UNCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: e-mail classad@thewholenote.com ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA is seek- concentration, goal setting. imagery. Individual SERVICE for small business and individuals, ing new members. Urgently needed are oboe, ized to meet your performance situation. Kate F. to save you time and money, customized to meet bassoon, French horn and mallet percussion Hays, practising clinical and performing arts your needs. Norm Fulker. B. Math. CMA. 905- players. Professional conductor. Rehearsals on psychology. 416-961-0487. 251-0309 or 905-830-2985. Tuesdays at 7:30pm. Yonge/Sheppard area. For www.theperformingedge.com AN BO-VOICE COMMUNITY CHOIR requires details, phone 416-491-1683 or visit PIANOS Chickering Grand 6'5", many new a qualified director. With a 2-concert sea www.festivalwindorchestra.com parts, strings, hammers, very good condition son, rehearsals held weekly on Monday evenings. FLAMENCO GUITAR LESSONS - ,900. Wurlitzer apartment size, matching Full job description on website PACO DE LUCIA TECHNIQUE We are bench. like new ,800. Baby grand 5'6", black (mississaugafestivalchoir.com). MAIL OR glad to inform that new seminars and classes on .000. Tuning included, please call 416-768- EMAIL RESUME BY DECEMBER 30, 2005. Paco de Lucia's technique given by Ruben Diaz 9116. P.O. Box 48007, 60 Dundas St. E. Mississauga, (Paco de Lucia's disciple) are available in To- RETIRED PIANO TEACHER offers disronto. Please call lo: Elite Music Academy. ON L5A I WO Email: webmaster@ count music - all RCM levels, duets, 2 piano, mississaugafestivalchoir.com Phone: 416-406-5355 and ask for the free conpiano/organ, concerto, theory, some vocal. choral, ANTON BRUCKNER'S ADAGIO FROM sultation. chamber. texts. Inquire for specifics to SYMPHONY #7 New transcription for solo FOR SALE Finale 2003. music notation soft mecs@reach.net piano by RCM graduate. Score and CD available ware for Windows and Mac. Can be updated. 0 from www.brianhanke.com or best offer. Call 416-921-2409 or email BARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorder and virginal available to provide back HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING, lymack5@yahoo.com ground atmosphere for teas, receptions or other thought you wouldn't or couldn't, or do you just functions - greater Toronto area. For rates and want a place to play with the possibilities of your info call 905-722-5618 or email us at voice. Small groups. 6- . Johanne, 416-461- mhpape@interhop.net 8425. CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS RCM trained. Beginners welcome. Walter 416-924- 2168. COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA needs volunteer musicians. Monday evening rehearsals. Concerts (December. March & June). All sections, esp. violins. Terry 416-658-5359 - paul. t. willis@on.aibn.com DANIEL.HUA MUSIC CENTRE Accepting students in piano. violin and voice. Outstanding instructors with extensive teaching and performing experience. 416-992-2896. DO YOU NEED HELP with developing an effective artists portfolio. designing and distributing promotional materials, setting up an audition trip?: We can help. CULTURAL SUPPORT SERVICES ph:519-662-3499. MARC ENKIN is now accepting daytime students in his west-end studio. Piano, guitar, voice, theory, songwriting. Specializing in jazz and pop styles. Call 416-763-2058. Runnymede subway. BFA from York University, diploma from Berklee College of Music. MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Small ensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; Cocktail Hour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows; Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditional and Smooth Jazz! )SL Musical Productions 905-276-3373. MUSICIANS, DESIGN YOUR OWN WEBSITE! Outstanding Online Website Builder. No html. Update anytime. Low monthly fee includes hosting. Graphics, AV, opt-in lists, ecommerce. Support available. Free trial at www.websforthearts.com 416- 562-0669. ORGANIST & CHOIR MASTER FOR DON'T QUIT MUSIC - Try one lesson free: PALGRAVE UNITED CHURCH Twomanual not pipe organ, and a small. eager choir Extremely effective method unknown in America I Piano or any other instrument/voice, any that rehearses one evening a week. Sunday level- wonderful results instantly I Vladimir 416- worship 10:30 a.m. Also the music school is looking for an assistant piano teacher. Rev. Shelley 321-5627 bethebestinmusic@yahoo.com Roberts 905-880-0303. EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP, SIGHT-SINGING, THEORY, JAZZ THE ORY. All levels, professional/serious beginners. Art Levine, MA. ARCT. Host. "Art Music", CBC. 30 years experience: RCM, U oIT, York. 416-924- 8613. www.artlevine.com; artlevine@sympatico.ca EVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committed piano students (emu@interlog.com or 416- 504-4297). ORGANIST/CHOIR DIRECTOR Humber Valley United Church, located in Etobicoke, is seeking an experienced organist and choir director for the position of Director of Music. Please visit our website at www.hvuc.ca to view detailed versions of the vacancy notice and of the job description. The PERFORMING EDGE Performance enhancement training in tension management, HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITA - heliconian hall A beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten church building in the heart of Yorkville can be rented at reasonable rates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included. A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics. Capacity up to 120. Phone: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431 SERIOUS PIANO STUDENTS. CON CERT PIANIST. active performing and teaching career at prestigious universities, ARCM London(UK), BBC artist, 8 published CD's, last performed in Japan and on tour in China with the Shanghai Broadcasting Orchestra. Has openings for committed and serious students. For more info see: www.almapetchersky.com Centrally located. almapet@tarnopolsky.com Phone 416-389- 7737. SIMONE TUCCI Piano Tuner-Technician - Complete Piano Care Service - ·concert•studio·Home•. Affiliated with The Royal Conservatory of Music piano service staff. Registered Craftsman Member of D.G.PT Inc. Associate Member of PTG. Servicing Toronto and G.T.A. areas. Call: 416- 993-6332. SINGERS WANTED The Mississauga Choral Society is building their 70-voice choir to 130 choristers over the next two years. Auditions are being held starting in January 2006. Call 905- 278-7059 to book youraudition. SINGING LESSONS Experienced. qualified Bae. Music, Classical, Semi-popular, all levels. Central location. Interest in disabilities. 416- 924-3877. TENOR SECTION LEAD for an eclectic music program at Leaside United Church, 822 Millwood Road, Toronto. Thursday evening rehearsals and Sunday morning Worship. Contact Sharon Beckstead. Music Director at 416-696- 6051, Sharon.beckstead@sympatico.ca for more information. VOLUNTEER MUSICIANS & VO CALISTS WANTED by 3 ProAm big bands under the Sheraton Cadwell Group (www.sheratoncadwell.com): Saxophones/ Trumpets/Trombones/Guitar/Piano/Bass/ Drums. Contact Andrew today @ 416-712- 2555. Release pain. Relax. Breathe. ~IO\"C. '- I k K~1uri1u llul~ir I\",, IU ~ \ll ._,1c :1 ,, ( :hiropractor +1r,-+r,1-1,;or, I 1rh :m.: pr:tcricc. ( :11\..:ll &. I hntiirrh area. Cheeses from around the world, meats, groceries, dry goods gift baskets ... Everything you need for reception planning. 416-364-7397 www.pasqualebros.com 16 Goodrich Rd., Etobicoke (south of Bloor, west off Islington) • MUSIC TO YOUR EYES Honest Ed's Optical 581 Bloor St. W. (at Bathurst) 416-531-7757 Doctor's Eyecare 1139 Lawrence Ave. W. (at Caledonia) 416-7 84-9353 Eye exams, designer eyeglasses, contact lenses 66 WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE,COM D EC EMBER 1 2005 - FEBR UAR Y 7 2006
Mus1cAL Life "How I met my Teacher" personal reflections on formative relationships compiled and edited by mJbuell Bassoonist, N adina Mackie Jackson My parents were never directly involved in finding a teacher for me. My Dad played cowboy songs on the guitar, and sang in a quiet true voice, but only rarely. We were a rather silent and bookish family, living Jar from the city. As writers, ranchers and log home builders, they were somewhat dubious about the whole idea of learning the bassoon, but I was a stubborn wee lass. I heard a woodwind quintet concert and overcame my habitual shyness to ask the bassoonist about his instrument. I found it intriguing, particularly the quirky sound he produced (his principal instrument was the tuba). This man became my junior high school band teacher. I started on the flute and he requested a bassoon from the Prince George school board. There were no bassoon teachers in the interior of B.C. There were not even any bassoons until 1973 when the school board finally purchased new instruments, including an unexpectedly fine plastic bassoon. We lived 30 miles from Prince George, in the woods beside a lake, completely off the city service grid. My Dad drove us to and from school every day except when the snow drifts eradicated our road . When we returned home at night, I would try to practise with gloves on until the house warmed up , but my plastic bassoon would shrink with the cold and the keys wouldn't move until the fire had warmed the house . By then it was time to go to bed. In the summer, I was sent outside to serenade the mosquitoes. I began staying in town with friends, just so that I could practise late at the high school. My incredible band teacher, Mr. Gary Hartley, inspired and motivated me, but as a trumpet player could not help with reeds. \ z 0 > j -' ;,- u I contacted the principal bassoonist in the Vancouver Symphony, Roland Small, and traveled 500 miles once per month to take a lesson with him. The lessons were , and the reeds cost another each (he couldn' t be bothered to teach such a raw beginner how to make reeds). There was one flight per day () between Prince George and Vancouver. I'd have supper at the Hotel Vancouver, take the shuttle bus back to the airport, and sleep on a bench, waiting for the plane home in the morning. Roland was a somewhat withdrawn teacher. But he played the first solo that I ever heard on the bassoon (Telemann f minor sonata) and I found the music thrilling. He was apologetic about his performance which I found baffling. After high school I went to the University of British Columbia. As luck would have it , there was a new principal bassoonist in the symphony and his name was Christopher Millard. We had the same birthday, and we were not that far apart in age, with me What has 11 heads and sings? Music for Young Children® (MYC®) classes motivate and empower parents and children, nurturing family bonds and delivering valuable and thoroughly enjoyable co-learning experiences. Since 1980, MYC has remained one of the world's leading music-learning systems-the only child-centered program to integrate keyboard, creative movement, rhythm, singing, ear training, sight-reading, music theory and composition. MYC helps enhance children's social development and learning skills, improve memory and expressiveness, and bolster confidence and self-esteem. If you're considering music education for your child, take a look at MYC - the music-learning system of choice for more than 24,000 students throughout North America, Asia and New Zealand. Jl\,usic oe't'OUY],g CriiLd.r,,ei--i_,. The high note in music learning'~ To learn more, contact your local MYC teacher: Kimberly Crawford, BA, MBA, Certified MYC® Coordinator k.crawford@myc.com Tel/Fax: 905.780.6482 ""'1)'C.C~ DISCOVER YOUR POTENTIAL The North Toronto Institute of Music Private lessons in a wide variety of instruments includin g: epiano • guitar • Viola • Violin ecello • saxophone • Clari net • flute • accordion Voice instruction Jazz Workshops Theory classes Acting and Scene study Pre-School classes Musical instruction by highly qualified teachers in the heart of Toronto D ECEMBER 1 2005 - F EBRUARY 7 2006 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE, COM
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Haydn The Seasons Marlis Peterson;
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