9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 1 - September 2006

  • Text
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Musical
  • September
  • October
  • Choir
  • Festival
  • Orchestra
  • Arts


50WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMS EPTE MB ER 1 - O CTOB ER 7 2006Jazz in the ClubsFumana. Sep 22 lady Sony Articulo Veinte.Sep 23 Timbao Toronto. Sep 24 Carmen Con·soli. Sep 25 Kinnie Star and Tanya Tagaq. Sep26 Jaoquin Diaz CD Release. Sep 27 SmallWorld Music Presents Drum Nation. Sep 28Ash Dargan. Sep 28 Mr Something Something.Sep 29 Hendrik Meurkens and Parabolica. Sep30 Salsa Saturday w. Cache.Liberty Bistro and Bar25 Liberty St. @Atlantic Ave. 416·533·8828Mezzetta681 St. Clair Ave. W.416·658-5687''Wednesday Concerts in a Cafe". Sets at 9 and10: 15. Reservations recommended for first set.Mezzrows1546 Queen St. W. 416-658·5687Parkdale neighborhood pub featuring jazz andblues on Saturday afternoons, Sunday evenings,and a live jam every other Wednesday.Mod Club Theatre722 College St.www.themoddub.comN' Awlins Jazz Bar and Dining299 King St. W. 416·595· 1958Every Tue Stacie McGregor. Every Wed JimHeineman Trio. Every Thu Blues Night withSpecial Guest Vocalists. Every Fri/Sat All StarBourbon Street Band. Every Sun Rubi Botos.Odd Socks at Dovercourt House805 Dovercourt Rd. 416·537-3337Swing Dances, Lessons and Concerts.The Old Mill21 Old Mill Rd. 416-236-2641Orbit Room508A College St. 416-535-0613Pantages Martini Bar and Lounge200 Victoria St.www.pantageshotel.comPilot Tavern22 Cumberland St. 416·923·5716www.thepilot.caJazz every Sunday afternoon - Laila Biali Trio(twice a month) and others.Sep 2 Chris Gale Ouartet. Sep 9 Bob BroughDuarte!. Sep 16 5 after 4 with Vitto Rezza.Sep 23 Perry White Ouartet. Sep 30 BarryElmes Ouartet.The Red Guitar603 Markham St.416-913-4586www.theredguitar.comThe Reservoir Lounge52 Wellington St. 416·955-0887www.reservoirlounge.comEvery Mon Sophia Perlman and the Vipers.Every Tue Tyler Yarema and his Rhythm. Eve·ry Wed Bradley and the Bouncers. Every ThuJanice Hagen. Every Fri Chet Valiant Combo.Every Sat Tory Cassis.The Rex Jazz and Blues Bar194 Queen St. W. 416-598·2475www.therex.caSep 1 Hogtown Syncopators, Sultans of String,Sal Rosselli Ouartet. Sep 2 Ed Vokurka SwingEnsemble, The Jazz Navigators, laura HubertBand, Jeru. Sep 3 Excelsior Traditiona/Jazz, Dr.Nick and the Rollercoasters, Swing Rosie, JonMaharaj Group. Sep 4 Peter Hill Ensemble, AshleySt. Pierre. Sep 5 Richard Whiteman Trio,Classic Rex Jazz Jam. Sep 6 Julie MahendranTrio, Jeff Pointdexter. Sep 7 Kevin Ouain, ArchieAlleyne and K al/age. Sep 8 Hogtown Syncopators,Sultans of String, Archie Alleyne and Kol­/age. Sep 9 Ed Vokurka Swing Ensemble, SwingShift Big Band, laura Hubert Band, ChrisHunt Tentet + 2. Sep 10 Excelsior Traditiona/Jazz,Club Django, Swing Rosie, KirbyBarreto Ouintet. Sep 11 Peter Hill Ensem·b/e, Paul Ashwell Septet. Sep 12 RichardWhiteman Trio, Classic Rex Jazz Jam. Sep13 Julie Mahendran Trio, Don Palmer Ouartet.Sep 14 Vinx,RichBrown'sRinsetheAlgorithm. Sep 15 Hog town Syncopators,Sultans of String, Rich Brown's Rinse theAlgorithm. Sep 16 Ed Vokurka Swing En·semb/e, Far, Sara Dell, Trish Colter Sextet.Sep 17 Excelsior Traditional Jazz, The RedPeppers, Swing Rosie, Random Access. Sep18 Peter Hill Ensemble, Paul Ashwell Sep·tet. Sep 19 Gulfport Island Trio, Classic RexJazz Jam. Sep 20 Julie Mahendran Trio,URS Blochlinger Tribute. Sep 21 KevinOuain, Annual Birthday Tribute to John Coltrane.Sep 22 Hogtown Syncopaters, Sultansof String, Annual Birthday Tribute toJohn Coltrane. Sep 23 Ed Vokurka SwingEnsemble, Jerome Godboo and David Rotundo,laura Hubert Band, Annual Birthday Tributeto John Coltrane. Sep 24Excelsior Tra·ditional Jazz, Freeway Dixieland, SwingRosie, Brenda Earle Ouartet. Sep 25 PeterHill Ensemble, Michael Ruby Ouartet, Sep26 Richard Whiteman Trio, Classic Rex JazzJam. Sep 27 Julie Mahendran Trio, HendrikMeurkens. Sep 28 Kevin Ouain, Dan WeissTrio. Sep 29 Hogtown Syncopators, Sultansof String, Dan Weiss Trio. Sep 30 Ed VokurkaSwing Ensemble, The T JO Big Band, lauraHubert Band, Melissa Sty!ianou Ouartet.Safari Bar and Grill1749 Avenue Rd. 416-787·6584Every Tues Encore JazzSassafraz100 Cumberland St. 416-964·2222Every Thu·Sun Washington Savage.Every Sat, Sun Roy Patterson Trio.Spezzo Ristorante140 York Blvd. Richmond Hill.905-886-9703Live jazz every Thursday.Ten Feet Tall1381 Danforth Ave.416· 778· 7333Every Wed Girls Night Out Singers Jam.Sep 3 Bonnie Brett Trio. Sep 1 O Sultans ofStrings w. Chris McKhool Sep 17 GeorgeKoller and Julie Michels. Sep 24BuddyAquilina w. Norm Marshal Villeneuve.The Trane Club964 Bathurst St.416·913-8197Every Wed in Sept. Fern lindzon JazzDuo with Guests.Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe6300 Fallsview Boulevard, Niagara Falls.905-354-5000Zazou315 King St. W.Live jazzEvery Fri and Sat Elizabeth Shepherd/solopiano night.Musical LifeCHORAL SCENECONTINUED FROM PAGE 25Jean Ashworth BartleJean Ashworth Bartle, founder andmusic director of the Toronto Children'sChorus for nearly 30 yearsnow, announced at the beginningof the summer that the 2006-07season would be her last at thehelm of this important Canadianinstitution. That made the choir'sJuly tour of Hungary, Slovakia andAustria especially poignant andmemorable.The send-off concert at the TorontoCentre for the Arts on July11 was a substantial affair, accompaniedby a sizeable instrumentalensemble and featuring a plethoraof repertoire spanning the musicaleras, with a healthy dose of seriouscontemporary Canadian music,for which the choir is well known.As we stood for 0 Canada at theend of the concert - corny as itsounds - one couldn't help but feelproud of these fresh-faced musicalambassadors of our country andbrush away a tear or two.The tour was a resounding success,with important performancesin Budapest, Vienna and Salzburg- among other places - mixed withsight-seeing and the inevitable deepbonding that happens on trips suchas these. The choir returned hometo record a CD of their tour programand give one final concert atthe Elora Festival before a welldeservedsummer break.There will be many tributes toJean Ashworth Bartle this year.Her uncompromising approachhas set the bar very high for themusical education of young people.She has not only trained upthousands of youngsters and giventhem unforgettable musicalexperiences, but she has inspireddozens of other choral leaders incommunities across the countryto start up organizations with similarlyhigh standards and loftygoals.Larry Beckwith,,Singing in the shower?Ready to take it to the next level..Wesley Mimico United Church Choiris inviting new members to join itsgrowing ranks.Some of the benefits are:• performance opportunity everysingle week doing exciting andrewarding music!• guidance as you develop thattalent of yours!• A welcoming, friendly and relaxedenvironment (we make musictogether after all. .. )1Rehearsals resume on September 7,2006 at 7:30pm (every Thursdaythereafter) at 2 Station Road, Toronto.For more info, call 416-354-2701 andask for Emile.Do you play an instrument?The Mimico Community ChamberOrchestra will conduct auditions onSunday, September. 17 at WesleyMimico United Church, 2 Station Road,Etobicoke from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.Musicians who play any orchestralinstrument are invited to audition. Pleaseprepare two short, contrasting (i.e.different tempos) selections thatdemonstrate technical and musicalability.The orchestra performs four concerts ayear, beginning in the fall and ending inMay. Rehearsals are usually on Mondayevenings from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Call Emile at (416) 354-2701 or for more info.Looking fora choir?consultWholeNote'sCANARY PAGESonlineatwww .thewholenote.comIn October,WholeNote featuresits MEMBERS.Many choirs aremembers, and willhave new informationon their 2006-07seasons.

CHORAL OPPORTUNITIES; AUDITIONSCONTINUED FROM PAGE 25JUBILATE SINGERS AUDITIONSDirector Isabel Bernaus leads a chamber choir with an eclectic,multilingual repertoire with a 3-concert series and occasionalcommunity performances. 2006-2007 season features three guestconductors: Sherry Squires, Lenard Whiting, and David Bowser.Openings in bass, soprano and tenor sections. Rehearsals areTuesdays 7:30 pm at St. Leonard's Church (you are welcome tosit in on a rehearsal). www.jubilatesingers.caAuditions on a Tuesday evening in Septemberat St. Leonard's Church 25 Wanless Ave. (near Yonge &Lawrence). Email orcall 416-385-1502 to arrange a time.SCARBOROUGH BEL CANTOAn Adult Mixed-Voice Auditioned Choiris looking for a Music Director effectiveJanuary 1, 2007.Rehearsals at St. Nicholas' Anglican Church,Scarborough, Tuesdays 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.Interested persons please call David Ramsayat 41 6-283-5096MCS has openings for paid Section LeadsSoprano + Mezzo Soprano + Baritone + Bass/MALE LEAD SOLOISTS WANTED'Lead soloists (tenor and bass) needed forSt. John's United Church (Victoria Park and 401)'Villian1 Bro"ru, .\tr1•d1t l>i11·1to1Jan1es Bourne P1;u11"1Available Thursday evening practice andSunday morning serviceAUDITIONSfor2006 - 2007 SeasonWednesday. August 30, 20067:00 - 10:00 pmGrace Church on-the-HillCall 416 923-3123 for an AuditionCont;i

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)