9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 5 - February 2006

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • February
  • Theatre
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Mozart
  • Musical
  • Orchestra
  • Quartet


INTERNATIONAL V0 1 CAL RECITALS BRUEG-GERGOSMAN s0:prano 1-l0 1GER VlGNOLES, piano SUN MARCH 5, 2PM may be one of th,e great 11oices of tl1e 21st centur)'4 11 foto.nlO Sl:ii.r, 2005 Program indudes s;o:ngs b~ Berlioz, d'musron, Wolf aml SIJl'iluss. Sl'O 'SORED i>'i . \.~ .. R.OV ·· ' N\ASSE r . . THOMSON -,· HALL r lALL Intimate]:, Poweiful ~416.872.4255 ~,m ~

.. "' ., ,. - ... - Bring your VALENTINE to the TSO! NOSTALGIA 8: GRANDEUR Prokofiev & Brahms February 2 a 4 at Bpm Principal Clarinettist, Joaquin Valdeperias, performs Berio's inspired reworking of Brahms' Clarinet Sonata No. 1. Hans Graf conducts Prokofiev's Fifth Symphony. RHAPSODY IN BLUE February 11 at 7:30pm February 12 at 3pm JoAnn Falletta, music director of the Buffa lo Phi lharmonic, makes her TSO debu t with a programme of Ame rican classics by Copland, Bernstein and Gershwin I Part of the l'J Desjardins Light Classics Series Check out our website for ljJ Desjardins f amill:; r'ac,; details I ROMANCE Berlioz, Prokofiev & Ravel February 22 a 23 at Bpm Charles Dutoit conducts favourite works by Berlioz and Ravel. He is joined by Canadian pianist Naida Cole in Prokofiev's First Piano Concerto. A CLASSICAL BOUQUET Rossini & Tchaikovsky February 7 at Bpm February 8 at 2pm a Bpm Pops goes baroque and beyond in this concert of classical hitsl Peter Oundjian conducts the masterpieces that have found their way into our hearts through television, film and even cartoons! Pa rt of the ~ Pops Concert Series Feb. 8 Sponsored by e HEAR1FELTTRIBUTE Shostakovich Eleven February 15 a 16 at Bpm Peter Oundjian conducts the first concert of our Shostakovich celebration fea turing Shostakovich's Eleventh Symphony. call 416.593.4828 visit Con certs at Roy Thomson Hall.

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)