9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 3 - November 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • December
  • Musical
  • Index
  • Concerto
  • Ensemble
  • Choir

Stanford: Symphony #3

Stanford: Symphony #3 inf, op 28/rish. Denise Djokic, cello. Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905·306-6000. .50-.50. - 8:00: Mooredale Concerts.Bach and Bartrik. Bach: Cantata lch habe genug; Cello Suite No. 6; Barlak: String Quartet No. 3; Rhapsody #1 for Violin & Piano. Etsuko Kimura, Liana Berube, violins; Eric Paetkau, viola; Kristine Bogyo, cello; Tamsin Johnston, oboe; Jason Nedecky, baritone. Willowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-922- 3714 ext 103. , (sr/st). - 8:00: Musicians in Ordinary. Christmas in the Chamber: Music of the Italian & German Baroque. Music by Monteverdi, Merula, Rosenmuller & others. Hallie Fishel, soprano; John Edwards, lute/guitar. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-603-4950. , (st/sr). - 8:00: Peter Margolian & Friends. Chamber Music Concert. Includes works by Clarke, Khachaturian, Wilder, Constant & Goossens. John McGuigan, cornet; Kent Bowman, trombone; Peter Margolian, piano; Art Farer, clarinet; Steve Prime, violin & other Bach & Bartok lch habe genug String Quartet #3, Rhapsody #1 for Violin & Piano Violinist Etsuko Kimura with some of Toronto's finest musicians Saturday, November 26 at 8 pm - Willowdale United Sunday, November 27 at 3 pm - Walter Hall, U of T at 1 pm for children - Music and Truffles - O Affordable tickets! , ( StJSr.) 416-922-3714 x103 It,. 0 '11en's William Brown James Bourne ArtisticDimtor SPECIAL GUEST ARTIST Pi,mist Jennie Such, Soprano Concierto de Navidad - Paul Csonka The Seven joys of Christmas - Kirkt! MahP-m Dancing Day -John Rutta Official Release of COMFORT AND JOY - New Chirstmas CD Saturday, November 26, 2005 - 8:00 pm Grace Church on-the-Hill, ~00 Lonsdale Road, Toronto Tickets: Regular Seniors Students Contact U, 2106 -1055 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5S 3A3 T 416.923.3123 E W torontoa rtsc o u nc i I A.r> ~·m·~ ler>g !n llod~ 01 th • C , tv of fo, oato Back to Ad Index

performers. The Assembly Hall, 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr., Etobicoke. 416·250- 5475. Free. - 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Yamato The Drummers of Japan. Kami·Nari (Thunder) World Tour. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50·.50. Sunday November 27 - 1 :00: Mooredale Concerts. Music & Truffles: Bartdk: What are those weird, strange, exciting, sweetsounds?Children's concert. Walter Hall, 80 Queens Park. 416- 922·3714 ext 103. . - 2:00: Canadian Sinfonietta. Family Fun. Mozart: Piano Concerto in F; Schumann: Cello Concerto in a; Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals. Victoria Wong, piano; Karen Ouzou· nian, cello. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 905- 707· 1200. , ·(st/sr), $ lO(under 11). - 2:00: Oakville Chamber Orchestra. Did & New. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto #5; Vivaldi: Double Violin Concerto Op. 3 #8; Bloch: Concerto Grosso #1; Manfredini: Christmas Concerto Op. 3 #12. Stephane Potvin, music director. St. Simon's Church, 1450 Litchfield Rd., Oakville. 905·337· 1083. , (sr/st), (under 12). - 2:00: St. Andrew Concert Series. Penguin lluartet (Prague}. Music by Mozart, Wolf & Dvorak. St. Andrew Church, 49 Reynolds St., Oakville. 905·842·6248. , (sr), O(st). - 2:00: Toronto Parks & Recreation Sunday Concert Series. Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra. Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. 416-396- 7398. Free. - 2:30: Ruskoka Canada. Konevets lluartet. A concert of Russian sacred and secular music from 18th to 20th centuries by male a cappella ensemble from St. Petersburg. Eglinton St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416-483-2441. . - 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music, Opera Division. Opera Tea: Puccini: la Boheme. Afternoon of opera and tea. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978·3744. . - 3:00: Mooredale Concerts. Bach and Bartdk. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. See Nov 26. - 4:30: All the King's Voices. Christmas for Kids. Guests: St. Joseph's Morrow Park Catholic High School Choir; David J. King, conductor. Willowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-225-2255. ; / (sr/ch). - 4:30: Gospel Vespers. The Prodigal Son. Aileen Lombardo, vocals. St. John's York Mills Church, 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416-225-6611 . Offering. The Musicians In Ordinary ror the Lutes and Voices present Christmas in the Chamber Music of the Italian and German Baroque - 4:30: St. Clement's Anglican Church (Eglinton).Advent Carol Service. Music by Archer, Bryant, Praetorius & Sirret. 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-483-6664. free. - 5:00: Czech Community Centre at Masaryktown. Penguin Ouartet (Prague). Works by Smetana, Dvorak & Suk. Prague Restaurant, 450 Scarborough Golf Club Rd. 416-439-4354. . - 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club/Maripo· sa.Benefit Concert for John Roberts. The Finest Kind; Enoch Kent; members of the Friends of Fiddlers Green. 292 Brunswick Ave.416-410-3655. , . - 7:30: Parkwoods United Church. Zephyr Wind Trio. Christine Little Ardagh, Maria Pelletier, flutes; Jerry Robinson, bassoon; guests Howard Baer, piano; Christine Stewart, voice. 85 Parkwoods Village Dr. 416-447-5519. , (st). ALLK" I ;~ mgs JIOl('f'S l'"d f h , ... CONCERTS .. Toronto & nearb~ Monday November 28 - 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. Frank lacino in Concert. St. James United Church, 400 Bumhamthorpe Rd. W. 905·824-4667. , free(under 10). - 9:00: Montreal Bistro. Runcible Spoon CD Release Concert. Jazz chamber quintet: Leah State, vocals; Tania Gill, piano; Monica Fedrigo, cello; Pamela Bettger, viola; Julia Hambleton, clarinet. 65 Sherbourne St. 416· 537·2476. . Tuesday November 29 - 12: 10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Voice Performance Class: Fourth Year lieder Class. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. Free. CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS Gtu·.d Artist: St. Jo.w·J1h :,· AJornm• Par!.· H.S. Choir Sunday, Nov 27 at 4:30pm CHRISTMAS CLASSICS Saturday, Dec 17 at 8:00pm Willowclalc united Chu.-ch. ,H9 Kenneth Ave. Aclulls .'i Scnio.-/Sluclcnls Children S5 For tickets/subscription info: 416-225-2255 wn• Supported by the Toronto Arts Council • Per ii Giorno diNar,lc, Canrn. 13 J-k f6,che tlrdo 1 al mioSignornlfcc.ntem:I !Cn d'ombr.1:1.morofa, ==~~~±=====~t========1~ - (....,,...1 1,.....,,-.J \...y-1 L:=.c-~ -~ with guest violinists Christopher Verrette and Aisslinn Nosky Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton A venue Saturday November 26/05 at 8pm 416-603-4950 C"nio:~vilk 's Village Yoices will perform Vivaldi's Gloria and exceq.ts from Handel's Messiah The progrnr will also mclu:ie a selection of tra.d1trn1al carols and our c:verpopular aud1enr.e smg-along Saturday \ovember 26, -:,Opm Ccn t··a' J:i'ted C·,tc:r: :31 w. 2.i~. Scree', U:i'onvi!!s Canadian Sinfonietta presents Family Fun SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27, 2005 Glenn Gould Studio Featuring CMC Winners Victoria Wong, piano Karen Ouzounian, cello ---------- --- - 2:00PM Piano Concerto NO. 19 in F Major K-4 Schumann: Cello Concerto in A Minor 01'. 129 Saint-Sc,rns: Carnival of th e Animals Get Tickets Today! Call 905 707 1200 or visit Adults: $JO Students: Tak-Ng Lai , Music Director Joyce Lai, Concertmaster Seniors: s25 Childen under ti: $l0 Back to Ad Index WWW.THEWHOLENOTE. COM

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