Mus1cAL LIFE: How I MET MY TEACHERcompiled and edited by ml buellSinging in the SummerJuly 2006 ... Downtown Summer Strings. Some of the city's most"hardcore"string players are at the end of four weeks of playing,five half-days a week, as diverse a group of 8-15-year-olds as youcan imagine. The last item in their concert programme is "HardTimes". Nobody raises their bow, although all eyes are on the conductor'sface. Then, unexpectedly, with one breath, they all begin tosing. It' s rough around the edges, not the trained singing of "choirkids". The strings wind their way, section by section, into the arrangement,and everyone finds their way from singing into playing. Thepiece has a singleminded, powerful unity. It's remarkably beautiful. ...... As we seek mirth, and beauty, and music light and gayThere are frail for ms fainting at the door.Though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say:Hard times, come again no more.(Stephen Foster)"Choir at IMC Jazz Camp was my first singing experience since childhood.. Many of my friends were skeptical about mandatory choir rehearsal,but I looked forward to singing every morning after breakfast.Coupled with a mild stretch and excercise routine, I found it energizing.So when school started I signed up for my high school choir. Choirs aresuch an interesting dynamic, and so different from instrumental playing.My bass sounds more or less like my stand partners bass (ie. they bothsound like basses). My voice sounds completely different from myneighbour in a choir (particularly for an untrained singer like myself).Singing can be very exposing: you feel a bond with those immediatelyaround you, amt those half way across the concert hall. ... Now I playwith singers in opera, jazz bands, and musical theatre production. Choirexperience put me in the singers shoes, if only briefly ... "(Dony Bullen, who plays bass and occasionally sings back-upvocals, is in his fourth and most likely final year at the Universityof Western Ontario, graduating in Theory & Composition.)"At CAMMAC's OMC (Ontario Music Centre) Period 2 is always'Choir for All ' - no other classes at this time.Vocalists and instrumentalists,participants and staff members are all encouraged to join. It's awonderful mix of adults of all ages from different parts of the world andwith a wide range of musical ability. This year one of the annual participants,Helen Rainville Olders, was our accompanist. She comes withher husband Henry from Montreal, usually bringing children andgrandchildren. Jenny Crober conducted, preparing us to perform half adozen beautiful songs. My favourite: Rose-cheek'd Laura, Come , apoem by Thomas Campion set to music by Canadian composer StephenG. Chatman. I sang with our Klezmer band instructor, Jonno Lightstoneand Jenny's supportive husband Steven Best. Jenny's son, Liam, mydaughter, Penelope, and the other children at camp were happily engagedin a young-people's music/visual arts program while the adultswere enjoying 'Choir for All" and three other classes all before lunch!(WholeNote's circulation manager, Sheila McCoy sings with anumber of diverse vocal ensembles, including Studio Sixteen. )INTERNATIONAL MUSIC ACADEMYUnlocking human potential through Music.High quality private music education for peoplewho believe in the changing power of music and arts.GRAND OPENING: Saturday, September 9, 11 :00 a.m. - 5 p.m.For registered before September 15, one month FREE LESSONS.4981 Highway 7, Suite 8 in Markham, Ontario. Free parking.Phone: 905.489.4620~ I .. ~ ·f'-' t~\ ~ '~~ ~"'!- ,;;i ~_,aANNOUNCEMENTS ... ETCETERAANNOUNCEMENTS*September 2 7:00: Ashkenaz- A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture. Echoes and Shavingsof Yiddish/and. Musical & dramatic tribute to thelegendary Yiddish composer Mordekhay Gebirtig,presented by LufT eater, Le Theatre en I' Air. Har·bourfront Centre Theatre, 235 Queens QuayWest. 416-9734000. .*September 3 1 :00: Ashkenaz - A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture. Echoes and Shavingsof Yi/dish/and. Harbourfront Centre Theatre. SeeSeptember 2 7:00.*September 31pm & 5pm: Sound TravelsFestival of Sound Art. SOUNDwa!ks. Featur·ing some of the many interesting acoustic soundmarks on Toronto Island; includes Katz'sAirbome,an outdoorsoundwalk whereby partici·pants travel back in time through the Islands &the urban issues that have marked their exist·ence. Begins at St. Andrew by-the-Lake Church,Centre Island. 416-910-7231. PWYC.*September 3 2pm-6pm: Sound TravelsFestival of Sound Art.Sign Waves. Two interactiveindoor sound installations: Beckstead'sAur(e)ality, touching on themes of location/dislo·cation & nature/culture; and McCartney'sJourntfes Sonores: Canaldelachine, an interac·tive installation documenting a sounds capeproject based on soundwalks, historical research& interviews. Also included: a Ustening Galleryof past Sound Travels perfonnances accompany·ing the Photo Exhibit by Stefan Rose. St. Andrewby-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island. 416-910-7231. PWYC ( suggested).*September 3 3:30pm: Ashkenaz -A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture.Around theWorld with Boris. Boris Sic hon incorporates theplaying of approximately 25instruments from hisunique collection, with audience participation.Geared to music lovers of all ages. BrigantineRoom, 235 Queens Quay West. 416·973-4000.Free.*September 3 8:30pm: Ashkenaz-A Festi·val of New Yiddish Culture. The HuppahProject: Music of the Jewish Wedding. Present·ed by Aviva Chernick, vocals; Aaron Lightstone,ud/classical guitar; Jeffrey Wilson, percussion;Angela Hammar, flute. Marilyn Brewer CommunitySpace, 235 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free.*September 3 9:30pm: Ashkenaz - A Festi·val of New Yiddish Culture. Aszure & Artistsand laughter Through Tears with Les YeuxNoirs. Dance solos, duets & ensembles. Choreographyby Aszure Barton combined with music onviolin, accordion & electric guitar played by LesYeux Noirs: Eric & Olivier Slabiak. Followed byscreening of 1928 Soviet·era silent feature filmlaughter Through Tears. Harbourfront CentreTheatre, 235 Queens Quay West.416-973-4000. .*September41:00: Ashkenaz-A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture. Aszure & Artistsand laughter Through Tears with Les Yeux Noirs.Harbourfront Centre Theatre. See Sep 3 9:30pm.*September 12 - October 1: CanadianOpera Company. Ring Festival In-depth explo·rations of Wagner's epic trilogy Der Ring desNibe!ungen, including demonstrations, lectures,symposia, interviews, tours, films, performances,young person's guides, and more, held in theCDC's new home, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. West, and inoutside venues. Call 416-363-8231 or for detailed information.*September 16 10am·4pm: Doors OpenOntario. The Centre in the Square. Visit thisworld-class live performing arts theatre. Back·stage tours will explain the acoustical design andprovide access to North America's second-largeststage. 101 Queen Street North, Kitchener. 519·747-5139.Free.*September 23 & 24, 10am-4pm: DoorsOpen Ontario. Guy Lombardo Music Centre.Taped music of Lombardo's Royal Canadians andVOCAL TEACHEROpera Singer Elena Ciorici• Provides unique learning experi enceof authentic Italian Vocal School• Winner oflnternational Contests -perfo rmed in Europe for over 20 years• For beginners and advanced students• Preparation fo r International Contestsand Conservatory CompetitionFOR DETAILS CALL ELENA CIORICI AT 41 6.638. 19 19www.tescuano.comMAESTRO DANIEL* Twenty years teaching Classical VocalTechnique in Toronto* Specialty: Training and developing the largeoperatic voice, "a dying breed" according to theN.Y. Times, Nov. 5, 2005* Vocal rehabilitation: Removing and repairingfaulty vocal habits* Guaranteed results - Performance opportunities* 416· 927-9800 www.nscvs.com52 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM SEPTEMB ER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2006
~ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES, MASTERCLASSES, ETCETERAIllvideotapes depicting his connection with London.205 Wonderland Road South, London Free.*September 23 12:00 noon-5:00: TorontoEarly Music Centre. 22nd Annual Early MusicFair. Take in some mini-concerts, exhibits & infor·mation about the art of historical music perform·ance. Montgomery's Inn, 4709 Dundas StreetWest. 416-394-8113. (adults), (st/sr), (child under 12), O(family), free to members ofTEMC, Heritage Toronto & Friends of Etobi·coke's Heritage.*September 24 time tba: Tapestry NewOpera Works/Canadian Music Centre/Playwrights' Guild of Canada. Opera Briefs6. Staged readings of new opera with introductionsfrom creative artists, particularly writers.NOW Magazine Stage, Word on the Street Festi·val, Queen's Parle 416-537-6066.*September 3010am-7pm, October 11 Oam-6pm: Toronto Music Expo. EverythingMusic Under One Roof. International Centre,6900 Airport Rd, Ste. 120, Mississauga. 416·7824072.*September 30 11 am-4pm: Doors OpenOntario. Showplace Performance Centre Peterborough.Tour this performing arts facility, featur·ing a professionally equipped auditorium withfantastic acoustics, comfortable seating for 64 7and a spectacular stage. Located in the old OdeonTheatre building. 290 George Street North, Peter·borough. 705-742· 7089, 1-8004 61 -6424. Free.*September 30 7pm-October 1 7am: Uni·versity of Toronto Faculty of Music/City ofToronto. Nuit Blanche. In the lobby, all nightelectroacoustic installations called Night Music,curated by composer Andrew Staniland. Outside,Steve Mann & team's water-activated sculpturalfountain Hydraulophone, the public is invited toget wet & play. Philosopher's Stage, "varioussleep-deprived world music collisions/encoun·ters". Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's*September 30: Toronto Early Music Play·ers Organization. Bring your recorder to Fem·ke Bergsma for a tune-up or repair. For location &individual appointment times please call: 41 6·537-3733. There will be individual charges forwork on the instruments.*October 111 am-4:30pm: Edward John·son Music Foundation. 4th Annual lnternation·al Music Day. Day of musical entertainment,including an original musical play by Edwina Car·son: 'if- With All Your Heart': unveiling of theEdward Johnson Stamp, performances by com·munity groups. River Run Centre, 35 WoolwichSt .. Guelph. 519-763-3000, 877-520-2408.PWYC.*To October 1, all day: Sound Travels Fes·tival of Sound Art. Sign Waves. Outdoor in·stallations series including Prophet's Synthecycletron,site-specific sound sculpture with powergenerated by pedaling, activating electronicsounds (Centre Island); and Mulder/Allik's SonicBoardwalk, sound installation that generates amicrosound landscape activated by the kineticimprint of passing visitors (Ward's Island board·walk). Toronto Island. 416-91O·7231 . Free.*National Association of Pastoral Musicians/Friarsof the Atonement. Hymn Competition:That All May Be One. Competition fortwo liturgical songs to be sung at the 2007 NPMNational Convention, and in preparation for thecentennial observance in 2008 of the Week ofPrayer for Christian Unity. Submission deadline:November 30, 2006. For*September 9 2:00-5:00: U of WesternOntario, Don Wright Faculty of Music.String instrument care and maintenance. Lectureby cellist Joel Becktell. Music Bldg 345, UWO,London. 519-661 -2111 x85304.*September 10 2:00: Toronto Opera Club.fWves, Daughters and Renegade Twins. Audiopresentation by guest speaker Wayne Gooding,who surveys Wagner's Ring Cycle on disc. CDs tobe won. Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80Queen's Park. 416-924-3940. Non-members.*September 1112:30: U of Western On·tario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. Lecture·recital by Joel Becktell, cello. von Kuster Hall,UWO, London. 519-661-2111 x85304.*September 18 7-9pm: Cambridge Centrefor the Arts. Ten Secrets of How YOU CanEnjoy Opera! Presented by opera educator lainScott. 45 Thome Street, Cambridge ON. 519·622 -9676. , (members).*September 29 7:00: U of Western On·tario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. TheWar Symphonies: Shostakovich Against Stalin.Film by Rhombus Media will be screened, fol·lowed by a roundtable discussion with producerLarry Weinstein & visiting Russian artists. TalbotCollege, Room 141, UWO, London. 519-661 ·211 1 x85304. .*September 30 10am: Barrie's Colours ofMusic. Meet the Composer: Peter Tiefenbach.Learn about the composing process from thisyear's Composer-in-residence. Burton AvenueUnited Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-725·1070. .*October 4 8:00: Mozart Society. Film anddiscussion on Mozart's opera The Alxiuction fromthe Seraglio. Presentation by Society presidentJohn Endrenyi. First Unitarian Congregation, 175St. Clair West. 416-201 -3338. suggesteddonation; members free.*October 5 1 Dam: Great Romantics Festi·val. Carl Tausig: his life and work. Giulio Draghi,speaker. Convocation Hall, 2nd floor UniversityHall, McMaster University, Hamilton. 905-525·9140 x23674. .*October 6 1 Dam: Great Romantics Festi·val. Ernst von Dohn;inyi: Hungarian Genius.James Grymes, speaker. Convocation Hall, 2ndfloor University Hall, McMaster University,Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x23674. .*October 6 2:30: Great Romantics Festival.Liszt and the Mozart Connection. William Wright,speaker. Centenary United Church, 24 Main St.West, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x23674. .*October 71 Dam: Great Romantics Festi·val. Liszt and his Pupils: A l egacy on Record.Jonathan Summers, speaker. Centenary UnitedChurch, 24 Main St. West, Hamilton. 905-525·9140 x23674. .CONTINUE.Sc~i_ilJ/r::J{/el!nzo1u£ ~[117 ffcfACLJic, C~fteJlioal!