9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 9 - June 2005

  • Text
  • Festival
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • Concerts
  • Theatre
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Arts
  • Choral
  • Classical

' _ :..: ... CONCERT

' _ :..: ... CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA popular Italian songs. Adele Kozak, lyric so· prano; Florence Maltese & Kathryn Kossow, mezzos & other singers; Raisa Nakhmanovich piano accompanist. The Stone Church, 45 Dav'. enport Rd. 416·927·9800. ,. - 8:00: Queen of Puddings Music Thea· tre. The Midnight Court. Music by Ana Sokolovic; Dairine Ni Mheadhra & John Hess, artistic directors; Shannon Mercer, soprano; Krisztina Szabo, mezzo; Alexander Dobson, baritone. Harbourfront Centre The· atre, 231 Queens Quay West. 416·973· 4000. . For complete run see music theatre listings. . - 8:00: Soundstrea-ms Canada. Northern Voices Choral Festival: Tafelmusik Chamber Choir. Motets by Bach & Homilius; works by van Buren, Schanderl & Richardson. Frieder Bernius, guest conductor. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. East. 4 l 6·366·7723. -. - 8:00: Voices. From the Eastern Sky. Evening of sacred & secular music from Eastern Europe, the Far East and Down Under; chance for audienċe to request a musical selection to be sung by the choir next season. Ron Ka Ming Cheung, conduc· tor. St. Thomas ' s Church, 383 Huron St. 416·924·0753. $ 20, . Sunday June 12 - 1 :30: Spadina Historical House and Gardens. Music in the Orchard: Members of the Yiddish Swingtet. Traditional Klez· mer songs; American swing. Jonna Light· sjone, clarinet; Tony Quarrington, guitar & mandolin. 285 Spadina Rd. 416·392·691 O. Free. - 2:00: The Choralairs. Closing Concert. Varied programme of Broadway, pop & folk songs. Earl Bales Park Community Centre Social Hall, 4169 Bathurst St. 416·631 · 0029. Free. - 2:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Musically Speaking: Musick's Handmaid. Valerie Sylvester, Sheila Smyth & other performers. Holy Trinity Church, 10 Trinity Square. 416·966· 1409. Free. 3:00: Euromusic Centre. Karl lo, pian· 1st m a Performance of Beethoven Piano Sonatas. Beethoven: Sonata in F sharp Op.78; Sonata in G Op.14 /12; Sonata in c sharp Op.27 /12 Moonlight; Sonata in A Op.2 /12; Sonata in E Op.109. Euro music Recital Hall, 2651 John St.. Unit 8, Markham. 905·946-8040. $10. - 3:00: Mooredale Youth Orchestras. Featuring performers ages 6-l 8. Rosedale Heights School, 711 Bloor St. East. 416· 922·3714 x103. ,$10. 3:00: Soundstreams Canada. Northern Voices Choral Festival.· Voices of Youth/Ham· rah/Jd. Works by Icelandic composers. Thorger· dur lngolfsdottir, conductor. St. Paul ' s Basilica ' 83 Power St. 416·366· 7723. -. - 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. The Phenomenal Feidman! Roy Thomson Hall. See Jun 11. - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers: Bruce Harvey Trio. Bruce Harvey, piano; George Kozub, bass; 'Tom Jestadt, drums. 1570 Yonge St. 416·920·5211. Free !donation). - 4:30: Edward Brescacin, flute & Cecilia lgnatieff, piano. Works by Khatcha· turian, Bach, Taffanel, Sancan, Schubert. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·241- 1367. , children free when accompanied 6y an adult. - 4:30: Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Brass in the Grass: Swing Jazz Com· bo. John Liddle & friends. Assembly Hall grounds, 1 Colonel Sam Smith Park Or . 416-410-1570. Free'. - 7:30: Brampton Festival Singers. Sarah Silverman, piano in Concert. Works by. Scarlatti, Haydn, Chopin & Prokofiev. North Bramalea United Church, 363 Howden Blvd .. Brampton. 905·793-4600 . • , O, child under 5 free. - 8:00: Soundstreams Canada. Northern Voices Choral Festival: Closing Concert. Strauss: Der Abend; Brahms: Fest-und Gedenkspruche; Vasks: Dona Nobis Pacem· Penderecki: Stabat Mater; Mantyjarvi: Four Shakespeare Songs; Hetu: Les Illusions Fanees. Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble· Danish National Radio Choir; Elmer lseier Singers; Peter Dijkstra, conductor. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. East. 416-366-7723. ·. Monday June 13 - 12:15: Church of the Holy Trinity. Music Mondays: For the Ears of Mortals. William Beauvais, composer/guitar; Alan Hetherington, percussion; Julian Knight, viola; Terri! McGuire, dancer/choreogra· pher. 10 Trinity Square. 416-598-4521. suggested donation. • - 7:30: Cantabile Chorale of York Re· gion. Strawberries and Song. Robert Richardson, conductor; Lona Richardson, ac· companist. Thornhill Presbyterian Church, Centre Street, Thornhill. 905· 731-8318. ,,. - 7:30: St. Lawrence Hll. Celebration of the I B51 Jenny Lind Concert in the Great Hall. Mia Karlsson, soprano; Jonas Olsson, piano. 157 King St. East. 416-447-4454 416-425-2000. . . • En°glish Composers A varied programme of original music for men's voices in a tribute td: welJ-lmoWn \ English composers. Wqrks by B'frd, Britten Elgar, Stanfordallis ng_,vlg,han W#lis ., Sunday ,;JUJJ.e... 12 20:05 ,8pm Our Ladyfot Sorrows ch.urh 3055 Bloor Street West, Tornto " Adults :seniort& Studets for tickets call 416:761.7776 Tuesday June 14 - 1 :OD: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday: Annual Request Recital. Program of works requested throughout the year by series attendees. Michael Bloss & David Low organ· ists. 65 Church St. 416·364-7865 x2J1. Free. - 7:30: Cantabile Chorale of York Re· gion. Strawberries and Song. Thornhill Presbyterian Church. See June 13. - 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Summer Institute. Grand Finale Concert. Baroque extravagnza. Combined forces of the TBSI Or· chestra, Tafelmusik Orchestra, TBSl·Choir & Tafelmusik Choir. Grace Church on·the-Hill ' 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-964·9562. Free. Wednesday June 15 - 12:30: Yorkminster Park Church. Noonday Recital: Karen Rymal, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free. - 7:00: Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Twilight Concert in the Park Guests: Etobicoke Jazz Band. The reen, Applewood Homestead, 450 The West Mall. 416-410-1570. Free. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Images of Vienna. Berg (arch. Verbey): Piano Sonata Op.1; Schubert: Konzertstlick for Violin & Orchestra; Kreisler: Liebesleid· ' Liebesfreud; Caprice Viennois; Tambourin Chinois; Brahms: Symphony /14. Leila Josefowicz, violin; Peter Oundjian, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416·593- 4828. - D. Thursday June 16 - 12: 15: St. John's York Mills Church. Music On The Hill: Nathalie Nadon, cabaret _ smger; Michael Barber, piano. 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416-225-6611. Free !donations accepted). - 2:00: Northern District library. Alchemy. Music by Mozart, Martinu, Schumann & Beethoven. Sylvia Davis, flute; Larkin Hinder, bassoon; Tricia Balmer, cello; Mar- c1a Beach & Meri Gee, piano. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-761 o. Free. - 7:00: North York Concert Band. Music Under the Stars. Evening of jazz, show ward Liddle, conductor. Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge. 905-47D-0272'. Free. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Images of Vienna. Roy Thomson Hall. See Jun 15. Friday June 17 - 7:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. Taste of little Italy Performance. College & Bathurst Sts. 416-231-5695. Free. Monica Zerbe mezzo-soprano B_rahm Goldhamer. pianist Chausson. Dvorak Rachmaninoff. Wagner Friday, June 17, 8:00 pm Humbercrest United Church 16 Baby Point Road Tickets: $10 416-259-7394 - 8:00: Monica Zerbe, mezzo and Brahm Goldhamer, piano. Songs by Chausson, Rachmaninoff & Wagner. Humbercrest United Church, 16 Baby Point Rd. 416-259-7394. $10. 1 _ ____________ B : a Samantha C/iang's Recital Friday, June 17, 2005 8:00 pm Studio Theatre 7bronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge Street Special Guests: Ellen Meyer James Xia Jessica Jia Ping Zhang Program Includes: Boehm. Bozza. Mozart, Prokofiev. Schubert, etc. - 8:00: Samantha Chang. Me, My Flute, & I. Music by Boehm, Bozza, Mozart, Prokofiev, Schubert & others. Guests: Ellen Meyer, James Xja, Jessica Jia & Ping Zhang. Studio Theatre, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416·293·3974. . Saturday June 18 - 7:00: Rumi Art Society. 6th Annual Bumi Ensemble Concert. Mo Jamal, violin & setar; Ghazal Raisi, Habib Nazeri & other vocalists; Ariana Deda, cello; Omid Moshref, tombak & santour & other musitunes & the music of Hollywood. John Edcians. Earl Haig Auditorium, 100 Princess Ave. 416-492·7292. . - 7:00: Toronto All·Star Big Band. Taste of little Italy Performance. College & hu:.:. r ::: t ;:: st Sts. See June 17. Tickets: Info: 416-293-3974 or )UNE 1 -)ULY 7 2005

- 7:30: Kodaly Ensemble. 45th Anniver· sary Gala Concert. Fekete Fiild Folk Music Ensemble; Scola Cantorum; Duvo Folk Mu· sic Ensemble; Eletfa Folk Music Ensemble; Kecskeszem Folk Music Ensemble. MacMil· Ian Theatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416·439· 5323. . - 7:30: Oratory Children's Choir. Con· cert of Sacred Music. Guests: Natalie Ma· hon, soprano; Simon Waegemaekers, organ. Holy Family Church, 1372 King St. West. 416·532·2879. O(suggested donation). Fundraising effort to purchase (Ousic for the Oratory Children's Choir. - 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Images of Vienna. Roy Thomson Hall. See Jun 15. ·. - 8:00: Beaches Presbyterian Church. Carmen Fantasies. Bizet: Carmen (selec· lions); Saint·Saens: Fantaisie; Schafer: Wild Bird; Louie: From the Eastern Gate. Patricia O'Callaghan, soprano; Lori Gemmell, harp; Etsuko Kimura, violin; Tom Allen, storytell· er. 65 Glen Manor Dr. 416·699·5871. or 5 for $100. - 8:00: Brassfully Yours. Ewald: Quintet #2; Barber: Adagio; music by Wagner, Mo· zart, Purcell. Joplin & others. Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. West. 416· 409·4637. $10. - 8:00: Singing Studio of Deborah Staiman. Feast of Show Tunes. Broadway & popular classics. Church of the Transfig· uration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416·483· 9532. $10. - 8:00: Guitar Society of Toronto. Bagh· er Moazem, guitar. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park Cres. 416·922·8002. ,$10. Sunday June 19 - 1 :30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery. Richard Whiteman, jazz vocals. 10365 lsling· ton Ave., Kleinburg. 905·893· 1121. Gallery admission: ,, (family rate). - 1 :30: Spadina Historical House and Gardens. Music in the Orchard: Vansickle Ensemble. Music of the early 20th century for woodwinds & strings. 285 Spadina Rd. 416·392·6910. Free. - 2:00: Juan Tomas. Variety Show. Mu· sic by ABBA, Nat King Cole, Ellington, Orbi· son & others. Juan Tomas Show Band; Rea BRUCE VOGT Piano Recital Jacques Israelievitch & Friends presents a special Father's Day event at Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto 210 Wilson Ave. (between Avenue Rd. & Bathurst) Sunday, June 19, 2005 at 4.00 p.m. Jacques Israelievitch, violinist Michael lsraelievitch, percussionist Winona Zelenka, cellist Teng Li, violist Jacques lsraelievitch and his son, percussionist Michael lsraelievitch, along with the principal cellist of the TSO, Winona Zelenka, and the principal violist of the TSO, Teng Li, j.oin in a Father's Day concert. This joyous program will include music of Mozart, Colgrass, Honegger, Piazzolla, and Srul Irving Glick. Enrich your Father's Day celebration with this special concert! Tickets: .00 available at all Knigomania locations or call Temple Sinai [ 416] 487.4161. Temple Sinai is wheelchair accessible. A special project of Temple Sinai's Musical Legacy Series Paulite; guest: Gladys Ho, piano. Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Drive. 416·928· 0111. Free .. - 2:30: Bruce Vogt. Piano Recital. Music by Liszt, Beethoven, Chopin & others. Heliconian Hall. 35 Hazelton Ave. 416· 769·6440. - 4:00: Jacques lsraelievitch & Friends. Father's Oay Concert. Music by Mozart. Col· grass. Honegger, Piazzolla & Glick. Jacqus lsraelievitch, violin; Michael lsraelievitch, per· cussion; Winona Zelenka, cello; Teng Li, viola. Temple Sinai Congregation, 210 Wilson Ave. 416-487-4161. . - 4:00: University Settlement Choir, Chamber Choir & Children's Choir. It's a Grand Time for Singing. Show tunes, folk & classical music from around the world. Bellefair United Church, 2 Bellefair Ave. 416·598·3444 x243/244. . Monday June 20 - 12:15: Church of the Holy Trinity. Music Mondays: William Westcott, jazz/ blues piano. 10 Trinity Square. 416·598· 4521. suggested donation. Tuesday June 21 - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday: John Clodig, organ. 65 Church St. 416·364·7865 x231. Free. - 7:30: Koffler Centre of the Arts. Kof· fler Adult Band. Selection of pieces ranging from Broadway tunes, popular folk songs, traditional music & pop. Resa Kochberg, conductor. Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst St. 416·636·1880 x228. . - 7:30: Music Toronto. Brahms - Echoes of the past, gateways to the future. lllumi· nating commentary on and complete per· formance of Brahms: Piano Trio in C Op.87. Featured artists: Gryphon Trio, Gary Kule· sha. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416·366·7723. , (st), O(ac· companying adult). - 7:30: Thornhill Community Band. Broadway, classical, popular, traditional & commissioned works. Denny Ringler, music director. Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge. 416·223·7152. Free. - 8:00: CONTACT contemporary music. Transformed. Music by Sharman, Piper, Oswald, Wolman. Patricia Green, Bob Wise· man, Flare, Andy Morris, guest performers. The 519 Church Street Community Centre, 519 Church St. 416·902· 7010. , $10(sr), (st). - 8:00: Festival Wind Orchestra. Sum· mertime Pops Concert. Selections from Chicago; Sinatra medley; Light Cavalry Overture; Disney Movie Magic and more. Guests include Mark Ruhnke, baritone; Gen· nady Getter, conductor. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 905·881·4255. ,$10. Thursday June 23 - 12:15: St. John's York Mills Church. Music On The Hitt.· Arrane, the Folk Music Group. 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416·225·6611. Free (donations accepted). Friday June 24 - 12:30: St. Andrew's United Church, Markham. Noonday Organ Recital: William Maddox, organ. Music by Bach & Handel. 32 Main St. North, Hwys 48 and 7, Markham. 905·294·0351. Free. - 7:00: Harbourfront Centre. la Reine Soleil. Marie·Monique Jean·Gilles, musical storyteller. For children & adults. CIBC Stage, 235 Queens Quay West. 416·973· 4000. Free. CONCERT LISTINGS: GTA ... FESTIVAL WIND ORC·HESTRA Gennady Gefter, Conductor !UMMIRTIMI POP! ....... r.::::-:t:'!1 ._. __ erra.•!!fAl/I& lllR.u•• light music selections for all ages! Special guests incll!ding baritone vocalist Mork Ruhnke. Tuesday, June 21 at 8 p.m. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street (at Heath, 2 blocks north of St. Clair, close to nc & municipal parking) Adults ; Students 0 To reserve call 905-881-4255 or v· 't UNE1-)ULY7 05 WWW.THEWH LENOTE.COM 7

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