... CONCERTS Toronto & nearby Ave. 416-979-5000 ex 7338. (advance), (door). - 7:30: Oakville Children's Choir. A Canadian Christmas. St. John's United Church, Oakville. See Dec 9. - 7:30: Oakville Choral Society. A Glorious Christmas. Glen Abbey United Church. See Dec. 9. - 7:30: Weston Silver Band. Annual Christmas Concert. Central United Church, 1 King St. 416-249-6553. , free(under 12). Food bank donations welcome. - 8:00: Bell' Arte Singers. Christmas with the York Region Children's Choir. Edward Mor· oney, organ; Teri Fowler, conductor. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-699· 5879. -. - 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Dr· chestra. 'Tis the Season. Handel: Messiah ,y 7 STUDIO XX SIXTEEN Hallelujah Chorus; Vivaldi: Gloria; Anderson: Christmas Festival; Corelli: Christmas Cancer· to; Sibelius: Finlandia; Mozart: Ave Ve rum. Guests: Village Voices; Joan Andrews, dir. Stephen Leacock C.1., 2450 Birchmount Rd. 416- 8 79-5566. ,(sr/st), free (under 12). - 8:00: Harlequin Singers. A Harlequin Christmas. Drury Lane Theatre, Burlington. See Dec. 8. - 8:00: Irish Choral Society of Canada. Visitors at Christmas. Guest: Reid Taheny Band; Matthew Otto, accompanist; Karen D' A oust, conductor. St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Newman Centre, 89 St. George St. 416-653-9102. , (sr), O(ch). - 8:00: Markham Theatre: Toronto Philharmonia Orchestra. Holiday season music. Guests: Toronto Mendelssohn Youth Choir; Kerry Stratton, conductor. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. , . - 8:00: Metropolitan Silver Band. Christmas Concert & Sing-along. St. Luke's !,EVIN I..: OMTSARUK TORONTO'S NEW STUDIO OF EARLY MUSIC presents AUDIVI VOCEM FNGLAND'S H EAVENLY VOICE John Taverner: Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas Tallis, Philips, Tomkins, Weelkes: Motets for 8, 10, 12 voices SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 8:00 P.M. ST. PAUL'S BASILICA 83 Power Street, Queen at Parliament Free parking Soaring Architecture. Celestial Acoustics. Timeless music. A feast for your eyes, ears, and soul. United Church, 516 The Kings way. 416-239- 3401 . Free. - 8:00: neither/nor. Obscurity. The Darling Building. See Dec. 9. - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Academy Symphony Orchestra. Joaquin Valde· peiias, conductor. 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824 ex 321. , (sr/st). - 8:00: St. Michael's Choir School. 55th Annual Christmas Concert: Hodie! The Glory of Christmas. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. See Dec. 9. - 8:00: Studio Sixteen. Audivi Vocem: England's Heavenly Voice. Music by Tallis, Weelkes, Parsons; Taverner: Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas. Kevin Komisaruk, director. St. Paul's Basilica, 83 Power St. 416-559-2586. , O(sr/st). - 8:00: Toronto Consort. The Monteverdi Christmas Vespers.Trinity-St.Paul's Centre. See Dec 9. - 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. Op· era Spectacular. Deanna Hendriks, soprano; Chantelle Grant, mezzo soprano; Jan Vaculik, baritone.Trinity Anglican Church, 79 Victoria St., Aurora. 416-410-0860. , (sr/st), $ 5(under 12). Sunday December 11 - 1 :OD & 3:00: Living Arts Centre. A Fam· ily Christmas with Markus. An interactive show for ages 3 to 8. RBC Theatre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. , (ch). - 2:00: Northdale Concert Band. Christ· mas Holiday Concert. Stephen Chenette, music director. St. Jude's Anglican Church, 10 Howarth Ave., Scarborough. 905-886-0858. , (sr/st). free(under 12). • • - 2:00: RCM Orchestras. Concert of Or· chestralMusic. Prepatory, Junior, Baroque & Chamber Orchestras. 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824 ex 321. Free. - 2:00: Toronto Parks & Recreation Sunday Concert Series. Royal Regiment of Canada. Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Bor· ough Dr. 416-396· 7398. Free. - 2:30: Harmony Singers. The Secret of Christmas. Guest: Etobicoke Citadel Band of the Salvation Army. Martin Grove United Church, 75 Pergola Rd, Etobicoke. 416-239· 5821. , . - 2:30: Poculi Ludique Societas. Joseph's Trouble About Mary & Jesuskind. Rosedale Presbyterian Church, 129 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 416-978-5096. -. - 3:00: Counterpoint Chorale. Winter· lude. Eglinton St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416-253-4674. , . - 3:00: Hart House. 511 th Sunday Concert: Eybler String Ouartet. Music by Eybler, Haydn & Mendelssohn·Bartholdy. Great Hall, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. - 3:00: Markham Concert Band. A Sea· sonal Celebration. Anderson: Christmas Festi· val; Handel: Hallelujah Chorus; carols and singalongs. Doug Manning, music director. Markham Theatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd, Markham. 905-305-7469. ; (sr/ch). - 3:00: Mississauga Choral Society. Handel's Messiah. Chrys Bentley, conductor. Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre. 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. , . - 3:00: Mooredale Youth Orchestra Concert. Rosedale Heights School, 711 Bloor St. E. 416-922-3714 ext 103. . Les AMIS Concerts 23rd Season 2005 - 2006 Michael Pepa, Founding Artistic Director Lynn Kuo, Chef de !'ensemble Les AMIS Heliconian Hall 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto admission: adults; seniors; students BACK FROM TRIUMPHANT BALKAN TOUR Les AMIS opens its season Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 7:30 pm Les AMIS Chamber Ensemble Tickets 2 for 1 admission with this ad Info 416.559.2586 www.studiosixteen.ca BORDERLESS SONG presents ... avec piano Christopher Burton, piano Sunday, Dec 11 , 2005 8:00pm Windscape Peter Stoll, clarinet Christopher Burton, piano Sat., January 28, 2006 8:00pm Forest Grove United Church 43 Forest Grove Drive, North York ON adults, students/seniors For further information, go to borderlesssong.esmartdesign.com or call 41 6 462-9601 Lynn Kuo, Violin Emily Marlow, Clarinet Rafael Hoekman, Cello Angela Park, Piano Ravel: Piano Trio Brahms: Clarinet Trio Pepa: Falstaff Variations Monday, January 23, 2006 - 8:00 pm WINTER CHAMBER MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA Violinist Lynn Kuo and Friends The Palace, 722 Pape Ave., Toronto Greek food at reasonable prices served at 6:00 pm cover charge Les AMIS Tel: 416 929-6262 E-mail: lesamis@sympatico.ca www.lesamisconcerts.org 42 WWW, TH EWHOLENOTE.COM D ECEMBER 1 2005 - F EBRUARY 7 2006
- 3:00: Orchestra Toronto. Afternoon at the Opera. Wagner: Prelude to Die Meister· singer; Puccini: excerpts from Act II of La Boheme & other works. Peter De Sotto, tenor/ violin; Cynthia Steljes, oboe; Errol Gay, music director. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-467-7142. , (sr/st), (ch/y). - 3:00: Serenata Choir. Handel's Messiah. Gary Heard, conductor. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Road East. 416-489- 7798. (family), , (st). Proceeds to Habitat for Humanity. - 3:00: Syrinx. Sunday Salon. Music by Gellman, Strauss & Grieg. Coenraad Bloemendal, cello; Valerie Tryon, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-654-0877. , (st). - 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Family Christmas Concert. Kapilow: Elijah's Angel; Chris Van Allsburg's Polar Express; Christmas carol sing-along. Robert Kapilow, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -$ 55, children 5 to 12: -. - 3:30: St. James' Cathedral. Sunday Af· ternoon Twilight Recitals: Now Winter Nights Enlarge. Marcia Buns ton, Jennifer Griffith, sopranos; Greg Carpenter, tenor; Rebecca Morton, cello; Andrew Ager, piano. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free. - 4:00: Toronto Classical Singers. Bach & Haydn. Bach: Magnificat; Haydn: St. Nicho· las Mass. Guests: Talisker Players; soloists; Jurgen Petrenko, artistic director. 1570 Yonge St. 416-443-1490. , (sr), (st). - 4:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. Carols by Candlelight. Choirs of Yorkminster Park Baptist Church; Ronald S. Jordan, organ; William Maddox, director of music. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Freewill offering. ,.----------, I TR~~.!c~CH I IA.II Hayle to the Dayesl I Fea turing Saint-Saen's Chrfstmas Oratorio I & Handel's Harp Concerro (KJrsten Therin,wll, /-larp ) I En semble TrypTych Chamber Choir I Lenard Whiting, Music Director Sinfonia TrypTych Sunday, Dec. 11, 2005, 7 PM Trinity Presbyterian Church Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005, 8 PM St. Martin-in-the-Fields Admission: /20 416 763-5066/info@tryptych.org Edward Franko, Wi ll iam Shookhoff, Lenard Whiting ... _________ ... I I I I I I - 5:00: Czech Community Centre. George Grosman's Swing Nair. Works by Gershwin, Ellington & others. Restaurant Prague at Masaryktown, 450 Scarborough Golf Club Rd. 416-439-4354, , (st). - 7:00: On Stage. 12th Annual Onstage Opera Gala. Popular arias and duets by Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and others. Isabel Bayrakdarian, soprano; Marie-Nicole Lemieux, contralto; Canadian Opera Company Orchestra; Richard Bradshaw, conductor. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-205-5555. . *SOLD OUT* - 7:00: TrypTych. All Hayle to the Dayes. Saint Saens: Christmas Oratorio; Handel: Harp Concerto & other seasonal works. Rachael Harwood-Jones, soprano; Lynn Green, mezzo; Olenka Slywyska, alto; Jamie Tuttle, tenor; Tyler Kuhnert, baritone; Ensemble TrypTych Chamber Choir; Symphonia TrypTych. Trinity Presbyterian Church, 2737 Bayview Ave. 416- 763-5066. , (sr/st), free(under 13). CONCERTS ... Toronto & nearby VocalPoint Chamber Choir The Talisker Players Ian Grundy, conductor Jenni Hayman, soprano Jillian Y eman, mezzo Martin Houtman, tenor Trevor Bowes, baritone Charpentier In Nativitatem H. 416 Messe de Minuit SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, 2005 7:30 PM GRACE CHURCH ON·THE·HILL Russell Hill Rd. and Lonsdale Ave ADMISSION , STUDENTS/SENIORS 416-484-0185 FOR INFORMATION SYRINX CONCERTS COENRAAD BLOEMENDAL VALERIE TRYON cello & piano duo performing Gellman, Strauss, Greig Sunday, December 11, 2005, 3:00pm Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Avenue Adults Students For more info call 416.654.0877 "Hear ... we grow again!" new members welcome in January 2006 Counterpoint Chorale presents: "Winterlude 11 a Singing Celebration of Choral Music - from: Us to: You Hosted by - Ms Christina Cherneskey of CFRB Radio l 01 0 Sunday, December 11, 2005@ 3 p.m. Eglinton/St George United · 35 Lytton St Tickets & www.counterpointchorale.com tPJtoronto ERROL GAY, MUSIC DIRECTOR AND CONDUCTOR Catherine Manoukian, Artist-in-Residence Sunday, Dec. 11, 2005 at 3 PM AN AFTERNOON AT THE OPERA with Special Guests "Duetto Gelato" Cynthia Steljes, oboe Peter DeSotto, tenor & violin performing Favourite Operatic Excerpts ti~i}\ .:~~- ~ including R. Wagner: Prelude to Die Meistersinger G. Puccini: Act II from La boheme Dean Burry: Suite from The Hobbit (World Premiere) and works by famous opera composers Rossini, Massenet, Leoncavallo, & Mozart ALL CONCERTS AT THE GEORGE WESTON RECITAL HALL TORONTO CENTRE FOR THE ARTS Tickets: Adults , Sr/Std at the TCA Box Office or TicketMaster Special Rates: Children/Youth up to18 years and groups of 20 or more . Call Orchestra Toronto at 416 467 7142 for information. otoronto@on.aibn.com www.orchestratoronto.ca Canada Trust I Long & McQuade ~ fl;1~~·C;~Lffl~~T.!'f!-1~~~~ I RBC ~; torontdartsbounc,I ", •. I Anam 1 lengmoo