9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 9 - June 2005

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  • Festival
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  • Toronto
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OPERA at Home continued

OPERA at Home continued of Tristan und Isolde . There 's not a weak link in the bunch. What really sets this opera writer's heart pounding, however, are Hardy's five DVDs starring Franco Corelli: Pagliacci, Carmen, Forza, Chenier, and Tosca. Just as no man can have too much of London, one cannot have too much Corelli. Debates over who was the greatest tenor of the twentieth century are not resolvable or terribly productive. Corelli, who left this earth two years ago. is often called the "last of the great heroic Italian tenors." He may or may not have been the'last, but he was most certainly great. Carmen, Pagliacci and Forza date from 1954-58. A young Corelli was astonishing Italian opera audiences, and those were very tough audiences indeed. Beyond the visceral pleasure of sharing the excitement of the times, we get invaluable insights into the mannerisms and staging practices of the Golden Age of Opera. Remember that a significant fraction of the audience for these J 950's performances actually saw a Verdi opera while the master was still alive. I look forward to revisiting each of these Corelli collector items in the future. A final word about Hardy DVD prices compared with those of other labels: current prices for opera DVD's run in roughly a -45 range. Hardy's products, currently available via Amazon Canada, are at the high end of the range. That reflects the rise in value of the Euro, plus the intensive work that goes into restoring historical performances for a niche market, albeit a vibrant niche market. Opera fans are much loved by music merchants because of our exceptional penchant for pulling out wallets in pursuit of the Holy. Grail. Hardy DVD's are worth every penny of their premium price. Music THEATRE Spot I ight Summer music theatre around Ontario by Catherine Muir ONE NIGHT ONLY SUMMER HIDEOUT If Rapunzel leaves you This summer, Stone wanting more classic stories Fence Theatre wants you to step back in time. The Golden Valley theatre should be the Dora-Awardcompany is producing nominated JOB: The Hiptwo musicals that bring the Ottawa Valley in the early part of the 1900s to life, following the compa- ny's mandate of provid- told with a modern musical twist, next on your agenda Hop Saga, which is playing for one night only at the Globus Theatre in Lindsay, Ontario on June 28. The show, the biblical story of ing local stories per- Cast members of Stone Fence's Al Capone at the Job retold through hip hop formed by local actors. Al acwa/ Quadeville hideout. Left to right: Ly1111 Davis, Capone's Hideout is a mu- Kc11hry11 White, Grady Franey and Peter Ritchie. and other musical styles by MC Cain and MC Abel, ran sical comedy based on the true sto- ing over nature. Inspired by the previously in Toronto in February/ ry of Al Capone's stay in the area in Barn, the setting for Westben's March 2003 and then again in No- 1942, when he and his gang hid out five-week music festival which vember/December 2003 at Tarranear Quadeville. The musical's first runs this year from late June gon Theatre. The two main charshowing since its premiere in 1992, through July, of which Finley is acters are played by none other the show, running July 6 to August artistic director, he wanted to corn- than the show's writers and direc- 6, features a six-piece band. bine this idea with "the concept of tars Jerome Saibil and Eli Batal- The life and times of famed Otta- finding one's own· natural voice, ion, recent Brown University grads wa Valley songwriter Mac Beattie which I really believe in". The sto- who combined their previous are explored in Stone Fence's sec- ry of Rapunzel embodies both of Fringe Festival hits Job: The Hip ond musical of the season, Looking these concepts perfectly at West- Hop Musical Parts I and II to make Back at Mac or Such is the Life of a ben. The classic tale of a woman the Hip Hop Saga. Using music. Band, running from August JO to discovering her true voice is re- and styles from Beonce, 20 at Stone Fence. The show builds told through ·a modern-day adap- Prokofiev, Mozart, the Beatles, . on last year's hit show On the Air tation, and staged in Westben's Bizet, and more- Job appeals to with Mac's Melodiers. 400-seat rustic barn set in a mead- all musical tastes. Globus Theatre, "The plays are' performed in an ow, "where the best of nature and on line at www, old parish hall built around 1870 music spring to life", as the festi- can be contacted at 1-877-888- in the middle of nowhere. The au- val's website puts it. dience feels like they walked into The present-day Rapunzel sto- another century," says lsh Theil- ry is about Zelda, "a superstar rap For those wanting an urban alterheimer, producer and musical di- singer who is locked in her career native to the out-of-town producrector at Stone Fence. the historic parish hall in the ghost sence and self and learning about Algonquin Park, Ontario. For tick- tune. It is a moving, emotional ets or information call 1-866-310- piece", says Finley. 1004 or visit www LET DOW THE CIVIC LIGHT OPERA COMPANY proudly presents MYFAiR LADY Book & Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner Starring Joe Cascone & Catherine Uy YOUR HAIR Before coming up with the concept for his new musical Rapunzel, playing this summer at· Westben Arts Festival Theatre, just outside of Campbellford, Ontario, Brian Finley was haunted by the concept of a beautiful voice float- Music by Frederick Loewe fAIRVIEW LIBRARY THEATRE Don Mills Rd &SheppardAve.,NorthYork June 9 to 26, 2005 .00; Sen.& Stud. on Wed. & Th. .50 June 9-11, 15-18, 22-25 at a:oo p.m. BOX OFFICE 416-755-1717 June 12, 19, 25, 26 al 2:00 p.m. cal has a 60-member cast and a love. Chris and Adam were Iovsmall orchestra. The cast includes tra, providing live accompaniment, includes percussion, bass, piano, to Claire, however, and must conand synthesizers. Finley says the front his own identity and sociehip hop music was fun to work atre style of music found in the rest of the show. Because hip hop is so "urban and man-made", in the Rapunzel story it represents "the 0038 for information or tickets. URBAN LEGENDS ivory tower. The musical is maintions this summer, one of the most Stone Fence Theatre is based in ly about Zelda finding her true esinteresti ng productions being staged is right in the heart of t h e town of Brudenell, southeast of the myth of money, fame and forcity at the Poor Alex Theatre off Bathurst Street. Running from June LO to July 3, the musical Per- The two-and-a-half-hour musifeet Life takes a different look at ers once, and three years after they 12 principal roles and the archesbreak up the two meet by chance in Toronto. Adam is now engaged ty's narrow definition of love. For with, especially as a dramatic elefurther information or for tickets, ment in contrast to the musical-thewww.per fe ctlif e or call 416-817-7498. ASTRO A great resource for summr thea­ ·blackness of success and working tre listings can be found at against one's own will." The new musical, music and Ii- Theatres 'Round Ontario. The web­ bretto by Brian Finley, with Donna Bennett and Michael Burgess, is playing June 10 to 19 at West- ben. For more information or tick- with play synopses, ticket and conets to Rapunzel, visit Westben's website at or call 1-877-883-5777. www, the web- site for the Association of Summer site gives information about what is playing where around Ontario, al6ng tact information, and links to each theatre's website. 30 WWW. THEWHOlENOTE.COM ]UNE 1 - ] UlY 7 2005

Toronto Musicians' Association News NEWS FROM WHOLENOTE compiled and edited by Brian Blain MEMBERS OF the Toronto Musicians' Association, Canadian Actors' Equity Association and the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees have launched a consumer boycott of Blue Man Group, who are opening a new production in To- _ .. .___ ___.,.__ _ _.._,__ __ __J ronto at the newly-renovated Panasonic Theatre (formerly the New Yorker Theatre). Blue Man Group producers have repeatedly ignored requests to negotiate contracts specifying base pay, benefits and defined working conditions with Equity, the TMA and IA TSE and a joint consumer boycott is - underway in order to pressure the producers to negotiate fair and equitable contracts with artists and technicians. For more info and to sign the on-line petition, visit TMA Golf Tournament: The Toronto Musicians' Association hosts an annual golf tournament for TMA members and guests. This year, it is on Monday, July 11 with 9:30 - 11 :00 am. tee-off times. Green fees and lunch cost . 78 each golfer. To add a cart, the fee is .78 per person. Our tournament flogging takes place at the beautiful Shawneeki Golf & Country Club, 18543 Woodbine Ave. Uust east of Newmarket). All golfers are eligible for prizes, but only TMA members can win the trophy! Assistance with prizes and prize donations are always welcome. Contact Doriann Forrester before July 4th at: 416 693-8778 or to book tee-off times. Music Memorabilia: The Toronto Musicians' Association has a lot of old memorabilia and some interested members have been going through this treasure trove to begin the long process of cataloguing and archiving. If you have any material of interest from the early days of the Toronto music scene, please contact the office so that we can begin gathering a list of resources. Contact TMA president Rosemary Galloway at 416-421-1020 ext 222 or· email TMA Instrument Bank: The TMA instrument bank continues to capture the interest and enthusiasm of our members and the public. We have been receiving calls from members offering donations, for which we are most grateful. We now have 3 violins, a set of cymbals, and the promise of a trumpet available to lend to deserving students. Some instruments are student quality, ' while others are of greater value; some will need work to restore them. We are developing loan agreements, and if you know of anyone who has an instrument to lend or donate, we are ready! Please contact Corkie Davis at or 416-503-3016 In The Schools: The Music Education Committee kicked off its first project on Wednesday April 27 at St. Boniface School, made possible by the generous assistance of the American Federation of Musicians' Music Performance Fund, the committee members, and the members who developed this first program on the basics of rhythm, focussed on grades 6, 7, and 8. If you are a teacher, and would like to have this program in your school, please call Jane Fair at 416-741-4479 or Rosemary Galloway at 416-421-1020, ext 222. The program has been developed by members Jane Fair, Brian Katz, and Alan Heatherington. It combines the use of improvisation, dance, and latin percussion to teach basic rhythmic concepts. We'd like to hear from you: The TMA invites WholeNote readers to give us your feedback on this new column. If you have any suggestions for news items relating to members of the TMA, please·forward them to Please include the word "WholeNote" in the subject line. BooK Shelf by Pamela Margles will return in July .• June 6: "Nine Mondays" Salon# 8: an exciting evening of World Music, hosted by World View columnist Karen Ages. (See "World View" on page 23.) • July 4: "Nine Mondays" Salon# 9: Jazz, hosted by WholeNote jazz listings editor Sophia Perlman. • The next issue of Whole Note covers from July 1 to Sept. 7. - Listings deadline: 6:00, Wednesday, June 15. -Advertising booking deadline: 6:00, Wednesday, June 15. - Camera-ready art is due Friday, June 17. •Upcoming editorial focuses: - July: Summer Music Festivals, Part 2; Musical Instruments, Part 1: Musicians talk about their instruments - September: Musical Instruments, Part 2: The concert band - October: Members' profiles • Memberships Concert presenters, take note: the time to take out or renew your WholeNote membership is coming soon. Organizations in our database will be contacted by July 8. If you have not received an invitation to become a member by that date or if you think you are not in our database or would like more information, please contact us at: memberships@thewholenote.corr or 416-323-2232 AARON BROCK 45 ACROBAT Music 51 ALCESTE CONCERTS 34 ALEXANDER KATS 44 ALLISON LYNN 39 ANNO 00MINI CHAMBER SINGERS 21, 38 ARMENIOUS VIOLINS 18 ATMA 59 BAY BLOOR RADIO 64 BRon SUMMER Music FESTIVAL Gl2 BRUCE VOGT 0 37 CANCLONE 53 CBC RECORDS 49 CHRIST CHURCH JAZZ VESPERS 27 CIVIC LIGHT OPERA COMPANY 30 CosMo Music 16 COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA 34 COUNTERPOINT CHORALE 20 DAVE SNIDER Music CENTRE 23 ElORA CENTRE FOR THE ARTS 28 ElORA FESTIVAL G lO FESTIVAL OE LANAUOltRE 5 FESTIVAL Of THE SOUND G9 FESTIVAL WINO ORCHESTRA 37 GEORGE HEINL 19 GILLMORE RECORDS 46 GMP PRODUCTIONS 27 GRANO RIVER BAROQUE FESTIVAL 3 GREEN TOURIST ASSOCIATION 6 HARKNETI MUSICAL SERVICES 28 HEUCONIAN HALL 45 HIGH PARK CHOIRS 20 HUMMINGBIRD CENTRE 38 JANET CATHERINE 0EA 44 JAY BLAIR 45 • JUBILATE SINGERS 22,35 ADVERTISERS INDEX KARL MACHAT 53 KATARINA BULAT 45 K1os ON BROADWAY 43 K1NCAR01NE SUMMER Music G 16 LAKESHORE ARTS 27 LOCKRIDGE H1F1 55 LONG & McOuAOE 23 MARJORIE SPARKS VOICE STUDIO 32 MARKHAM THEATRE 7 METROPOLITAN UNITED CHURCH 42 MIKROKOSMOS 51 MONICA ZERBE 3 6 MONTREAL BAROOUE FESTIVAL 59 Music GALLERY 25 Music IN THE ORCHARD, TORONTO CULTURE 22 Music MONDAYS 33 Music ON THE H1LL 33 Music TORONTO 11, 37 NAOINA MACKIE JACKSON 51 NAXOS Of CANADA 4 7 NEW SCHOOL Of CLASSICAL VOCAL STUDIES 35 No STRINGS THEATRE PRODUCTIONS 43 ORPHEUS CHOIR 43 OnAWA INT'L. CHAMBER Music FESTIVAL 61 PAST PERFECT 33 P ATIIE Km Y 44 PETER MAHON 20 PHILIP l. DAVIS, LUTHIER 18 0UEEN Of PUDDINGS 15 RICHARD TAVERNER 45 ROBERT LOWREY' S PIANO EXPERTS 14 ROBIN Howm 32 SAMANTHA CHANG 36 SHORELEAVES 60 SHOW ONE PRODUCTIONS 38 SIGHT SINGING WORKSHOP 20 SINFONIA TORONTO 13 SIRIUS THEATRICAL COMPANY 44 SN TouR1SME CuLTUREL G3 SONGBIRD STUDIOS 45 SOUND POST 19 SouNoSTREAMS CANADA 63 SRI CANADA 8 ST JAMES' CATHEDRAL 21 STRATFORD SUMMER Music G 1 1 STUDIO 92 52 SuE CROWE CoNNOLL y 44 SusAN PuROY Music 45 T AfELMUSIK 19 TEMPLE SINAI 37 TOREADOR Music RECORDING FACILITIES 51 TORONTO ALL·STAR BIG BAND 33 TORONTO CENTRE FOR THE ARTS 10 TORONTO 00WNTOWN JAZZ FESTIVAL G 13 TORONTO JEWISH FOLK CHOIR 34 ToRONTO Music COMPETITION 35 TORONTO SUMMER CHAMBER Music FESTIVAL 2 TSO 4, 62 TORONTO WINO ORCHESTRA 43 TRUE NORTH BRASS 39 u Of T FACULTY Of Music 17 UNIVERSAL Music 57, 58 VICTORIA SCHOLARS 36 VIVA! YOUTH SINGERS 21 VOCALPOINT CHAMBER CHOIR 21 WAOOINGTON's AUCTION HouSI 16 WHOLE NOTE ANNOUNCEMENTS 31 WOMEN'S MUSICAL CLUB 17 J UNE 1 · J ULY 7 2005 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM 31

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)