9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 8 - May 2005

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Singers
  • Choral
  • Chorus
  • Jazz
  • Choirs
  • Concerts
  • Festival
  • Musical


••• CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA Salute to England. See May 28. George san Spier. violin & other performers. Noel Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416- Ryan Auditorium. Mississauga Central Li· 870-8000. -. brary, 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. West. 905· - 7:00: Parkdale People's Concerts. 238· 7150. , $ lOlst). ifamily). Performers & music tba. Gladstone Hotel, - 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. 1214 Queen St. West. 416-533-7779. Toronto Children's Chorus Jean Ashworth Bartle, C.M., O.Ont. • Founder/Music Director Presents lnternafional Symposium Conductors' Concert With Guest Conductor, Henry Leck With guest artists And delegates of the Symposium Judy Loman, harp Susan Hoeppner, flute Russell Hartenberger, percussion Ruth Watson Henderson, piano The week-long International Conductors' Symposium concludes with a concert highlighting great choral works for treble chorus. Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. Christ Church Deer Park 1570 Yonge Street Tickets: / 416-932-8666, ext 231 PWYC donations. Sanctuary. Haydn: Trumpet Concerto; - 7:30: Amy Dodington, soprano. Bene- Grieg: 2 Elegaic Melodies Op.34; Elgar: fit Concert. Operatic arias, Broadway. art songs, parlour songs. Kingsway Lambton United Church, 85 The Kingsway. 416-234· Serenade Op.20; Vivaldi: Double Violin Con· certo. Soloists; Tak Ng Lai, conductor. Humber Valley Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd. 8224. Free; offering taken to help support · 416-239-5665. $10, students under 16 the 200 boys at El Hagar Orphanage in Hon· duras. - 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Sean Tyrell, Irish singer. TRANZAC, 292 Bruns· wick Ave. 416-410-3655. ... - 7:30: North York Concert Band. Music Without Borders. Works by Cable, Ellington. Cahn. Graf & Tchaikovsky. John E. Liddle, conductor. Al Green Theatre. Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre. 750 Spadina Ave. 905-4 70-0272. . children 12 & under free. - 7:30: Orchestra Toronto. The Three B's - Really! Beethoven: Leonore Overture #3; Bach: Suite #2; Brahms: Violin Cancer· to. Louis Papachristos. flute; Catherine Manoukian. violin; Errol Gay, music direc· tor. 6:30: Pre-concert talk by Artist-in-Residence Catherine Manoukian. George Wes· ton Recital Hall. 5040 Yonge St. 416-872- 11i1. , 1srlstl. O(child 18 & un· der). - 8:00 & 10:00: Distillery Jazz Festival. Eve Egoyan. piano in Recital. De Alvear: Asking. Distillery District, 55 Mill St. 416· 872-1212. (advance).(door). - B:OO: Arraymusic. Future lab: Young Composers' Workshop Final Concert. Four world premieres. Arraymusic Ensemble. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John. 416· 204-1080. $ 20. (sr). $ 7(st). - 8:00: Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra. Chamber Music Concert: Music in the free with adult accompaniment. Monday May 30 - 12:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall. Noon Hour Concert: Exultate Chamber Singers. Canadian folk songs. John Tuttle, conduc· tor/organ. 60 Simcoe. 416-872-4255. Free. - 12:15: Church of the Holy Trinity. Music Mondays: Recordare. Music for harp, recorders, percussion, early bagpipes. shawms & voice. Michael Franklin, Avery Maclean, Stephanie Martin, performers. 10 Trinity Square. 416-598-4521. suggested donation. - 7:30: Halton Youth Symphony/Halton Youth Chamber Orchestra. 30th Anniver· sary Concert. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. 130 Navy St. 905-815-2021. , student & senior rates. - 7:30: Riverdale Youth Singers/Riverdale Young Singers. Awaken to Spring. Guest: Jell Straker, singer/songwriter; Mark Bell. Sandra Spencer & Anne Massi· cotte, conductors. Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, 115 Simpson Ave. 416· 875-1587. Free. - 8:00: Songbirds of Spring 2005. Gala Fundraising Concert for Canadian Women's Foundation. Maria Antonakos, Eleanor Mc· Cain, singers & other performers. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416· 205-5555. . Proceeds will support the presents A Lighter Shade of Brass Sunday, May 29, 2005, 3 p.m. Jane Mallett Theatre To conclude our season. we welcome the celebrated Canadian trombone virtuoso and rising star in conducting circles, Alain Trudel, as he makes his debut on the HSSB podium. A delightful programme of rousing marches, cherished classics, virtuoso solos and brass band showpieces will be performed by an array of Hannaford Band soloists. Featured works will include Dorothy Gates' Soul Reflections. Martin Ellerby's New World Dances and Gustav Holst's beloved St. Paul's Suite. Call the St. Lawrence Centre Box Office 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754 or book on-line at , "Silver-plated music making all the way" William littler, The TorontoStar toronto• rtscouncll .. ,_,, ......... ..... ... .. ... _ I iii - long & McQu1de Mu\iul tnituments Deloitte. .......... ........ . . Tiu SOCAN fo1mdnt11111 111 foml111Km SCXAN Gr:eit:t ;tlir:t. P..etcalf ('l:#d!it-lt f!o!m.1t/cn WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM MAY 1 - JUNE 7 2005

CWF's work. - 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. Phil lapen· na, Hammond X66 & Allen Classical or· gans. St. James Church, 400 Burn· hamthorpe Rd. 905·845-4539. $ 10 (child under 10 free). - 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/ Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma. Wur/itzer Pops at Casa Loma: Ken Double, organ. 1 Ausiin Terrace. 416-421·0918. . Tuesday May 31 - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday: Father John Palmer, organ. 65 Church St. 416·364· 7865 x231. Free. - 7:00: Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts. Dora the f/plorer live: Dora's Pirate Adventure. Musical for chil· dren. 1 Front St. East. 416·872·2262. ·, group rates. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 7:30: Etobicoke School of the Arts. Seussical- The Musical. 675 Royal York Rd. 416·394·6910. ,$ 15. For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday June 0 I - 12:30: Yorkminster Park Church. Noonday Recital: Father John Palmer, or· gan. 1585 Yonge St. 416·922· 1 167. Free. - 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Mu· sic. l 'amour et la Vie. Faure: La bonne chanson; Chausson: Chanson perpetuelle; Rapoport: Fragments of Verlaine; Foley: L'amour du mensonge; Minden: Ombres. Vicki St. Pierre, mezzo; Alexander Dobson, baritone; Talisker Players; Peter Long· worth, piano. Trinity St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. West. 416-466-1 BOO. , $ 20(sr), O(st). - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Czech Voices. Morawetz: O.verture to a Fairy Tale; Janacek: Taras Bulba; Martinu: Field Mass; Dvorak: Te Deum. Measha Briiggergosman, soprano; Russell Braun. baritone; Tornto Mendelssohn Choir; Jiri Belohlavek, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -10. Thursday June 02 - 12: 15: St. John's York Mills Church. Music Dn The Hill: Douglas Tranquada, bari· tone; Sabatino Vacca, piano. 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416-225·6611. Free {donations accept· ed). - 2:00: Northern District Library. Gypsy Songs. Songs by Brahms, Dvorak, de Falla ·& others. Livia Beysovec, soprano; Karen Bender, mezzo; Brahm Goldhamer & Camil· lia Matuk, piano. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416·393·7610. Free. - 8:00: Nathaniel Dett Chorale. And Still We Sing ... Scenes from the life of a Martyr. Smith Moore: Scenes from the Life of a Martyr & other works. Guest: Dr. Carl Har· THE TORONTO ORGAN CLUB continues its seventh season of concerts, featuring Phil Lapenna, formerly the organist at Maple Leaf Gardens, playing the magnificent Hammond X66 and Allen Classical_ Organ. A wide variety of regular and classical music will be on the agenda. Monday May 30th 2005 at 8.00p.m. St. James United Church in Etobicoke. 400.Burnhamthorpe Rd. Oust East of Hwy.427,on South side) $10.00 at the door, children under 10 free. Free refreshments, free parking at rear of the church. Further info. 905-845-4539. ris, organ; Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, artistic director. George Weston Recital Hall. 5040 Yonge St. 416·872-1111. .50-.50, (child under 12). - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Czech Voices. Roy Thomson Hall. See June 1. - 8:00: Via Salzburg. Phantasies and Crysanthemums. Music by Ravel, Takemitsu & Schubert. Mayumi Seiler, violin; Caroline Palmer, piano; Joel Noyes. cello; Denise Fujiwara, choreography/dance. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416:205· 5555. , (sr), (st). Friday June 03 - 7:00: ROM Friday Nights. Muhtadi To· ronto International Drumming Festiva{ Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park. 416·586·8000. . - 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Summer Institute. Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra & Chamber Choir. Trinity St. Paul's Church, 427 Bloor St. West. 416·964·9562. Free. - 8:00: Via Salzburg. Phantasies and Cry· santhemums. Glenn Gould Studio. See June 2. - 8:00: Zonnebloem Chamber Ensemble. Brahms: Clarinet Trio In a Op.114; Beethoven: String Trio in G Op.9 #1. Aman· da Lee, violin; Pam Bettger, viola; Monica Fedrigo, cello; Julia Hambelton, clarinet; Stephanie Chua, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·922-3618. . Saturday June 04 - 2:00 & 7:30: Mississauga Children's Choir. A Pageant of Song. Chatman: Eliza· bethan Songs (world premiere). Thomas Bell, music director. Royal Bank Theatre, 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905 .. '.306·6000. Matinee: , evening: . . - 2:00 & 7:00: Toronto All·Star Big Band with Jackie Richardson, vocals. Big Band ballads; swing. Jane Mallett Thea· tre, 27 Front St. East. 416·366· 7723. , group rates. - 8:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk Club. Kiran Ahluwalia. Traditional Indian ghazals; Puniabi folk music. Opening set: Colin Stewart. Birchcliff Bluffs United Church, 33 East Rd. 416·264·2235. $ 15. - 8:00: Counterpoint Community Or· chestra. Peters: I Am He; Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet Overture; Barber: Adagio for Strings; Griffes: Poem for Flute & Or· chestra; Gilbert and Sullivan excerpts; Mor· ricone: Gabriel's Oboe & other works. Ada Balone, violin; Jennifer Langton, flute; Chris Wilson, bass; Hubert Brard, oboe; Terry Kowalczuk, conductor. St. Luke's United Church, 353 Sherbourne St. 416-925·9872 x2066. (advance), (door). - 8:00: Past Perfect. Outrageous For· tune. Programme of Baroque music exlor· ing the strange and splendid. Kathleen Ka· iioka, violin; Daniela Pierson, baroque violin; Nicholas Walker, gamba; Gabriel Shuford, harpsichord. St. Thomas's Church, 383 Huron St. 416·975-9461. . CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA ••• TALISKER PLAYERS CHAMBER MUSIC Melanie Conly, SOPRANO Vicki St. Pierre, MEZZO SOPRANO Alexander Dobson, BARITONE Peter Longworth, PIANO The Talisker Players June 1, 2005, 8 p.m. Trinity St. Paul's Centre Tickets: / / $10 Information: 416-466-1800 torontdartsbouncil Geor&e Cedric MetcaH Charitable Fouftd.ltkln MAY 1 - ]UNE 7 2005 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM

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