Haydn The Seasons Marlis Peterson; Werner Gura; Dietrich Henschel; RIAS-Kammerchor; Freiburger Barockorchester I Rene Jacobs Editor's choice 2005 Gramophone Magazine @?ACHMANINOV Th,r, Pi1mo C,mcl"rtos Pagirnfoj Rb3p~ody SillPHEN HOUGH L't!llJ.i\) ) 'r'P'HOr-; Y Ul
wholenote~· Volume 11 #4, December 1, 2005 - February 7, 2006 EDITORIALLY SPEAKING 10 10 Opener and Editor's Pick by David Perlman Be our guest: Mini Survey FEATURES 14 Jazz talk with Phil Nimmons by Jim Galloway 17 CCOC "Dickens" breaks ground by mJbuell 18 Recently in town: Steve Reich by Pam Margles 26 Pick your Messiah Part Two DISCOVERIES 12 CD Editor's Corner by David Olds 7 2 Vocal and Opera 74 Early Music and Period Performance 7 7 Classical and Beyond 78 Modern and Contemporary 79 Jazz and Improvised 82 Pot Pourri 84 Old Wine New Bottles by Bruce Surtees 8 6 Discs for the Season CONCERT NOTES 2 o Quodlibet by Allan Pulker 2 2 Early Music by Frank Nakashima 24 Choral Scene by Larry Beckwith 27 World View by Karen Ages NEW MUSIC: TORONTO HEAR & NOW 28 Some Thing New by Jason van Eyk 30 New Music Coalition News by Keith Denning JAZZ and BAND Jazz Notes by Jim Galloway 31 31 32 Inside the Jazz Listings by Sophia Perlman Band Stand by Merlin Williams OPERA 3 3 On Opera by Christopher Hoile 34 Opera at Home by Phil Ehrensaft MUSICAL LIFE 35 Contest: Music's Children by mJ Buell 67 How I Met My Teacher - Nadina Mackie Jackson 70 Toronto Musicians Association News by Brian Blain 71 Book Shelf by Pamela Margles LIVE LISTINGS 36 Concerts: Toronto & nearby 58 Concerts: Further afield 61 Opera and Music Theatre 62 Jazz Clubs 64 Announcements, workshops, etcetera OTHER ELEMENTS 8 9 66 Index of Advertisers Contact information and deadlines Unclassified Ads IN THIS ISSUE Jim Galloway interviews jazz great Phil Nimmons 14 Pam Margles catches up with Steve Reich 18 DECEMBER 1 2005 - FEBRUARY 7 2006 Music's Child: Who is he now? 35 Discs for the Season 86 WWW .THEWHOLENOTE.COM
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