What advice, above all would you give to someone looking for a teacher for a young person, or for themselves? "In looking for a teacher, I would say the most important factor is trust. The student should feel comfortable from the very beginning with a teacher, not only in how they relate to each other, but in what the teacher envisions for the student. was lucky - I had that built-in trust with my parents." *** Erin Cooper-Gay will be performing with the Toronto Symphony through the spring, and in Seattle during the summer. and her trumpet-playing boyfriend, constamly sing while I She, driving .... A1111 Cooper Gay is the Artistic Director of the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus, where she conducts the Principal and Yowh Choruses. Errol Gay is currently Associate Principal Librarian of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and Music Director/Conductor of Orchestra Toronto. He is also a coach and the accompanist for the CCOC Principal and Youth Choruses. Jay Blair, u.e. sales representative! If you're thinking of buying or selling call for a complimentary consu"t -1111111111111111111111 at your horn .. 'I ROYAL LEPAGE or office. ' -1111111111111111111111 416.921.1112 jayblair.com The Heartsong Method healing power, ease, comfort & confidence tlu·ough your authentic voice • Hugh Smiley psychotherapist, musician . 25 I 416-924-4941 on www .hughsmilcy .corn Dr. Mickeler is a member of the rforming Arts Medicine Association ·and speaks regularly on the topic of musician's injuries: prevention and treatment. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT cl' d- Call 416-960-5656 Located at Avenue Rood and St. Clair A CLINIC THAT OFFERS A UNIQUE, INNOVATIVE APROACH TO DIAGNOSING AND TREATING SINGING AND SPEAKING VOICES • ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. THIS APPROACH IS MULTI-DISCIPLINARY: CUTIING·EDGE DIAGNOSTICS FOR ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT WITH A MEDICALLY TRAINED VOICE SPECIALIST, AN EXPERIENCED SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST AND A VOICE COACH • PSYCHOTHERAPY AND CHIROPRACTIC ALSO AVAILABLE. MUSICIANS with the Wyndham Regency Orchestra {www.wyndhamrecency.com} and Toronto Starlight Orchestra {www. slarlightorcheslra.ca}. Limited openings in trumpet, trombone, saxophone. strings and rhythm sections. Visit our websites and call Andrew today @ (416)712-2555. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICE for small business and individuals, lo save you lime and money, customized lo meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-250-0309 or 905-830-2985. BARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorder and virginal available lo provide background atmosphere for teas, receptions or other functions - greater Toronto area. For rates and info call 905-722-5618 or email us al mhpape@interhop.net COPYIST AVAILABLE: full scores, orchestral parts, transpositions {vocal, instrumental); good rates; professional results; phone or e-mail for info/rates. Attila 416-575-7397 takenotedme@hotmail.com EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP, SIGHT SINGING, THEORY, JAZZ THEORY. All levels, professional/serious beginners. Art Levine, MA, ARCT. Host. "Art Music", CBC. 30 years experience: RCM, UofT, York. 416-924-8613. www.artlevine.com; artlevine@sympalico.ca ELEGANT PIANO MUSIC for special events. Beautiful improvisations of 1,000 classics, standards, light jazz. M.Mus. & 2,500 appearances. monakaspar@sympalico.ca 416-695- 9983. EVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committed piano students (emu@interlog.com or 416- HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING. thought you wouldn't or couldn't, or do you just want a place lo play with the possibilities of your voice. Small groups. 6 - . Johanne, 416-461-8425. MUSIC IS FOR EVERYONE! Personalized lessons - ALL age groups: oboe, !lute, clarinet, recorder, beginning piano. Erica Rao B.Ed 416-445-3370 ericarao@yahoo.com MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Small ensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; Cocktail Hour, Dinner music, Concerts. Shows; Classical. Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditional and Smooth Jazz I JSL Musical Productions 905-276-3373. NEW SERVICE: Inexpensive training CDs and AUDIOCASSETTES for ANY piano work. Slow, Moderate and Fast tempo, Right and Left hand, each voice separately etc. Vladimir 416-321- 5627 bethebeslinmusic@Yahoo.com The PERFORMING EDGE Performance enhancement training in tension management, concentration, goal selling, imagery. Individualized to meet your performance situation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinical and performing arts psychology. 416-961-0487, www.theperformingedge.com · PIANO, CHICKERING GRAND 6 foot 5. all new strings, hammers, dampers, bushings, pins and pinblock. Fully regulated, excellent condition. Beautifully rich bass! $10,990, call (416)720-9116. PROFESSIONAL DRUMMER AVAILABLE - over 30 years experience. Experienced playing ALL styles {jazz, Latin, pop, rock, etc.} plus cabaret shows and·musical theatre. Excellent sight-reader. Call Marty Namaro @ 416-439-9518. 504-4297). ::==== • ROB CARROLL Jazz and classical guitar in FLAMENCO GUITAR CLASSES on Paco de struction, theory, ear training 416-977-3531, Lucia's technique and style, by Mf. Ruben www.robcarroll.rsmrecords.com Diaz (Paco de Lucia's disciple}. Free promotional lesson, call 416-406-5355. Also, the best classical and Flamenco guitars ... "Andalusian Guitars are the very best I have seen and heard" ... Paco di Lucia FOR SALE: 54" Heintzman upright piano (1919) totally refurbished by Paul Hahn and Co. in 1997. 00. 416-924-1345. TLC for mustctans bya musician Endurance • Breath Posture • Muscle Release SIMONE TUCCI PIANO TUNER-TECHNI CIAN - Complete Piano Care Service. Affiliated with The Royal Conservatory of Music piano service staff. Registered with O.G.P.T. Servicing Toronto and GTA areas . Call: 416-993-6332 SOPRANO, TENOR: Paid section leaders/soloists sought. Join an excellent choral programme at Rosedale Presbyterian Church. Please apply to: RPC. 129 Mount Pleasant Rd., Toronto M4W 2S3 or music@rpcc.ca by June I. TROMBONISTS WANTED. Wyndham Regency Orchestra {www.wyndhamregency.com). Phone 416-712-2555. TRUMPETERS WANTED. Wyndham Regency Orchestra (www.wyndhamregency.com}. Phone 416-712-2555. YOUR VOICE IS THE MIRROR OF YOUR SOUL. YOUR VOICE IS YOUR LIFE. BRIAN HANDS, MD FRCS (C) AARON LOW, MS CCC-SLP 200 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST SUITE 404 TORONTO M4V 1 R1 MAY 1 - )LINE 7 2005 416.922.0070 www.voxcura.com WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM Dr. Katarina Bulat CHIROPRACTOR Private Practice: Danforth Et Coxwell Tel: 416.461.1906 VIOLIN TEACHER, European trained, 20 yrs. experience. Student average mark al RCM exams -85%. Call Marlin 416-494-3366. WANTED: SINGERS interested in joining a small Toronto-based {mostly} a cappella choir. Some choral experience helpful. Performs 2-3 limes yearly. Call 416-805-9000 for info.
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