••• CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA sic Speaks: Mother's Day Celebration. Rob· ert and Dianne Aitken, flutists, in perform· ance & conversation. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John. 416-961-9594. $ 25, $ l 5(sr), (st). - 2:00: Peel Music Festival. "Stars of the Festival" Final Awards Concert. Win· ners of the festival. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive. Mississauga. 905-306· 6000. . - 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Isabel Bayrak· darian, soprano in Recital. Serouj Kradjian, piano. 60 Simcoe. 416-872-4255. · . 40 - 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music Community School. RCM All Drchestras Concert. Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416· 408-2824 x321. Free. - 3:00: Echo Women's Choir. Under the Apple Tree. Folk & classical music from India, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Republic of Georgia, South Africa, the U.K. & the U.S. Alan Gasser & Becca Whitla, conductors. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 416-588-9050, mailbox 3. . O(underwaged). - 3:00: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. William Aide, piano in Recital. All· Chopin programme. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Frankenstein The Modern Promelheus a staged worksop ·production of excerpts from a new opera h Andrew Aser and lihretti·st WiHiam itla .B:OO p /16/JDAY MAY' irinit Presbterian Curc 2737 E,a\'iew A\'e. at 4-01 Admission h donation presented b T p Tc ' • Joseph Haydn : String Qu Op. 74 No • Walter Buczynski : Str! • Alexander Borodin : String Marie Berard Paul Meyer Carmen Flores Roberta Janzen . 4-1b-7'1-.B,_83 Viola Cello #:.,..,, Monday, May 9, 2005 7 : 30pm. Trinity-St. Paul's Uniled Church 427 Bloor Street West (Bloor/Spodino) Tickets /14(Seniors/Students) . ,,,,, Call 416-423-2133 www.assqcui.g;',t Park. 416-978-3744. Free. - 3:30: T afelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Handel: Deborah. Trinity-St. Paul's Centre. See May 5. - 4:00: Church of the Advent. I love to Tell the Story. Celebration of favourite hymns. Beverley Bell, soprano; Sandra Boyes, mezzo; Mark Dubois, James Leatch, tenors; Christopher Cameron, bass & other performers; Giles Bryant, conductor & nar· rator. 40 Pritchard Ave. 416-766-8412. , $ l 0, (chiid under 12). Proceeds to· wards maintenance and restoration of the Advent pipe organ. - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers. Dave Young Trio. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free (donation). - 7:00: Ensemble Noir. Eastern Revival. Music by Abe, Lomon, Linding & Morehead. Bongani Ndodana, artistic director. Win· chester Theatre, 80 Winchester St. Info: 416-923-9400, tickets: 416-366-7723. ,. - 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Steve 611/ette & Cindy Mangsen. TRANZAC, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-410-3655. ,,. - 7:30:· Royal Conservatory of Music Community School. lyric Singers, Silver Singers & Vox Continental. RCM Concert Hall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 x321. Free. - 8:00: Art of Time Ensemble. Erwin Schulhoff: A Portrait. Schulhoff: Hot·sona· ta for Alto Sax and Piano; Concertina for Double Bass, Viola and Flute; Five Jazz Eludes for Piano and String Sextet & other music. Phil Dwyer, saxophone; Marie Berard, Stephen Sitarski, violins; Thomas Wiebe, cello; Joel Quarrington, double bass; Andrew Burashko, piano/artistic director & other performers. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. ,. - 8:00: Evergreen Club Contem,porary Gamelan/Glass Orchestra. Glass on Bronze II: Explorations and lmprovizations. New & improvised music. Music Gallery at The Cirrus Ensemble performing works by Bach, Adaskin, Hindemith, Schwantner, Haydn and Schumann - featuring - Caitlin Broms-Jacobs, oboe Michelle Zapf-Belanger, violin in). S. Bach's Concerto in C minor for O&oe and Violin with a special guest appearance by Quartetto Constanze Wednesday, May 11 at8:00 p.m. Walmer Road Baptist Church, 188 Lowther Ave. (just north of Bloor, west of Spadina) Admission by donation For information: 416-535-6728 St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John St. 416-652·8253. $10,. Monday May 09 - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday: Bangor ladies' Choir. 65 Church St. 416-364· 7865 x231. Free. - 7:30: Associates of the Toronto Sym· phony Orchestra. Marie Berard String Ouartet. Haydn: String Quartet in g, Op.74 #3; Schafer: String Quartet; Borodin: String Quartet #1 in A. Marie Berard. Paul Meyer, violin; Carmen Flores, viola; Roberta Jan· zen, cello. Trinity-St. Paul's Church, 427 Bloor St. West. 416-423-2133, 416-482· 6452. ,. - 8:00: An Evening of Classics. Tiina Flawn, piano; guests: Laurel Swinden. flute; Warren Nicholson, guitar; Heather Adamo, piano. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-801·7589. - 8:00: TrypTych Productions. Ager: Frankenstein. Staged excerpts from a new opera. Lenard Whiting, tenor; Stephen King, bass baritone; Erin Bardua, soprano. The Crypt, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 2737 Bayview Ave. 416-763-5066. Admission by donation. - 9:00: Toronto Jazz Orchestra. "Dh Canada''. Includes finals of Young Compos· er's Competition. Montreal Bistro, 65 Sher· bourne St.'416-899-5299. $10,. Tuesday May 10 - 8:00: Festival Wind Orchestra. Spring· time Serenade Concert. Gennady Getter, conductor. Fairview Library Theatre, 35 Fairview Mall Or. 905-881-4255. . $ lO(st). - 8:00: Shoko Inoue, piano in Recital. Liszt: Sonata in b; Bach-Busoni: Chaconne; Grieg: Lyrical Pieces; Webern: Variations Op.27. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. ,. Wednesday May 11 - 12:30: Yorkminster Park Church. Noonday Recital: Eric Robertson, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free. - 2:00: The Serenata Singers. Mostly Music. Show tunes, spirituals, folk; tradi· tional songs; sing-along. Audrey Mcleod, director. Jubilee United Church, 40 Under· hill Or. 416-497-5952. . Donations made to Red Door, Eva's Initiative and The Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund. - 7:30: Ensemble TrypTych Chamber Choir. Dn Eagle's Wings. J.Willcocks: Great is Thy Glory (Canadian premiere); Men· delssohn: Hear My Prayer; Britten: 0 Sing Joyfully; Byrd: Miserere Mei. Ian Sadler, organ; Lenard Whiting, conductor. St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, 151 Glenlake Rd. 416-763-5066. . - 8:00: Cirrus Ensemble. Works by Bach. Adaskin, Hindemith, Schwantner, Haydn & Schumann. Caitlin Broms·Jacobs, oboe; Michelle Zapf-Belanger, violin; Quartetto Constanze. Walmer Road Church, 188 Lowther Ave. 416-535-6728. Admission by donation. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Herbig Conducts Bruckner. Haydn: Violin Concerto in C; Bruckner: Symphony #9. Caitlin Tully, violin; Gunther Herbig, conduc· tor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416· MAY 1 - JUNE 7 2005
593-4828. -$105. - 9:30: New Adventures in Sound Art. Deep Wireless Festival: RAOiO iN AMBi ENCE Part /. Live radio as part of a freely improvising ensemble. cheryl o, cello; Rob Piilonen, flute; Jennifer Gillmor, kamel n'goni & bass guitar; Ben Grossman, hurdy gurdy & sound artist. Hacienda, 794 Bathurst St. 416-910-7231. PWYC. Thursday May 12 - 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park. lunchtime Chamber Music: Tracy Mont· gomery & Alexa Wing, soprano duet; Steph· anie Martin, piano. Music by Purcell, Monteverdi & others. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Admission by donation. - 2:00: Northern District Library. When Soft Voices Die. Songs by Willan, Mozart, Brahms; selection of English & French corn· posers. Jean Edwards, soprano; Brahm Goldhamer, piano. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-7610. Free. - 2:00: Toronto Senior Strings. Music by Vitali, Stamitz, Spohr, Arriaga, McConnell & Schickele. Guest: Anna Guo, yang qin. St. Andrew's Church, 73 Simcoe St. 416-221-6090. . - 7:30: The Jazz Mechanics. Allen Vizzuw; trumpet. ·Earl Haig S.S .. 100 Princess Ave. 905-874-2800. $10. - 8:00: Jazz.FM91 TO. Jazz lives. Oliver Jones, Holly Cole, David Clayton Thomas, Molly Johnson, Michael Kaeshammer & other jazz & blues musicians. Convocation Hall, 31 King's College Circle. 416-978·8849. -. Fundraising event for Jazz.FM91. - 8:00: TSO. Herbig Conducts Bruckner. Roy Thomson Hall. See May 11. - 8:30: Ouagmyre. Of Cabbages & Kings. Celtic & traditinal fused with jazz & rock. Cara Butler, Nathan Pilatzke, Jon Pilatzke, Jon McCann, Ryan McLarnon, Jet McLarnon & others. Rivali, 332 Queen St. West. 416-596-1908. $10. - 9:00: Small World Music. Lal, Jugular and Guests. Western electronic music & world music. Rosina Kazi, Nicholas Murray, Nikhil 'Jugular' Tumne, performers. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. West. 416-588- 0307. , (series pass). Friday May 13 - 7:30: Helena Bowkun. piano and Shane Kim, violin. Piano and Violin Recit· al: Imagine! Yorkminster Park Church, 1585 Yonge St. 416-291·8023. ,$10. Proceeds will go to support the STM Middle East Mission Team. - 7:30: Musicians in Ordinary. The Bottegari lute Book - An Evening of Italian Renaissance Song from the Medici court. Music by di Rore, di Lasso, de Wert & Caccini. Hallie Fishel, soprano; John Edwards, lute. Church of the Holy Trinity, 26 Stavebank Rd .. Port Credit. 416-535-9956. Admission by donation. - 7:30: Willowdale Presbyterian Church. Belgian Music. Keyboard music by Franck, Jongen, Gretry, Gossec, Absil, Jos· quin, Tinel & Lemmens. Derrick Lewis, pi· ano & organ. 38 Ellerslie. 416-434·3001. $10,. - 8:00: Aaron Brock, guitar; Josephine Chan, piano; Stephen Tam, flute. Music by Dominiconi, Hoover, Prokofiev & others. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-927- 89n. - 8:00: Bach Consort. Bach: Magnificat; Double Concerto for Oboe and Violin; Sona· ta in c for violin and harpsichord (excerpt); other works. Keith Atkinson, oboe; Paul Meyer & Aisslinn Nosky, violins; Charlotte Nediger, harpsichord; Monica Whicher, soprano & other performers. Eglinton St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA ••• A Fund raising Event in support of Habitat for Humanity and Pia Bouman School for Ballet and Creative Movement The Bach Consort Chorus and Orchestra with YMI Dancing Frida y 13 Ma y 2005 8:00 PM Conductor: lvars Taurins Soprano: Monica Whicher Contralto: Elizabeth Turnbull Tenor: James McLennan Bass: Sean Watson Eglinton Sr. George's United Church 35 Lytton Boulevard (halfway between Eglinton and Lawrence, one block west of Yonge) Concert only, adults: Concert only, students and seniors: Concert and 'Meet the Artists' Reception: Reception 6:00 - 7:30 PM (reserved concert seating) Ruth Budd, Founder Aleksandar Gajic,violin Marina Dantcheva, violin Anna Barycz,viola Gregory Goldberg,cello Ruth Budd,bass To reserve tickets call 416-481-n41 ext 250 Visa or MasterCard accepted '&< May 12, 2005, 2:00 pm Guest Artist: Anna Guo, yang qin Music by: Vitali, Stamitz, Spohr, Arriaga, McConnell, Schickele • Nolntermission •.Be home before rush hour •St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (across ·from Roy Thompson Hall) St. Andrew's Subway •Wheelchair accessible •Pleasantly priced: Single: .00; Information: call 416-221-6090 or e-mail Alan Sperling at alansperling@sympatico.ca : :y .eveeg9yn.com MAY 1 - juNE 7 2005
Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul
Chorril Fesf1val' ne 3-12105 I f t
Partners in Opera Ontario Oa\ id :p