Trilliuur HEALTH CENTRE Foundation •A· £1:u:-$~ presents UTIAY (multi-faith festival) featuring A Choral Quarter Century CONTINUED FROM PAGE29 What strikes me about Robert Cooper is his utter sense of integrity. "It's always about revealing the art in the best way possible," he would say. Robert's personal mission from the beginning has been to raise the public's consciousness of choral music as legitimate performance art unto itself. Twenty-five years on, it has become a two-way street; the program has evolved just as the community has blossomed. I think it's fair to say that both he and Howard have created more than a radio program; Choral Concert has all but become synonymous with choral music making in this country. Mission accomplished? No . Mission continues. Heidi McKenzie is a free-lmtce nwsic writer mui associate producer for Choral Concert a,u/Saturday Afternoon at the Opera on CBC Radio Two. 30 \ \IQ!CE OF ,\ N,°IIICN world choral ensemble for the new age script music & direction dr. shiva spectacular visual effects - superb lighting design exotic art decor - foot stomping rhythms electrifying melodies John Bassett Theatre METRO CONVENTIO N CENTRE 7:30 pm Saturday December 03 2005 TICKETS: 5.00, .00, .00 DISCOUNT FOR BLOCKS OF 25 TICKETS for tickets WWW.TICKETMASTER.CA 416-870-8000 net proceeds from ticket sales towards the new cardiac centre so remarkable, so fresh. so awe-inspiring, so pleasing one is tempted to call it a phenomenon ... KALA magazine Toronto a new trend in the musical scene in Toronto ... /NOIA TODAY a celebration of Toronto's vibrant multi-faith community www.rashtravani .corn www.trilliu m hea a Trillium Health Centre Foundation Fundraiser Mega Multimedia Spectacle Back to Ad Index WORLD View by Karen Ages As I sit down to write this month's column, gazing through the usual array of press releases and daily listings, I can't help but glance back to a performance I attended recently. Images of Peter Chin's latest work, STUPA, still dance in my mind, pun intended. As I mentioned last month, Chin not only choreographed the work, but designed the costumes and wrote the music, and the finished product was a definite testament to his genius. Not only were the dance and musical elements astonishing in their own rights, but what struck me most acutely was the complete integration of the two. The music and dance were so tightly intertwined that it is hard to say whether the end result could have been achieved had choreographer and composer not been one and the same person. Susanna Hood, one of the dancers, explained to me that they first learned the rhythmic patterns vocally, and that the choreography followed from that. Watching the performance gave me the distinct impression that this was indeed a dance work designed by a highly skilled musician. And speaking of connectedness, looking at the assemblage of dancers and musicians on stage that night at Harbourfront Centre Theatre made me think of the interconnectedness of the arts (and specifically musical) community, and my own place within it. Peter Chin, Katherine Duncanson (who meditated on stage throughout the performance), dancers Yvonne Ng and Yves Candau, musicians Intan Murtadza and Andrew Timar are all former or current members of Gamelan Toronto, which is where I first met many of them. Percussionist and musical director Debashis Sinha is known to many as one quarterof Indian-jazz fusion ensemble autorickshaw, and is a member of Arabic/Greek ensemble Maza Meze (I took dumbek lesson with him a few years ago through Worlds of Music). Double bass player Peter Pavlovski and I both played the season-opening concert of the Toronto Philharmonia a few weeks ago, and we're also former colleagues from the Kingston Symphony. Though I can't recall having a gig with violinist Kathleen Kajioka, we've both been part of R. Murray Schafer's "Wolf Project". Incidentally, my companion that evening, internationally-known clarinet maker Steve Fox, has a connection here as well. In a phone conversation a few months ago, Andrew Timar expressed to me some frustration over the delicate nature and sensitivity to weather conditions of his instrument, the Indonesian suling (bamboo flute). Wouldn't it be nice, he said wishfully, if there was a synthetic suling, not only impervious to changes in temperature and humidity which affect intonation, but that could also be mass-produced with the same consistency of intonation for the purpose of teaching the tradition to others (Andrew is probably the only player of this instrument in North America) . So I put him in touch with Steve, and at the postperformance party at Peter Chin's apartment they had their first impromptu "business meeting", various sized sulings splayed across a back room, discussing the possibility of Steve creating such a synthetic version. WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2005
Also in attendance that evening (though not performing) was vocalist Jennifer Moore, of Maza Meze and Pirate Jenny fame; (my connection to her? We were both involved in the premiere of an oratorio last win- L----------------------' ter in Guelph by Dhoad Gypsies of Rajasthan composer Peter Skoggard). The Ravi Naimpally's Indian fusion connection here is that Jennifer will band Tasa performs December 1 be guest vocalist with the Ever- at Walter Hall, part of U of T's green Club Contemporary Faculty of Music noon hour con Gamelan, November 5, in a joint cert series, and December 9 at the venture with the group Sanctuary, Red Guitar Arthouse Cafe (603 from Halifax. Jennifer will pre- Markham St.) Also at Walter Hall miere a new work by Evergreen at noon, the Faculty of Music's member Bill Parsons, "Translat- world music ensembles have their ing Grace", which also features ab- end of term concert December 5, stract film by Montreal filmmaker featuring Balinese gamelan, Taiko Chuck Samuels. The program, fea- drumming, Georgian choir, and turing the newly refurbished organ tabla. at Rosedale United Church, will Alas dear reader, I am almost also include new works by Jeff out of room, but rather than leave Reilly and Mark Duggan, the lat- you to swim unaided through the ter of whom also performed in myriad of listings this month in STUPA. search of world music gems, here About six years ago I spent are some notes in brief: Holocaust some time on the back of a camel Education Week presents two in the magnificent Thar desert in concerts of Jewish music, Novemnorth-west India. The Dhoad ber 1 and 8; the RCM presents Gypsies of Rajasthan hail from Quebecois folk ensemble Genticothis region, and they'll be at the rum, November 3; Ritmo Fla Jane Mallett Theatre on Novem- menco presents an evening of Flaber 19. Carrying on ancient cul- menco music and dance, Novemtural traditions of music, dance, ber 5; The Sheynville Yiddish poetry and spirituality, the group Swing Band play at the Gladstone, also includes a fakir whose talents November 6; Indo-jazz autorickinclude fire-eating and dancing on shaw is at Hart House, November a bed of nails. This will be Small 10 (free!); African Blues musi World Music's last presentation for cians Madagascar Slim, Donne a couple of months. For more info, Robert and Ndidi Onukwulu are visit at the Silver Dollar Room, Novemor ber 12; U of T's African Drum- Another highlight performance ming & Dance Ensemble perthis month, the Yamato Drum- forms November 18, main lobby, mers of Japan present a program Edward Johnson Building; the called Kami-Nari (Thunder), at Koffler Centre presents a Channu Roy Thomson Hall, November 26. kah concert December 6, with the Looking ahead to December, Lachan Jewish Chamber Choir UTSAV, a multi-faith, multi-me- and Sisters of Sheynville (Lenka dia presentation takes place at the Lichtenberg & Isabel Frysberg); John Bassett Theatre of the Metro and East Meets East on Decem Convention Centre December 3. ber 6, when Cape Breton musi The brainchild of musician and cian Mary Jane Lamond and Puncomposer Ramier Siva-Nandan jabi folk singer Kiran Ahluwalia (Dr. Shiva), this spectacle featur- and others share the stage at Glenn ing Rashtravani (voice of a nation) Gould Studio. choral ensemble with roots in clas- Karen Ages is a freelance oboist sical and folk traditions, is a fund- who has also been a member of raiser for the Trillium Health Cen- several world music ensembles. tre. For more information, visit She can be reached at www . mgam .com and www. 416-323-2232 or rashtravani .com. Also in December, tabla player N OVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2005 Back to Ad Index WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM As you mi'Pi have rH\,PJd, lt1'" M11s11 : C;cJ le! JY i,,. 9om!J !r 1(0.1 ,:J I· i'l pe;1 1Dd (1 f tr;inc.i tt1 1.:,n . fol lc)'NIIL!J lh>.a lfr:,p.;1rrt ur>.a CJ( r:our lm 1u-1 me ar li;c.lic riireclnr . .J ,r· , r•.,lon lr:orrierv ·1 hi,,, ','e, 1 mc1 r\s 1h e 30th .311n b.1er s.,·-_.- ,,_:.f l,he r·,·lus,i:: G ~lle~l. Tf)r:::into':::, o.nly centre for c:reafr.1e rnus ic.:, ·1l 1ie have have a tremendous o;:;porl1Jnity to re-·,··ision the r·.· Garlery's r'l,a w:ate , how it operates, and its role w'ithin the nev; cornmLmit}'· ',Ve in tend to seize this opportunit,·. and ,o clo so in ,::on:,,ulta tio1 and collal)•Yaron with tl1e new music cornmunit;,. 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made over a period of five years, r
Cairns' newly released CD "Indelibl
DISCS OF THE MONTH ~,./ ~ Town Hall
Polar Express Et: Elijah's Angel Fa