9 years ago

Volume 11 Issue 7 - April 2006

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Symphony
  • Concerto
  • Choir

I I ( MusicGallery

I I ( MusicGallery Toronto's Cenlr e for Crea tive Music sun april 2 the hidden cameras "GAY CHU RCH FOLK MUSIC" -- TWO SHOWS: 4 + 8PM ADV sat april 8 the group of sixxx + fable MONTREAUTORONTO EXPERIMENTAL ELECTRONIC SUPERGROUP + LYON. FRANCE LAPTOP/DOUBLE BASS/VIDEO TRIO -- 8PM // sun april 9 the man show feat. final fantasy + GUESTS MAN TLER, MATIAS+ MORTIMERCY -- TWO SHOWS: 4 + 8PM tues april 18 susie ibarra & lori freedman CO-PRO W/ IMAGES FESTIVAL @ THE GLADSTONE B/\LLROOM -- 9 PM fri april 21 noise artists from japan CURATED BY AKI ONDA W/ IMAGES FESTI VAL @ THE VATIKAN -- 11 PM $ 10/ sat april 22 franco donatoni project CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN MUSIC FEAT. WALLACE HALLADAY, STEPHEN CLARKE, RYAN SCOTT, $ANYA ENG -- 8PM // music gallery 197 john st. 416-204-1080 www.musicgall WE ACKNOWLEDGE THE ONGOIN G SUPP ORT OF: CANADA COUNCI L FOR THE ARTS, CANADIAN HERITAGE , ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL, THE SOCAN FOUNDATION , TORONTO ARTS COUNCI L, WELLIN GTON BREWER Y. Xe nakis x Concerts x Sound I nstall ations Symposi a x Exhi bits x Scree ni ngs .. ~,, t '~ : ,'0 , (, \ ~ ,~ . ' \ . Ex ploriNJ the 111 teract1on and shared . :.~omposiuignal structures between ·m.u~ic an_9,\~:~ rchitecture sounda- is 'tra'~;Sfa ·ms Toronto into a play§l~. u ~nd of discovery ·,\ - ~ -~~~'-. . 1C:, ' - '-, - --- ~ ...... . ·.· --.... .:,.:..:..-,::.,.......... __.,,, ___ ,... / \ Thematically based on revolution~'rt thinker composer, and architect, Iannis Xenakis . soundaXis uncovers the mutual '\ \ \ definition and intimate ' .. ,, interaction between •. , , sou nd and space ...... .~.,1.~~.:i·~ June 1-11, 2006 An initiative of the Coa lition of New Musi c Presenters Explore Toronto's evolving acoustical and archilectural soundscape '\ I torontohearandnow roundup Spring. Rouse from wintery slumber. Reconnect with friends, community, get out of the house. Need an incentive? Here is a roundup of some of April's notable new music. by Keith Denning Percussionist Susie Ibarra pairs up with Lori Freedman at the Gladstone April 18 TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Toronto Symphony Orchestra's New Creations Festival focuses this year on the world of the modern concerto. Their first concert of the month, East to West , features many new (and new to us) works for solo instrument plus orchestra, including the Canadian premieres of Hindemith's Piano Concerto, Op. 29 and Chen Yi 's Percussion Concerto. Also on the program is the world premiere of Harbison's Double Bass Concerto, intriguing at least because the double bass is a rare lead instrument for a concerto, and John Weinzweig' s Rhapsody for Orchestra. On April 5th at 8:00, the festival continues with the concert entitled Concerto for Orchestra, which features Bartok's eponymous piece, as well as two Canadian premieres: Levkovitch' s Isle of a Beautiful Illusion and Lieberson's Piano Concerto #3 . MUSIC GALLERY The Music Gallery has a number of interesting events this month in a variety of locations, including the Gallery proper. I'm intrigued by the direction that the Gallery has been taking over the past few years, exploring experimental directions in pop, jazz and other musical genres, rather than sticking firmly to a canonical notion of ' new music' . No musical genre has well-defined edges, and at the experimental peripheries of jazz, pop, electronic music, new music and other traditions, we find creators who can collaborate easily and fruitfully . So do check out the Pop Avant series on April 9th (4pm and 8pm shows), as well as two events in collaboration with the Images Festival of Independent Film and Video . The first of these is on April 18th at the Gladstone Hotel at 9:00, and features percussionist Susie Ibarra and the extraordinary clarinettist Lori Freedman in the performance of Etudes for Solitudes, a work which accompanies the installation Duet, by Vancouver artist Laiwan. The second collaboration with the Images Festival takes place at the Vatikan on April 21st at 11 :00pm, and is a special live electronics show featuring three Japanese electronic wizards, curated by Aki Onda. It would be remiss of me not to mention the Franco Donatoni Project, on April 22 at the Music Gallery, featuring performances by saxophonist Wallace Halladay, pianist Stephen Clarke, percussionist Ryan Scott and harpist Sanya Eng of works by what the group calls the 'underdog' of contemporary Italian music. This promises to be a terrific concert, especially considering the topnotch talent assembled on stage. BAL TIC CURRENTS Finally, on April 30th at 8:00, New Music Concerts' newest offering, Baltic Currents, is curated by guest composer Raminta Serksnyte , who will bring to the Glenn Gould Studio a concert of works by composers from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This promises a glimpse into a compositional world that is not often heard on the Toronto stage. 30 WWW. TH EWHOLE NOTE. COM APRIL 1 - M AY 7 2006

Jazz Notes by Jim Galloway April Show(er)s Most of us have memories of an early experience which made a lasting impression, something that you look back on for the rest of your life as having been of real significance. With any luck it is a good experience. For me it was going to St. Andrew's Halls in Glasgow as a youth to see Sidney Bechel and marvel at his music. I had listened to his recordings, but was totally unprepared for the live experience. When he came out on stage I remember thinking that he was not a very imposing figure - kind of ordinary looking in fact - and then he raised his horn and I was transfixed. I had never before heard anything so powerful and moving in my life. I remember walking out of the building in a daze, so moved was I by the emotion which poured out of that man through his instrument. That it had a lasting effect on me goes without saying and I learned an early lesson. Nothing can compare to hearing a live performance. It is one of the reasons I admire the aims of Share The Music, an outreach programme which, since 1999, has given complimentary tickets for selected concerts at Roy Thomson Hall and Massey Hall for underserved youth in the Greater Toronto Area. Through the generosity of supporters of this programme, doors are opened to the concert stage and ears are opened to the world of live music, often for the first time. In conjunction with these concerts there is an educational component and just prior to the performance a lecture/demonstration followed by a question and answer period, usually conducted by local musicians. This month, for example, (April 5) Wayne Shorter will appear at Massey Hall with Danilo Perez, piano, John Patitucci, bass, Brian Blade, drums plus a performance by Brad Mehldau who will open the evening. And in the downstairs lounge just before the concert Share The Music will hold one of their presentations before inviting their young guests to the concert. On this particular evening David Braid and I will be conducting the workshop and sharing some of our musical thoughts and opinions with the young audience. Share the Music is produced by The Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall with the assistance of sponsors, and Inner City Angels, a charitable arts education organisation. It is a worthwhile endeavour and David and I are looking forward to it and, of course, the concert afterwards. So, what's even better than hearing music live? Making music yourself! In sharp contrast, a few blocks away from Massey Hall is the Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre on Parliament Street. The centre does wonderful things for young people in the area. About 300 of them go there to learn about art and music and about three quarters of these kids come from lowincome families. On any given day Featuring some of Toronto's best jazz musicians with a brief reflection by Jazz Vespers Clergy Sunday, April 9 - 4 :30 p.m. THE STEVE MCDADE QUARTET Sunday, April 23 - 4:30 p.m. THE COLLEEN ALLEN QUARTET Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street (north of St. Clair at Heath St.) 416-920-5211 Admission is free. An oflering is received to support the work of the church , including Jazz Vespers. the place is a hive of activity with young people getting actively involved in the arts - but a recent article in The Toronto Star told of financial woes. Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre is broke and they have to find a way of raising funds or go under. I know the place well, since I live close by in Cabbagetown and I know how dedicated are the people who work at the Centre. I am there quite often - I make use of the rehearsal space regularly and I feel good vibes every time I walk in, and realise yet once more just how important it is to expose young people to creativity as soon as possible and that the arts are not a luxury, but a necessity in life. Their fight for survival is an all too familiar story. The Cabbagetown Centre has to ride out this storm and in a more perfect world than this is, they would not have to fight so hard for survival. Some other highlights this month are: The National Jazz Awards at The Old Mill on April 10th. Guests include the Roberto Occhipinti Band; Hilario Duran, piano; David Buchbinder, trumpet; Pat Labarbera, Mike Murley, saxophones and David Occhipinti, guitar. Russ Little will be in concert at the Glenn Gould Studio on Monday the 3rd and Diane Schuur also at the Gould on the 26th. Also worth noting, at the Montreal Bistro on the 5th, Jaymz Bee will present Babes In Jazzland, allfemale and all students of Humber, U ofT and McGill, who will be presenting songs from their upcoming CD. Later in the month for three nights starting on 20th Wayne Shorter at Massey, April 5 the Denny Christianson Quintet will hold forth and on the 6th to 8th Doug Riley and I have our annual get together with Don Vickery and Reg Schwager. Then April 27 to 29 will be a return visit by Gene DiNovi and Dave Young. Let's hear it for live music. Sackville salute! And let's hear it for the great things that happen in tandem with a thriving live scene -- like Sackville Records, for example. Last month I mentioned the Classic Jazz Society's concert featuring Kenny Davern, Trevor Richards and David Boedinghaus. Kenny Davern is a clarinettist who has followed his own star throughout his career and is an important and easily recognisable voice in jazz. Trevor Richards, born in England, made his home in New Orleans as a young man and absorbed the music of that city's tradition; he plays as closely to the classic tradition of drumming, personified by Baby Dodds, as anyone I can think of. Pianist Dave -fr~ Heart of the Horn Featuring: Apr. l Seamus Blake SAXOPHONE Apr.8 Apr.15 Robert Langevin FLUTE (' being held at Victoria Chapel. 91 Charles ':.t.W.. 1-4pm) Daniel Perantoni TUBA IIJ 11 ;,~s~J!~ ,~~~ 1~~~; Long & McQuade presents a series of FREE instrument clinics featuring top instrumentalists & educators. All clinics will be held at the Toronto store between 2 & 4pm unless otherwise noted. Be sure to bring your horn 1 935 Bloor St.W., TORONTO 416.588.7886 w w w. Ion g - m c quad e. com APRIL 1 - MAY 7 2006 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 31

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