ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES, MASTERCLASSES, ETCETERA Ill ANNOUNCEMENTS *December 4 2:00-5:00: Elmer lseler Singers. Sherry and Shortbread. Relax in the gracious surroundings, join in the silent auction & enjoy music of the holiday season. Albany Club, 91 King St. East. 416-217-0537. (donation receipt for ). *December 4 2:30: Orchestra Toronto. 8th Annual Musicale, Afternoon Tea & Silent Auction. Features ensemble members of the orchestra, live & silent auctions. Gibson Ballroom, Novo tel Hotel, 3 Park Home Ave. 416- 489-3131, . *To December 11: Canadian Music Cen· tre. New Music in New Places: Identity Sounding. Collaborative music-making project by composer Jack Behrens. Visitors are encouraged to add layers of live music over top of two pre-recorded compositions by Behrens, and will be guided in their music-making by 3 written scores, notated for musicians and non· musicians alike. Bring your own string, wind or percussion instrument, or use your voice, body percussion or other sound device. Mcintosh Gallery, U of Western Ontario, London ON. 416-961-6601 x207. *December 13 8:00: Toronto Disaster Relief Committee/Lorraine Segato. House party. Collaborative project that teams advocates of the homeless and musicians with creative artists who are homeless and underhoused, in a celebratory night of music, multi· media art and photography, showcasing the talents of people who are currently homeless or under-housed. Berkeley Church, 315 Queen St. East. *January 18 7:30: Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Open Rehearsal. Community musicians (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, •:;-,,._ trombone, French horn) are invited to sit in on this rehearsal. John Edward Liddle, music director. Etobicoke Collegiate Auditorium, 86 Montgomery Rd. Please pre-register: 416· 410-1570. *CBC Radio Two. Mozart Variation Contest. CBC Radio Two invites composers 19 years of age or younger to create one or more variations on Papageno's song A Girl or a little Wife (Ein Madchen oder Weibchen} from Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. Selected varia· lions will be chosen for broadcast as part of CBC Radio Two's Mozart 250 Celebration. Submission deadline: December 30, 2005. All contestants must check the complete con· test rules at LECTURES/SYMPOSIA *December 5 8:00: Toronto Wagner So· ciety. Conversation with heldentenor Alan Woodrow, about performing the role of Sieg· fried. Arts and Letters Club, 14 Elm St. Members free, non-members by donation. *December 12 8:00: Toronto Wagner Society. Discussion of the upcoming CDC production of Gotterdammerung, by director Tim Albery and designer Michael Levine. Arts and Letters Club, 14 Elm St. www.richard· Members free, non-members by donation. *December 13 7:30: Koffler Salon Se· ries. Opera Talk: The Magic Flute. Koffler Centre of the Arts, 4588 Bathurst St. 416- 636-1880 x228. • January 8 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. Wagner's Gotterdammerung - Briinnhilde's Redeeming Voice. Audio/visual presentation by guest speaker Wayne Gooding. CDs to be DID YOU KNOW THAT. .. • 2006 is a Mozart year celebrating his 250th birthday? • There is a Mozart Society in town ready to celebrate? Some upcoming events: January 11, 2006: lain Scott will explore why Mozart's music is so great. February 22, 2006: Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro will be discussed, and generous excerpts presented by students of the Opera Division, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. We offer six programs a year, and the yearly membership fee is single, family, student. All events take place at Sunderland Hall, First Unitarian Congregation, 175 St. Clair Ave. W. , west of Avenue Rd ., 8 pm . If you want to learn more about us, visit our website at or call 416-201-3338. Try us: visit one of our programs free! won! Everyone welcome. Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416-924· 3940. . • January 11 8:00: Mozart Society. Mo· zart 250 and his Operas. Audio-visual presen· talion by lain Scott. First Unitarian Church, 175 St. Clair West. 416-201-3338. $ 20 (nonmembers), members free. • January 19 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. New Music Festival: Composers' Forum. Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. • January 22 5:00: Czech Community Centre. Mozart in Prague. Presentation by lain Scott including excerpts from operas pre· miered in Prague. Restaurant Prague at Masa· ryktown, 450 Scarborough Golf club Rd. 416· 439-4354. ,. • January 26 7:00: University of Western Ontario. Medicine and Music Series: Beethoven and Hearing loss. Lecture with Dr. Don Neville & Dr. Lorne Parnes. Wolf Performance Hall, 1151 Richmond St., London ON 519-661-3767. Free. *February 2 7:00: University of Western Ontario. Medicine and Music Series: Mozart and Rheumatic Fever. Lecture with Dr. Don Neville & Dr. Lynn Bergin. Wolf Perform· ance Hall, 1151 Richmond St., London ON 519-661-3767. Free. *February 4 9:30am-3pm: Canadian Opera Company. The Opera Exchange· Gotter· dammerung: Return of the Ring. Day-long symposium with guests lain Scott, John Deathridge & others from U of Toronto and U of Regina, discussing the significance of Gotterdtimmerung in the Ring Cycle tetralogy. CDC general director Richard Bradshaw and Gotter· dammerung's director Tim Albery will also lead a panel discussion of the CDC's production. Isabel Bader Theatre, Victoria University, 93 Charles St. West. 416-363-8231. , (st). *February 5 3:00: Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association, North York-York Region/North Toronto Branches. Debussy & Ravel: Brothers or Rivals? Lecture-recital by pianist Jean-Paul Sevilla. Euromusic Centre, 2651 John St., Unit #8, Markham. 416-502-1315 or 905- 886-3578. ,. MASTER CLASSES *December 2 10am: The Glenn Gould School. Voice master class with Marshall Pynkoski. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 2 1 Oam: The Glenn Gould School. Solo bass trombone master class with Randall Hawes. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 2 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Bass trombone excerpts master class with Randall Hawes. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 7 7:30: University of Toron· to Faculty of Music. Master class on operatic repertoire with baritone Russell Braun. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978- 3744. Free. *December 8 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Piano sonatas master class with Robert McDonald. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416· 408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 8 6pm: The Glenn Gould School. Piano chamber music master class with Robert McDonald. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 9 1 Oam & 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Piano master class with Rob· ert McDonald. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 9 10am: The Glenn Gould School. Viola solos master class with Robert Vernon. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 9 10am: The Glenn Gould School. Horn solo master class with Gail Williams. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 9 10am: The Glenn Gould School. Voice master class with Marshall Pynkoski. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *December 9 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Horn excerpts master class with Gail Williams. RCM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408· 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* • January 10 12: 10: U of T Faculty of Music. Master class on Italian arias and songs with conductor Raffaele Ponti. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. Volunteer with our big bands to help raise funds for charities! Contact Andrew@ 416-712-2555. 64 WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM D ECE MBER 1 2005 - F EBRU,\RY 7 2006
* January 13 1 Oam & 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Voice master class with Stuart Hamilton. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm ' * January 13 1 Oam: The Glenn Gould School. Clarinet solos master class with Yehuda Gilad. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm' * January 13 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Clarinet chamber music master class with Yehuda Gilad. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416- 408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* * January 14 10am: The Glenn Gould School. Clarinet excerpts master class with Yehuda Gilad. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* * January 19 6pm: The Glenn Gould School. Chamber music master class with Anthony Elliot. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* * January 20 1 Oam: The Glenn Gould School. Cello master class with Anthony Elliot. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* * January 20 2:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Master class with Bruce Cassidy, jazz trumpet/ world music. Room 130, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. * January 23, 24, 25 2:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Vocal jazz master classes with jazz singer Renee Rosnes. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. * January 27 10am & 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Piano master class with Luiz de Moura Castro. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416- 408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *January 291:30-7:00: Pattie Kelly. Sensible Vocal Training. Master class focusing on influencing and improving the coordinative process of the vocal muscles, aiming to bring them into equilibrium and to eliminate muscular interference. Participants & auditors welcome. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 905-271 -6896. (participants), (auditors). * January 30 1 Oam-2pm: Toronto International Chamber Music Festival (Tryp· Tych). Piano master class with Felicitas Keil. St. Andrew's United Church, 117 Bloor st. East. Please forward resume to by December 15/05 to OO(participant's fee, includes ticket to Jan 28 5pm recital- see daily listings); (auditor's fee). * January 31 7:30: York University Dept. of Music. Voice master class with Nathalie Paulin. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 4700 Keele st. 416- 736-5186. Free. *February 2 6pm: The Glenn Gould School. Chamber music master class with Donald Weilerstein. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416- 408-2824. Free. *Please call to confirm * *February 3 1 Oam: The Glenn Gould School. Violin master class with Donald Weilerstein. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *February 3 2pm: The Glenn Gould School. Voice master class with Marshall Pynkoski. ACM, 90 Croatia St. 416-408- 2824. Free. *Please call to confirm* *February 7 12:10: U of T Faculty of Music. Voice master class with baritone Russell Braun. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416- 978-3744. Free. WORKSHOPS *December 4, 11, 18: Royal Conservato· ry of Music/Escola de Samba. Workshops in Samba Enredo. 1:00-2:30: beginners' Bateria percussion class; 2:30-3:30: Passistas dance class; 3:30-5:30: Bateria ensemble. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824 x321. suggested donation or pwyc. Pre-registration recommended at *December 4 1 :30: Toronto Early Music Performers Organization. Workshop on seasonal music for both Christmas and Hannukah, led by Scott Paterson, recorder. All instruments welcome. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-778-7777. , members free. *December 6 6:00: Fiddles & Frets Mu· sic Productions. Interactive mandolin workshop with Mike Compton & David Long, followed by 8:30pm concert (see daily concert listings). Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick. 416- 264-2235. (workshop only), (workshop & concert). *December 9 7:30: Recorder Players' Society. Opportunity for recorder and/or oth· er early instrument players to get together and play Renaissance & Baroque music. Special Christmas session: one large group, coached. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-224-5830. *December 10 1 Oam-4:45pm: Toronto Early Music Centre. Pastime with Good Company: Fellowship of the Viol. Full day gamba workshop, with visiting artists Annalisa Pappano. Julie Jeffrey, Joanna Blendulf & Liam Byrne. Classes on technique, solo & consort playing. Players at all levels of experience can be accommodated. Location tba. RSVP by December 3 to 416-760-8610 or bml (TEMC member), (non-member). *December 12 1 Oam-5pm: Music Gallery. State of the Art Part 2. Workshop for emerging composers with the Madawaska String Quartet. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John. 416-204-1080. PWYC. *December 16 1 pm-4pm: Music Gallery. Workshop & open rehearsal with the Madawaska String Quartet. All ages welcome. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John. 416- 204-1080. PWYC. *December 20 8:00: Toronto Folk Sing· ers' Club. An informal group that meets for the purpose of performance & exchange of songs. Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900. *December 21 7:30: Toronto Shapenote Singing from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome. St. Stephen-in-the-fields. 103 Bellevue Ave. 416-922- 7997 or * January 8 1 :30: Toronto Early Music Performers Organization. Workshop for both viols and recorders, led by Joelle Morton, viol. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416- 778- 7777. $ 20, members free. * January 13 7:30: Recorder Players' Society. Opportunity for recorder and/or oth· er early instrument players to get together in small, informal groups and play Renaissance & Baroque music. Church of the Trans figuration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-224-5830. * January 15 2:00: CAMMAC. Musical Reading. David Fallis leads a reading of madrigals for voice. Elliott Hall, Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421 -0779. (nonmembers). * January 18 7:30: Toronto Shapenote Singing from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome. St. Stephen-in-the-Fields. 103 Bellevue Ave. 416- 922-7997 or * January 30 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choral music. Ability to read music desirable but not essential. 12 Millbrook Cres. 416- 920-5025. Members free, (non-members). * January 31 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. An informal group that meets for the purpose of performance & exchange of songs. Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532- 0900. *February 3 7:30: Recorder Players' Society. Opportunity for recorder and/or oth· er early instrument players to get together in small, informal groups and play Renaissance & Baroque music. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-224-5830. *February 4: CAMM AC. Choral Tradition of the Balkans. Workshop with Teodara Georgieva. Elliott Hall, Deer Park United Church, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421-0779. *PLEASE VERIFY LOCATION & TIME* *February 51:30: Toronto Early Music Performers Organization. Workshop on medieval and renaissance European repertoire, with David Klausner. All instruments welcome. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-778-7777. , members free. CULTURAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT Expert advice and career development activities available from experienced arts management professional for classical soloists. • Promotional Materials • Audition Trip Coordination • Grant Submissions • Career Development Consultations • Performance Majors Workshop (2hrs) This year Queen Charlotte reviews Garrison Theatre Sat., Jan. 14, 2006 • 1 pm to 10 pm HISTORIC FORT YORK •Afternoon Workshops • Port Tasting •Georgian Supper & Theatre Piece • Elegant Evening Ball Costumes Welcome! Live Music! # 7 580 Line 37, New Hamburg, ON, N3A 487 ph : 5 7 9 662 3499 fax: 5 7 9 662 2777 Historic Fort York• 100 Garrison Road 416-392-6907 ext. 100. Free Parking DECEMBER 1 2005 - F EBRUARY 7 2006 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 65
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