9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 4 - December 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Jazz
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble

... CONCERTS Toronto &

... CONCERTS Toronto & nearby - 7:30: Alexander Singers. Festive Con· cert. Celebration Presbyterian Church. See Dec. 10. - 7:30: Arcady. A Baroque Messiah. Floral Hall, Toronto Botancial Gardens, 777 Lawrence Ave E.416-250-0177. (advance), (door). - 7:30: Echo Women's Choir. Songs of Resistance & Hope. Guests: Suba Sankaran & Ed Hanley; Alan Gasser, conductor; Teodora Georgieva, guest conductor. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 416-588- 9050 ex3. (advance), (door), (un(der)waged). - 7:30: Les AMIS Concerts. Les AMIS Ensemble. Music by Ravel, Brahms & Pepa. Lynn Kuo, violin; Emily Marlow, clarinet; Rafael Hoeckman, cello; Angela Park, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-929-6262. , (sr), O(st). See ad previous page. ;};;:: ~ ~IYf ~~Alf nurn ~INGf~~ Teodora Georgieva - Artistic Director Edward Moroney - Accompanist Aviva Kolet - Assistant Conductor Riverdale Young Singers Alkiviadis Leontarakis - Conductor Present Winter Tails A Choral Evening of Fables and Winter Sounds with Special Guest Actors. Mon., Dec. 12th 2005 7: 3opm- FREE St. John's Presbyterian Church 415 Broadview Ave - 7:30: Mariposa. Chris McKhoolin Concert. Tranzac, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-41 Q. 3655. , . - 7:30: Trinity Chamber Ensemble. December Dancing. Music by Telemann, Locatelli, Arne & Grainger. Guest: Blake Pouliot. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. 416-229-0496. , . - 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. World of Music: Percussion Ensemble. Robin Engelman, director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. - 7:30: VocalPoint Chamber Choir. Christmas Concert. Charpentier: In Nativitatem; Messe de Minuit. Guests: Talisker Players; Jenni Hayman, soprano; Jillian Yemen, mezzo; Martin Houtman, tenor; Trevor Bowes, baritone; Ian Grundy, conductor. Grace Church on-the-Hill. 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-484- 0185. , (sr/sl). - 7:30: York Symphony Orchestra. Opera Spectacular. Deanna Hendriks, soprano; Chantelle Grant, mezzo soprano; Jan Vaculik, baritone. Markham Theatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. , (sr/st), (under 12). - 8:00: Arabesque. layali Arabesque. Gypsy Co-Op. See Dec. 4. - 8:00: Borderless Songs . ... avec piano. Christopher Burton, piano. Forest Grove United Church, 43 Forest Grove Dr.416-462-9601. , (sr/st). - 8:00: neither/nor. Obscurity. The Darling Building. See Dec. 9. - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. RCMDrchestras. RCM Preparatory, Junior, Chamber & Baroque Orchestras & the Academy Choir; Kelly Parkins-Lindstrom, Jonathan Craig, Katharine Rapoport & Markus Howard, conductors. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 ex321. , (sr/st), (family). Monday December 12 - 7:30: Cantabile Chorale of York Re· gion. A lighter Side of Christmas. Lona Richardson, accompanist; Robert Richardson, conductor. Thornhill Presbyterian Church, 271 Centre St., Thornhill. 905- 731-8318. . - 7:30: Riverdale Youth Singers. Winter Tails. Choral evening with guest actors. Alkividadis Leontarakis, conductor. St. John's Presbyterian Church, 415 Broadview Ave. 416- 875-1587. Free. FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA Gennady Gefter, Conductor ~Magic Musical selections include Suite of Old American Dances, The Barber of Seville and Seasonal Favourites. Tuesday, December 13 at 8 p.m. Christ Church Deer Park, 1 570 Yonge Street (at Heath, 2 blocks north of St. Clair, close to TTC & municipal parking) Adults ; Students $ 1 0 To reserve tickets, call 905-881-4255 Fax 416-491-5282 or visit Handicapped accessible - 8:00: Dave McMurdo Jazz Orchestra. A Portrait of Phil Nimmons. Fund raiser for the Orchestra's New York tour and launch of Phil's cd. Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. w. 416-504-7529. . Tuesday December 13 - 12:00noon: Roy Thomson Hall. Free Noon Hour Choir & Organ Concert Series: A Renaissance Christmas. Studio Sixteen. Kevin Komisaruk, conductor/organ. 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4822. Free. - 12:15pm: All Saints' Kingsway. Mid· week Organ Recitals. David Braund, organ. 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-233-1125 ex 0. Free. - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday. Thomas Fitches, organ. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free. - 7:30: St. James' Cathedral Choral Society. Family Messiah & Carols: Part T of Handel's Messiah. With the Cathedral Choir of Men & Boys & The Talisker Players. Michael Bloss, conductor. 65 Church St. 416-364- 7865. , (sr/st), (family). - 8:00: Festival Wind Orchestra. Holiday Magic! Works include excerpts from Suite of Old American Dances, The Barber of Seville & seasonal favourites. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 905-881-4255. , (st). - 8:00: Heritage Theatre. The Moscow Boys Choir: Christmas Around the World. Christmas classics including excerpts from Handel's Messiah. 86 Main St. N., Brampton. 905-874-2800. ; (sr/sl). - 8:00: North 44° Ensemble/7th Toronto Regiment Band, Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. Repeat the Sounding Joy. Geoffrey Butler, Graziano Brescacin, music Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:30 pm Part 1 of Handel's Messiah Christmas carols and the ever popular humourous Christmas anecdote directors. St. Clement's Church, 59 Briar Hill Ave. 905· 764-5140. , (sr/st). Profits to charities. - 8:00: RCM Repertory Chorus & Chamber Choir. Fundraiser Concert. Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Ave. Donations for Out of the Cold. Wednesday December 14 - 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. Noonday Organ Recital. P. John H. Stephenson, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922- 1167. Free. - 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Handel's Messiah. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. -, The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys The St. James Singers The Cathedral Choral Society The Talisker Players Michael Bloss, conductor Tickets ( students & seniors) Family (2 adults/2 children 5-13) available at the Cathedral Gift Shop in person or by phone: 416-366-1728 Also available at the door 44 WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE. COM D ECE MBER 1 2005 - F EBRUARY 7 200 6

-(sr/st). - 8:00 & 10:15: Mezzetta Cafe. Rebecca Enkin, vocals & Mike Allen, guitar. Music celebrating Frank Sinatra's 90th birthday. 681 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-658-5697. . - 8:00: Bruno Cormier. Chantons Noell A Christmas Recital. Bruno Cormier, baritone; Ana Maria Nunes, piano. St. Andrew's United Church, 117 Bloor St. E. 416-963-5137. . - 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Roger Whittaker: Christmas Classics & Greatest Hits. T raditional Christmas carols and favourites. Ham· merson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Or., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. +. - 8:00: Nathaniel Dett Chorale. An Indigo Christmas: Great Joy. Arrangements of Christmas and Kwanzaa music. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, conductor. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -.50, .50-.50(sr/st). - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra/ Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Toronto's Best Messiah. Nathalie Paulin, soprano; Susan Platts, alto; Michael Colvin, tenor; Nathan Berg, baritone; Noel Edison, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-0422. -. - 8:00: TrypTych. All Hayle to the Dayes. Saint Saens: Christmas Oratorio; Handel: Harp Concerto & other seasonal works. Rachael Harwood-Jones, soprano; Lynn Green, mezzo; Olenka Slywyska, alto; Jamie Tuttle, tenor; Tyler Kuhnert, baritone. Ensemble T rypTych Chamber Choir & Symphonia TrypTych. St. Martin-in-the-Fields Anglican Church. 151 Glenlake Ave. 416- 763-5066. , (sr/ st), free(under 13). Thursday December 15 - 7:30: Music Students of York Mills Collegiate. Annual Seasonal Concert. 490 York Mills Rd. 416-395-3340 ex 20145. Call for ticket prices. - 7:30: RCM Jazz Choir. Ensemble Concert. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 ex321. Free. - 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Handel's Messiah. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre. See Dec 14. - 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Roger Whittaker: Christmas Classics & Greatest Hits. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Or., Mississauga. See Dec. 14. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra/ Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Toronto's Best Messiah. Roy Thomson Hall. See Dec 14. Friday December 16 - 6:00am: CBC Radio One 99.1 FM. Sounds of the Season. Live music throughout the day. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-205-5555. Free with charitable donation, unwrapped toy or non-perishable food item. - 6:30: Bach Consort Orchestra & Cho· rus. Bach Consort's Fifth Annual Concert & Dinner Event. Bach: Christmas Oratorio. Monica Whicher, soprano; Elizabeth Turnbull, contralto; Dennis Giesbrecht & Pascal Charbonneau, tenors; Nathan Berg, bass; Bach Consort Chorus & Orchestra; Yannick Nezet Seguin, conductor. Eglinton St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416-481-1141 ex250. includes bullet; proceeds to Delisle Youth Services. - 7:30: COC Ensemble Studio. Mozart: The Magic Flute. Richard Bradshaw, conductor; Andrew Porter, director. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park Gres. 416-363-8231. -(subscribers); -(non-subscribers). For complete run see music theatre listings. *SOLD OUT-WAITING LIST*. - 7:30: Coro Giuseppe Verdi. Christmas Choral Celebration.Traditional Christmas music. Giuseppe Macina, conductor; Adolfo De Santis, organ. Columbus Centre, Lower Gallery, 901 Lawrence Ave. West. 416-789- 4970. . - 7:30: Humberside Collegiate Institute. Christmas Concert. Music by Vivaldi, Anderson, Mozart & others. 280 Quebec Ave. 416- CONCERTS ... Toronto & nearby Gros Morne sine nomine ensemble for Medieval Music Reservations: Angelus ad virginem Medieval Music for the ~ason of R.dvent Friday, December 16, 8 pm St Thomas's Church, 383 Huron St. Tickets I students, seniors 416-638-9445 I MAESTRO ENTERPRISES presents its ,Annual Ch,istmas,ati~n featuring the NEW SCHOOL CHORALE and Celebrated Vocal Soloists Friday Dec.16 at 8PM and Dec.18 at 2PM Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Avenue Call 416-927-9800 for reservations and info or visit DECEMBER 1 2005 - FEBR UARY 7 2006 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM Gros Morne§SJ 45

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)