9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 8 - May 2005

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Singers
  • Choral
  • Chorus
  • Jazz
  • Choirs
  • Concerts
  • Festival
  • Musical


••• SOUTHERN ONTARIO, CONTINUED - 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo Symphony. Epic Beauty. See May 6. Centre in the Square, Kitchener. - 8:00: Toronto All·Star Big Band. Capi· tol Theatre, 14 Queen Street, Port Hope. 905·885· 1071, 800-434·5092. . Sunday May 08 - 2:00: Capitol Theatre. Eric Nagler, fam· ily entertainer. 14 Queen St.. Port Hope. 905·885· 1071. 800-434·5092. $10. - 2:00: Guelph Spring Festival. Mother's Day lunch & Concert. Beethoven: Sonata #1 Op.12 in D; Part: Fratres; Murphy: Dance me to your Beauty with a Burnin-g Violin; Franck: Sonata in A. Duo Cancer· tante: Nancy Dahn, violin; Timothy Steeves. piano. Guelph Youth Music Centre, 75 Car· digan St.. Guelph. 519-763·3000, 877- 520·2408. , /$10(sr/st). (Concert & lunch ). - 3:00: La Jeunesse Youth Orchestra. Sonic Bloom! Orchestral masterpieces & concertos. Port Hope United Church. 34 South St. 905·885·0610, 800-434·5092. ,. family rate. - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Alex Pangman and Sundry Alleycats. Mother's Oay concert. Reserve ahead. The Church at Sonya, Simcoe Street 13 k north of Port Perry. 705- 357-2468. . - 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Thomas Wiebe, cello; San· dra Mangtsen. harpsichord. Bach: complete works for cello & harpsichord. KWCMS Music Room. 57 Young St. West. Water· loo. 519-886·1673. , (sr). $10(st). Tuesday May 10 - 12:10: Guelph Spring Festival. Barrie Cabena, piano. Chalmers Church, 55 Que· bee St .. Guelph. 519-763·3000, 877-520· 2408. Free. - 8:00: Sanderson Centre for the Per· forming Arts. Buddy Wasisname and the Other Feller. Musical comedy trio. BB Dalhou· sie St., t;lrantford. 519-758·8090. . Wednesday May 11 - 12: 10: Guelph Spring Festival. Shar· lene Wallace, harp. Chalmers Church, 55 Quebec St.. Guelph. 519·763·3000, 877- 520·2408. ree. - 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic/Theatre Aquarius. Rodgers & Hammerstein with Hart. Songs and scenes from Bioadway musicals. Guests: tba; Michael Reason, conductor. Oofasco Centre For The Arts, 190 King William St.. Hamilton. 905·526· 7756. ·, -(sr/st). For complete run see music theatre listings. Thursday May 12 - 8:00: Nightlife Jazz Tour/Investors Group Canada. Joe lovano Ouartet. Joe Lovano. jazz saxophone & others. Wolf Per· formance Hall. 251 Dundas St., London. 519·672-8800. . Friday May 13 - 8:00: Guelph Spring Festival. Tafel· musik Baroque Orchestra: From Myth to ST Music. Rameau: Castor et Pollux. Pygmal· ion (excerpts); Handel: Overture to Acis and Galatea; Lully: Acis et Gdlatee (excerpts); Vivaldi: Summer from The Four Seasons; Concerto for Bassoon in a; Marini: Sonata in Echo for three violins Op.B; Marais: ex· cerpts from Alcione. Holy Rosary Church, 175 Emma St., Guelph. 519·763·3000, 877-520·2408. , /$10(sr/st). - 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo Symphony. By Request. Orchestral Pops. Brian Jack· son, conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. North, Kitchener. 519·578· 1570. 800·265·8977. ·. - 8:00: Nightlife Jazz Tour/Investors Group Canada. Joe lovano Ouartet. Joe Lovano. jazz saxophone & others. Hamilton Place Studio Theatre. 10 MacNab St. South. 905·527·7666. . - 8:00: Royal Canadian College of Or· ganists. Duo Majoya. Chappel: Water· scapes; piano·organ duets by Utterback, McCune & Bedard. Joachim Segger. piano; Marnie Giesbrecht, organ. Central Presbyte· rian Church. 165 Charlton Ave. West, Ham· ilton. 905·336·0294. , (RCCO member). 2 for (advance). Saturday May 14 - 3:30: Inda-Canadian Networking Council. An Indian Classical Music Festi· vat. Music for vocals. tabla. harmonium. tanpura, santoor, sitar; bharatnatyam. Vi· nayak Phatak, Ed Hanley, Neelesh Nadkar· ni, Deepashri Phatak. Alex Glenfield & oth· er performers. Studio Theatre. Hamilton Place, 10 MacNab St. South. 905-527 · 7666. . - 7:30: Musica Franca, Music by Car· retie. Boismortier & Lussier. Nadina Mack· ie Jackson. Mathieu Lussier. Catherine Car· ignan. bassoons; Fraser Jackson, contra· bassoon; Paul Jenkins, harpsichord. St. John the Baptist Church. Queen & Regent Sts .. Lakefield. 705·652·8302. Admission by donation. - 7:30: Owen Sound Children's Chorus. A Decade of Songs From the Heart. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 865 2nd Ave. West., Owen Sound. 519·371 ·6559. $10, (st), (family). - 8:00: Guelph Spring Festival. Eve's Enchanting Evening: Eve Egoyan, piano. Evangelista: Nuevas monodias espafiolas; Satie: various works; Tanaka: Crystalline; Vartapet: Seven Dances; Norgard: Turn. Harcourt Church, 87 Dean Ave .. Guelph. 519·763·3000. 877-520·2408. . 1 O(sr/st). - 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo Chamber Music.Society. Moshe Hammer, violin; Alex Hulshoff, cello; Francine Kay, piano. Mendelssohn: Trio in d & other music. KWCMS Music Room. 57 Young St. W .. Waterloo. 519·886· 1673. , O(sr). (st). - 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo Symphony. By Request. Centre in the Square. Kitch· ener. See May 13. - 8:00: Registry Theatre. Jack de Keyz. er: The Silver Anniversary Concert. Jack de Keyzer. guitar, vocals, songwriter; Tony Aja. drums; Al Duffy. bass; Chris Murphy, sax; Martin Aucoin. piano/organ; Kelly Craig, trumpet. 122 Frederic St., Kitchen· er. 519·745-6565. - 8:00: Uxbridge Chamber Choir. Bach: Mass in B Minor. Orchestra; Thomas Baker, director. Trinity United Church, Uxbridge . 905·852·2676. ,. Sunday May 15 - 2:00: Shaw Festival. Happy End. By WeO & Brecht. Featuring Glynis Ranney, Benedict Campbell & Jay Turvey; Paul Sportelli, musical director. Royal George_ Theatre. 85 Queen St., Niagara·on·the· Lake. 800·511·7429. -(preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Travel the World. Light Classics. Ken Murray/KWS Concerto Competition Winner; Simon Streatfeild, conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. North. Kitchener. 519·578· 1570, 800·265-8977. ·. - 3:00: Centenary United Chmch. Organ Spectacular. Or. Gayle H. Martin, organ; Choir of Centenary Church; Shawn Grenke. conductor. 24 Main St. West, Hamilton. 905-522·6843 x26. . - 3:00: Menna Singers. Bach: Mass in B Minor. Guests: Laura Pudwell, mezzo; Daniel Lichti, bass; Nota Bene Period Orchestra; Dr. Peter Nikiforuk, director. St. Mary's Church. 56 Duke St. West. Kitchener. 519·576· 9853. B(advance), $ 20(door). - 3:00: Novalis Hall. Harpist Rita Coslan· zi in Concert. Works by Handel, Pescetti, Faure. Natra & Debussy. 7841 4th Line, Angus. 705·722·5408. . - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Carlos de/ Junco Duo. Blues. The Church at Sonya, Simcoe Street 13 k north of Port Perry. 705·357· 24.68. . WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM - 8:00: Guelph Spring Festival. Dream· ing Aloud: Da Capo Chamber Choir. Works -- by Enns. Whitney, Hopkins; Nystedt, Shar· man. Maclean and Whitacre. Leonard Enns. conductor. 7:00: pre·concert chat. Holy Rosary Church. 175 Emma St., Guelph. 519· 763·3000, 877-520·2408. , / O(sr/st). Monday May 16 - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Stark Trio. Kazella: Trio; Feigin: Reflections on a Niggun; Francaix: Trio; Beethoven: Archduke Trio. KWCMS Music Room. 57 Young St. West. Water· loo. 519·886· 1673. , (sr). O(st). Tuesday May 17 - 8:00: Sound Investment Community Choir. A Musical Potpourri for a Spring Evening. All Saints' Church, 32 Elgin St., Collingwood. 705-445·0863. $10, $ 5(children 12 and under). Wednesday May 18 - 8:00: Attila Glatz Concert Produc· tions. Vienna, Budapest, Paris - An Operef. ta Extravaganza from Europe. Highlights from Strauss: Die Fledermaus; Kalman: Czatdas Princess; Lehar: Merry Widow. European cast; Miklos Gabor Kerenyi, pro· ducer. Centre in the Square. 101 Queen St. North, Kitchener. 519·578·1570, BOO· 545·7807. ·. Thursday May 19 - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. MAY 1 - )IJNE 7 2005

Eclectic Rhythms. Simon Streatfeild, con· ductor. River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519·763-3000. ,. - 9:00: Kiva's Trio. World beat, roots, pop, classical & jazz. Staircase Theatre Cale, 27 Dundurn St. North, Hamilton. 905-529-3000. . Saturday May 21 - 7:00: Raga Music School/Hamilton Spectator/Cable 14. Go Back Stage with Neeraj Prem's Ragaffaire. Traditioal folk with Indian classical elements; fusion of East and West; music for sitar, flute, dilruba, tabla, saxophone, guitar, percussion. Hamilton Spectator Auditorium, 44 Frid Street. 905-526-3331. $10. - 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic. Glinka: Russian and Ludmilla Overture; Schmidt: Symphony 111 (world premiere, commission); Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto il2. Nadjeda Vlaeva, piano; Michael Reason, conductor. Great Hall, Hamilton Place, Summers Lane. 905-526-7756. , (sr), O(st). (high school & younger). Monday May 23 - 8:00: Gravenhurst Opera House. Platin­ Teniire. 3 tenors. 295' Muskoka Rd. South. 705-687-5550, 888-495-8888. .50. Wednesday May 25 I - 2:00: Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts. Canadian Tribute to Glenn Miller. 22-piece orchestra with Hart Wheeler, John McNab and The Fabulous Moon· beams. 88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519- 758-8090. . - 8:00: Jubilee Chorale. On The Stage. Annual spring concert. Angela Collings & Kevin Scharf, vocals; Twins Lakes Second· ary School Choir; Christina Bosco, director; Jim Foster, M.C. Gordon Lightfoot Hall, Orillia Opera House. 705-326-8011. . Friday May 27 - 8:00: Jubilee Chorale. On The Stage. Annual spring concert. Angela Collings & Kevin Scharf, vocals; Twin Lakes Second· ary School Choir; Christina Bosco, director; Jim Foster, M.C. Gravenhurst Opera House, 295 Muskoka Rd. South. 705-687 · 5550, 888-495-8888. - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Simplicity & Fate. Kolbjorn Holt he, violin; Simon Streatfeild, conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570, 800-265-8977. -. Saturday May 28 - 2:30: Ouinte Symphony. Beethoven: Emperor Concerto; Coriolan Overture; Pastoral Symphony. Empire Theatre, Bel· leville. 613-060-0099. - 8:00: Bach Elgar Choir. Anniversary Gala. Watson Henderson: The Magic of God's World (world premiere) & other works. Guests: Hamilton Children's Choir; Zimfira Poloz, conductor; John Leek, accompanist; Ruth Watson Henderson; Ian Sadler, director. Great Hall, Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lane. 905-527-5995. ,, child under 12 free. - 8:00: Brampton Festival Singers. Can· tate Domino. Masses and music from the Renaissance. St. John's Church, 11 Guiilph St., Georgetown. 905-877-2531. ,, $10(12 & under). - 8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. Spirit of the Orum II. Missa Kenya; music of A fri· ea & South America. Guests: Rob Larose; Bob Hughes, percussion. Wesley-Knox Unit· ed Church, 91 Askin St., London. 519-455· 1668. , (advance). , (door). - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Simplicity & Fate. ' See May 27. Centre in the Square. Kitchener. - 8:00: Renaissance Singers. The Genius of Thomas Tallis. Tallis: Spem In Alium & other works; music by Byrd, des Pres, Mo· rales, Victoria & others. St. Andrew's Pres· byterian Church, 54 Queen St. North, Kitchener. 519-745-0675. ,. - 8:00: Symphony Hamilton. Sounds of a Summer Night. Chamber works. Performers include members and friends of the orchestra. St. Paul's Church, 1140 King St. West, Hamilton. 905-527-7666. ,, $ 5(under 12). Sunday May 29 - 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Sunday Cof. fee Concert. Members of the string quartetin-residence & guests. Lobby, Festival The· atre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara-on-the­ Lake. 800-511-7429. Free. - 3:00: Monday Morning Singers. Spring Serenade. Goodwood United Church, Our· ham Rd. 21 and 3rd concession of Uxbridge Twp. 905-852-7507. ,$10 (child under 12 free). - 3:00: Renaissance Singers. The Genius of Thomas Tallis. See May 28. Trinity An· glican Church, 12 Blair Rd., Galt. Water Music. Planet Baroque; Linda Melst· ed, leader & violin; James Mason, oboe. First United Church, 16 William.St.. Waterloo. 519-578-1570, 800-265-8977. ,. Friday June 03 - 7:00: Oriana Singers of Northumberland. love Me Tender. Music of the fifties. Batterwood Estate, Canton. 905-372- 2210. (in advance only). - 7:30: Orchestra London/Pacific Opera Victoria. Puccini: To-ca. Christiane Riel. soprano; Marc Hervieux, tenor; John Avey, baritone; Timothy Vernon, conductor. Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St., London. 519- 672-8800, 800-265-1593. -5. For complete run see music theatre listings. Saturday June 04 - 7:00: Hamilton Children's Choir. 30th Anniversary Concert. Prelude Choir, Con· cert Choir & Girls Choir; guests: Northern Lights Barbershop Quartet. Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. 905-527-1618. $10. - 7:30: Kitchener Waterloo Philharmonic Choir. Shore: lord of the Rings Symphony. Six Movements for Orchestra & Chorus. Soloists; KW Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir; Youth Choir; projected images of original illustrations & storyboards by John }!owe & Alan Lee. Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. North, Kitchener. 519-578- 1570, 800-265-8977. Q-. - 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic. Blue Eyes and Broadway - A Tribute to frank Sinatra. Guest: Michael Hope, vocals; Michael Reason, conductor. Great Hall, Hamilton Place, Summers Lane. 905-526- Wednesday June 01 7756. , (sr), $ lO(st), (high school & younger). - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony . Sunday, May ISth. 2005 3:00 p.m. Centenary United Church 24 Main St. W., Hamilton ORGANIST Dr. Gayle h. Martin CONDUCTOR Shawn Grenke WIT! 11 IJE CllOIR OF u.:'n ENr\RY CHvRCH Tickets SIS For mOre information please contact Shawn Grenke 905-522-6843 x 26 or ... -rr CGfaUl CC@rrnrrtt 700th Season "A C?.-KOA 'f A£'it1"V" Saturday, May 28th, 8:00p.m., The Great Hall, Hamilton Place Masterpieces from around the globe including a world premiere by Ruth Watson . Henderson "The Magic of God's World" Tickets: Adults , Seniors/Students Children under 12 FREE (with adurt) Tickets at Twelfth Night Music in Waterloo, and Et Cetera and Kelly Greens Flowers in Cambridge, at the door - or call 74S·067S Office: 86 Homewood Avenue, Hamilton, ON LBP 2M4 (90S) 527·5995 THEGENI Celebrate the SOOth birthday ofThomas Tallis including his 40 part motet SPEM IN ALIUM Saturday, May 28-S:OOpm St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kitchener Sunday, May 29-l:OOpm Trinity Anglican. Church, Cambridge MAY 1 - )UNE 7 2005 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM

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