9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 4 - December 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Jazz
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble

eing 16 and him 22. This

eing 16 and him 22. This wonderful teacher spent hours working on my playing and showing me everything possible about reeds. Christopher is the person that I think of when anyone asks about my first teacher. If he had time after our lessons at the U niversity, he'd drive me home, stopping to buy me a big bowl of borcht on the way. When I tried to repay him, he'd laugh and say "Just make sure that you take your own students out to lunch when you grow up." I admired everything about him, his gorgeous sound and inventive musicality, his energy and kindness. After two years, I was lucky enough to be admitted to the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, where I studied with both Bernard Garfield (principal of the Philadelphia Orchestra) and with Christopher's own teacher, Sol Schoenbach. I am having the best time of my life teaching now. I was startled this summer at the International Double Reed Convention when several players told me I was their role model. I still don't know exactly what they meant, but I do understand how important it is for people of all ages to see their dreams mirrored in others. I have some fine students at the U. of T. where I have restarted the Bassoon Class. In this class, I gather all of the bassoon students who are presently at the university, regardless of who their teachers are. I invite visiting bassoon students and teachers to participate. It is extremely ALEXANDER KATS A first class Russian-trained professional pianist /teacher is now accepting students for regular private lessons or repertoire coaching, from advanced (ARCT, university) to all grades ofRCM. DOWNTOWN LOCATION Call: 416-340-1844 68 inspiring to work with candid, bright young players. Thanks to the internet, there are young players around the world who write to me and sometimes come for lessons. One is coming from Newfoundland for both the "Great Holiday Mega-Launch" and a lesson. They have passion and interest for the bassoon, mixed with bouts of despair, which I find very easy to understand. I have learned to offer what I have, which is a burning intensity about phrasing and detail, and to stop worrying about not having all the other answers. It is now 30 years since I first met Christopher. We have stayed close and he was a member of the Caliban Quartet for seven years. He has always been a powerful be! canto voice in our bassoon world. His whole ethos of resonance and expression is a continual inspiration. I cannot think of anyone more important in my development as a bassoonist. What advice would you give to someone who looking for a music teacher for themselves, or for a younger person? Bassoon students generally start much later than most other instrumentalists, and can take an independent role in finding a teacher. The student can research the performances and recordings of the potential teacher before they meet. In the company of a teacher a student will know quite quickly if they feel both safe and inspired to work Sometimes it's WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM necessary to have the wrong teacher to really understand what you need. And it is even more important for students to realize that they are giving something very valuable to their teachers. Nadina Mackie Jackson will be performing ... with the Caliban Quartet & Musica Franca in the upcoming "Great Holiday Mega­ Launch" (Dec. 4, 7:30pm, The Great Hall); She will also give a talk, "The Bassoonist and the Microphone" playing excerpts from her solo recordings (Jan. I 4, Gary Armstrong Woodwinds, 2pm); Caliban 7 performs, presented by Performing Arts York Region (Jan. 20, 8pm, Thornhill Presbyterian Church); Nadina performs Twelve Fantasias for Solo Bassoon by G. P. Telemann; the fourth in a series of benefit concerts. (concert I talk at the Arkell Schoolhouse in Guelph - proceeds will benefit the Guelph Symphony Orchestra, Jan. 28.) Recent recordings include: Caliban Does Christmas, with Valdy, Mary Lou Fallis, Bonnie Brett, Heather Bambrick, Guido Basso, Guy Few, Alain Trudel, Brian Barlow & more (ATMA Classique); Musica Franca: the Music of Joseph Bodin de Boismortier and Musica Franca: the Music of Michel Corrette Nadina Mackie Jackson, Mathieu Lussier, Kathleen McLean, Fraser Jackson, Sylvain Bergeron, Terry McKenna, Paul Jenkins & Richard Pare (MSR Classics .) Love To Sing? f/fj Breathe new life :'r" · into your voice ti with a unique and sensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy. This is a method which focuses on infiuencing and improving the coordinative process of the vocal muscles. It brings them into equ ilibrium, thus eliminating muscular interference. Great for Everyonel • All styles • All Levels • Beginners and Children welcome • Excellent for public speakers, actors, etc. Call Pattie Kelly for private lessons at 905-271-6896 MUSICAL LIFE: GRACE NOTES Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra: The Quest for Arundo Donax At 4 gratis performances, Nov. 16th and 17th, close to 2000 schoolchildren and their teachers were treated to this engaging musi· cal adventure story, told by actor Blair Wil· Iiams, and gloriously saturated with the music of Purcell, Vivaldi, and Marais. Children from kindergarten through junior high school were delighted by the drums, the lightning, the lively tale of ships and music orphans smuggling, and royal courts, and the opportunity to be so close to the instruments while they listened. The concert was repeated on Saturday Nov 19, also free of charge, for families. Tafel· musik has just released this on CD, in English and French, packaged with a sampler of addi· tional baroque delights. 'Tis the Season ... to ENJOY!!! Tickets and under, or FREE! In the December/January Live Concert List· ings, we counted at least 167 local events which are either free of charge, by freewill donation, or where tickets cost or less. Some of those tickets are for students and seniors. Many presenters are now offering free admission to children under twelve, or in some cases for . Recognition where due Ontario Music Educators' Association, (OMEA) is proudly affiliated with CMEA/ ACEM (Canadian Music Educators' Assoc.). At this year's OMEA conference, Reprise 2005, music educators, students, and those who contribute to music education were rec· ognized with awards. OMEA Award of Commendation Dr. M. Gillian MacKay, Joe DeStefano. Student Scholarships (0 scholarships for pursuing post-secondary studies) Brittany Mcleod, Melissa Pogue, Alison Wong. 2005 CMEA/ACEM Performance Awards Leslie Bell Award for Choir: The Canterbury H.S. Concert Choir (Ottawa). dir. Laurie Hamil· ton The Don Wright Award for Jazz Ensemble: presented to DJ 1 (Oshawa). dir. Duane Bron· son. CONTINUES CLAIM YOUR VOICE Organic and functional vocal training to gain access to your full range, resonance and vocal freedom. For singers, public speakers, teachers, clergy, or if you just want to enjoy using your voice! Sue Crowe Connolly Hamilton Studio l 905-5441302 Toronto Studio 416-523-1154 **Gift Certificates Available** '-- D ECEM BER 1 2005 - FEBR UARY 7 2006

Private Instruction: Piano, Voice, Guitar, Strings, Winds & Brass Group Programs: Music for You & Your Baby (0-3 yrs) Orff I Kodaly I Dalcroze Eurhythmics (3-8 yrs) Creative Drama & Speech (ages 6 & up) Music Theory & History (RCM Grades 1-5) The Kingsway ,.-:: • 416-234-0121 Conservatory t: ~ 3086 Bloor Street West . Toronto, Ontario M8X lCS of M USlC • • Two blocks west ofRoyal York Road Sharon M. Burlacoff ARCT B.Mus MA MFA, Executive Director v cdsm~ L ft'IUSiC Fine quality instruments & accessories to suit any budget - Woodwinds, Brass, Strings & Percussion Expert Instrument Repairs in one of North America's largest and best-equipped facilities Comprehensive Band & Orchestra Rental Program with over 9,000 instruments in inventory York Region's Largest Music School serving over I ,200 students SALES • RENTALS • REPAIRS • LESSONS • PRINT MUSIC GYAMAHA YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL Give the gift of music! Programs for all ages - from 2 to Seniors! PIANO KEYBOARD GUITAR I BASS VIOLIN FLUTE SAX CLARINET THEORY WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 69

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