9 years ago

Volume 10 Issue 9 - June 2005

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  • Festival
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • Concerts
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  • Orchestra
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  • Classical


••• SOUTHERN ONTARIO, CONTINUES Tuesday June 07 - 8:00: lighthouse Festival Theatre. Sitting Pretty. Musical by Foster & Thu· mas. 247 Main St.. Port Dover. 519-583· 2221. (preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday June 08 - 2:00 & 8:00: Drayton Festival Thea· tre. The World Goes 'Round. Songs of Kander & Ebb. . David Rogers, director. 33 Wellington St. South. Drayton. 888-449· 4463. For complete run see music theatre listings. Friday June 10 - 7:00: Westben Arts Festival Theatre. Finley: Rapunzel. Donna Bennett. soprano; Michael Burgess, tenor; Gabrielle Prata, mezzo; Robert Longo, baritone & other per· formers; Brian Finley, music director. The Barn, 3 km northwest of Campbellford on County Road 30. 705-653-5508, 877-883· 5777. -. For complete run see mu· sic theatre listings. - 8:00: Brad Halls. Words and Music - Movie Music Masters: The Songs of Henry Mancini and Michel LeGrand. Music from their movies. Guests: Blair McFadden & Christine Vanderbank, vocalists. The Con· cert Hall at Victoria Hall, 55 King St. West, Cobourg. 905-372-2210. - 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. Guar· tetFest: Penderecki Guartet. Guest: Atar Arad, viola. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, WLU, Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2631. . (sr), (st), series passes available. Saturday June 11 - 2:00: Collingwood Music Festival. Pre-season Concert: Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf. Douglas Nadler & the Westmin· Lorne Scots Pipes & Drums; Hamilton Police Pipes & Drums & other performers. Copps Coliseum, 101 York Blvd., Hamilton. 905· 523-1753, 905-546-4040. , (sr), (st), (child under 13), group rate. - 3:00: Wilfrid laurier University. GuarletFest: Young Artists. Maureen Forrest· er Recital Hall, WLU, Waterloo. 519-884· 0710 x2631. O. , series passes availa· ble. - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Bernie Senensky, piano; Andrew Scott, guitar; Jake Wilkin· son, trumpet; Joel Haynes. The Church at Sonya, Simcoe Street 13 k north of Port Pery. 705-357-2468. Wednesday June 15 - 2:30 & 8:00: Thousand Islands Playhouse. Dads 2: The Toddler's Revenge. Musical by More & Doyle. Springer Thea· tre, 690 Charles St. South. Gananoque. 866-382-7020. ,. (child/stl. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 7:30: Oshawa Civic Band. Summer Concert. Guest artists; Barrie Hodgins, di· rector of music. Mclaughlin Bandshell, Me· morial Park, Oshawa. 905-579-2220. Free. Saturday June 18 - 7:30: Lauren Roy & Friends. Ang/Tish· ler: One More Memory; contemporary, jazz & original music. Sara Westbrooke; Nicole Tishler; Lauren Roy and her Jazz Ensemble. Paris Presbyterian Church, 164 Grand Riv· er St. North. 519-442-5763. . Portion of the proceeds to Alzheimers Society of Brantlord. Wednesday June 22 - 8:00: Brockville Arts Centre. They're Playing Our Song. By Neil Simon; music by Marvin Hamlisch. 235 King St. West, Brockville. 877-342-7122. For complete ster Ensemble. New Life Church, 28 Tracey ' run see music theatre listings. Lane, Collingwood. 888-283-1712. $10,. - 3:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. GuartetFest: Young Artists. Maureen For· rester Recital Hall, WLU. Waterloo. 519· 884-0710 x2631. $10. , series passes available. - 8:00: Brad Halls. Words and Music - Movie Music Masters: The Songs of Henry Mancini and Michel LeGrand. The Concert Hall at V.ictoria Hall, Cobourg. See June 10. - 8:00: Uxbridge Music Hall. Jack de Keyzer: The Silver Anniversary Concert. Jack de Keyzer, guitar, vocals, songwriter; Tony Ajo, drums; Al Dully, bass; Chris Mur· phy, sax; Martin Aucoin, piano/organ; Kelly Craig, trumpet. 16 Main St. South, Ux· bridge. 416-686-1616. Sunday June 12 - 2:00: Alchemy. An Hour of Chamber Music. Mozart: Sonata K.292; Martinu: Trio; Schumann: Selected piano duets Op.85; Beethoven: Trio Wo037. Sylvia Dav· is, flute; Larkin Hinder, bassoon; Tricia Balmer, cello; Marcia Beach & Meri Gee, piano. Royal Gardens Retirement Home, 1160 Clonsilla Ave., Peterborough. 705· 741-6036. Free. - 2:30: Hamilton International Tattoo. Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Band; Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada Drums; Town of Dundas Pipes and Drums; Thursday June 23 - 8:00: Bluewater Summer Playhouse. A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline. By Dean Regan. Kincardine Centre for the Arts, 707A Queen Street. 877-396-5722. . For complete run see music theatre listings. Friday June 24 - 7:00: MusicMakers. Fit For A Oueen. Gilbert & Sullivan: excerpts from The Gun· doliers. H.M.S. Pinafore, Iolanthe, The Mi· kado, Patience & other operettas. Victoria Hall Concert Hall, 55 King St. West, Co· bourg. 905-372-2210. . For complete run see music theatre listings. Sunday June 26 - 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Sunday Cof· fee Concert. String Guartet in Residence. Lobby, Festival Theatre, 10 Queen's Pa· rade, Niagara-on-the-lake. 800-511 · 7429. Free. Tuesday June 28 - 7: 15: Barrie Concert Band. Daniel Johnston, conductor. Barrie City Hall Ro· tunda, 70 Collier St. 705· 721-6863. Free. - 8:00: Glob us Theatre. Job: The H ip·Hop Saga. Written & performed by Jerome Sable & Eli Batalion. Academy Theatre, Lindsay. 877-888-0038. ,(st), group rate. - 8:00: King's Wharf Theatre. Give My Regards To Broadway. Created by & starring David Rogers; musical arrangements by Mark Camilleri; Alex Mustakas, director. 97 Jury Dr .• Discovery Harbour, Penetanguishene. 888-449-4463. , (18 & under), group rate. For complete run see music theatre list· ings. - 8:00: Theatre Cambridge. Five Guys Named Moe. Book & lyrics by Louis Jordan; starring Denis Simpson, Joe Sealy & Mat· thew Brown. Cambridge Arts Theatre, 47 Water St. South. 800-265-8977. To .50. For complete run see music thea· tre listings. Wednesday June 29 - 12: 15: Viola Camp 2005 Concert. Vio· la Inflections. Golden: Inflection; Klezmer. Dan Golden, viola; Marg Stowe, guitar; the Viola Campers. The Chapel, First United Church, King & William Sts .• Waterloo. 519-743-8946. Freewill donation. - 7:30: Oshawa Civic Band. Summer Concert. Guest artists; Barrie Hodgins, di· rector of music. Mclaghlin Bandshell, Me· morial Park, Oshawa. 905-579-2220. Free. Thursday June 30 - 12: 15: Viola Camp 2005 Concert. Car· men Moggach and Viola Camp Faculty. Brit· ten: Elegy; Biggs: Invention for viola and tape; Clarke: Sonata. The Chapel, First United Church, King & William Sts .• Water· loo. 519-743-8946. Freewill donation. - 2:00 & 8:00: Sunshine Festival Thea· tre Company. Jesus Christ Superstar. By Lloyd Webber & Rice. Drillia Opera House, corner of West & Mississaga Sts. 800-683· 8747. ,. For complete run see music theatre listings. Monday July 04 - 12: 15: Viola Camp 2005 Concert. Dav· id Rose, viola and Ann Rose, piano. Kreisler: Midnight Bells; Praeludium and Allegro; Saras· ate: Introduction and Tarantella; works by Telemann, A.Rose, Arad. The Chapel. First United Church, King & William Sts .• Water· loo. 519-743-8946. Freewill donation. - 8:00: Gryphon Theatre. They're Playing Dur Song. By Neil Simon; music by Marvin Hamlisch. Georgian College, 1 Georgian Dr., 'Barrie. 705-728-4613. . For complete run see music theatre listings. Tuesday July 05 - 12:15: Viola Camp 2005 Concert. Ke!· vin Enns, viola. Stravinsky: Elegy; jazz standards. The Chapel, First United Church, King & William Sts .. Waterloo. 519-743· 8946. Freewill donation. - 8:00: Bill Askew and his Orchestra. Summer Concert. Mclaughlin Bands hell, MemoFial Park, Oshawa. 905-579-2220. Free. - 8:00: Concert Band of Cobourg. Victo· ria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888-262· 6874, 905-372-0679. Free. Wednesday July 06 - 7:30: Stone Fence Theatre. Al Ca· pone's Hideout fin Guadeville!I Musical. Golden Lake ON. 866-310-1004. be· lore July 1, after. For complete run see music theatre listings. OPERA AND MUSIC THEATRE A Closer Walk With Patsy Clina. Bluewater Summer Playhouse. By Dean Regan. June 23-July 9, various times. Kincardine Centre for the Arts, 707 A Queen Street. 877-396-5722. (eve), (mat). Ain't Misbabavin: Canstage. Music by Fats Waller; starring Jackie Richardson. To June 25. Mon-Sat: 8:00, Wed: 1 :30; Sat: 2:00. Bluma Appel Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416-368-3110. -. Al Capon11's Hid11out (in Duad11vill11!J Stone Fence Theatre. Musical. July 6-Aug 6: 7:30. Golden Lake ON. 866-310-1004. before July 1, alter. 811auty and th11811ast. Huron Country Playhouse. By Menken, Ashman & Rice. Alex Mustakas, director. To July 2. RR #1, B Line, Grand Bend. 888-449-4463. , ( 18 & under), group rate. 811auty and th11 811ast. TCDSB Staff Arts. By Menken, Ashman & Rice. Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts. 36 Greenfield Ave. June 3.4. 9-11: 7:30, June 5: 2:00. 416-222-8282 x2787. ,$10. 811n11atb th11 Banyan Tr1111. Red Barn Theatre. Fusion of theatre, traditional Indian & co'ntemporary dance, movement & music. For ages 8 to 15. June 4: 7:00. 991 Lake Dr. East, Jackson's Point. 888-733· 2276, 905-722-3249. . Blu11 Man Group. Percussion & Dadaist performance art. Previews begin June 5, regular run June 14 to mid-August. Tues· Thurs: 8:00; Fri. Sat: 7:00 & 1 O:OOpm; Sun: 2:00. Panasonic Theatre, 651 Yonge. 416-872-1111. . 8y11 By11 Birdie. Kids on Broadway. By Strouse & Adams. June 3 & 4: 7:00. Assembly Hall, 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr. 416-237-9738. ,. City·Od11ssa Stori11s. Gesher Theater. Stories of Isaac Babel with original music & songs. June 4: 8:00, June 5: 2:00 & 7:00. Toronto Centre for the Arts. 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. Dads 2: Th11 Todd/11r's R11v11ng11. Thousand Islands Playhouse. Musical by More & Doyle. June 15-July 16. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed, Sat, Sun: 2:30. Springer Theatre, 690 Charles St. South,. Gananoque. 866-382-7020. ,, (child/st). Dads! Tb11 Musical. Victoria Playhouse Petralia. To June 11. Victoria Hall, Greenfield St .. Petrolia. 800-717-7694. -. Dora th11 Explorer Liv11: Dora's Pirat11 Adv11ntur11. Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts. Musical for children. June 1-3: 7:00, June 2: 10:30am; June 4: 1 O:OOam, 1 :30 & 5:30; June 5: 10:00am & 1:30. 1 Front St. East. 416-872-2262. -, group rates. Evita. Mirvish Productions. By Lloyd Webber/Rice. Starring Kathy Voytko, Bradley Dean, Philip Hernandez, Gabriel Burralato & Kate Manning. To June 5. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed & Sun: 2:00. Princess of Wales Theatre, 300 King St. West. 40 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM )UNE 1 -)ULY 7 200S

872-1212. -. Fit For A Oueen. MusicMakers. Gilbert & Sullivan: excerpts from The Gondoliers, H.M.S. Pinafore, Iolanthe, The Mikado, Patience & other operettas. June 24: 7:00; June 25, July 1,2: 8:00; June 25,26, July 2: 2:00. Victoria Hall, Concert Hall, 55 King St. West, Cobourg. 905-372-2210. (eve), (mat). Five Guys Named Moe. Theatre Cambridge. Book & lyrics by Louis Jordan; starring Denis Simpson, Joe Sealy & Matthew Brown. June 28-July 16. Cambridge Arts Theatre, 47 Water St. South. 800-265-8977. To .50. 42nd Street. King's Wharf Theatre. By Warren & Dubin. Alex Mustakas, director. Song and dance extravaganza. To June 25. 97 Jury Dr.. Discovery Harbour, Penetan· guishene. 888-449-4463. , (18 & under), group rate. Give My Regards To Broadway. King's Wharf Theatre. Created by & starring David Rogers; musical arrangements by Mark Camilleri; Alex Mustakas, director. June 28-July 9. 97 Jury Dr., Discovery Harbour, Penetanguishene. 888-449-4463. , (18 & under). group rate. Gypsy. Shaw Festival. By Styne & Sondheim. Starring Nora Mclellan & Julie Martell; Paul Sportelli, musical director. To October 30, various times. Festival Theatre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara-on· the-Lake. 800-511-7429. -. Happy End. Shaw Festival. By Weill/ Brecht. Featuring Glynis Ranney, Benedict Campbell & Jay Turvey; Paul Sportelli, musical director. To October 28, various times. Royal George Theatre, 85 Queen St., Niagara-on-the-Lake. 800-511·7429. · . - Heaven's little Honky Tonk. Port Stanley Festival Theatre. By McHarge & · Stewart. Tribute to Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, Minnie Pearl & others. To June 11. Tues-Sat: B:OO, Wed & Sat: 2:00. 302 Bridge St., Port Stanley. 519· 782-4353. (eve), (mat). Hello Dolly. Stratford Festival. Music & lyrics by Herman. To November 6, various times. Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 800-567-1600. -$100. Into the Woods. Stratford Festival. Music & lyrics by Sondheim. To October 30, various times. Avon Theatre, 99 Downie St., Stratford. 800-567-1600. -$100. Jesus Christ Superstar. Sunshine· Festival Theatre Company. By Lloyd Webber & Rice. June JO . July 30, various times. Orillia Opera House, corner of West & Mississaga Sts. 800-683-8747. ,. Job: The Hip-Hop Saga. Globus Theatre. Written & performed by Jerome Sable & Eli Batalion. June 28: 8:00. Academy Theatre, Lindsay. 877-888-0038. ,(st), group rate. My Fair Lady. Civic Light Opera Company. By Lerner & Loew. Joe Cascone, Catherine Uy, David Haines, Lloyd Dean, Julie Lennick & other performers; Joe Cascone, artistic director. June 9· )UNE 1 - )ULY 7 2005 11, 15-18,22·25: 8:00; June 12.19,25,26: 2:00. Fairview Library Theatre, 35 Fairview Mall Drive. 416-755-1717. , .50(sr/ st. Tues· Thurs). continued from page 28 Rapunzel. Westben Arts Festival Theatre. By Brian Finley. Donna Bennett, soprano; Michael Burgess, tenor; Gabrielle Prata, mezzo; Robert Longo. baritone & other performers; Brian Finley. music director. June 10, 14, 17: 7:00; June 11, 12, 16, 18, 19: 2:00. The Barn, 3 km northwest of Campbellford on County Road 30. 705-653-5508, 877-883-5777. · . Seussical - The Musical. Etobicoke School of the Arts. June 1,2,3: 7:30. 675 Royal York Rd. 416-394-6910. ,. Sitting Pretty. Lighthouse Festival Theatre. Musical by Foster & Thomas. June 7-25. 247 Main St .. Port Dover. 519· 5B3·2221. , (previews/Sat mat). group rates. Stardust Follies. Sanderson C.entre for the Performing Arts. Song-dance-comedy revue. To June 29. Wednesdays: 2:00. 88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519· 758-8090, 800-265-0710. . The Midnight Court. Queen of Puddings Music Theatre. Music by Ana Sokolovic; Dairine Ni Mheadhra & John Hess, artistic directors; Shannon Mercer, soprano; Krisztina Szab6, mezzo; Alexander Dobson, baritone. June 11, 14, 16, 18: 8:00. Harbourfront Centre Theatre, 231 Queens Ouay West. 416-973-4000. . The Perfect Life. Poor Alex Theatre. Musical by Jet Matas. Sean K ' . Andrews, Susan Dunstan, Aaron Kyte, Michael Lazarovitch, Jet Matas & other performers; Wayne Gwillim, musical director. June 10· July 3. Thurs to Sat: 8:00; Sun: 3:00 except Pride Sunday: 7:00. 296 Brunswick Ave. 416-817 · 7498. (opening night), (Tues with Industry ID). (Wed-Sun), (st). The World Goes 'Round. Drayton Festival Theatre. Songs of Kander & Ebb. David Rogers, director. June 8-July 9, various times. 33 Wellington St. South, Drayton. 888-449-4463. They're Playing Our Song. Brockville Arts Centre. By Neil Simon; music by Marvin Hamlisch. June 22-July 3. 235 King St. West, Brockville. 877-342· 7122. They're Playing Our Song. Gryphon Theatre. By Neil Simon; music by Marvin Hamlisch. July 4-9: 8:00; July 6: 2:00. Georgian College, 1 Georgian Dr., Barrie. 705-728-4613. . Tosca. Orchestra London/Pacific Opera Victoria. By Puccini. Christiane Riel, soprano; Marc Hervieux, tenor; John Avey, baritone; Timothy Vernon. conductor. June 3,5,7,9, 11: 7:30. Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St .. London. 519-672-8800, 800-265-1593. -5. Chris Plock's band continues their regular Tuesday night swing extravaganza at Alleycatz. In addition, Swing Rosie has a regular Sunday afternoon gig this month at the Rex (although anyone wanting to dance may be hard pressed to find the space!) Share the Music is an initiative which provides free concert tickets and workshops for selected shows at Roy Thomson/Massey Hall, to high schools across the GTA. Lucky students were given the opportunity to go to the Chick Corea concert back in October, and now they will wrap up the year with an opportunity to see worldrenowned vocalist Bobby McFerrin (June 10). In addition, McFer- Alleycatz 2409 Yonge St. 416-481·6865 Every Mon Salsa Night. Every Tue Chris Plock Swing Extravaganza. Every Wed Joni Nehrita & Co. Every Thu The Flow. Every Fri and Sat Funk, Soul, Reggae, R&B, Top 40. Jun 3,4 Soular. Jun 10, 11 Soular Jun 17. 18 lady Kane. Jun 25 lady Kane. Alto Basso 71 B College Street. (416) 534-9522 Every Sun Trans Mod Airways. Ben Wicks 424 Parliament 416-961-9425 All shows start at 8 or 8:30. No cover. First Sat/month Myrna & Nick Van Weezerdenburg & the Oowntown Jazz Band. Every 2nd Sat/ month Fern lindzon Trio. 4th Sat/month Janine Blanchard. Black Swan 154 Danforth Avenue, (416} 469-0537 Boiler House 55 Mill Street (416} 203-2121 C'est What 67 Front St. E. 416-867-9499 Hot House Cate Saturday afternoon traditional jazz from the Market Square 416-366· 7800 Hot Five Jazzmakers. Jazz brunch every Sunday, alternating · weeks: Ken Churchill Quartet, 5spot. Chick N'Deli 744 Mount Pleasant Rd (416} 489-3363 Hugh's Room Big Band Music every 1 st and 3rd Monday 2261 Dundas West 416-531-6604 / of the month. Gate 403 403 Roncesvalles 416-588 2930 Graffiti's Bar & Grill 170 Baldwin St. 416-506·6699 Every Wed. (6·8pm} James and Jay. Grasshopper Jazz & Blues Bar 460 Parliament St. 416·323· 1210 Music starts at 10 No Cover. Grossman's Tavern, 379 Spadina Ave, 416-977-7000. Founded and led by Kid Bastien until his death in early 2003, the Happy Pals are still rocking the house Saturdays 4:00 to 8:00 pm, or later. WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM rin will host a Q&A with the students afterwards. And speaking of wonderful (and affordable) opportunities for students .... After July 3rd, The Top 0' the Senator will finish its regular programming. I would like to personally thank the wonderful peop le there. Half-price student Wednesdays will be sorely missed by me, and many other students trying to hear world-class jazz on a tight budget! Finally a quick note to presenters: WholeNote publishes a double issue for July/ August. Our deadline for both months is June 18th. Listings should be sent to: Cheers! Jun 1 Mike McDonald Jam. Jun 2 Kirk Broadbridge. Jun 3 O'Nile Blues Band. Jun 4 Happy Pals. Jun 5 Nicola Vaughan Jam, The Nationals. Jun 6 Laura Hubert Band. Jun 7 Chris Caddell. Jun 8 Mike Macdonald Jam. Jun 9 Healthy Scratch. Jun 11 Happy Pals. Jun 12 Nicola Vaughan Jam, The Nationals. Jun 13 Laura Hubert Band. Jun 14 Chris Caddell. Jun 15 Mike McDonald. Jun 16 Straight Shooter. Jun 17 Steve Grisbrook Band. Jun 23 The Fire Numbers. Downtown Jazz Jun 24 The Swinging Blackjacks. Jun 25 Happy Pals. Jun 26 Nicola Vaughan, The Nationals. Jun 27 Laura Hubert Band. Jun 28 Pete Schmidt & Shane Scott. Jun 29 Mike McDonald Jam. Ju.n 30 Clifton David. Home Smith Bar The Old Mill, 21 Old Mill Road, 416-236-2641 Jun 3 lorne lofsky Duo. Jun 10 Jake Langley Trio. Jun 17 Mike Murley Trio. Jun 24 Sean Bray Trio. Le Saint Tropez 315 King St W. 416·591-3600 Live music, 7 days a week. Liberty Bistro 25 Liberty St. 416-533-8828 Jun 3, 4 Karen Manion. Lula Lounge 1585 Dundas West. Jun 1 Feast of the East. Jun 2 Music Africa. Jun 3 Oojami. Jun 4 la Salsa Oe Hoy. Jun 5 Jane Bunnett Presents. Jun 7 Borealis Records Presents le Vent Ou Nord. Jun 9 Franco Fete with Chango Family. Jun 10 Brazilian Dance Party. Jun 11 Salsa Saturday WI Marron Matizado. JAZZ CLUBS CONTINUE .... 41

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)