... CONCERTS Toronto & nearby Maddox, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922- 1167. Free. - 8:00: Toronto Wind Orchestra. Spiritual World. Music by Rorem, Benson. Husa & Vincente. Royal Conservatory of Music, 90 Croatia St. 416-461 ·6681, , $ lO(sr/sl). Thursday February 02 - 12: 10: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Thursdays at Noon: David Braid & Gary Williamson, Pianos. Jazz standards & original compositions for two pianos. Walter 56 ~,;;.cdq_u~iiM•i® Larry Beckwith a11istic di,·ector R · -,~' t :...· , :iv.:· Crl
Prokofiev & Brahms. Roy Thomson Hall. See Feb 2. Sunday February 05 - 1 :30: CAMMAC/McMichael Art Gal· lery. Sunday Concert Series. Canzona, classi· cal ensemble. 10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. 905-893-1121 . Admission with gallery price: , (sr/st), (family). - 2:00: Chamber Music Society of Mis· sissauga. Sunday Family Concert Series: Return of the Double Reed Duo. Works by Strauss, Mozart & others. Lisa Griffiths & Chris Sharpe, bassoons. Royal Bank Theatre, Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. , (sr), (st). - 2:00: RCM Orff Ensembles. Drff Pro· gram Concert. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 ex321. Free. - 2:00: Toronto Parks & Recreation Sunday Concert Series. Syncona. Scarbor· ough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. 416-396- 7398. Free. - 3:00: Hannaford Street Silver Band. Bollywood Brass. Ra ham: Urvashi, Urvashi; Sankaran: Bollywood Brass & Saraswati; Thygarja: Ganamurthy; Gillespie: A Night in Tunisia; Ellington: Caravan. Guests: autorickshaw; Curtis Metcalf, conductor. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723. , , $ 20, (groups of 10 or more). - 3:00: Syrinx. Sunday Salon. Music by Debussy, Gellman, Schumann & Beethoven. Peter Longworth, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-654-0877. , (st). - 3:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Amadeo: Mozart in Italy. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre. See Feb 3. - 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. Sunday Afternoon Twilight Recitals. Stillman Matheson, organ. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free. - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers. The Russ Little Quartet. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211 . Free; donations welcome. - 7:30: Trinity Chamber Ensemble. In Concert. Church of the Trans figuration, 111 Manor Rd. E. 416-229-0496. , (ch). - 8:00: Continuum Contemporary Mu· sic. Playing in Tongues. Hatch; Saint-Denis; Oesterle: premiere works; Benadon: Meet Cafe. Music Gallery, St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John St. 416-924-4945. , O(st/artsworkers), (st/cheapseats). - 8:00: Toronto Masque Theatre. Masques of Love: Romance & Heartbreak Through the Ages. Gladstone Hotel Ballroom. See Feb. 2. Monday February 06 - 7:30: Five Small Concerts. Visions of Heaven and Hell Works by Torke, Vas ks & Schumann. Members of the TSO and guests. Carol Lynn Fujino, Virginia Chen Wells, violins; Daniel Blackman, viola; Kirk Worthington, cello.Trinity-St. Paul's United Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-221-8342. , (sr/st). See ad next page. Tuesday February 07 - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music at Midday. Music by Mendelssohn & Stanford. Andrew Ager, organ. 65 Church St. 416·364- 7865. Free. CONCERTS ... Toronto & nearby Cathedral Bluffs Robert Raines Principa I Conductor 'TIS THE SEASON with Village Voices Joan Andrews, Artistic Director Holiday favourites by Handel, Vivaldi, Corelli Anderson, Sibelius and Mozart toro ntda rtsbou n ci I An arm's length b ody of the C1ly o1 Toron t o For details, see listings for December 10 presents Bollywood Brass Sunday, February, 5, 2006, 3 p.m., Jane Mallett Theatre Curtis Metcalf, Resident Conductor Autorickshaw, Guest Ensemble: Suba Sankaran, Ed Hanley, Rich Brown, Debashis Sinha The HSSB w ill collaborate with the award-winn ing Autorickshaw in an afternoon of world-inspired musicmaking. A. R. Raham's Urvash,; Urvashi and Suba Sankaran's arrangement entitled Bollywood Brass will be performed. Autorickshaw will perform Saraswati by Sankaran and Ganamurthy by Thygarja Jazz will make its way into our concert when the brass of the HSSB are added to Autorickshaw's unique arrangements of Gillespie's A Night in Tunisia and Ellington's Caravan. "Silver-plated m usic makin g all t he w ay " William Littler, The TorontoStar Call the St. Lawrence Centre Box Office at 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754 or book on-line at www.stlc.com Visit us at www.hssb.ca t o ro ntoa rtsc ounc ii •· •·'•'"""''"''"'' '
- CDs fo:r_ the season - ------ CD
Haydn The Seasons Marlis Peterson;