunity to pursue HIGH p ARK CHOIRS OF TORONTO Something wonderful happens when musical excellence in a children join hands and sing, espe­ friendly, focused environment. In addition to other engagements and tours, the Chorus rehearses on Wednesday nights from 7: 10- 9:30pm and performs twice annually in the Great Hall at Hart House. Meghan Roberts: 416-978-6315 cially when artistic director Zimfira Poloz, a voice/choral specialist with a great love for her choristers and an incredible ability to make their sound shimmer, leads the choirs' 19th season of magical music making. We offer 5 divisions: Training Choir (Grades 1-3, nonauditioned), Children's (Grades 4- 6), Boys (Grades 7-12+), Senior Choirs (Grades 7-12+), and Chamber Choir. Our program comprises HART HOUSE SINGERS The Hart House Singers are a 110- voice non-auditioned choir made up of musically talented students, faculty, and alumni of the University of Toronto. Rehearsing on Monday nights from 7: 15 to 9:30pm under the enthusiastic and expert musical direction of David Arnot-Johnston, this choir provides an opportunity weekly rehearsals in Bloor West Village (including music theory and ear training), two annual concerts, workshops, community engagements, and an annual tour. Auditions are held June through January. Mary Bella: 416-762-0657 for first-time and more experienced singers to share in the joy of choral singing, learn the art of song, have fun, and sing culturally diverse repertoire without the pressure of auditioning. The Singers perform three end-of-term concerts in December, April and August in the Great Hall of Hart House. Meghan Roberts: 416-978-6315 HUMBER VALLEY UNITED CHURCH Our choirs sing classical, contemporary, gospel, and world music repertoire. There is no audition. Senior Choir is open to all adults who love to sing. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 8-!0pm weekly. This choir ings at Sunday morning services and special services (Christmas Eve, Good Friday). We invite young people to take part in our music programs. Revelations is a teen vocal HEALEY WILLAN SINGERS Canada's first professional youth choir. The best of the best. This highly talented group, now finishing its successful first season, serves as the developmental and feeder choir to the six adult professional choirs in Canada. It presents a subscription series of four concerts, as well as· gala benefit performances and corporate fundraisers. /instrumental ensemble that sings Christian contemporary praise music and other sacred music. Membership is open to grade 7 and up. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 6- 7: 15pm. There is a Junior Choir for children in grades 2-6. Deborah Bradley is the director of music. Deborah Bradley: 416-231-2263 x28 Its members are comprised of musicians between the ages of 18 and 29 across the GTA. Rehearsals are conducted on select Saturday mornings, and auditions INTER-MENNONITE will be held this summer. Contact CHILDREN' s CHom the artistic director, Ron Ka Ming The Inter-Mennonite Children's Cheung, for more information or to Choir is a community choir in the arrange for an audition. Waterloo Region with a long tradition of providing music opportuni­ Ron Ka Ming Cheung: ties to young voices. The choir 416-924-0753 strives for excellence in performance, although its main purpose is to give children an opportunity to UNARY PAGES WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM MAY 2005 ..

gain a life-long appreciation for the music of the Christian heritage and culture. The choir averages about 40-55 singers between the ages of 8 and 15 and performs annual Christmas and spring concerts as well as at various functions throughout the region including a variety of choral festivals and competitions. Current conductors are Carolyn Neumann and Judith Bean. Sherri Bender: 519-664-2122 IrusH CHORAL SocIETY or CANADA The Irish Choral Society of Canada works to promote the study of choral music and to provide opportunities for the advancement of the arts of the Irish culture. Although much of the repertoire is of Celtic origin, the choir works hard at collaborating with other musical groups for adventures in different musical genres and cultures. The choir is made up of volunteer men and women and no audition is required. Rehearsals are held weekly in Toronto and will soon be expanding to include weekly rehearsals in Mississauga. Karen D'Aoust: 416-653-9102 JUBILATE SINGERS Jubilate Singers is a chamber choir of 25-35 members that rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7. 30- 9.45pm at St Leonard Church on Wanless Av. (1 block from Yonge and Lawrence). The conductor, Isabel Bernaus, is energetic, talented and a joy to work with. The choir performs a three-concert season plus three community events annually. The latter concerts feature spiritual and gospel music. Repertoire is wide ranging, interesting, challenging, and multi-lingual. Next season includes Arvo Part's Berlinner Messe; Latin American and French choral works. Good blend, pitch and sight reading required. The next audition is Tuesday, June 14. Diane Knowler: 416-483-1727 JUBILEE CHORALE Cann, the choir performs three con- Garineh by Dikran Tchoukhadjian. Orillia's Community Choir is an certs a year. Most performances David Varjabed: 905-417-2802 auditioned, 50-voice mixed choir are held in Collier Street United that sings from a repertoire of SATB pop and religious tunes. The choir is led by three music professionals: director Bev Orr and pianists Shirley Snell and Maryllis Dongelmans. The Jubilee Chorale holds two major concerts each year as well as performing at community functions in Simcoe County and the surrounding areas. Highlights include performances in Westminster Abbey, the Gravenhurst and Orillia Opera Houses, and Casino Rama. Practices are on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9:30pm at St David's Anglican Church, 133 James St. There is a membership fee and a wardrobe fee. Angie Bullick: 705-329-0675 Church, Barrie, with its fine acoustics and excellent organ. Experienced choristers can contact our director to discuss membership and to arrange an audition. Rehearsals are held every Monday evening at Grace United Church, Barrie. Barbara Mccann: 705-726-2095 KITCHENER WATERLOO PHILHARMONIC CHOIR The Kitchener Waterloo Philharmonic Choir was founded in 1883. Over the years the choir has maintained a commitment to music education, establishing a Children's Choir in 1985 and a Youth Choir in 1998. There are now 135 members in the Adult Choir. The 25-voice Chamber Choir forms the core of this group. The Philharmonic Choir has grown dramatically under the dynamic LACHAN JEWISH CHAMBER CHOIR Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner created Lachan (meaning melody in Hebrew) eleven years ago with a group of enthusiastic Toronto-based musicians who shared a love of music. The choir's primary purpose was to showcase the best of Jewish music sung by the best of Toronto's voices. The choir is known internationally for its musical virtuosity and its comprehensive repertoire spanning thousands of years. Lachan has performed in Canada and Europe, appeared on television, and recently produced a CD. The 30-member auditioned volunteer choir rehearses Mondays 8-10:30pm September to June at Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto. A leadership of Howard Dyck, good level of sight-reading is expected. KAMMERMUSIK TORONTO conductor and artistic director. Established in I 997, Kammermusik Toronto is a not-for-profit Laurence Jacobs: 416-425-1253 x23 Howard has brought a direction and focus that has allowed the choir to chamber choir and orchestra dedistretch to new heights in choral cated to promoting and performing music, earning its reputation as one edectic music. This SATB ensem- · of Canada's leading choral organible of 22 dedicated and enthusiastic zations. LEASIDE UNITED CHURCH CHOIR singers rehearses Wednesday This church choir. under director nings on the campus of the Sharon Beckstead, has four paid sity of Toronto. The choir performs Dr. Howard Dyck: 519_578-6885 section leads who help the choir a wide range of music from sing an eclectic variety of anthems val to modern in concerts held in December, March and May/June for Sunday worship services and other choral events during the year. each year. Auditions for all sections KoMITAS CHOIR The choral highlight is the Festival will be held in May 2005 for the fall of Lessons and Carols each December. Rehearsals are Thursdays, Founded in 1977 by David Varjabed, a renowned baritone, Korr;ii­ term, starting September 2005. Please contact the artistic director 7:30-9:30pm, September to May. tas brings the folk and classical for more information. Sunday services are at 10:30am and music of Armenia to Canadian audiences. Named after Armenian the choir sings September to June. Keith Muller: 416-778-1898 composer and founder of Armenian folk music, Komitas, the choir Sharon Beckstead: also performs Western songs and 416-425-125 x23 opera choruses. The choir has performed KING EDWARD CHOIR to critical acclaim in Since its inception in 1952, the King to, Montreal, Ottawa, Windsor, the Edward Choir of Barrie has be- USA, and Armenia. In 1985, the LES Vmx DU CoEUR come the area's largest mixed corn- choir won first prize in the highly- L'ensemble vocal Les Voix du Comunity choir, now numbering about competitive Ethnic Choir Festival at eur was founded with the support 80 choristers. It has always enjoyed Ryerson Theatre. The 2005-2006 of the Conseil des Ecoles Franaisthe reputation of performing the best season includes Komitas' "Spring es de la Communaute U rbaine de in choral music, ranging from the Prelude" in April, participation in Toronto and celebrated its lOth most challenging of the classics to the First Annual Multi-Heritage anniversary last year. Les Voix du contemporary music. Under the Choral Festival: "Voices of Cana- Coeur is the only French commudirection of conductor Barbara Mc- da" in May, and the opera comique nity choir in Toronto. Under the MAY 2005 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM CANARY PAGES

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Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)