9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 4 - December 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Jazz
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble

The High Park Choirs of

The High Park Choirs of Toronto Once in Royal Davids City African Noel Something Told the Wild Geese Seven Joys of Christmas and an audience carol-sing-a-long Saturday, December 17, 2005 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Humbercrest United Church 16 Baby Point Road 8 blocks north of Bloor St. W., on the west of Jane St. Tickets: adults, seniors & under 12 To order tickets or for information call: 416-762-0657 Visit us at: email: ... CONCERTS Toronto & nearby 293-8122ex20100. , . Food drive. - 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Handel's Messiah. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre. See Dec 14. - 8:00: Brampton Festival Singers. Hofi· day Memories Concert. Paul Chant, guest con· ductor. Knox United Church, 2976 Charleston Sideroad, Caledon. 905-450-5659. , (sr/stl. O(under 12). - 8:00: Maestro Enterprises. Annual Christmas Celebration. New School Chorale & guest vocalists; Raisa Nakhmanovich, musical director; Daniel Eby, artistic director. Heliconi· an Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-927 ·9800. , (sr/st), free(under 101. - 8:00: Markham Theatre. The Moscow Boys Choir: Christmas Around the WorldTour. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305· 7469. , . - 8:00: Nathaniel Dell Chorale. An Indigo Christmas: Great Joy. George Weston Recital Hall. See Dec. 14. ru, KARINA GAUVIN Les Violons du Roy Bernard Labadie conducts, and Karina Gauvin sings, Bach's Psalm 51 after Pergolesi's Stabat Mater (with Daniel Taylor) & /ch Habe Genug. - 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Bach Christmas Cantatas: Les Violonsdu Roy. Cantatas #171 , 110, 151, & 63. Karina Gauvin, so· prano; Christophe Dumaux, counter-tenor; Christoph Pregardien, tenor; Brett Polegato, baritone; La Chapelle de Quebec; Bernard La· badie, conducto r. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872- 4255. -. - 8:00: Sine Nomine. Angelus et Virginem. Medieval music for the season of advent. St. Thomas's Anglican Church, 383 Huron St. 416-638-9445. , (sr/st). - 8:30: Living Arts Centre. Denzal Sin· r·11 King's v_()/nN'S !'·. 11), ,: claire in Concert. Cabaret-style concert. RBC Theatre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. , , . - 9:00: Foggy Hogtown Boys. A Very Foggy Christmas. Guests: Jenny Whiteley, Justin Rutledge, Alex Pangman & Tom Park· er. Silver Dollar Room, 486 Spadina Ave. 416· 975-0909. or + food bank donation. Saturday December 17 - 11 :OOam & 2:00: Solar Stage Chil· dren's Theatre. Bruce the Christmas Moose. By Tom Vandenberg. Puppet show for ages 4 to 8 with traditional and seasonal mu· sic. 4950 Yonge St. 416-368-8031. . - 12:00noon: RCM. Noon Hour lobby Concert. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 ex321. Free. - 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Toronto Chi!· dren's Chorus: A Chorus Christmas. Murphy: The Darkest Midnight in December (world premiere). With True North Brass; Judy Lo· man, harp; Susan Hoeppner, flute; Beverley Johnston, marimba; Jean Ashworth Bartle, music director. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872- 4255. .50-.50. - 3:30 & 8:00: York Symphony Drches· tra. YSO Holiday Concert. Carols, audience sing-along & other musical offerings.Trinity Anglican Church, 79 Victoria St., Aurora. 416· 410-0860. , (sr/st), (under 12). - 6:30: High Park Choirs of Toronto. Joyful Voices. Holiday music & carol sing-a· long. Zimfira Poloz, artistic directo r. Humber· crest United Church, 16 Baby Point Rd. 416· 762-0657. , (sr/under 12). - 7:30: Amadeus Choir. Compliments of the Season! Carols & sing-along; carol and Chanukah song premieres. Guests: Bach Chil· dren's Chorus; Eleanor Daley, piano; Linda Beaupre & Lydia Adams, conductors. Yorkmin· ster Park Church, 1585 Yonge St. 416-446· 1088. , (sr/st). - 7:30: Camerata Tibia. German & Italian Renaissance & Baroque Music. Janos Ung· vary, Takayo Shimada, recorders; Iris Krizman· ic, cello/soprano; Agnes Zsigovics, soprano; Dora Krizmanic, harpsichord. First Hungarian Presbyterian Church, 439 Vaughan Rd. 416· 241-5080. Donation. - 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Handel's Messiah. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre. See Dec 14. - 8:00: All the King's Voices. Christmas Classics. David J. King, conductor. Willowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-225· 2255. , (sr/st), (ch). - 8:00: Brampton Festival Singers. Hofi· day Memories Concert. Paul Chant, guest con· ductor. Grace United Church, 156 Main St. N., Brampton. 905-450-5659. , 7(sr/st), $ lO(under 12). - 8:00: Chyrell Samson & Rodney Ron· quillo. A Chyrell & Rodney Christmas Card. CHRISTMAS CLASSICS Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 8:00pm SONGS FROM THE HEART Saturday, February l 1, 2006 at 8:00pm \VillowdalC' L· nitl"cl Church. '.i·t9 KC"11ncth Ave. Adults S I:) Sc-nior/Studr nts $ 10 C:hildn•n S:> For tickets/subscription info: 416-225-2255 info(11) Supported hy the Toronto Arts Council 46 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE,COM D ECEMBER 1 2005 · F EBRUAR Y 7 2006

Guests: Anna Balagtas, Darius Ciria & Jo Ann Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. Tudor. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416· 905-306-6000. .50-.50. 995-7810. . - 8:00: Music Gallery. Madawaska String - 8:00: Mississauga Symphony. Tis the Ouartet:Under the Influence. Works by Ives, Season: Christmas in the City. Christmas clas- Lutoslawski, Vol ans & Nancarrow. St. George sics; Royer: The Bobsled (premiere). Mary Lou the Martyr Church, 197 John St. 416-204- Fallis & Anna Madgett, sopranos. Living Arts 1080. , (sr/member), (st). ~ ~ Living Arts Centre, Mississauga Free Underground Parking J((~ 'J(,a,,j, . . s s, s sA u 6 A ''!'is tlie Season: Cliristmas in tlie City December 17, 2005 8:00PM Lire 0 Join this talented duo for a festive family performance featuring joyous Yuletide sing-alongs and delighttul selections guaranteed to chase away the "Bah humbugs" and ... put you in the Mary Lou Fallis, soprano Anna Madgett, soprano Mississauga Symphony - John Barnum, conductor Jfo{ufay Spirit! Por Jolin January 21, 2006 --- 8:00PM and(}eorge: HITACHI . I Lennon and l nsp;n· '"'" N n i t Jfarrison ~mem6erea r,-~---. -- \: /'I. Though they're gone, their music lives on. -,) · J _ ~ ~ =- · Y Guaranteed to take you on a memorable musical tour IP:~-___ 1 from the divine to the sublime, this performance features ~ ~ John's & George's most famous and cherished songs. --::--:-~--::J .k.n'!'S h e't.lssrcs Band John Barnum, Music Director & Conductor PATHEON ~ --, &,arnaaeus l!llcnoir LYDIA ADAMS, CONDUCTOR AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Lydia Adams and the Amadeus Choir w ish you Compliments of the Season! Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Yorkminster Park Baptist Church 1585 Yonge Street 1 block north of St. Clair A holiday concert/or the whole family! 13 delightful, brand new carols and Chanukah songs by our Competition winning composers, including Mark Sirett, Brian Holmes and Jason Jestadt Other seasonal music by Eleanor Daley, .John Gardner, .John Rutter, David Willcocks, and G.F. Handel's magnificent Hallelujah Chorus Lydia Adams and Linda Beaupre conduct The Amadeus Choir The Bach Children's Chorus, Linda Beaupre, director Eleanor Daley, piano Tickets and (Seniors/Students) Call the Amadeus Choir: 416-446-0188 t o rontda rt sbou n ci I ;,..,,a,n1"s l• ••,1tn t>o:ly of t h • C,t y ofTo , on10 Olll"AAJO IJITS COUNC!L CONSllLOEl1A.1.n Ol L"Oll1lll lO Canada Council for the Arts B1'e, Conseil des Arts © du Canada ~lmu.u"h, Baroque Orc·llt'slra &- ChaiubPr Cl,oir .lt·a1mt' l.,11111,11. \lu-.ic- Di rtTlor li ar" 'L 111ri11 .... [lir.•t·lur. Cl1111 11h,· r Clu1i1 Handel's Messiah Wed - Sat, Dec 14 - 17 at 7:30pm Trinity-St. Paul's Centre 427 Bloor Street Wesl (one bloc k west ofSpadina) h a rs 'l'auri 11s. r-ond uclor A1111 t' Cri 111111. soprn 110 I I.aura Pudwe ll. 111ezzo-sopra110 B

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