... CONCERTS: Toronto & nearby905-271-9449. Free.- 3:15: Taste ofToronto. TSO BrassOuintet. Metro Square, King St. West be·tween Simcoe & John Sts. 416-217-0700.Free.- 4:20: Taste of Toronto. The Essentials. ACappella Vocal. Metro Square, King St. W be·tween Simcoe & John Sts. 416-217-0700.Free.- 5:20: Taste of Toronto. Melting pot.Rock. Metro Square, King St. West be·tween Simcoe & John Sts. 416-217 -0700.Free.- 6:20: Taste of Toronto. Jorge Miguel.Flamenco. Metro Square, King St. Westbetween Simcoe & John Sts. 416-217-0700. Free.- 6:30: Jazz at Commensal. Dan Eisen(piano}. Commensal, 655 Bay St. 416-596·9364. Free.An 8 vening of Operaand /(omantic SongsElena Ciorici - SopranoJanna Routsinska - Piano. Bellini, Verdi,1 DonizettiI· and Strauss' i Italian andli Russian Songs•'Saturday, Sept 9 at 7pmChrist Church Deer Park1570 Yonge St. at St. ClairTickets , sen./stud.416-638-1919 or 905-619-8047- 7:00: Elena Ciorici. An Evening ofOpera and Romantic Songs. Works byPuccini, Bellini, Verdi, Donizetti &Strauss; Italian & Russian songs. ElenaCiorici, soprano; Janna Routsinska,piano. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge St. 416-638-1919. ; (sr/st).- 7:00: Southside Shuffle Blues andJazz Festival. Main Stage Concert.Wickens/Knight; Downchild Blues Band;Jeff Healey's Jazz Wizards. MemorialPark, Port Credit. 905-271-9449.(wkend pass), (daily pass).- 7:00: The Kenneth G. Mills Founda·tion. Akafist Chamber Choir. 15-voiceRussian male a cappella choir, singingRussian folk songs & church musicspanning five centuries. Andrei V. Malyutin,artistic director/conductor. St. ArsenijeSremac Serbian Church, 508 ByronStreet South, Whitby. 905-668-2676. Bydonation.- 7:30: AIDS Committee of Toronto.BroadwAID II: Benefit for ACT. Musicaltheatre, popular & classical music. AnnO'Kane, Marnie Kersten & Jeff Maclean,performers. Bloor Street United Church,300 Bloor Street West. 905-483-8121., (st/sr).- 7:30: Raag-Mala Music Society. KalaRamnath, violin. With Subhankar Baner·jee, tabla. Medical Sciences Auditorium, Uof T, 1 King's College Circle. 416-281·3725. -; member discount.- 8:20 Taste of Toronto. Patrizia. RockOpera Diva Patrizia performs operaticarias with her band. Metro Square, KingSt. West between Simcoe & John Sts.416-217-0700. Free.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Rita Chiarelli CDRelease. Pop country, blues & blues-rock.Hugh's Room, 2261 Dundas St. West.416-531 -6604. ; (adv).- 9:00pm: Lula Lounge. Salsa Saturdaywith Cachtf. Hardcore Salsa music, in·eludes dance class. Lula Lounge, 1585Dundas St. West. 416-588-0307. .-9:20pm: Taste ofToronto. RubenVazquez & friends. Cuban. Metro Square, KingSt. West between Simcoe & John Sts. 416·217-0700. Free.Sunday September 10- 12:00 noon: Southside Shuffle Bluesand Jazz Festival. Main Stage Concert.Papa Grey; The Soul Reason Revue; DannyBrooks & the Memphis Brothers; Shawne &Jay Jackson & the Majesties; Detroit Women& Motor City Express. Memorial Park, PortCredit. 905-271-9449. (wkend pass),1daily pass).- 12:00 noon: Taste of Toronto. Kevin Clark'sJazz Kitchen. Metro Square, King St. W betweenSimcoe & John Sts.416-217-0700. Free.- 1 :25: Taste of Toronto. Terra Hazelton &The Easy Answers. Metro Square, King St.West between Simcoe & John Sts. 416-217-0700. Free.- 2:00: Scarborough Sunday Concerts.Marie Gogoin Concert. Rotunda, ScarboroughCivic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. 416-396·7398. Free.- 2:45: Taste ofToronto. Christopher Plock& The Swinging Outlaws. Metro Square, KingSt. West between Simcoe & John Sts. 416-217-0700. Free.- 3:00: The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation.Akafist Chamber Choir. 15-voice Russianmale a cappella choir, singing Russian folksongs & church music spanning five centuries.Andrei V. Malyutin, artistic director/conductor.Cathedral of the Transfiguration, 10350Woodbine Avenue, Markham. 416-872-4255., (sr/st); (choirs).- 3:00: Walton Memorial UnitedChurch. BroadwAID II. Musical theatre,popular & classical music. Ann O'Kane,Marnie Kersten & Jeff Maclean, performers.Walton Memorial United Church, 2489Lakeshore Blvd. West, Oakville. 905-827·1643. , (st/sr).- 4:00: Association of Improvising Musi·cians Toronto/Now Lounge. Jazz & ImprovisedMusic. Showcasing local talent. NowLounge, 189 Church St. 416-769-2841. .- 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. SundayAfternoon Twilight Recital. Mozart: Fantasiainf, K.608; Willan: Introduction, Passacagliaand Fugue. Michael Bloss, organ. 4:30: ChoralEvensong. 65 Church St. 416-364· 7865x224. Free.-4:00: Summer Music in the Garden.Only in the Enchanted Realm of Song. Schu·bert: String Quartet in a, D.804; Haydn:Quartet in C, Op.9/1. Windermere StringQuartet: Rona Goldensher, Genevieve Gilar·deau, violins; Anthony Rapoport, viola; LauraJones, cello. Toronto Music Garden, 475Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free.- 4:15: Taste of Toronto. Jaymz Bee &his Royal Jelly Orchestra. Metro Square,King St. West between Simcoe & JohnSts. 416-217-0700. Free.- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Alex Dean Quartet. 1570 YongeSt. 416-920-5211. Free; donations welcome.- 4:45: Taste of Toronto. Divine Brown.Metro Square, King St. West betweenSimcoe & John Sts. 416-217-0700. Free.- 8:00: Beth Tikvah Synagogue MusicCommittee. TheDivaandtheFiddler. Classics,traditional Yiddish and Hebrew folkmusic, contemporary favourites. MosheHammer, violin; Shoshana Friedman;soprano. Beth Tikvah Synagogue, 3080Bayview Ave. 416-221-3433 x354. ;(reserved); (sr); (st).- 8:00: Toronto Centre for the Arts.Parissa, with Dastan Ensemble. Persiantraditional music. The Dastan Ensemble:Hamid Motebassem, tar (Persian lute);Hossein Behroozinia, barbat (oud); SaeedFarajpouri, kamanche (spike fiddle); PejmanHadadi & Benham Samani, percussion;Parissa, singer. George Weston Recital Hall,Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-872-1111. -.- 8:30: Arabesque. Layali Arabesque(Arabesque Nights/. Traditional acousticmusic by the Arabesque Orchestra; professionalbellydancers. Prof. BassamBishara, vocals/oude; George Barbas,dhoholla; Sebastian Gatto, katim; Sulei·man Warwar, lead dumbek/leader. GypsyCo-op, 815 Queen St. West. cover.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. The GlengarryBhoys. Celtic & roots music Hugh'sRoom, 2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531-6604. $12; (adv).- 9:30pm: Lula Lounge. Rob Curto'sForro For All with Maracatu NuncaAntes. Forro music from NortheastBrazil. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St.West. 416-588-0307. .Monday September 11- 2:30: Alchemy. An Hour of ChamberMusic. Boismortier: Sonata for celloand bassoon ind, Op.40/1; Schubert:Sonatensatz for piano trio in B-flat,D.28; Glinka: Sonatensatz for Bassoonand Piano; Glazunov: Elegy for viola andpiano in g, Op.44; Danzi: Quartet forbassoon and string trio in d, Op.40/2.Larkin Hinder, bassoon; Heidi Behren·bruch, violin; Beverlee Swayze, viola;Tricia Balmer, cello; Marion Wilk, piano.Belmont House, 55 Belmont St. 416-964·9231 x226. Free.Tuesday September 12- 1 :OD: St. James' Cathedral. Music atMid-day. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in e,BWV.548; Reger: Kyrie Eleison, Op.59/7;Kenins: Ex Mari: Episodes from Georgian;Hindemith: Sonate Ill; Diemer: Toccata fororgan. Michael Bloss, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364· 7865 x224. Free.- 7:00: Alchemy. An Hour of ChamberMusic. Prokofiev: Piano Sonata #7 in B·flat, Op.83; Piazzolla: La Muerte DelAngel; Dvorak; Piano Quartet in E-flat,Op.87. John Soloninka, violin; NataliyaLaribi, viola; Jennifer Brunton, cello;Leslie Myrick, Meri Gee, piano. ValleyviewResidence, 541 Finch Ave. West. 416-398·0555. Free.- 7:00: Canadian Opera Company.Wagner's Ring Cycle (Cycle 1 begins). DerRing des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner;see CDC web site for related events. PavloHunka, Susan Bullock, Adrianne Pieczon·ka & other performers; Richard Brad·shaw, conductor. Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. West .416-363-8231. 00-00; 0·5(single performances, limited). Forcomplete run of this and all the cycles,see music theatre listings. *SOLD OUT*- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Save The RevueBenefit. Hugh's Room, 2261 Dundas St.West. 416-531-6604. .Wednesday September 13- 12:30: Summer Serenades SmoothJazz Wednesdays. Lori Cullen. YongeDundas Square, 1 Dundas St. East. 416-979·9960. Free.- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonday Organ Recital. ChrisDawes, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922·1167. Free.- 2:30: Alchemy. An Hour of ChamberMusic. See Sep 11. New Horizons Tower,1140 Bloor St. West. 416-536-6111.- 8:00: Massey Hall/House of BluesConcerts Canada. Bela Fleck and TheFlecktones. Pop, jazz, funk, bluegrass andNoon at MetFree informal concerts on Thursdays from 12: 15 to 12:45Metropolitan United Church, Queen at Church StreetsASeptember 14September 21September. 28October 5Patricia Wright, organMetropolitan United ChurchMichael Bloss, organCathedral Church of St. JamesPatricia Wright, organMetropolitan United ChurchSoobok Kim, ShimToronto organistMetropolitan United Churchr/ \~ 56 Queen Street East at Church Street, TorontoMETROPOLITAN 416-363-0331 ext. 26 www.metunited.org36 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM SEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2006
classical music. 15 Shuter St. 416·872·4255. .50·.50.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Chantal Chamberland.Vocal jazz standards. Dan Lockwood,drums; Steve Pelletier, uprightbass; Eric Boucher, piano; Paul White.alto sax. Hugh's Room, 2261 Dundas St.West. 416-531 ·6604. ; (adv).Thursday September 14-12:15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at Met Organ Recital: PatriciaWright. 56 Queen St. East. 416-363-0331x26. Free.- 12:15: Music On The Hill. Cowboys &Angels. Allison Lynn, gospel singer; GeraldFlemming, guitar. St. John's York MillsAnglican Church, 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416-225-6611. Free.- 1 :OD & 8:00: Harbourfront Centre/Newton Moraes Dance Theatre. Saudesdo Brazil (Memories of my Brazil}. Contemporarydance, exploring Brazilian & Latin AmericanCultures. Newton Moraes, artistic director.Harbourfront Centre Theatre, 235 QueensQuay West. 416-973-4000. ,;(sr/st/CADAI; $12(schools matinee). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 2:00: Alchemy.AnHourofChamberMusic. See Sep 11. Northern District Library.40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-7610.- 7:00: The Mod Club. Nouvelle Vague,Bande ii Part CD Tour. Reflection of Caribbeanmusic between 1940 & 1970; Jamaica(mento, ska/rocksteady, reggae). Trinidad(calypso), Cuba (salsa). Haiti (voodoo) & Brazil.The Mod Club, 722 College. 416·840·0501.; (adv).- 8:00: Toronto Philharmonia. Fire andIce. Somers: Picasso Suite; Sibelius: ViolinConcerto; Chopin: Piano Concerto #2. CissyZhou; piano; Benjamin Bowman. violin; KerryStratton, conductor. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 YongeSt. 416-872-1111. ·; .50-(sr).- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Alfie Zappacosta.Silvio Pupo, piano; Claudio Vena. viola/accordion.Hugh's Room, 2261 Dundas St. West.416-531-6604. ; (adv).- 8:30: Lula Lounge. Bryan Vargas and i YaEsta!. 6-piece Afro-Latino funk/jazz/soulband. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. West.416-588-0307. ; (adv).Friday September 15- 6:30: Jazz at Commensal. Double AJazz Trio. Commensal. 655 Bay St. 416-596·9364. Free.- 8:00: Hart House Theatre. ReeferMadness: The Musical. Music by DanStudney, lyrics by Kevin Murphy, book byKevin Murphy & Dan Studney, Canadianpremiere. Elenna Mosoff, director. HartHouse Theatre, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-8849. $ 20; $12(sr/sl). For completerun see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Hummingbird Centre for thePerforming Arts. Charles AznavourFarewell Tour. Hummingbird Centre, 1Front St. East. 416-872·2262. Call forticket prices.- 8:00: Lula Lounge. Kol/age. Hard Bopband led by Archie Alleyne. Lula Lounge, 1585Dundas St. West. 416-588-0307. .- 8:00: North Toronto Institute ofMusic. Hungarian Rhapsody. Music ofHungarian composers Kodaly, Bart6k &Liszt. Mary Kenedi, piano. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. ; (sr); (sl).- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Boys Do Girls.Murray McLauchlan. Stephen Fearing, GregQuill, John Oswald, Scott Merritt & DannyGreenspoon, performers. Hugh's Room, 2261Dundas St. West. 416-531-6604. ;(adv).- 9:00pm: Association of ImprovisingMusicians Toronto/Arraymusic. leftoverDaylight Series. Jazz & improvised music.Arraymusic Studio, Suite 218 (enter at reardoor), 60 Atlantic Ave. 416-539-8752. - O(sliding scale).- 1 O:OOpm: Lula Lounge. Bryan Vargas andiYa Esta!. 6-piece Afro-Latino funk/jazz/soulband. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. West.416-588-0307. ; (adv).Saturday September 16- 6:30: Jazz at Commensal. Chris Mckhool(violin jazz duo} with piano. Commensal, 655Bay St. 416-596-9364. Free.- 7:30: Darbazi Georgian Vocal Ensemble.Georgian Music Concert.Traditionalmusic from the Black Sea Republic of Georgia,a cappella or accompanied on Georgian folkinstruments. Eastminster United Church,310 Danforth Ave. 416-371-0710. ; O(sr/sl); PWYC(unwaged).HungarianRhapsodyMary Kenedi, pianistplays a recital ofHungarian musiccelebrating the 50thAnniversary of theHungarian Revolutionand the 125thAnniversary ofBartok's birth.Friday, September 15, 8 pmGlenn Gould Studio, 250 Front Street W.Tickets: , Seniors , Students ,available at the Box Office or at glenngouldstudio.comS EPTE M BE R 1 - O CTOBER 7 2006WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM- 8:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk Club. TheLaws. Country-folk duo; opening setRosemary Phelan & Jason LaPrade.St.Nicholas Anglican Church, 1512 KingstonRd. 416-264-2235. .- 8:00: Glenn Chipkar & the Swing ShiftBig Band. The Songs of Sinatra. RBCTheatre, Living Arts Centre, 4141 LivingArts Dr., Mississauga. 905·306-6000, 888-805-8888. -. All proceeds to theCrohn's and Colitis Foundation of Cana·da.- 8:00: Massey Hall/House of BluesConcerts Canada. John Prine in Concert.Folk, rockabilly, country. Guest: DanReeder. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 8:00: The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation.Aka fist Chamber Choir. 15-voice Russianmale a cappella choir, singing Russian folksongs & church music spanning five centuries.Andrei V. Malyutin, artistic director/conductor.St. Paul's Basilica, 83 Power St. 416-364-7588. ; (sr/st/parishioners/choirs).- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Chris Whiteley &Diana Braithwaite, Morning Sun CD Release.Tribute to the classic blues sounds of the 30'sand 40's. Hugh's Room. 2261 Dundas St.West. 416-531-6604. ; (adv).- 9:00pm: Mercer Union. Music in AlternativeSpaces. Isabelle Noel. 3 7 Lis gar St. 416-536-1519. Free.Sunday September 17- 1 :00: The Kenneth G. Mills Founda·tion. Aka fist Chamber Choir. 15-voice Russianmale a cappella choir. singing Russian folksongs & church music spanning five centuries.Andrei V. Malyutin, artistic director/conductor.St. Michael the Archangel Serbian OrthodoxChurch, 212 Delaware Ave. 416·616-8565.By donation.- 1 :30: CAMMAC/McMichael Art Gal·lery. Sunday Concert Series. Club Django, jazzensemble. 10365 Islington Ave .• Kleinburg.905-893-1121. 888-213-1121. Admissionwith gallery price: ; (sr/st); (family);free(5 & under).- 2:00: Scarborough Sunday Concerts.Michel Berube in Concert. Rotunda, ScarboroughCivic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. 416·396·7398. Free.- 3:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Meet the Orchestra. Program designed tointroduce young people to live orchestraperformance. Oakville Centre for the PerformingArts, 130 Navy St., Oakville. 905-815·2021, 888-489-7784. O; (st/ch).- 3:00: Women's Art Association. HeatherCumine. A concert of liturgical music. 23Prince Arthur Ave. 647-438-0979. (door).- 4:00: Association of ImprovisingMusicians Toronto/Now Lounge. Jazz &Improvised Music. Showcasing local talent.Now Lounge, 189 Church St. 416-769-2841..- 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. SundayAfternoon Twilight Recital. Andrea Naccarato,soprano; Andrew Ager, piano. 4:30: ChoralEvensong. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865x224. Free.-4:00: St. Olave's Church. Mozart 250.Choral evensong, including music and anthemsto mark Mozart's 250th; followed bypeaches & cream and an illustrated talkby Douglas Cowling on Mozart's life andworks. St. Olave's Choir; Jenni Hayman.soprano. St. Olave's Anglican Church, 360Windermere Ave. 416-769-5686. Contribu -lions appreciated.- 4:00: Summer Music in the Garden.Works by Beethoven and Barber. KirbyString Quartet: Aisslinn Nosky, JuliaWedman. violins; Max Mandel, viola;Carina Reeves. cello. Toronto MusicGarden, 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free.- 8:30: Arabesque. Layali Arabesque(Arabesque Nights}. Gypsy Co-op. See Sep 10.Monday September 18- 8:00: Harbourfront Centre. Jazz.FM91Sound of Jazz: Glenn Woodcock 30thAnniversary Concert. Big Band standards,Miller, Dorsey, Basie & Ellington. DaveStratham & Larissa Renee. vocals; SwingShift, Jim John, sax/leader; Glenn Woodcock,host. Harbourfront Centre Theatre,231 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000.; (member).Tuesday September 19-12:10: University ofToronto Facultyof Music. Voice Performance Class. Welcome& vocal showcase. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. Music atMid-day. Bach: Toccata and Fugue in d,BWV.538; Gade: Moderato Tone Poem,Op.22; Guilmant: Sonata #4, Op.61. GordonD. Mansell, organ. 65 Church St. 416-364·7865 x224. Free.- 7:00: Canadian Opera Company.Wagner's Ring Cycle (Cycle 2 begins}. Der Ringdes Nibelungen by Richard Wagner; see CDCweb site for related events. Pavlo Hunka.Frances Ginzer, Susan Bullock, AdriannePieczonka & other performers; RichardBradshaw. conductor. Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. West.416-363-8231. 00·00, limited;0-5(single performances, limited). Forcomplete run of this and all the cycles. seemusic theatre listings.- 8:00: Massey Hall/Jeff Parry Promotions/AnnerinProductions. The ledZeppelin Experience. Kashmir, Stairway toHeaven. Black Dog & more. recreated by LedZepplica, with light show. 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.Wednesday September 20- 12:30: Summer Serenades SmoothJazz Wednesdays. Alex Pangman. YongeDundas Square, 1 Dundas St. East. 416-979-9960. Free.- 12:30: Vorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonday Organ Recital. lmre Olah,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Opening Night: Beethoven Symphonies# 1 &8. Also Beethoven: Violin Concerto. JoshuaBell, violin; Peter Qundjian. conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.-$120.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Ferron. Hugh's Room.2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531-6604. ;(adv).Thursday September 21- 12:10: University ofToronto Facultyof Music. Thursdays at Noon. JamesKippen presents traditional and newmusic for North Indian tabla drums. withworks by Becker & Hatzis. Pandit ProbirKumar Mittra (tabla). and guests. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 8037