9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 4 - December 2005

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
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  • January
  • Jazz
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  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble

company them on their

company them on their travels. (Unlike the bilingual CD, l will not repeat this in French). Ezra Perlman Concert Note: Tafelmusik presents three programs over the next two months: "English Baroque: The Thames Revisited" at Trinity St. Paul's December 1-4 and at the George Weston Recital Hall on December 6; "The Intimate Baroque" January 19-22 at Trinity St. Paul's; and "Amadeo: Mozart in Italy" February 3-5, 8 and 9 at Trinity St. Paul's and February 7 at the George Weston Recital Hall. Fireworks Montreal Baroque; Toronto Consort ATMA ACD2 2367 This live concert recording of Handel's Musick for the Royal Fireworks, written for King George 11 in 1749, for a huge number of loud instruments - trumpets, horns, oboes, bassoons, and drums - sparkles with energy. Hi Fi Conductor Matthias Maute ignites the fuses of this volatile ensemble with explosive results. Although not particularly delicate or especially refined, this is a fiery performance. The majestic ceremonious movements, the Ouverture, La Rejouissance, and Menuet II, alternate with contrasting lyrical dances. This is a brilliant rendition. With thundering drums, trumpet fanfares, and an abundance of martial instruments, the musical fireworks are spectacular. The second part of this recording is Vecchi's Les Foiles Nuits de Sienne (The Night Games of Siena), a madrigal comedy ( 1604). The distantly-recorded voices of the Toronto Consort are at times overwhelmed by the numerous accompanying instruments. The onomatopoetic hunt in La Caccia d'Amore, the Spanish style in lmitatione def Spagnuolo, the drunken German in lmitatione def Tedesco treading dangerously close to actual drunkenness, and the fa-la­ /a playfulness of So ben mi ch 'a bon tempo are highlights. l would like to have heard more of the voices in the balance however. Minimal program notes, no texts or translations, but there is a bonus CD of highlights from the ATMA catalog. Frank Nakashima Concert note: The Toronto Consort presents " The Monteverdi Christmas Vespers" December 9 & IO at Trinity St. Paul's. Celebrate Mozart's 250th Birthday with Lockridge! From now until end of January 2006, purchase any two Mozart CDs from our store and receive a third one of equal or lesser value free of charge. Conditions apply. Visit for details. Sales taxes extra. a, 16th Ave ~ a, c :.0 N "O 0 0 s T * a, a, >

feels more like part of the ensemble than a true soloist, an effect also achieved by the recording engineering. Biondi leads and plays at exhilarating speeds and drives the music to the extent that occasionally he and his thirteen other soloists create raw, visceral sounds and stretch the rhythms in a way one rarely finds in Mullova's spotless yet equally fiery playing. Listen to the opening Concerto Grosso to hear how the whole orchestra works together as a fully integrated ensemble where each musician is also a superb soloist, or the Concerto in B major to hear how incredibly in sync the four violin soloists are in this fiendishly difficult piece. The selection of concertos on both recordings is wonderful, revealing how many works of the highest order by Vivaldi exist. Seth Estrin Concert Note: Viktoria Mullova plays Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 4 with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra January 18 and 19. Bach - Brandenburg Concertos Concerto Italiano; Rinaldo Alessandrini na"ive OP 30412 Once upon a time, long ago, the double LP of the Brandenburgs by Pablo Casals and the Marlboro Festival Orchestra (some 65 players strong!) ruled supreme in the record world. Then along came Karl Ristenpart and the Saar Chamber Orchestra with their lighter touch, on Nonesuch. And so through the many years, you'd either align yourself in the Ristenpart camp, or remain loyal to Casals. How far we have come! There have been so many releases, re-releases and re-packaging of these concerti since the mid I 980's that one knows not where to turn for definitive recordings from among numerous offerings. How then, to nate cadenza from the 5th, included make a logical choice? at the end of the concerto as we Let us look at the new CD from know it. Concerto Italiano under Rinaldo Notes are copious, in four languages, no less. The type isn' t illeg­ Alessandrini. I'm pleased to tell you (from the perspective of one in the ibly tiny, and as is fashionable, the Ristenpart camp) that this set on recording equipment is detailed. NaYve is among the best that is availableface view of the Palazzo Farnese, Photographically a rather stifffull­ In addition, the set includes a plus a close-up of Alessandrini, DVD. The film shows the musicians seems all they had room for, discounting the cover with a (contrived?) rehearsing and recording, and some sumptuous slow pans around the image of a deer dawdling in the interior of a car park. But above all, baroque interior of Palazzo Farnese in Rome. Much of the video is occupied by an interview with Ales­ safely retire your Brandenburg LP's this disc is about the music. You can sandrini, wherein he speaks at for this set. length about his belief in the rightness of the baroque style and Bach's John Gray undeniable genius. Finally, towards CLASSICAL the end, we see the ensemble in a AND BEYOND complete take, that being worth the whole 43 minutes. As audio, it is flawless, as good Debussy - La Mer; La boite a as any of the period instrument purists. The notes tell of a grueling Ital­ d'un faune; Three Preludes (or­ joujoux; Prelude a l'apres-midi ian/South American tour immediately chestrated by Colin Matthews) prior to the recordings. They were Berliner Philharmoniker; certainly in fine form on their return. Sir Simon Rattle Of interest are special bonus tracks. EMI 5 58045 2 The Sinfonia from cantata BWV Dvorak - Tone Poems 174, predecessor of the 3rd Berliner Philharmoniker; Brandenburg, is a fascinating study. Sir Simon Rattle That is also the case with the alter- EMI 5 58019 2 One of the most original jazz recordings to appear in a long while. "fiercely imaginative music" - Toronto Star "****" - Now & Eye Open Your Eyes "A vocalist strong on the rich sounds of jazz, soul, blues and gospel. Open Your Eyes showcases ... Taylor's promising future." - The Toronto Star WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM

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