9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 1 - September 2006

  • Text
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Musical
  • September
  • October
  • Choir
  • Festival
  • Orchestra
  • Arts


MASTER CLASSES*September 10 2:30-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Masterclass in musicaltheatre/audition preparation. Yonge & Eglintonarea - please call for exact location. 416483·9532.*September 11 5:30: U of Western On·tario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. Masterclass with Marc Raminez and Olivia Hajioff,violin. Music Bldg 125, UWO, London. 519-661-2111x85304.*September 17 2:30-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation. Yonge & Eglintonarea - please call for exact location. 416483·9532,*September 23 1 Oam-12 noon: SweetWa·ter Music Weekend. Student master classesby the 12 SweetWaterfaculty (see Sep 22 ConcertListing). Saint George's Anglican Church,10494th Ave. East, Owen Sound. 519-376·3517. Free for participants & observers.*September 29 3:00: U of Western On·tario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. Voicemaster class with Vera Danchenko, pianist, vocalcoach & expert on Russian song. von Kuster Hall,UWO, London. 519-661-2111 x85304.*September 30 1 Dam: U of Western On·tario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. Pianomaster class with Luba Edlina, renowned pianist,teacher & friend of Shostakovich. 519-661 ·2111 x85304.*October 6 6:00·8:00: U of Western On·tario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. Masterclasses with Yehonatan Berrick, violin. MusicBldg 125, UWO, London. 519-661-2111x85304.WORKSHOPS*September 2 6:30pm: Ashkenaz - A Festi·val of New Yiddish Culture. Yiddish Dancewith Leon Blank. Public workshop in Balkan, Israeli,Chassidic & European Jewish dance traditions,with live klezmer music. Toronto Star Stage, 235Queens Quay West. 416-9734000. Free.*September 2 8:00: Mill Race Folk Socie·ty. Folk Club. Bring your musical instruments,your tunes or just come to listen & participate inthis open music club format. Ernie's RoadhouseTavern, 7 Queen St. West, Cambridge. 519-621-7135. .*September 3 11 am: Ashkenaz - A Festi·val of New Yiddish Culture. Klez KazooOrchestra. Sruli and Lisa introduce children toKlezmer music· on the kazoo - with singing,clapping & dancing. Joined by kazoo performersZachery Mayer, Ilana Dresdner, Aaron Mayer &Toby Dresdner. Toronto Star Stage, 235 QueensQuay West. 416-973-4000. Free.*September 3 3:00: Ashkenaz -A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture. A Music a/Journeywith Yasmin Levy. Workshop setting carryinglisteners through a historical & musical journeybeginning with the expulsion of the Jews fromSpain in 1492. through the Balkan states to Turkey.Story told through song, illuminating thebeauty & power of Sephardic music. LakesideTerrace, 235 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free.*September 3 7:00: Ashkenaz - A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture. Yiddish Dance withLeon Blank. Toronto Star Stage, HarbourfrontCentre. See Sep 2 6:30.ANNOUNCEMENTS, ... ETCETERA*September 4 6:00: Ashkenaz -A Festivalof New Yiddish Culture. Yiddish Dance withLeon Blank. Toronto Star Stage, HarbourfrontCentre. See Sep 2 6:30.*September 610:30am: Guelph Jazz Festi·val. Inter-Provincial· Canadian Improvisers inDialogue. Workshop with Lori Freedman, JerryGranelli, Normand Guilbeault, Fran~ois Houle,Robert Marcel Lepage & others. MacdonaldStewart Art Centre, 358 Gordon St. 877-520-2408, Free.*September 7 10:30am: Guelph Jazz Festi·val. Workshop with Bill Dixon & guests. Mac·donald Stewart Art Centre, 358 Gordon St. 877-520-2408, Free.*September 810:30am: Guelph Jazz Festi·val. Percussion Discussion. Workshop with LeQuan Ninh, Paul Plimley, Richard Ribeiro, JesseStewart (host), Mauricio Takara. MacdonaldStewart Art Centre, 358 Gordon St. 877-520-2408, Free.*September 8 3:00: Guelph Jazz Festival.Arcade Emperor Underground· Montreal MeetsChicago. Workshop featuring Jason Ajemian,Thierry Amar, Pietro Amato, Scott Gilmore,Gabriel Levine & others. Macdonald Stewart ArtCentre, 358 Gordon St. 877-520-2408, Free.*September 10 1 :30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Workshop withrecorder player Drora Bruck & cellist Orit Mess·er. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-778-7777. , members free.*September 10 2:00: Association of lmpro·vising Musicians Toronto (AIMTorontoJ.Improvisation workshop. Now Lounge, 189Church St. 416-769-2841,*September 16 8:00: Mill Race Folk Socie·ty. Folk Club. Bring musical instruments, tunesor just come to listen & participate in this openmusic club format. Ernie's Roadhouse Tavern, 7Queen St. West, Cambridge. 519-621-7135. .*September 20 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome.St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, 103 Bellevue Ave. 416-922· 7997 or*September 22 7:30-1 Opm: City of Toran·to. Dance & Dance-Ability. A 19th century Englishcountry dance workshop, featuring easy-to·learn dances in an authentic period setting. Noapping Lansongs, movement & rhythmfor young childrenWorld Musicand Kindermusik"'on the DanforthFor young children• 0 - 1 112• 1112 - 3• 3 - 5Register Now for Fall classespartners required; beginners welcome. HistoricFort York, 1 DO Garrison Rd. 416-392-6907x 100. a (includes light historic refreshments).Pre-registration required.*September 24 1 Oam-3pm: Canadian Op·era Company/National film Board Media·theque. Animate the Ring. Drop-in animationworkshop for young people aged 6 to 10. Learn tocreate short animations ins~red by the stories inthe Ring. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. West. 416-363-8231. .*September 24 2:00: Association of lmpro·vising Musicians Toronto IAIMTorontoJ. lmpro'iisationworkshop. Now Lounge. See Sep 10.*September 25 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading ofearly choral music. Ability to read music desirablebut not essential. 12 Millbrook Cres. 416-920-5025. Members free, (non-members).*September 26 8:00: Toronto Folk Sing·ers' Club. linformal group meets for the purposeof performance & exchange of songs. T ranzacClub, 292 Brunswick Ave.416-532-0900.*September 30 10:30am·2:30: Church ofthe Ascension. Music@Ascension: PsalmodyWorkshop. Dr. Giles Bryant, clinician. 33 Over·land Dr. 416-444-8881. , (includesunch).*October 11 :30-4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. Workshop on musicfrom the court of Maximilian of Austria, includingIsaac, Senfl & others, with recorder player FemkeBergsma. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave.416-778-7777. , members free.*October 1 2:00: CAMMAC. Musical Reading.Work tba, for singers and instrumentalists. GeoffButler, director. Elliott Hall, Christ Church DeerPark, 1570YongeSt.416-421-0779, (non-members).*October 7 8:00: Mill Race Folk Society.Folk Club. Open music club format, bring yourinstruments & tunes or just come to listen.Ernie's Roadhouse Tavern, 7 Queen St. West,Cambridge. 519-621-7135. .*Royal Conservatory of Music. JapaneseTaiko Drumming. Learn basic drills & drummingform along with a traditional song. Taught byKiyoshi Nagata. Tuesday nights beginning Sep·tember 26 8:30pm. 90 Croatia St. 416408·2824, 4."AROUND THE GLOBEWITH FAVOURITESREQUESTED BY AUDIENCE""Fur Elise", "Der Liebestraum","La Campanella", Neapolitan songs,"Ballade for Adeline", "Smoke Gets InYour Eyes", Pavarotti, Sinatra andother requests from YOU ...Friday October 20, 8pm.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West416-205-5555,(%CLASSIFIEDADVERTISINGINSTRUCTIONCLARINET LESSONS: all ages. reasonable.Toronto East. Scarborough, Pickering; RCMexams, school assist, hobby. 416-694-8610.CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS RCMtrained. Beginners welcome. Walter 416-924-2168.EAR TRAINING Help for singers who don'talways sing on pitch. Song Bird studios 416-825-3842.EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP,SIGHT-SINGING, THEORY, JAZZ THE­ORY. All levels, professional/serious beginners.Art Levine, MA, ARCT. Host. "Art Music", CBC.30 years experience: RCM, UofT, York. 416-924-8613.;artlevine@sympatico.caEVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committedpiano students ( or416-504-4297)~d,,,,,,,,,,,,,d,,,,v~ ~~ 314 Churchill Ave ~~ Toronto, Ontario ~~ M2R 1E7 Canada (~ Tel: 416·224·1956 ff Fax: 416-224-2964 ~f MIKROKOSMOS rp ~~ ~~ "~ We buy your ~(!~ classical LP"~~ (~ collection ~~ (~ (!~ fJ (classical, such as c" rJ Beethoven, Mozart, ( ~:!(! Stockhausen)(!Vladimir Dounin, piano " we t r a v e l a n y w h e r e ~Sophia Grigoriadis, Mus.Bae, ARCT For requests and PIANO LESSONS ~ for g o o d co l le ct i o n s ( ~ ,;0~ 416-321-5627 ~Q/?HH/.'HOP/T ~ '"~ '~ /MUSIC LESSONS: PIANO, ORGANAND THEORY Music teacher with over twentyyears experience prepares students for examinations,festivals and competitions. Member ofORMTA and RCCO. For inquiry, please call Tomat 416-284-8085 or trschadl@aol.comPIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles - beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams. Feel the joyof making music! Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.ROB CARROLL Jazz and classical guitarinstruction, theory: ear training 416-977-3531,www.robcarroll.rsmrecords.comSINGING TEACHER with MMus and professionalperforming experience accepting studentsfor Fall. Classical and Musical Theatre. AllLevels Welcome. Call 416-200-4721.THEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAINING LESSONS: All grades, RCMexam prep (rudiments, harmony, history: counterpoint).Learning can be fun and easy! PeterNess, ARCT. 416-767-9747.VOICE LESSONS - for beginning to advancedintermediate students. Foster the uniquebeauty in your voice with a natural classical techniqueat Sona Pacem Studio. Phone: 416-897-5~4~ _ _______________:_::._:__-----=___ w_ w:....::... w--'- . T_H__:E_W_H_O__..L_EN_o...:1"'E~.c-o-M------"'"""'=---'- ' SEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2006

3841. Email:;www.sonapacem.comVOICE LESSONS Specializing in a healthybalanced sound. Song Bird studios 416-825-8642.INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLDCELLO FOR SALE: :Y. German-made Hafner(5 Y, years old); reduced price ,900 o.b.o.Call Catherine at 905-637-9188.FRENCH HORN Must sell, one-of-a-kind,double horn, by Reynolds. Excellent condition.Endorsement available. Call Jack at 416-721-4940.HARDSHELL FIBERGLASS CASE tosui I :Y. size double bass. Has wheels and is nottoo cumbersome. 0.00 or near offer. Ph: 416-726-0328.HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT GRAND PI­ANO in min I condition. Includes two personbench & damp chaser. ,900. Tel: 1-5 19-422-1317.MISCELLANEOUSCONDUCTING MASTER CLASS. JormaPanula and Raffi Armenian (Conducting faculty),Abigail Richardson (Composer-in-residence),Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony (Orchestra-in-residence),January 17-19, 2007. Finalopen rehearsal at Roy Thomson Hall (Toronto,Canada). Applications deadline: September 15,2006. For more information,, e-mail, or call at 804-553-1378.SPIDER DOLLY FOR 6' TO 8' GRANDPIANO. Expandable, heavy metal, excellentcondition. 5 firm. Emailable jpeg available.416-788-3290.MUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or otherfunctions - greater Toronto area. For rates andinfo ca ll 905-722-5618 or email us atmhpape@interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; Cocktail Hour,Dinner music, Concerts, Shows; Classical, Contemporary,Dixieland, Traditional and SmoothJazz! JSL Musical Productions 905-276-3373.MUSICIANS WANTEDBASS & SOPRANO SECTION LEAD VA­CANCIES, St. John's York Mills Anglican.Traditional & challenging repertoire, competitiveper service rate, good reading &choral sound desired, solo opportunities w/orchestra, near subway. Ph Robin Davis 905-409-6121.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGCHORAL DIRECTOR- CONTRACT POSITIONFirst United Church, Mississauga is seeking anexperienced choral director for our adult andyouth choir(s); exceptional organist already inplace. The individual must be comfortable withboth traditional and contemporary music stylesand be able to work collaboratively with our organist,ministerial staff and choristers of all agesand abilities. This position requires 15-18 hoursper week. Competitive salary is offered. Opportunitiesare also available to supplement incomethrough wedding/funeral services. Please sendresumes to: Shelley Ferrell, Chair, Music SearchCommittee, First United Church, 151 LakeshoreRoad West. Mississauga, Ontario, L5H I G3 oremailresumes to info@firstportcredit.comCOME CELEBRATE OUR 20TH ANNIVER­SARY! Ryerson University's Oakham HouseChoir invites new members to join for the 2006/2007 season. In December we are presentingCHRISTMAS WITH HANDEL: CORONA­TION ANTHEMS and ODE FDR ST. CECIL­IA'S DAY and in May 2007 PUCCINI'S MES­SA DI GLORIA. Come experience the thrill ofproducing these beloved major works. Notrestricted to the Ryerson Community. Auditions:Monday, September II, 18 or 25 at6:30pm. Oakham House Lounge, 2nd Floor,Oakham House, Ryerson University, 63 GouldStreet, Toronto or call Matthew Jaskiewicz,the Music Director at 416-763-8746.DIRECTOR WANTED. Award-winning midsizechorus seeks dynamic individual with extensivebarbershop experience. Previous directingexperience an asset. We rehearse on Thursdays,7:30 to I Opm at West Rouge CommunityCentre, Scarborough, ON. Send Resume to TerriCampbell, Communications Coordinator, EastsideHarmony Chorus, Sweet Adelines International.Email: orfax 905-579-1204.FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA is seekingnew members for the 2006/2007 season,which begins on September 12th. Instrumentsneeded now are: Isl clarinet, oboe, alto sax, tenorsax, French horn, tuba and mallet percussion.Professional conductor. Rehearsals onTuesdays in the Yonge/Sheppard area. For detailsphone 416-491 -1683 or visitwww.festivalwindorchestra.comFLAUTANDIA, an adult flute choir invitesnew members to join the group for the 2006/2007 season. Grade 8 RCM or equivalent proficiencyis required. Professional conductor. ContactShelley at 416-491-1683 for more details.HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITAL-beliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchbuilding in the heart of Yorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431GRACE CHURCH ON-THE-HILL, Toronto,has an opening for a CountertenorLead. Contact Melva Treffinger Graham,Director of Music, at 416-488-7884xi17for further informa tion. A description ofour vibrant music program is available atwww.gracechurchonthehill.caMALE SINGER seeks renaissance guitar accompanist.Call Laurence at 416-767-2825.MUSICIANS & VOCALISTS WANTED. Helpraise funds for charity by volunteering withour big bands. Saxophones/I'rumpets/Trombones/Guitar/Piano/Bass/ and call Andrewtoday@416-712-2555.MUSICIANS NEEDED: The Pickering CommunityConcert Band currently has openingsfor clarinet players, trombone players and an oboeplayer. Dust off your instrument and join us. Theband performs two formal concerts a year pluscommunity events. Rehearsals are held onTuesdays from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at The SouthPickering Seniors' Club, located at 910 LiverpoolRoad. Our first rehearsal is Tuesday September5, 2006. For further information call Brian Roseat 905-683-9867.PAID ALTO & BARITONE SOLOIST/SECTION LEAD NEEDED. Where: HumberValley United Church, Etobicoke (Dundasand Islington). When: Thursday night seniorchoir rehearsal 8:00-10:00; Sunday morningchurch service I 0:30-11 :30, starting Sept 7. Contact:Joan Cotton: 416-232-0214, IN OPERA! Toronto OperaRepertoire seeks soloists and chorus membersfor its 2007 season. Soloists must audition Sept8 by booking an appointment at 416-698-3287 orby e-mail at Noaudition necessary for chorus - just be eager tosing and appear on stage I More information Registration and firstrehearsal: Tuesday, October 3, 6:30pm at BickfordCentre, 777 Bloor St.Wat Christie.SINGER FOR HOLIDAY SEASON andother events.performer@vif.comSINGERS WANTED!! St. Giles KingswayPresbyterian Church Choir in Central Etobicokerequires two sectional leads: tenor and alto. Paidpositions. Thursday evening practice and Sundayworship. Call Heather 416-233-8591 to arrangeaudition.The ANNEX SINGERS - dynamic choirperforming eclectic repertoire seeks new members.Choral experience beneficial.Richard Partington: 416-968-774 7,margaret.rice@syrnpatico.caTROMBONISTS WANTED!!! Help raisefunds for charity by volunteering with our bigbands. Visit andcall Andrew today@416-712-2555.TRUMPETERS WANTED!!! Help raisefunds for charity by volunteering with our bigbands. Visit andcall Andrew today @416-712-2555.VESPERA ENSEMBLE is seeking accomplishedfemale vocalists for performances ofcontemporary works. For more info. go or emailinfo@vesperaensemble.comSERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business and individuals,to save you time and money, customized to meetyour needs. Norm Fulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985.COPYIST AVAILABLE: full scores, orchestralparts, transpositions (vocal. instrumental);good rates; professional results; phone or e-mailfor info/rates. Attila 416-575-7397takenotedme@hotmail.comThe PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management.concentration, goal setting, imagery. Individualizedto meet your performance situation. Kate F.Hays, practising clinical and performing artspsychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperformingedge.comSIMONE TUCCI Piano Tuner-Technician- Complete Piano Care Service -' Concert' Studio'Home'. Affiliated with TheRoyal Conservatory of Music piano servicestaff. Registered Craftsman Member ofO.G.P.T. Inc. Associate Member of PTG. ServicingToronto and G.T.A. areas. Call: 416-993-6332."Training ordinary people tobe extraordinary speakers"Elizabeth Pulkerepulker@igs.netCheeses from around the world,meats, groceries, dry goodsgift baskets .. .Everything you needfor reception planning.416-364-7397www.pasqualebros.com16 Goodrich Rd., Etobicoke(south of Bloor, west off Islington)'

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