~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETCETERA CONTINUED FROM PAGE 39 cross-gender theatre in Asia, with provocative comparisons to traditions in the west. Features: The lonely Widow by William Lau; Dal Male ii Bene by Rospigliosi/Abbatini. Hartiourfront Centre Theatre, 231 Queen's Quay West. For more info & to register: 416-593-8455. , (with ticket to an evening performance). * June 28-30: RCM. Art of Teaching 2006. 3- day conference designed for music educators of all disciplines. Share ideas & discover new ways to meet the challenges unique to music education. Details: www.rcmusic.ca/artofteaching 90 Croatia St. Single day: 0, 3 days: 5. MASTER CLASSES * June 4 and June 11 2:30-5:30: Singing Studio of Deborah Staiman. Master Class in Show Tunes Interpretation; Dramatic Workshop in Musical Theatre. Yonge/Eglinton area- call for location. 416-483-9532, ww.singingstudio.com WORKSHOPS * June 2 7:30: Recorder Players' Society. Recorder and other early instrument players get together in small, informal groups and play Ren· aissance & Baroque music. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-224-5830. * June 3 6:00: Long & McOuade/Zildjian Cymbals. Clinic with drummer Steve Gadd. Humber College, 3199 Lakeshore Blvd. West. 416-588-7886. . (See Announcements June 3 2:30 above for sale, Meet & Greet.) * June 41:30-4:00: Toronto Early Music Performance Organization. Workshop with Shannon Purvis-Smith, focusing on instrumental music. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416· 778· 7777. , members free. * June 4 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading for voices and instruments of Beethoven's Mass in C, conducted by Greg Burton. AGM follows. Elliott Hall. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416- 421 -0779. (non-members). * June 21 7:30: Toronto Shapenote Singing from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome. St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, 103 Bellevue Ave. 416- 922-7997 or pleasancecrawford@rogers.com * June 22-26: Worlds of Music. Famoudou Konate - From Hand to Hand: the Wassa Kunba! (Great Joy) Drumming Experience. 416-944- 3589. $11 O(session). 0(all 4 days). * June 26 7:30: Toronto Early Music Cen· tre. Vaca/Circle. Recreational reading of early choral music. Ability to read music desirable but not essential. 12 Millbrook Cres. 416-920-5025. Members free. $ 5(non-members). * June 27 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. Informal group that meets for the purpose of performance & exchange of songs. T ranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 41 6-532-0900. * July 3-14: COC. Summer Opera Camp 2006: Create-a-Ring I 2-week program; participants create their own version of Wagner's Ring. For children entering grades 4 to 6. Mon-Fri. 9am-3:30pm. Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Centre, 227 Front St. E. 416-306-2377. 0 (some bursaries avail.) * July 4 6:30: RCM. Songwriting 101. Examining the essential elements that go into the creation of a song. First part of interactive workshop series with composer, songwriter. keyboard player and arranger, John Capek. 90 Croatia St. 416· 408-2825. or all three workshops for 5. * July 5 6:30: RCM. From Chuck Berry to Bob Dylan in a Big Yellow Taxi. Students will write a personal prose story & then use it as a database for creation of a song lyric. Second part of interactive workshop series with John Capek. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2825. or all three workshops for 5. * July 6 6:30: RCM. When songs threaten a regime. Discussion of the emotional power of songs: What part do lyrics, melodies & harmonies play in contributing to this power? Third part of interactive workshop series with John Capek. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2825. or all three workshops for 5. * All The King's Voices. Sight Singing Courses. Providing amateur singers & others who want to learn or improve their musical skills with a grounding in vocal technique & sight reading. Level Two: June 6-8, 13-15; Level Three: July 4- 6, 11 -13; (Level 4 continues in August).David King, leader. 416-225-2255. each level. *Little Chicken Production. One Hot Summer Sing. 8-week summer sing of rock, gospel, jazz, pop, blues, r&b, hip hop. Bring your voices. your songs, your instruments. Ian Crowley, director.Tuesday nights, 7:30-9:30, beginning July 4. Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. ian.crowley@sympatico.ca . ~P#lddPIIPIPHdP~IP§#/ ~ I ~ 314 Churchill Ave I f Toronto , O n tario ~ ~ M2R 1E7 C a n ada ~ ~ Tel : 416 - 224 - 1956 ~ I Fax : 416- 224- 2964 ~ ~ MIKROKOSMOS www.mikrokosmos.com , f f f I ? ~ ~ We buy your ~ f f ~ classical LP : p p ~ collection ~ ~ I f ~ f I , (classical, such as , f , Beethoven, Mozart, I , I , Stockhausen) I , ~ f • p p , we trave l anywhere , f f , for good collec t io ns . ~ f ~,,,,,,,. ,.~ MAESTRO DANIEL * Twenty years teaching Classical Vocal Technique in Toronto * Specialty: Training and developing the large operatic voice, "a dying breed" according to the N.Y. Times, Nov. 5, 2005 * Vocal rehabilitation: Removing and repairing faulty vocal habits * Guaranteed results - Performance opportunities * 416· 927 ·9800 www.nscvs.com HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITAL A beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten church building in the heart of Yorkville can be rented at reasonable rates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included. A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics. Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431 www.heliconianclub.org rentals(fyheliconianclub.org VOCAL TEACHER Opera Singer Elena Ciorici • Provides unique learning experience of authentic Italian Vocal School • Winner of International Contests - performed in Europe for over 20 years • For beginners and advanced students • Preparation for International Contests and Conservatory Competition FOR DETAILS CALL ELENA CIORICI AT 41 6.638. 1919 Cheeses from around the world, meats, groceries, dry goods gift baskets ... Everything you need for reception planning. 416-364-7397 www.pasqualebros.com 16 Goodrich Rd., Etobicoke (south of Bloor, west off Islington) 40 WWW. TH EW HOLENOTE. COM Back to Ad Index
Back to Ad Index INSTRUCTION CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS RCM trained. Beginners welcome. Walter 416-924- 2168. EAR TRAINING Help for singers who don't always sing on pitch. Song Bird studios 416-825-3842. EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP, SIGHT-SINGING, THEORY, JAZZ THEORY. All levels, professional/serious beginners. Art Levine, MA, ARCT. Host. "Art Music", CBC. 30 years experience: RCM, UofT, York. 416-924-8613. www.artlevine.com; artlevine@sympatico.ca EVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committed piano students (emu@interlog.com or 416-504-4297) PIANO, VOICE, VIOLIN & GUITAR TEACHERS WANTED for immediate position. Please fax resume: 905-709-3607. SINGING LESSONS: Beginner to Professional, Rock to Opera. Let me help you find your natural singing voice .. your home or mine ... 416-689-7074. Piano and Guitar Students also welcome. FLEXIBLE PRICING. SINGING TEACHER with MMus and professional performing experience accepting students for fall. Classical and Musical Theatre. All Levels Welcome. Call 416-200-4721. VOICE LESSONS Specializing in a healthy balanced sound. Song Bird studios 416-825-8642. , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING VIOLIN LESSONS: Bernard Dolan, Edna Wolteger - Experience the adventure of playing beautiful music with an Ergonomic approach. Education: McGill; UofT; Manhattan School. 20 years experience performing and teaching. All levels welcome. 416-535-9 !04. I INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLD I FRENCH HORN Must sell, one-of-a-kind, double horn, by Reynolds. Excellent condition. Endorsement available. Call Jack at 416-721 - 4940. I MISCELLANEOUS AN EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME' Weekend singing retreats near Sandbanks National Park. All levels welcome. Also, weekly Jazz Singing Summer Workshops in Toronto. All levels. Brochure: grooveproductions@sympatico.ca MUSICIANS AVAILABLE BARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorder and virginal available to provide background atmosphere for teas, receptions or other functions - greater Toronto area. For rates and info call 905-722-5618 or email us at mhpape@interhop.net MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS' Small ensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; Cocktail Hour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows; Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditional and Smooth Jazz' )SL Musical Productions 905- 276-3373. MUSICIANS WANTED GRACE CHURCH ON-THE-HILL, Toronto, has openings !or a Soprano, a Countertenor and a Bass Lead. Contact Melva Treffinger Graham, Director of Music, at 416-488-7884 xi 17 for further in formotion. A description of our vibrant music program is available at www.gracechurchonthehill.ca TENOR, BASS: Paid section leader/ soloists sought. Take part in an excellent choral programme at Rosedale Presbyterian Church. Please apply to: RPC, 129 Mount Pleasant Rd., Toronto M4W2S3 or music@rpcc.ca by June 23. TRY US OUT JUNE 5/ 12 !or next season' North Toronto Community Band. Rehearsals on Monday evenings near Avenue Rd. & Lawrence. Particular need for saxes, euphonium, Fr.horn, bassoon. Call John Krongold 416-787-5193. SERVICES ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICE for small business and individuals, to save you time and money, customized to meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985. The PERFORMING EDGE Performance enhancement training in tension management, concentration, goal setting, imagery. Individualized to meet your performance situ- ation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinical and performing arts psychology. 416-961-0487, www.theperlormingedge.com SIMONE TUCCI Piano Tuner Technician - Complete Piano Care Service - *Concert*Studio*Home*. Affiliated with The Royal Conservatory of Music piano service staff. Registered Craftsman Member of O.G.P.T. Inc. Associate Member of PTG. Servicing Toronto and G.T.A. areas. Call 416-993-6332. WholeNote MarketPlace Recording Services GOLD RECORDS -- JUNO AWARDS Recording & Mastering. Great live room in old movie theatre, Yamaha Grand Piano. Hammond M3 & Leslie Milestone Drums. per hour 416.467.9597 www.studio92canada.com Call for a coffee and lour MISTER'S MASTERING HOUSE DIGITAL EDITING CD MASTERING OPEN REEL & CASETTE TRANSFERS 96/24 CAPABILITY CONTAcr· KARL MACHAT 416 503 3060 "647 227 KARL MISTERS.MASTERS@SYMPATICO.CA On a budget but still need a top quality recording made? Save yourself some time & money and do it right the first time, On location or in my studio 416.461.0635 ENTERTAINERS NEEDED We are now accepting new Artists Send your media package lo Entertainment Toronto Ltd Email: Artists@EntertainmentToronto. CA Webslte:www.FntertainmentToronto.CA J UN E 1 - J ULY 7 2006 Professional Services Elisabeth Pomcs MA I .iterature (Pans) MA Vocal Performance (Toronto) Psychotherapist Performance Anxiety, a gentle approach 416-769-8511 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM Wfexander 'Technique with Verna Johnson., Cerrified Alexander Teacher- 22 years' reaching experience.,,