9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 4 - December 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Jazz
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble

.... . . Katerina

.... . . Katerina Tchoubar, Carla Huhtanen, Marcel van Neer, Sean Watson A truly treasured Viennese operetta garnished with some of the most beautiful melodies of \ the Waltz King ... a wonderful Holiday treat \ and a perfect gift! • 1 1 .• \ Dec. 27 (preview), 28, 30, 3 t *. : Jan. 6 & 7 at 8 pm Jan. 4 & 8 at 2 pm *ask abou t our New Year's Eve Party Jane Mallett Theatre 416-366-7723 I \CJ/ Presents • • , • C/ ~ _ A Holiday Classic / ~ I fortheWholeFamily Hansel & ~ ·~·-·.: • r ~ ~ "' Gretel I 1 1 • by Englebert Humperdinck Based on the story by The Brothers Grimm -.:a=""---'-----'--''"' Under the Artistic Direction of Andrew Tees I Featuring: MARY LOU FALLIS as the nasty witch, Andrew Tees, Kathryn Knapp, Arlene Alvarado, Jillian Yemen and Andrea Rebello. With the Opera York Chorus and Orchestra under the Musical Direction of Alain Trudel. Dec. 26 & 30- 7:30 pm; Dec. 28 - 2:30 pm at the NEW St. Elizabeth Performing Arts Centre, • 525 New Westminster Drive, Vaughan Tickets Adults, Children under 12 - ... CONCERTS Toronto & nearby Friday December 23 Saturday December 24 Monday December 26 Tuesday December 27 Friday December 30 Saturday December 31 • • I • I • I Abbott, Lawrence Gowan, Guido Basso & Amanda Stott. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. 3:00: .50-.50; 8:00: .50-.50. - 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Canadian Brass Annual Christmas Concert. Guests: Elmer lseler Singers. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -. - 1 O:OOpm: Deer Park Concerts. A Recital of Christmas Music. D' Aquin: Five Noels; Bach: Canonic Variations on Von Himmel Hoch BWV 769; Callahan: A Christmas Suite. William Wright, organ. Deer Park United Church, 129 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-481-2979. Free. See ad previous page. - 7:30: Opera York. Hansel & Gretel. Music by E. Humperdinck. Andrew Tees, artistic director; Alain Trudel, conductor. St. Elizabeth Performing Arts Centre, 525 New Westminster Dr., Vaughan. 905-763-7853. , (under 12), (eachadditional child). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 11 :OOam & 2:00: Lester B. Pearson Theatre. Franklin's Class Concert. Musical production with singing, dancing and audience participation. Recommended for pre-school-gr. 1. 150 Central Park Dr., Brampton. 905-874- 2800. ; (grp). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Wiener Blut, Vienna Love. Music by Johann Strauss. Jackalyn Short, Mark Dubois, Sean Watson, Katerina Tchoubar & Carla Huhtanen; Kevin Mallon, conductor. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366- 7723. Preview: -. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Brampton Lyric Opera. Die Fledermaus. Music by Johann Strauss. Brampton Heritage Theatre, 86 Main St. N., Brampton . 905-874-2800. +. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 9:00: Red Guitar. Daniela Nardi. With Ron Davis. 603 Markham St.416·913-4586. $ 7 cover. - 11 :OOam & 2:00: Markham Theatre. Franklin's Family Christmas Concert. Recommended for ages 3 +. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. -; - (ch). - 8:30: Old Mill Inn's Salute to Big Bands. New Year's Eve Big Band Swing Celebration. Swing Shift Band. 21 Old Mill Rd. 416-236-2641 to reserve. 5(dinner package). Church St. 416-364-7865. Free. Tuesday January 03 - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday. Loralei Kirkpatrick, soprano; Andrew Ager, piano/organ. 65 Church St. 416-364- 7865. Free. Thursday January 05 - 7:30: Hummingbird Centre/Jeffrey Finn Productions. The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. Includes works from The Phantom of the Opera; Cats; Evita; Jesus Christ Superstar & others. Michael Burgess, tenor; accompanying orchestra. 1 Front St. E, 416· 872-2262. -$ 75. - 8:00: Theatre Passe Muraille. Yours to Break. By Fides Krucker. Mark Christmann, director. 16 Ryerson Ave. 416-504- 7529. -. For complete run see music theatre listings. Friday January 06 - 7:00: Markham Chapters. Adrian Raso, Guitar. Latin, jazz, pop & gypsy music. John Cusinato, drums; Jason Raso, bass; Lore Bortolon, guitar. Woodside Centre, 3175 Highway 7 E. 905-4 77 -1756. Free. Cd sale proceeds to Children's Health Foundation of London. - 7:30: Hummingbird Centre/Jeffrey Finn Productions. The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. 1 Front St. E. See Jan. 5. -8:00: BonneJournee: A Recital. Works by Poulenc, Beckwith & Johnston. Colin Ainsworth, tenor; Amanda Johnston, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 905-424-2057. , (sr/st). Colin Ainsworth In Recital Saturday January 07 - 2:00: Hummingbird Centre/Jeffrey Finn Productions. The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. 1 Front St. E. See Jan. 5 . - 7:00: Richmond Hill Indigo. Adrian Raso, Guitar. Latin, jazz, pop & gypsy music. John Cusinato, drums; Jason Raso, bass; Lore Sunday January 01 Bortolon, guitar. 8705 Yonge St. 905-731 · - 2:30: Roy Thomson Hall. Salute to Vien- 8771. Free. Cd sale proceeds to Children's na. Music by Strauss & others. Olga Szilagyi. soprano; Zrinko Soco, tenor; Andras Deak, Health Foundation of London. - 7:30: Gilbert & Sullivan Society of WWW conductor. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. Toronto. Annual Songfest. St. Andrew's Unit- • Thank you to our sponsors:The Ontario Trillium Foundation, Canadian • $ 55-5. ed Church, 117 Bloor St. E. 416-221-4864. Heritage, Ontario Arts Council, York Region Newspaper Group, RBC - 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. Sunday At- Free. I Fi~ancial Group, Miller Thomson, Collins Barrow and Yamaha Music ..J ternoon TwilightRecitals:FirstDay. Trillium - 7:30: Hummingbird Centre/Jeffrey .... • • • • Brass. Festal Choral Evensong 4:30pm. 65 Finn Productions. The Music of Andrew ~ - - WWW.THE 0 W- -HO- LE-NO_T_E-.C-0-M--------~0~ EC_E_M_BE- R~ 1~ 2Q~Q~5~-~F- EB-R-UA_R_Y~7~2=QQ=6

Lloyd Webber. 1 Front St. E. See Jan. 5. - 7:30: Music at St. Mark's. The Cam Mc· Carroll Trio: All That Jaz1. Cam Mc Carroll, guitar; Bobby Sui, sax; Mark Cashion, bass. Music includes Porter & Gershwin. St. Mark's Presbyterian Church, 1 Greenland Rd. 416-444-6762. , (ch). THE CAM McCARROLL TRIO Cam McCarroll, guitar Bobby Sui, saxophone Mark Cashion, bass 1lff 7hat ?azz An evening of classic jazz favourites including the music of Cole Porter & George Gershwin SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2006 at 7:30 pm St. Mark's Presbyterian Church I Greenland Road (Don Mills Rd. & Donway East) Adults ; Children Tickets at door or reserve by phone at 416-444-6762 Sunday January 08 - 2:00: Hummingbird Centre/Jeffrey Finn Productions. The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. 1 Front St. E. See Jan. 5. - 2:00: Toronto Parks & Recreation Sunday Concert Series. Harvey Seigel Band. Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. 416-396-7398. Free. - 2:30 & 8:00: New Music Concerts. Grettir: An Icelandic Saga. Chamber opera. Music by Thorkell Sigubrjtirnsson, libretto by Btidvar Gudmundsson. Cast of the Bayreuth Youth Festival; Gudmundur Emilsson, director. Betty Oliphant Theatre, 404 Jarvis St. 416- 961 -9594. $ 25, (sr), $ 5(st). For complete run see music theatre listings. - 3:00: Vesnivka Choir. Ukrainian Christmas Concert. Islington United Church, 25 Burnhamthorpe Rd. 416-246-9880. , (sr/ st). D ECEM BER 1 2005 - F EBRUARY 7 2006 - 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. Sunday Af· ternoon Twilight Recitals. Andrew Ager, or· gan. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free. - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers. Laurie Bower Trio. Laurie Bower, trombone; Ian Bargh, piano; Duncan Hopkins, bass. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211 . Free; donations welcome. - 4:30: St. Clement's Anglican Church. Choral Evensong and Epiphany Carols. 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-483-6664. Free. - 7:00: Kingsway-Lambton United Church. Sunday Salon Songs. Amy Dodington, soprano; Vojislav Perucica, piano. 85 The Kings way. 416-232-9120. Freewill offering. - 8:00: Arabesque. Layali Arabesque. Gypsy Co-Op. See Dec. 4. Tuesday January 10 - 1 :OD: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday. Works by Bach & Guilmant. Andrew Ager, organ. 65 Church St. 416-364· 7865. Free. - 8:00: Mirvish Productions. The Boy Friend. Jazzy spoof of 1920s musical comedy. Julie Andrews, director. Royal Alexandra Theatre, 260 King St. W. 416-593-4225. Call for ticket prices. For complete run see music theatre listings. January 14, 2006 (Saturday) 8:00 p.m. George Weston Recital Hall Toronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge Street. Jlr Jf­ Celebrate the New Year with selected western classic pieces -t ranging from overture by -*' Strauss, opera by Mozart, to ' piano concertos by Tchaikovsky ~ and Chopin, together with popular Chinese favorites like the magnificent piano concerto Yellow River. with Toronto Festival Orchestra Brampton Lyric Opera. Music director & Conductor: LAI Tak-Ng Pianist: LIU Shi kun (Winner of Tchaikovsky Piano Competitions) Flutist: ZHOU Wei (renowned Chinese bamboo flutist) Teng Li (Winner of International Competitions) Thursday January 12 - 12: 10: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Thursdays at !Voon: Viola Ensemble. Mixed program including music by faculty composers. Kathy Rapoport, director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. Saturday January 14 - 12:00noon: Royal Conservatory of Mu· sic. Noon Hour Lobby Concert. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 ex321. Free. - 1 :OD: Historic Fort York. Dueen Char· lotte's Birthday Ball. Multi-event program. 1 DO Garrison Road. 416-392-6907 ex100. Call to pre-register & for prices/full day . - 8:00: Li Delun Music Foundation. An East-Meets-West New Year's Concert. Guests: Toronto Festival Orchestra; Brampton Lyric Opera. Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-733-9388. -. - 8:00: NUMUS Concerts. MoEns. Contemporary Czech music. Music Gallery, St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John St. 519- 578-7570. , (sr/st). Sunday January 15 - 1 :30: CAMMAC/McMichael Art Gallery. Sunday Concert Series. Darren Sigesmund, jazz ensemble. 10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. 905-893-1121. Admission with gallery price: , (sr/st), (family). - 2:00: Shevchenko Musical Ensemble. Shevchenko Choir & Dancers. Guests: Toronto Jewish Folk Choir. Columbus Centre, 901 Lawrence Ave. W. 416-533-2725. , (sr/st). presents ~ot.ns 8:00 pm Saturday, January 14, 2006 Music Gallery, Toronto Prague's prem;ere new musk ensemble presents a concert of contemporary Czech composers. THE Celebrating the Art of Song SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2:30 PM - W ALTER H ALL Tickets: /student rush Call (416) 735-7982 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE,COM 51

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