9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 1 - September 2006

  • Text
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
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  • September
  • October
  • Choir
  • Festival
  • Orchestra
  • Arts

... CONCERTS:Further

... CONCERTS:Further afieldTagaq Gillis, Oliver Schroer & Ravi Naim·pally. Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, 358Gordon St., Guelph. 519· 763-3000. Free.- 5:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Le OuanNinh. Guelph Youth Music Centre, 75Cardigan St., Guelph. 519-763-3000. ,(sr/st/low income).- 7:00: Sharon Temple. Fall Illumination.Classical music, plus candle lighting,speakers, cake & coffee. ChristopherHume & Albert Schrauwers, speakers;Tapestry. 18974 Leslie St., Sharon. 905·478-2389. .- 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Concerts inthe Church. Bill Dixon & Joelle Leandre in thesanctuary; Bik Bent Braam in Mitchell Hall. St.George's Anglican Church, 99 Woolwich St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000. , (sr/st/lowincome).- 8:00: Victoria Hall. Brad Halls Words andMusic: The Songs of James Van Heusen.Oscar winning songs and Broadway hits likeMoonlight Becomes You, All the Way, ButBeautiful, Imagination & more. Guests: LauraHarp & Derrick Cunningham; Brad Halls. TheConcert Hall, Victoria Hall, 55 King St. West,Cobourg. 905-372-2210, 888-COBOURGx4153. .- 11 :30pm: Guelph Jazz Festival. SaoPaulo Underground. Rob Mazurek; Mauri·cio Takara; Richard Ribeiro; Jason Ajemi·an. St. George's Anglican Church, 99Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000., (sr/st/low income).Saturday September 09- 11 :45am: Guelph Jazz Festival. GuelphYouth Jazz Ensemble. Guest: Lori Freedman;Brent Rowan, director. Upper WyndhamStreet Jazz Tent, Guelph. 519· 763-3000.Free.- 1 :OD: Guelph Jazz Festival. Black OxOrkestar. Upper Wyndham Street Jazz Tent,Guelph. 519-763-3000. Free.- 2:30: Guelph Jazz Festival. FAB Trioin Concert. Also Larry Ochs, Peggy Lee &Miya Masaoka. Guelph Youth MusicCentre, 75 Cardigan St., Guelph. 519-763·3000. , (sr/st/low income).- 2:30: Guelph Jazz Festival. Manouche.Upper Wyndham Street Jazz Tent, Guelph.519-763-3000. Free.- 4: 15: Guelph Jazz Festival. The FlyingBu/gar Klezmer Band. Upper Wyndham StreetJazz Tent, Guelph. 519-763-3000. Free.- 6:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. The Hy/oz·oists. Upper Wyndham Street Jazz Tent,Guelph. 519-763-3000. Free.- 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Main StageConcert. Gyiirgy Szabados & Vladimir Tarasov;Steve Coleman & Five Elements. River RunCentre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519·763-3000, 800-520-2408. , (sr/st/low income).- 8:00: Victoria Hall. Brad Halls Words andMusic: The Songs of James Van Heusen.Victoria Concert Hall, Cobourg. See Sep 8.- 10:30pm: Guelph Jazz Festival. PaulPlimley, Tommy Babin & Hamid Orake.Guelph Youth Music Centre, 75 Cardigan St.,Guelph. 519· 763-3000. , (sr/st/lowincome).- 11 :30pm: Guelph Jazz Festival. The BellOrchestre. Mitchell Hall, St. George's Angli·can Church, 99 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519·44763-3000. , (sr/st/low income).Sunday September 1 O- 10:30am: Guelph Jazz Festival. MarkFeldman & Sylvie Courvoisier. Also XuFengxia & Joe Fonda. Guelph YouthMusic Centre, 75 Cardigan St., Guelph.519-763-3000. , (sr/st/low income).- 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Sunday CoffeeConcert. Guests: company actors andmusicians; Shaw Festival Quartet inResidence. Lobby, Festival Theatre, 10Queen's Parade, Niagara-on-the-Lake.800-511 ·7429. Free.- 1 :OD: Kitchener.Waterloo Symphony.Music in the Park. Local musicians in concert,musical petting zoo & other family activities.Second Stage, Waterloo Park (Albert St.entrance). Waterloo. 519-578-1570, 800·265-8977. Free.- 3:30: Kitchener.Waterloo Symphony.Music in the Park. KWS open-air concert,musical petting zoo & other family activities.Main Stage, Waterloo Park (Albert St. en·trance), Waterloo. 519-578-1570, 800·265-8977. Free.- 7:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. autorick·shaw. With Kevin Breit and Trichy Sankaran.Guelph Youth Music Centre, 75 Cardigan St.,Guelph. 519· 763-3000. , (sr/st/lowincome).- 7:30: ChamberWORKS. Romancing theTone. Milhaud: Suite for clarinet, violin &piano; Arriaga: String Quartet #3 in E-flat;Ponchielli: "Paolo and Virginia" for clarinet,violin & piano; Puccini: Minuetto for stringquartet; Respighi: Quintet for piano & stringquartet. Dofasco Centre for the Arts, TheatreAquarius, 190 King William St., Hamilton.905-522-7529, 800-465-7529. ,;,(65 + ); (st, at door with ID).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Todd Yaniw, piano in Concert.Beethoven: Sonata #18 in E-flat,Op.31 /3;Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition; &other works. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); $ lO(st).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Chamber Music Recital. Dohnanyi: Quin·tet in c for piano, 2 violins, viola & cello,Op.1; Mendelssohn: Octet in E-flat for 4violins, 2 violas, & 2 cellos, Dp.20. Ed·ward Turgeon, piano; Marc Ramirez,Annette-Barbara Vogel, Olivia Hajioff, MelMartin & Eric Fujita, violins; OliviaHajioff, Marc Ramirez & Veronica Lee,violas; Joel Becktell & Elizabeth McLel·Ian, cellos. von Kuster Hall, Music Build·ing, UWO, London. 519-661-3767. Free.Monday September 11- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Matt Haimovitz, cello: Bachand Beyond. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. $ 25;(sr); (st).Wednesday September 13- 12: 15: Mid-Day Concerts at Cente·nary. Organ Recital Shawn Grenke, organ.Centenary United Church, 24 Main StreetWest, Hamilton. 905-522-6843 x26. Free.- 6:30: Royal Botanical Gardens. Red·Hot Jazz & Cool Blues. T rickbag. HendriePark Gardens, Royal Botanical Gardens, 60Plains Rd. West, Burlington. 905-527-1158, 905-825-5040 (GTA toll free). Freewith Gardens' admission.WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMThursday September 14- 8:00: Kitchener.Waterloo Symphony.Pops Series in Guelph: Pops Heats Up.Herencia Latina, Salsa band; DanielWarren, conductor. Main Stage, RiverRun Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph.519-763-3000, 800-520-2408. ,;(12 & under, rush all students);(eyeGO).Friday September 15- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Pops Series: Pops Heats Up. Herencia Latina,Salsa band; Daniel Warren, conductor. CentreIn The Square, 101 Queen St. North, Kitchen·er. 519-578-1570, 800-265-8977. ·; 112 & under, rush all students);(eyeG0).- 8:00: The Kenneth G. Mills Founda·tion. Aka fist Chamber Choir. 15-voice Russianmale a cappella choir, singing Russian folksongs & church music spanning five centuries.Andrei V. Malyutin, artistic director/conductor.St. Paul's Cathedral, 472 Richmond Street,London. 519-434-3225. .Saturday September 16- 12:00 noon: Westben Arts Festival Thea·tre. A Taste of Westben Fundraiser. Musicthroughout the afternoon, raffles, auction &more. Donna Bennett, Brian Finley & others,performers. The Barn, 6898 Country Road 30,Campbellford. 877-883-5777. .- 1 :30 & 7:30: Toronto All-Star BigBand. Canadian Big Band festival Other bandplaying as well. CAW Centre, Port Elgin.800-387-3456. (mat. ), (eve.).- 7:00: Raga Music School.NeerajPrem,Colours of Meditation CO Release. KiranMorarji, tabla; Neeraj Prem, sitar. 541 BrantStreet, Burlington. 905-639-6138.- 7:15: The Malhar Group Music Circleof Ontario. Baithak Style Recital of Hindusta·ni Classical Vocal Music. Sanjoy Banerjee,singer; Raya Bidaye, harmonium; Ashok Dutta,tabla; Sangeeta Ullal, tanpura. 8 Pirie Drive,Dundas. 905-627-7496. (adv bookingrequested).- 7:30: Waterford Old Town Hall Assoc/Brantford Symphony Orchestra. Pop Goesthe Music: Madawaska String Ouartet.International folk and dance music. 76 MainSt., Waterford. 519-443-6598. .- 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic Orches·tra. Music Italia! Favourites like 0 Sole Mio,Torno a Sorriento, orchestral overtures andpopular opera duets and solos. Kurt Lehmann,tenor; Monica Huisman, soprano; JamesSommerville, conductor. Hamilton Place,1 Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905-526·7756. -; -(sr); $12-(st);(ch to 13).- 8:00: Kitchener.Waterloo Symphony.Pops Series: Pops Heats Up. Centre In TheSquare, Kitchener. See Sep 15.Sunday September 17- 2:00: Sharon Temple.Acoustic After·noons Concert Series. Glenn Marais, guitar/harmonica/piano/vocals. 189 74 Leslie St.,Sharon. 905-478-2389. .- 7:00: The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation.Akafist Chamber Choir. 15-voice Russian male acappella choir, singing Russian folk songs &church music spanning five centuries. Andrei V.Malyutin, artistic director/conductor. DoonPresbyterian Church, 35 Roos St., Kitchen·er. 519-748-4540. .Wednesday September 20- 12: 15: Mid-Day Concerts at Cente·nary. Organ and Trumpet Recital. ShawnGrenke, organ, trumpet TBA. CentenaryUnited Church, 24 Main Street West, Hamil·ton. 905-522-6843 x26. Free.- 12:30: Noon Hour Concert Series,Conrad Grebel University College/TheKenneth G. Mills Foundation. AKAF/STChamber Choir. 16 voice male a cappella choirfrom Moscow. Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege Chapel, University of Waterloo, 140Westmount Rd. North, Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x226. Free.- 2:00 & 8:00: Schoolhouse Theatre St.Jacobs. Nonsense. Book, music & lyrics byDan Goggin. Starring Karen K. Edissi; MarcRichard, director/choreographer. SchoolhouseTheatre, 11 Albert St., St. Jacobs. 519-638·5555, 888-449-4463. ; (preview);118 & under); (group 20 or more). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 6:30: Royal Botanical Gardens. Red·Hot Jazz & Cool Blues. Tiffany Thompson.Hendrie Park Gardens, Royal Botanical Gar·dens, 60 Plains Rd. West, Burlington. 905·527-1158, 905-825-5040 (GTA toll free).Free with Gardens' admission.- 8:00: Kitchener· Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Marc Toth, piano in Concert.Beethoven: Sonatas: Op.27/1, 2 (Moonlight),Dp.101; Liszt: selections including Prel·ude, Love-Death from Tristan. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. West, Water·loo . 519-886-1673. ; (sr); Dist).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Signature Series in Guelph. Raum: FanfareOverture; Schumann: Piano Concerto# 1;Dvorak: Symphony #6. Angela Hewitt, piano;Edwin Outwater, conductor. 6:45: pre-concerttalk with Jet ten Kortenaar. Main Stage, RiverRun Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519·763-3000, 800-520-2408. -; ( 12& under, rush all students); (eyeGO).- 8:00: The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation.Akafist Chamber Choir. 15-voice Russian male acappella choir, singing Russian folk songs &church music spanning five centuries. AndreiV. Malyutin, artistic director/conductor.Dublin Street United Church, 68 Suffolk St.West, Guelph. 519-836-4056. .Thursday September 21- 7:30: Prince Edward County MusicFestival. Chamber Works. Mozart: Quartetfor oboe and strings, K.370; Forsyth: Lines toFanny Brawne (Keats); La belle dame sansmerci for soprano and piano (premiere);Forsyth: Six Episodes After Keats for violin,cello and piano; Poulenc: Sonata for oboe andpiano; Faure: Quartet for piano and strings #1,Op.15. Jonathan Crow, David Stewart,violins; David Harding, viola; Tanya Prochazka,cello; Suzanne Lemieux, oboe; Donna Brown,soprano; Malcolm Forsyth, composer;Stephane Lemelin, artistic director/piano; TheChurch of St. Mary Magdalene, 335 Main St.East, Picton. 613-393-3798. ; O(st).Friday September 22- 12:30: University of Western Ontario/The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation. 12:30Fridays. Akafist Chamber Choir, singingtraditional Russian choral works, Drtho·dox church music and folksongs. vonKuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, Lon·don. 519·661-3767. Free.- 7:30: All-Canadian Jazz Festival. TwoSEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2006

New Voices. Kellylee Evans & DK lbomeka,singers; Trinity College Jazz Ensemble.Concert Tent. Memorial Park, 31Queen St., Port Hope. 905-885-1938. .- 7:30: Prince Edward County MusicFestival. Chamber Works. Forsyth: Incantation,for soprano and piano; Je repondrais .... forsolo piano; Schubert & Mahler. selected lieder,Schumann: Quartet for piano and strings,Op.47. David Stewart. violin; David Harding,viola; Tanya Prochazka, cello; Donna Brown,soprano; Malcolm Forsyth, composer; StephaneLemelin, artistic director/piano. The Church ofSt. Mary Magdalene, 335 Main St. East,Picton. 613-393-3798. ; $ l(J(st); free(18 &under with adult).- 8:00: Barrie's Colours of Music. ACeltic Celebration. The Elmer lseler Singers,with fiddler Mark Haines & accordionist TomLeighton from Canada's Maritimes. FirstChristian Reformed Church, 33 Shirley Ave ..Barrie. 705· 725-1070. ; (withpassport).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Signature Series. Raum: Fanfare Overture;Schumann: Piano Concerto #1; Dvorak: Symphony#6. Angela Hewitt, piano; Edwin Outwa·ter, conductor. 6:45: pre·concert talk withThomas Kay. Centre In The Square, 101 QueenSt. North, Kitchener. 519-578-1570, 800·265·8977. -; (12 & under, rush allstudents); (eyeGO).- 8:00: SweetWater Music Weekend.Faculty In Concert. Biber: La Pastorella forviolin and harpsichord; Martinu: Three Prome·nades for flute, violin and harpsichord; Cassada:Suite for Solo Cello; Beethoven: GrosseFuge, Op.133; Dvorak: String Quintet in G fortwo violins, viola, cello and double bass,Op.77. Faculty: Steven Copes, violin; MarkFewer, violin; Scott St. John, violin; VirginiaBarron, violin; Douglas McNabney, viola;Denise Djokic, cello; Thomas Wiebe, cello;Raphael McNabney, bass; Rosanne Wieringa,flute; Melisande McNabney, harpsichord;Guy Few, piano; Peter Longworth,piano. Historic Leith Church, 419134 TomThomson Lane, Leith. 519-371-1754. .Saturday September 23- 11 :30am: All-Canadian Jazz Festival.Blow Your Own Horn: Jazz Parade. 10:30:Jazz Parade workshop with Kevin Clark.Walton St. to Memorial Park, 31 Queen St ..Port Hope. 905·885· 1938. Free.- 12:00 noon: All-Canadian Jazz Festival.Kevin Clark & Oirty South. Concert Tent.Memorial Park, 31 Queen St .. Port Hope.905-885-1938. (day pass); (wkndpass); (8-17); free(7 & under).- 12:00 noon: Barrie's Colours of Music.Cecilia String Ouartet in Concert. Music ofBeethoven & Shostakovich. Sarah Nematallah,Sharon Lee, violin; Caitlin Boyle, viola; RebeccaWenham, cello. Burton Avenue United Church,37 Burton Ave .. Barrie. 705-725-1070..- 12:50: All-Canadian Jazz Festival.Co/borne Public School Band. Club Tent,Memorial Park, 31 Queen St., Port Hope.905-885-1938. (day pass); (wkndpass); (8· 17); free(7 & under).- 1: 10: All-Canadian Jazz Festival.Melissa Stylianou Ouartet. Concert Tent.Memorial Park, 31 Queen St., Port Hope.905-885-1938. (day pass); (wkndpass); (8-17); free(7 & under).- 2:00: All-Canadian Jazz Festival. TDBarrie's 4th~Ar V o/· '~CJ~.V ~~livl!41AJSEPTEMBER 22 tO OCTOBER l, 2006Sepitemlbell:' 22, 23, 24, 2006FRIDAY: Historic Leith Church, 8pmSATURDAY: St George's Anglican Church,Owen Sound, 8pmSUNDAY: Historic Leith Church, 2pmFA..CULTYSteven Copes, '/iolinIvlark Fewer, './iolinScott St. John, ViolinVirginia Barron, ViolaDouglas IvlcNabney, ViolaDenise Djokic, CelloThomas ':7iebe, CelloRaphael IvkNabney, Ba.ssP..osanne "'V?ieringa> FluteMark FewerArtistic DirectorVirginia BarronAssociateArtistic DirectorMelisande IvkNabney, HarpsichordGuy Fev

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