9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 8 - May 2005

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Singers
  • Choral
  • Chorus
  • Jazz
  • Choirs
  • Concerts
  • Festival
  • Musical

·1@i@lelil@li£11!@1fMllHll!;§liel§lll@lillr *May 14 6:30: Capitol Theatre Port Hope. 2005. Victoria Hall Public edifice which has Capitol Gala featuring Michael Burgess. Fund· been the political, legal and cultural centre of raiser for the theatre. Includes hors d' oeuvres, civic life since 1 B6D, and is home of the Grand beer & wine, performance by Michael Bur· Concert Hall. 55 King Street West, Cobourg. gess, champagne & desserts. 14 Queen 9D5·372·54B1, BBB·262·6B74. Free. Street, Port Hope. 9D5·BB5· 1071. D. 'May 21 & 22, 10am - 4pm: Doors Open Ontario 2005. Gravenhurst Opera House. Tour this stylish and elegant 19D 1 building, a showcase for professional & amateur theatre and music theatre. 295 Muskoka Road South, Gravenhurst. 7D5·6B7-4432. Free. 'May 23 11am·5pm: Black Creek Pioneer Village. /Jth Annual Fiddlers'·Contest. Fid· dlers aged 7 to 77 compete for the title of Grand Champion. Also included are entertain· ment by strolling musician Ken Ramsden, in· strument making demonstrations and more. lODD Murray Ross Parkway. 416-736· 1733. , $10, $ 7{children 5-14). Plus GST. 'May 25 - June 2: Nash the Slash and Robert Willem Vanderhorst. View From the Gallery Two. Multimedia extravaganza featur· ing art of Vanderhorst with a live performance by Nash the Slash. Free daily showings from 1 Dam to 6pm; multi-media performances nightly at B:DD. St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King St. East. 416-461·52D3. $10, cash bar. *May 27 6:30: St. Lawrence Market. Mari· time Kitchen Ceilidh. Traditional lobster supper & an evening of Celtic music by Natalie Mac· Master, JP Cormier & Cape Breton Fiddlers. North Market. Front & Jarvis Sts. 416-53B· 4455. D. Benefit for The Femmes Feetales, a team participating in The Weekend to End Breast Cancer Walk. •May 28 1 Oam·4pm: Doors Open Ontario *May 28 & 29 1 Oam·4pm: Doors Open Ontario 2005. COC. Tour the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre. Tours given on a first·come, first·served basis every 15 min· utes. Zellers Ensemble S.tudio School produc· lions: Hansel and Gretel May 28: 11 :30am & 2: 15; The Brothers Grimm May 29: 11 :30am & 2: 15. 227 Front St. East. 416· 363·6671, Free; tickets required for the 2 operatic productions. *May 28 & 29 1 Oam·4pm: Doors Open Ontario 2005. Orillia Opera House. Built in 1 B95 as town hall, jail and concert hall, this edifice is today a spectacular centre for the performing arts. 2D Mississaga Street West, Drillia. 705·329· 190B, B66·329·5959. Free. *May 28 & 29 11am·11 pm: Jyafest Arts Collective. Hangama! Street Celebration. Traditional South Asian music & dance, contemporary indo·jau fusion & world music bands, popular pop & rock groups. International & local artists including Trichy Sankaran, mrdangam; Lal Singh Bhatti, Punjabi jau hip hop; Moharrmed Zaheeruddin, ghazals; Shiva Sound System with Vineet Vyas, drum & bass, indo-jungle with tabla; Rick Lazar & Samba Squad & other musicians. Yonge Dundas Square. 416-4BB·3659. Free. 'May 28 & 29: Doors Open Ontario 2005. Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre. This remarkable double-decker theatre is the last of its kind. Sat & Sun: 1 Dam, 11 :30am, 1 :3D, 11geus 3:DD. 1B9 Yonge St. 416·314·2B74. Free. ·LYDIA ADAMS, CnNducTORANo.AR.nsnc DIRECTOR FORE! The Amadeus Choir's 2nd Annual Golf Tournament A special event in support of the Amadeus Choir Monday, June 6, 2005 Tee-off - 11:00 a.m. 4-person scramble Cm;dinal Golf Club Hwy. 9, just east of 1-lwy. 400 Just 0 for 18 holes, cart, lunch, dinner, shower & locker ..... and prizes! Join Toronto's golfing weather an, ..Dave De'Oall w0• for .a full day of golf, food and''fttn !:'' in the sun of corse ! * For information a1;d t9 ·9ook·i;our foursome, "" Call the Choir office 41p·446-0188i i' .• A few single spots afe available but book soon I ::f 4

"How I met my Teacher" personal reflections on formative relationships compiled and edited by Maslza Buell VOICE AS FIRST INSTRUMENT My name is Erin Cooper-Gay and I play the French Horn. These days I am Acting Utility Horn with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and Principal Horn with the Akron and Canton Symphony Orchestras in Ohio (which means I do a lot of driving!). Occasionally I get to sub with The Cleveland Orchestra, which is amazing. And I do as much I can, when time permits. But I wanted to begin by talking about singing. Ever since I can remember, I've been singing. Singing is such a natual extension of oneself. I will always love to sing and I regard it as the foundation for all areas of music. It was truly the musical foundation I began building from when I started playing the horn. My parents, Ann Cooper Gay, and Errol Gay, were my earliest teachers in every way possible. They are still two of my closest mentors. My mother was an opera singer, flutist and organist and my father was a conductor, pianist and trombonist. They both have devoted their lives to music and most importantly to teaching music. My morn always encouraged me (and still does!) to develop my voice. When I was young, I valued her input and paid attention because she was my mother. Now, I also look back and value the millions of hours of dedication coming from a professional singer. My dad, although never a professional singer, fancied himself one. During a performance of Madame Butterfly the baritone character Sharpless started getting hoarse and dad ended up singing the part while conducting from the pit! My mother founded the High Park Girls' Choir of Toi-onto in 1986 when I was seven years old and I sang in it for eleven years. Dad was also an integral part of the organization, accompanying, directing and playing any instrument we needed. It was there that I had some of my most inspiring early musical experiences and became very aware of the power of expression through m1:1- sic. The passion my parents had for music in general and teaching . was contagious and they would often enlist me to lead sectional rehearsals. CONTINUES ••• No Strings Theatre Productions A professional musical theatre training camp for teens (13-19ys) presents Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella. Camp dates: July 6th-28th, 2005 Performances: July 26 & 27 Al Green Theatre (Spadina & Bloor) Auditions (lead roles): May 8 & 15 Please call 416-588-5845 to arrange an audition. .1 · ALEXANDER KATS A first class Russian-trained professional pianist/teacher is now accepting students for regular private lessons or repertoire coaching, from advanced (ARCT, university) to all grades of RCM. DOWNTOWN LOCATION Call: 416·340·1844 Robin Howell • Lessons for recorder, baroque oboe, baroque and modem ba"ssoon, ensemble coaching Love To Sing? Breathe new life into your voice with a unique and sensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy. This is a method which focuses on influencing and improving the coordinative process of the vocal muscles. It brings them into equilibrium, thus eliminating muscular interference. Great for Everyone! •All styles •All Levels •Beginners and Children welcome •Excellent for public speakers, actors, etc. Call Pattie Kelly for private lessons at 905-271-6896 • Bocals for all double reeds, Voicing, Tuning and Restoration • Recorder repair specialist 188 Lansdowne Ave. Toronto, Ontario M6K 2V9 Phone: 416-534-6538 Fax: 1 (530)463-8524 E-mail: Website: Dr. Christopher Burton (Doctor of Musical Arts, Eastman) announces the opening of THE MUSIC ROOM •piano instruction * theory, history instruction *vocal & instrumental coaching * all ages, all levels welcome and accompaniment . Conveniently located in Danforth Baptist Church 60 Bowden St.,Toronto, Ontario (adjacent to Chester Subway) Call (416) 570-6524 or visit us at ··%:@:.;,;.;;;;§;;.'SF;":.:::;•:.:_:,::···c"'';::::::····· · Susarr PurCly Music Certified In Early ChHdhood Music, Orff and Kodflly Music and Movement I and Young Children i I · Classes for Babies, Toddlers I I The Walmer Centre in The Annex Wednesdays Ongoing Registration Free Parking 416-483-6411 Visit for more details. susanbpurdy@rogers .com -'% MAY 1 - JUNE 7 2005 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM AIM YOUR VOICE Organic and functional vocal training to gain access to your full range, resonance and vocal freedom. For singers, public speakers, teachers, clergy. or if you just want to enjoy using your voice! Sue Crowe Connolly Hamilton Studio 905·544· 1302 Toronto Studio 416·523·1154 ••cift Certificates Availci

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