"Moving! Magic! Exc eptional!" - Washington Post -'""'""""'h''"~""'-"'J ~ - ('ff'ff] '-::!Aw Productions Inc. ·, ~ Proudly presents: ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ I ~ International Charitv Foundation 1 ID ' ~ JillllJlJ YV Program features works by: Tchaikovsky, Chopin,Shostakovich, Mozart, Liszt, Schubert and others Thanks to Alex and Simona Shnaider for their generous contribution to this project. Proceeds will go to the Hospital for SickKids. '1 I ~ \ ~ ~ ,-1 1 II \ II [ - "'\, - ~ l \ II I" I\") '. I Toronto Centre I or the Arts The Toronto Symphony Orchestra presents SECOND ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL GALA flu~s, flirJs & fleasts Saturday, February 25 at 1 :30 a 3:30 pm John Morris Russel l, conductor Volunteers from th e Toronto Zoo will have Touch Tables on display! 8 Critters of all shapes and sizes take centre stage in this concert of music inspired by our fanged, finned, feathered and furry friends! Concerts are one hour long and created especially for children ages 5 to 12. call 416.593.4828 or visit www.tso.ca • / Concerts at Roy Thomson Hall. Pa rt of the [11 Desjardins Young People's Concert Series. Check out our website for Ii§! Desjardins details I Fam1I !:-, Pack Tr' iJ fl OGILVY (,,~,,/,:,~N~~~~L,,, TIPPET-RICHARDSON ~ The Conductors Podium 15 CONCERT SEASON r eter Ou nd11a11i M usic Director sponsored by Ogilvy Renaul t - George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge Street Tickets: www.ticketmaster.ca, 416-870-8000 Info: www.showoneproductions.com, 416-737-6 785 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COM F EB RUA RY 1 - M ARCH 7 2006
wholenote" The Toronto Concert-Goer's Guide Volume 11 #5, February 1- March 7, 2006 Copyright© 2006 WholeNote Media, Inc. 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4 General Inquiries: 416-323-2232 info@thewholenote.com Publisher: Allan Pulker publisher@thewholenote.com Editor-in-Chief: David Perlman editorial@thewholenote.com Editorial Office: 416-603-3786; Fax: 416-603-4791 Assistant to the editor: Catherine Muir Discoveries Editor: David Olds, discoveries@thewholenote.com Beat by Beat: Quodlibet (Allan Pulker); Early (Frank Nakashima); Choral (Larry Beckwith); World (Karen Ages); New Music (Keith Denning, Jason van Eyk); Jazz (Jim Galloway, Sophia Perlman); Band (Merlin Williams); Opera (Phil Ehrensaft, Christopher Haile); TMA (Brian Blain); Musical Life (mJ Buell); Books (Pamela Margles) Features (this issue): Pamela Margles, Bruce Surtees, Allan Pulker CD Reviewers (this issue): Alex Baran, John Beckwith, Larry Beckwith, Don Brown, Simone Desilets, Phil Ehrensaft, Eli Eisenberg, Seth Estrin, Daniel Foley, Jim Galloway, Janos Gardonyi, John S. Gray, Pamela Margles, Heidi McKenzie, Gabrielle Mclaughlin, Alison Melville, Frank Nakashima, Ted O'Reilly, Sophia Perlma , Cathy Riches, Annette Sanger, Tom Sekowski, Bruce Surtees, Andrew Timar, Robert Tomas, Dianne Wells Proofreaders: Simone Desilets, Karen Ages, Vanessa Wells, Catherine Muir Advertising, Memberships and Listings: 416-323-2232; Fax: 416-603-4791 National & retail advertising: Allan Pulker, publisher@thewholenote.com Event advertising/membership: Karen Ages, members@thewholenote.com Production liaison/education advertising: mJ Buell, adart@thewholenote.com (Un)Classified Advertising; Announcements, Etc: Simone Desilets, classad@thewholenote.com Listings co-ordinator: Vanessa Wells, listings@thewholenote.com Jazz Listings: Sophia Perlman, jazz@thewholenote.com Circulation, Display Stands & Subscriptions: 416-406-5055; Fax: 416-406-595 Circulation Manager: Sheila McCoy, circulation@thewholenote.com Paid Subscriptions (/year + GST) Production: 416-351-7171 ; Fax: 416-351-7272 Production Manager: Peter Hobbs, production@thewholenote.com Layout & Design: Verity Hobbs, Rocket Design (Cover Art) Web/ Systems/Special Projects 416-603-3786; Fax: 416-603-4791 Systems Manager: Paul Farrelly, systems@thewholenote.com Systems Development: Jim Rootham, James Lawson Webmaster: Colin Puffer, webmaster@thewholenote.com DATES AND DEADLINES Next issue is Volume 11 #6 covering March 1-April 7, 2006 Free Event Listings Deadline: 6pm Wednesday, February 15 ( covering period March 1 - April 7) Display Ad Reservations Deadline: 6pm Wednesday, February 15 WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. H3:E] BPA w CCAB Qualified Circulation, March 2005: 33,402 Additional Copies Printed and distributed this month 5,598 Total copies printed and distributed this month: 39,000 Colour Ads Deadline: Thursday, February 16 Black and White Ads Deadline: Friday, February 17 Publication Date: Monday, February 27 Printed in Canada by Couto Printing and Publishing Services Canadian Publication Product Sales Agreement 1263846 ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTE Publications Mail Agreement #40026682 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: WholeNote Media Inc. 503-720 Bathurst Street Toronto ON M5S 2R4 www.thewholenote.com GREAT CHAMBER MUSIC DOWNTOWN ST LAWRENCE STRING QUARTET Your last chance on our stage to hear the SLSQ with founding violinist Barry Shiffman - and your first chance to hear Chan Ka Nin's 4th quartet Thursday February 9 at 8 pm MANELI PIRZADEH & DANIEL MORAN Canada's newest piano duo plays a varied programme from Mozart to Ravel & Stravinsky Thursday February 23 at 8 pm PENDERECKI STRING QUARTET Thursday March 2 at 8 pm An embarrassment of riches on the Kreutzer theme - Cellist Antonio Lysy, narrator Colin Fox, and a new quartet from Jeffrey Ryan. GRYPHON TRIO Between Haydn and Schubert, Harry Freedman's last completed work on a theme of Bach Tuesday March 7 at 8 pm to rar tda rts bou :1c 1I 8§B Canada Council Consell des Arts ..... Canadian Patrlmolne ·., M••"•G•~ ·::::::"'•-• . lonheArt, d,Cmda . -~ ' ~ T Herl1age canadlen ..oA,. ,'" . . ) ' ... . .. . /0 QNTiQ/ a t t T .J Mallett Theatre St. Lawrence Centre 11 far the Ar ts ( t~ @({f) s I c Jane www.music-t oronto.com 416-366-7723 • 1-800-708-6754 order online at www.stlc.com FEBRUARY 1 - M ARCH 7 2006 WWW, TH EWHOLENOTE ,COM 9
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