9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 4 - December 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Jazz
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble

LISTINGS Concerts:

LISTINGS Concerts: Toronto & nearby Plans change! Always call ahead to confirm details with presenters. Concerts: Toronto & nearby PAGE 36 Concerts: Further Afield PAGE 58 Music Theatre/Opera PAGE 61 Jazz Clubs, QuickPicks PAGE 62 An noun cements/Lectures Symposia/Etcetera PAGE 64 Thursday December O 1 -12:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Thursdays at Noon: Hindustani Music Presentation. Tasa. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. - 12:30: York University Department of Music. Cuban Ensemble & African Drums Ensemble. Various directors. Mclaughlin Per· formance Hall, 4 700 Keele St. 416-736- 5186. Free. - 7:00: Brampton Music Theatre Youth Troupe. Babes in Toy/and. Cyril Clark Library Theatre, 20 Loafers Lake Lane, Brampton. 905-874-0025. , (sr/st), (ch). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 7:00: Ross Petty Productions. Snow White & the Group of Seven. Pantomime with Sean Cullen, Alan Frew, Ross Petty & others. Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-872-5555. -, (ch), 0(family 4-pack). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 7:30: Peel Panto Players. Aladdin. By Norman Robbins; directed by Alfie Matthews. Lester 8. Pearson Theatre, 150 Central Park Dr., Brampton. 905-874-2800. . For com· plete run see music theatre listings. - 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. 1 D O'Clock Jazz Orchestra. Paul Read, director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. , . - 8:00: CanStage. Crowns. By Regina Taylor. Featuring Jackie Richardson & other per· formers. Bluma Appel Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-368-3110. -$ 77, l(sr), (under 30). For complete run see music theatre list· ings. - 8:00: HATCH/Harbourfront. Days of Mad Rabbits. Music by Alexander Balanescu & Lucy Rupert. Studio Theatre, York Quay Centre, 235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. . For complete run see music theatre list· ings. - 8:00: Randolph Academy for the Per· forming Arts. Urinetown: The Musical By Greg Katis & Mark Hollman. David Connolly, director; Diane Leah, musical director. The Bathurst Street Theatre, 736 Bathurst St. 416-872- 1111. $ 22. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. English Baroque: The Thames Revisited. Han· del: two organ concertos; works by Purcell, Boyce & Avison. Richard Egarr, organ/conduc· tor. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6377. -, -$ 58(sr/st). - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Strauss & Brahms. R. Strauss: Don Quixote; Brahms: Piano Concerto #2. Stephen Hough, piano; Winona Zelenka, cello; Teng Li, viola; Thomas Dausgaard, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. · $115. - 8:00: Yorkminstrels. West Side Story. By Bernstein & Sondheim. Virginia Reh, artis· tic director; Ellen Kestenberg, musical director. Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst St. 416-291 -0600. .50, $ 22.50(sr); (st). Food bank donations invited. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 9:00: Esprit Orchestra. Mystery & Illusion. Brant: Ice Field; Ives: The Unanswered Question; Rea: Hommage a Vasa rely; Silvestrov: Postludium. Robert Aitken, guest conductor; Alex Pauk, conductor. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416-366-7723. , (sr), $ lO(st). Friday December 02 - 12:30: York University Department of Music. East Meets West. York University Orchestra: Peggy McGuire, director; York University Chinese Orchestra: Kim Morris, Miriam Sue & Patty Chan, directors. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free. - 6:30: McMichael Art Gallery. Seasonal Celebration Concert & Tree Lighting. Achill Choral Society; A. Dale Wood, director. 10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. Call 905- 893-1121 to reserve. , (sr/st). - 7:00: Markham Chapters. Adrian Raso, Guitar. Latin, jazz, pop & gypsy music. John Cusinato, drums; Jason Raso, bass; Lore Bar· talon, guitar. Woodside Centre, 3175 Highway 7 E. 905-4 77 -1756. Free. Cd sale proceeds to Children's Health Foundation of London. - 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. The Joy of Singing I-A Holiday Concert. Works for choir & brass by Bach, Honegger & Raminsh. U of T Choirs; Doreen Rao, Robert Cooper, Lori-Anne Dolloff, Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, conductors. St. Basil's Church, 50 St. Joseph. 416-978-3744. , $ 7. - 8:00: Elmer lseler Singers. Handel's Messiah. Meredith Hall, soprano; Marianne Bindig, mezzo soprano; Colin Ainsworth, tenor; Gary Relyea, bass; Lydia Adams, conductor. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416-217-0537. , (sr/st). - 8:00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir. Carols from the Did & New Worlds. Carol arrangements from Canada, USA & Europe. Harris J. Loewen, music director. Royal York Road United Church, 851 Royal York Road. 416-239-1131 ex49. . ,,~~ FACULTY M\ U.\: IVERS IT Y o .= TORONT O 12.l - 10 O'CLOCK ]AZZ ORC HESTRA, P1111 /, n111d11ctor 12.2 - THE Joy oF S1Nt;1:-.Jt;: A HouO:\Y CHORAL CONCERT 12.3 - SntPl·loNIC BANI>, C,'illim1 i\foc/(11_1·, r1111d11ctor /V\usi,· lw J. Barm:.,, A. !kit a11d D. Gi lling.ham 12. 7 - l\,L\STER CLASS WITH R u ssELL BRAU N , ]0'111 R. Stmtt1111 Visitor 12.9 . u O F T SntPHONY 0RC HESTR,\ , Raf.Ii A m11:11i1111, (tJ1/d11ctt1r Music of R. Kurk,1, ). Shin ,md Tch,1ikm·sk)' Srn1 phot1)' No. 4 1.18-21 - N1:w M usic: FESTIVAL, Dm11is Patric/:, ,001·di11att1r l.26 - 10 O'CLOCK JAZZ 0RCHESTR,\ \VITI! RENEE RosNES 1.27 - l\,lARRYING MoZ,\RT: A CELEBRATION OF iVloZ,\RT's M U SIC AND LOVES INSl'lllED HY THE NOVEi. I\Y STEPHANIE COWELi. For details on these and ,>t her cwnrs taking. µbee at the racultv of Music, \·isit our 1\·ebsit

- 8:00: Heritage Theatre. The Friendly Rich Show. All ages show by Friendly Rich and his vaudevillian orchestra The Lollipop People. Guests: Five Blank Pages & Shatterpoint. 86 Main St. N., Brampton. 905-874-2800. . - 8:00: North dale Concert Band. Christmas Concert. Stephen Chenette, music direc· tor. St. Cuthbert's (Oakville) Anglican Church, 1541 Oakhill Or. 905-844-6200. , (sr/ st). - 8:00: Ouodlibet. What Did You See, Shep· herds?Motets by Bach & Poulenc; English, French, German & Polish carols. Arthur Wenk, director. St. Leonard's Church, 25 Wanless Ave. 416-488-6235. , . - 8:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. English Baroque: The Thames Revisited. T rini· ty-St.Paul's Centre. See Dec 1. - 8:00: Upper Canada Choristers. Gloria. Vivaldi: Gloria; seasonal music and traditional carol sing along. Guests: The Talisker Players; Laurie Evan Fraser, director. St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416-256-0510 to reserve. , (advance), free(under 12). Please bring non-perishable food item. - 9:00: Hart House. Jazz Ensemble Con· cert. Arbor Room, 7 Hart House Circle. 416· 978-2452. Free. Saturday December 03 - 11 :OOam & 2:00: Solar Stage Chil· dren's Theatre. Rainbows for the Holidays. Musical puppet show for ages 2 to 6. 4950 Yonge St. 416-368-8031. . - 2:00: Choir of All Saints' Kingsway. Carols with the Choir. Guests: Salvation Army Band; Choirs of All Saints' Kingsway, St. Anne's & St. Margaret's. 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-233-1125 exO. Free. - 2:00: Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People. Bunnicula. Lyrics by John Klein and music by Chris Jeffries. Aecom· mended for ages 5 & up. Mainstage, 165 Front St. E. 416-862-2222. , (st under 18). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 2: 00: Runnymede Chapters. Adrian Raso, Guitar. Latin, jazz, pop & gypsy music. John Cusinato, drums; Jason Raso, bass; Lore Bortolon, guitar. 2225 Bloor St. W. 416-761 · 9773. Free. Cd sale proceeds to Children's Health Foundation of London. - 3:00: U of Tat Scarborough Campus. Sounds of the Season Holiday Concert. UTSC Wind Ensemble & UTSC Concert Choir. ARC Theatre, Academic Resource Theatre, 1265 Military Trail. 416-287-7076. Admission with non-perishable/canned good. - 7:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk Club. Chris McKhool: Children's Christmas Show. Birch· cliff Bluffs United Church, 33 East Rd. 416- 264-2235. . - 7:00: Caribbean Chorale of Toronto. Christmas Celebration. Church of St. Stephen, 2259 Jane St., Downsview. 416-297-5406. . - 7:00: U of T Gospel Choir. T Tth Annual Christmas Concert. Calvary Church, 746 Pape Ave. 416-614-4872. Freewill offering. Food bank item. - 7:00: Vaughan Chapters. Adrian Raso, Guitar. Latin, jazz, pop & gypsy music. John Cusinato, drums; Jason Raso, bass; Lore Bor· tolon, guitar. 7040-7054 Yonge St. 905-88 1 · 2846. Free. Cd sale proceeds to Children's Health Foundation of London. - 7:30: Annex Singers. Hodie! Works by Willan, Landes, Rutter & tra ditional carols. Marty Smith, organ; Richard Partington, re· DECEMBER 1 2005 - FEBRUAR Y 7 2006 corder. St. Thomas's Anglican Church, 383 Huron St. 416-968· 7747. , (sr/st), free(l 2 & under). - 7:30: Choralaires. Sing Noel Works by Bach, Rutter, Berlin, Handel, Humperdinck & others. Audience sing-alongs. William Turnbull, accompanist; Andrew Chung, director. Knob Hill United Church, 23 Gage Ave. 416-498- 8993. . - 7:30: Clarkson Community Concerts. True North Brass Ensemble. Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Gres., Mississauga. 905-855· 0112. , (sr/st). - 7:30: East York Choir. Tidings of Peace & Joy. Vivaldi: Gloria; seasonal music and traditional carol sing. Guests: The Talisker Players; Kimberley Briggs, soprano; Marcia Whitehead, mezzo; Jenny Grober, conductor. St. Barnabas Anglican Church, 361 Danforth Ave. 416-752-3860. , (sr), (st). - 7:30: Etobicoke Youth Choir. Christmas Magic. Pascal Du Perron, accompanist; Louise Jardine, director. Westway United Church, 8 Templar Dr. 416-231-9120. , free(under 12). - 7:30: Mississauga Children's Choir. The Advent of Song. Annual Christmas concert. Thomas Bell, director. Westminster Unit· ed Church, 4094 Tomken Rd., Mississauga. 905-273-9505. -. - 7:30: Northern Lights. Annual Christmas Show. Guests: Hamilton Children's Choir. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E. 866-744-7464. , (st). - 7:30: Rashtravani. UTSA V. Premiere of a multi-faith, multi-media spectacle. John Bas· sett Theatre, Metro Convention Centre, North Building, 255 Front St. W. 416-870-8000. -5. - 7:30: Tallis Choir. Vespers of the Virgin Mary. Tallis: Spem in Alium. St. Patrick's Church, 141 Mccaul St. 416-533-6179. , (sr), $ lO(st w/id). - 7:30: Tempus Choral Society. Sleigh Ride. St. John's United Church, 262 Randall St., Oakville. 905-845-0551 ex3. , O(sr/st). - 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Symphonic Band. Barnes: Fantasy Variations on a Theme of Paganini; works by Bell & Gillingham. Gillian MacKay, conductor. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416- 978-3744. , . - 7:30: Yorkminster Citadel Band & Choir. Community Christmas Concert. Guests: Bells of Guildwood; Steve King, vocals. Salvation Army Yorkminster Citadel, 1 Lord Seaton Rd. 416-222-9110. , $ 5(sr/st). - 8:00: Cantores Celestes Women's Choir. Go Tell it on the Mountain. Christmas concert. Guests: Foggy Hogtown Boys. Runnymede United Church, 432 Runnymede Rd. 416-236-1522. . Part of the proceeds will go to Urban Promise Toronto. - 8:00: Classic Jazz Society of Toronto. The Purple Jazz Band. With Tom Sharpsteen. Estonian Hall, 958 Broadview Ave. 416-777- 9235. (non-members), (members). - 8:00: Counterpoint Community Or· chestra. In Concert. Bruch: Violin Con certo in g; Rossini: Wilhelm Tell Overture; Strauss: Tales from the Vienna Woods; Dvorak: Slavon· ic Dances 1, 2, 7; Mozart: Three German Dances, K605. Rebecca Van der Post, violin; Terry Kowal czuk, conductor. St. Luke's United Church, 353 Sherbourne St. 416·925-9872 ex 2066. (advance), (door). - 8:00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir. Carols from the Old & New Worlds. Royal The Tallis Choir Peter Mahon, Director A Tallis Gala featuring SPEM IN ALIUM - THE 40 PART MOTET Saturday, December 3, 7:30 pm St. Patrick's Church 141 McCaul Street (north of Dundas) Adults - , Seniors - Special Student price - $ 10 at the door with ID For information: 416-286-9798 Featuring: Michael Donovan, baritone soloifl Erica Goodman , harpifl Mer ry- Anne Hutton , soprano Gerald Finzi , In Terra Pax Ralph Vau ghan W illiam s, Fan tasia on Chriflmas Carols Benjamin Br itte n , Ceremo'!YofCarols (SATB) Plus the premiere ofa new work ~y Derek H olman Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 8 p.m . Sunday, D ecemb er 4 , 2005 at 3 p.m . G race Church on - the- Hill , 300 Lonsdale Road, Toronto Regular Sen iors/Students Child ren Under 12 $ 5 T ickets an d in q uiries, 4 16 - 4 94- 78 89 paxch www.paxch ristich or . , ;;.,_} ~ ''} torontaar tsboun c i l M ~,.

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