9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 8 - May 2005

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Singers
  • Choral
  • Chorus
  • Jazz
  • Choirs
  • Concerts
  • Festival
  • Musical

across Canada, in the

across Canada, in the USA, Bermuda, the British Isles and Europe. The chorus of 40 members presents about I 0-12 concerts annually, rehearsing each Monday evening at 7:30pm in Calvary Memorial United Church, Park and Glasgow Streets, Kitchener. Membership requirements: love of singing, short probation, commitment to 903 attendance at concerts and rehearsals. Repertoire: sacred and secular music, from classical to modern composers. Clair Zurbrigg: 519-744-8846 SERENATA CHOIR Serenata Choir, under the direction of conductor Gary Heard, is approaching its 20th anniversary in the Midland area. The 30-voice mixed SATB choir sings a varied repertoire consisting of sacred and secular music from ancient times to modern. No audition is required to join the choir. There is no experience necessary, only a love of music ?nd the desire to perform quality choral music. The choir rehearses once a week on Monday nights from September to June, and performs two to three times a year, and at various community functions, as the opportunity arises. Wolf Glage: 705-526-9715 SERENATA SINGERS The Serenata Singers, directed by Audrey McLeod, is a 65-voice SATB self-sustaining performing choir of retired senior men and women. The choir appears at seniors' residences and community events on request. The Singers' repertoire includes folk, spirituals, golden oldies, Broadway show tunes and pop melodies, showcased at an annual spring concert. The choir rehearses Wednesday mornings from September to May at the Willmar Heights United Church, 963 Pharmacy Ave, Scarborough. A simple audition is required; music sight-reading skills and choral experience is helpful. The enjoyment of singing and associating with a very friendly group of adults is an added bonus. Audrey Mcleod: 416-497-5952 UNARY PAGES SHEVCHENKO ENSEMBLE The Shevchenko Choir, an integral part of the Shevchenko Musical Ensemble (mixed-voice choir, mandolin orchestra and dancers) was formed in 1951. The choir's repertoire consists of Ukrainian, Russian, Canadian and other folk songs, classical choruses and arias, and original Canadian works. Lyrics are written in phonetics for those who do not read cyrillic. In addition to Ukrainian, members of the 40-voice choir are Russian, Italian, Dutch, Jewish, Serbian, English, and munity and church events and presents Christmas and spring concerts each year. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings at All Saints' Anglican Church. Please contact the director for auditions. Velma Cook: 705-445-0863 Jim Vair: 705-422-0717 ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CHOIR This forty-year-old adult choir has Scottish. Conductor is Alexander · 25 members, all of whom read Veprinsky, and rehearsals are held Sunday mornings at Columbus Cen- music, and most of whom have a West Indian Anglo-Catholic liturgi­ cal background. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings 8-10 pm, with one sung Eucharist or Matins Sun- tre. Anyone wishing to join for four to five exciting performances a year is welcome to audition. days at IOam. Other commitments Ginger Kautto: 416-533-2725 include Advent and Easter Carol Services, Ash Wednesday, the Holy SoCIETY OF SINGERS The Society of Singers is a nonauditioned four-part mixed choir, under the direction of Ashley W. Tidy. The choir performs varied and interesting repertoire in seniors' centres and retirement homes, averaging one or two afternoon concerts per month from September to May. Rehearsals are on Monday afternoons from 1-3 pm at Blythwood Baptist Church, Blythwood Road, east of Yonge Street, where there is ample parking. All voices with previous choral experience are welcome. K. Horsley: 416-466-5014 Ed. Gilmore: 416-783-9490 SoUND INVESTMENT CoMMUNITY CHOIR The 35-member SA TB choir was formed in 1974 as a Ladies Glee Club by Ann Sneyd. In 1990 it was expanded to a mixed choir and is currently under the direction of Velma Cook. The choir's repertoire includes classical, sacred, folk songs, spirituals, Broadway musicals, contemporary songs, Gilbert and Sullivan choruses, Christmas Week Liturgies, and extra services observing major Feast Days. Director Edward Moroney explores neglected corners of the extensive repertoire, including musically challenging plainsong and material spanning 500 years. In 2006, the Parish will celebrate its 50th anniversary with new choral works. The organ has been restored and extended. New singers are always welcome! Edward Moroney: 416-447-1481 SAINT ANNE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CHOIR Saint Anne's offers excellent liturgical music in a superb acoustic space decorated by members of the Group of Seven. The 20-member SATB choir, directed by John Stephenson, sings the Sunday Eucharist each week at lOam, Evensong on the first Sunday of each month at 4:30pm, and concerts throughout the year. Recent repertoire has included works by Byrd, Darke, Faure, Holman, Howells, Leighton, Stanford and Vierne. Membership is by audition; music reading skills important, rehearsals Thursday evenings at the easily-accessible 270 Gladstone A venue (one block east of Dufferin and north of Dundas). John Stephenson: 416-767-7290 selections, and traditional works such as Handel's Messiah, Vivaldi's Gloria, Faure's Requiem and Mozart's Requiem. Sound Investment perfonns throughout the Georgian Triangle area for various corn- WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM ST. CLEMENT'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CHOIRS The Psallam Spiritu Choir is a treble-voice choir for boys and girls ages 8-17 who lead the music at the 9: !Sam Sunday liturgy. Vocal training with emphasis on sight-reading is given based on a program developed by the Royal School of Church. Rehearsals take place every Thursday afternoon 4:30-5:30pm from September to the end of May. The Senior Choir is a 25-voice auditioned mixed-voice choir that sings a wide range of sacred repertoire from plainsong to music of the 21 st century. The choir sings at the I lam Sunday liturgy and the occasional Choral Evensongs. Thomas Fitches is the organist and director of music. Thomas Filches: 416-483-6664 ST. JAMES' CATHEDRAL St. James' music program is based on worship, community and musical outreach. Various choirs sing three Sunday choral services. The Choir of Men and Boys sings Sundays at l lam, and 4:30pm evensong twice a month. The Parish Choir, a volunteer mixed-voice adult choir, sings the 9am Sunday service. The Choral Society, a 35 mixed-voice community choir, performs major sacred works and provides choral experience to those desiring a mix of liturgical and nonliturgical repertoire.The St. James' Singers is an auditioned semi-professional mixed-voice chamber choir performing sacred music of every age. For infonnation on lead opportunities please contact Michael Bloss for application details. music@stjamescathedral .on.ea Michael Bloss:416-364-7865 x 231 ST. MARYS CHJLDREN1S CHOIR AND FESTIVAL YOUTH SINGERS Now in its 24th season, St. Marys Children's Choir and Festival Youth Singers consists of 100-120 singers ages 6-22, from St. Marys, Stratford and surrounding southwestern Ontario, under the direction of Eileen Baldwin. Training includes vocal technique, sight reading, MAY 2005

music theory and general musicianship. Repertoire ranges from unison to multi-part sacred and secular songs. Choristers are divided· into four choirs: Piccolo (6 and up), Brio (training), Presto (senior treble) and Festival Youth Singers, for boys with changed or changing voices and girls over 16. Presto is the main performing and touring choir. Choirs rehearse weekly, separately, and attend joint rehearsals monthly. Auditions take place in May/June for the coming year. 519-284-8009 ST. MICHAEL'S CHOIR SCHOOL St. Michael's Choir School is an allboys' school located in the heart of Toronto and was formed in 1937. The school is unique in that enrollments of 260 students carry a full academic load and are required to master one or two musical instruments. They receive daily choral training under the dynamic leadership of St. Michael's Choir School conductors. The choir tours select communities in Canada and the United States twice a year. A regular duty of the choirboys is singing at St. Michael's Cathedral every weekend Mass except during summer break. Father J.M. Missio: 416-393-5518 Mr. D. Malina: 416-393-5518 ST.-SIMON-THE-APOSTLE CHOIR St. Simon's offers a unique opportunity for boys and girls to sing together in a professional environment. For over 125 years the choir has consisted of children aged 7-14 with experienced, professionallyled adult singers. Our programme includes weekly practices and services, singing lessons, an annual concert with a professional orchestra (most recently Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass), choir camps and social events. Choristers receive an exceptional musical education within a nurturing Christian environment; emphasis is placed on both musical development and the sheer enjoyment of choral singing. We welcome new members. The Church is located steps from the subway on Bloor Street east of Sherbourne. Thomas Bell: 416-923-8714 x208 STUDIO SIXTEEN Studio Sixteen is an auditioned sixteen-voice, eight-part studio of early music dedicated exclusively to the Renaissance. Founded and directed by Kevin Komisaruk, the ensemble's repertoire spans Josquin to Victoria; texture minimum is six parts. Rehearsals are unaccompanied. Entrance is by ongoing audition; associate positions are also available for rehearsal or performance call on a standby basis. Please contact the director for more information, or visit the studio's website for positions available. The choir was founded in October 2004, and is volunteer-only until the budget permits. Kevin Komisaruk: 416-559-2586 T AFELMUSIK CHAMBER CHOIR The Tafelmusik Chamber Choir, specializing in baroque and classical performance practice and vocal technique, was formed in 1981 as a complement to the Tafelmusik Orchestra. Under the direction of its founder, Ivars Taurins, the choir has been praised for its clarity, nuance and brilliance. The Tafelmusik Chamber Choir performs and rehearses out of Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor Street West, as well as the George Weston Recital Hall. Chamber Choir auditions are normally held between July and September for the upcoming season. If you are interested in auditioning please visit our website for more information. David Little: 416-964-9562 x226 TALLIS CHOIR The Tallis Choir looks forward to its 28th season and third under music director Peter Mahon. The semi-professional chamber choir, specializing in music of the Renaissance, is presenting a four-concert series in 2005/06, including "'A Tallis Christmas Vespers" featuring the forty-part motet Spem In Alium to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Thomas Tallis' birth. Rehearsals are held in Trinity College Chapel on the U of T campus on Wednesday evenings. To date, the choir has made 3 recordings: Splendours of the High Renaissance, A Tudor Pageant and Music of Palestrina and Victoria. General auditions are in June but can be arranged at other times. 416-691-8621 TAPESTRY CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in 1988, the Tapestry Chamber Choir offers an interesting array of choral repertoire to a widening audience from Newmarket, Aurora and the surrounding area. Under the direction of Andrew Slonetsky (B.Mus. B.Ed. ARCT) and accompanist Sheila Vandikas (B.Mus. ARCT), Tapestry's choral musicians aspire to create "weavings of song" with rich colours and textures, while remaining free to explore the artistry of any composer of any period. Although most of the choir's repertoire is a cappella, Tapestry has frequently welcomed opportunities to perform with instrumentalists. If you would like to become one of the threads in a choral tapestry, please contact us. Catherine Brydon: 905-836-8589 (fall '05) TEMPUS CHORAL SoCIETY A youth choir in the 1970s, Tempus reformed in 1999 as an SA TB community choir with over 60 voices. Directed by Brian-Turnbull (Mus. Bae. (Hons), B.Ed.), an accomplished.musician with several published works, our repertoire includes swing, Broadway, inspirational and contemporary music. Members are 18 years and over and we rehearse Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9: 15pm September to June at 262 Randall Street, Oakville. We conduct voice assessment for section placement only, and there is a one-time membership fee of to help defray the cost of music. Lorraine Tait: 905-501-5713 TORONTO CAMERATA Now in its 14th season, the Toronto Camerata Chamber Choir is a mixed-voice chamber choir devoted to unaccompanied choral music of all eras. Our name comes from the 16th century Florentine Camerata, a group of artists and friends who did revolutionary work on the relation of music with poetry. Our season includes three or four concerts each year, and occasionally other events. The choir rehearses once a week on Wednesday evenings at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 477 Manning Ave. We welcome new members and volunteers. Lora Crighton: 416-463-3563 TORONTO CHAMBER CHOIR David Fallis, a well-known expert in early music, is music director of the Toronto Chamber Choir. First established in 1968, the Toronto Chamber Choir's season includes four concerts feaiuring authentic performances of baroque and renaissance music, often paired with thematically related works from later periods. The 40-voice choir rehearses Monday nights from 7:30-lOpm in the church hall of St. Patrick's Church, at the corner of Dundas and McCaul Streets, with additional rehearsals prior to concerts. Singers with good sight reading ability may request an audition at any time during the season. brettcrisp@rogers.eom Heather Crisp: 416-699-8121 torontochamberchoir TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS Founded and directed by Jean Ashworth Bartle, the TCC, for children ages 7-15, is one of the world's leading choirs. Entering its 27th season, the Chorus has more than a dozen CDs and has toured widely, nationally and internationally. The Chorus recently recorded Mahler's Symphony No. 8 with MAY 2005 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM CANARY PAGES

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)