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The program started witha sit-in reading session of works they have performed over the years.Present and former band members joined in a stimulating afternoon ofmusic making, followed by a fine buffet dinner and an audio videopresentation tracing the band's forty years. All attendees received a smallgift package which included a DVD copy of the A/V presentation.Musical groups with an anniversary on the horizon could not go farwrong by replicating that format. All Northdale members should beproud, but special recognition should go to Paul Moyle who mastermindedthe fine A/V presentation.The second event of note was the Encore Band's Tribute to JohnnyCowell, the latest of periodic Encore concerts where they pay specialtribute to the contributions of outstanding Canadian musicians. Playingto a near capacity house, the band was joined by guest trumpet soloistRoss Turner of the Windsor Symphony and guest conductor StephenChenette. Murray Ginsberg, long time trombonist with the Toronto Symphonyflew over from England to act as MC. The program highlighteda broad spectrum of works written by Johnny over his sixty five yearcareer. A special guest was the Mayor of Tillsonburg, Johnny's hometown, who presented Johnny with a special citation from the town.Now that summer is upon us, most bands are in transition. For someit is the beginning of a busy season of outdoor concerts and perhapsparades. For others it is the beginning of a hiatus, either because toomany members will be out of town or because, unfortunately, manycommunity bands have a "summer recess" forced upon them becausetheir rehearsal space ceases to be available for two or more months.Often they are guests in the music room of a school which won't permittheir use of the room when school is not in session.While an adequate rehearsal venue is crucial for a band's survival,very few bands have rehearsal space they can truly call their own. Uncertaintyover the long term availability of such space plagues too manyof our bands.What does a community band require for continuing long term viability?Here is our list: 1) a rehearsal room with good acoustics, goodlighting and a floor area adequate to a full band without cramping anysections; 2) a secure lockup storage space for instruments, music stands,the music library and possibly uniforms; 3) unrestricted seven day aweek access to the band's storage area; 4) ideally, a small office withdesk, photocopier and computer for maintenance of the music librarydatabase; and 5) reasonable nearby parking.Most bands serve their communities well by providing musical entertainmentin varying forms throughout the year. They also provide recreationalopportunities for a cross section of the community from teenagersto octogenarians. Are these bands being supported adequately bytheir communities? We would love to hear your opinions. In the meantime,our ad hoc unscientific study shows a wide divergence in the rangeof support accorded to most bands.Of the bands which we have visited in recent years, The ConcertBand of Cobourg is at the top of our list for accommodation -- its ownband building with excellent rehearsal space. Their building meets, andin most cases exceeds, all of the criteria mentioned above. It wouldappear that they have excellent community support.The Encore Symphonic Concert Band is not really a "communityband" in the strict sense of that term. However, it has a unique arrangementwhich serves its needs well. The band rehearses throughout theyear in the music room of an elementary school in Thornhill. In return,the band participates in joint fund-raising concerts for the school's musicprogram, and band members act as mentors for students of the school.While the rehearsal space may be a bit crowded at times, overall, it is anexcellent symbiotic relationship enthusiastically supported by the school.The Markham Concert Band has the use of a large second floorroom at a town-operated arena. While the rehearsal room is large enough,lighting is less than desirable in some parts. Instrument and stand storageis barely adequate and located on the second floor. With no elevatorsWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 2007
WWW.THEWHO LENOTE.COM 15and a long high staircase,transportingtimpani, bells andother percussion instrumentsto concertlocations requires awet I-orchestratedgroup effort. However,the future isuncertain. Flaws inthe roof trusses of thearena have been detected,and the buildingis slated for demolitionin the nearfuture. Plans for thereplacement arena(l to R) Ross Turner, Don Johnson, Howard Cable,Johnny Cowell, John Edward Liddle, guest conductorStephen Chenette, Erich Traugott, MurrayGinsberg, MC for the Tribute Concert.include additional ice pads, but no provision for band rehearsals. So far,if the town has any plans to accommodate the band, they have not yetbeen divulged.Of the bands considered in this informal study, Canada's oldest establishedband, The Newmarket Citizens' Band is in the worst situation.For many years they enjoyed the use of the local Lions Club hall with afine rehearsal room and large storage rooms with round the clock access.Unfortunately, two years ago, arsonists torched the town-ownedbuilding. The town decided not to rebuild. Since then, through the goodgraces of a band member who happens to be the music teacher in a localhigh school, the band has been able to use that school's music roomduring the school term, but with absolutely no storage space, and occasionaldisplacement for school functions. This summer, as last year, theonly place their town officials have come up with as a "home" for themto rehearse is the garage of the town's works department. Anything butpristine, this acoustically questionable venue does no justice to a bandwhich has served its town well for 150 years.Should "community bands" reasonably expect to receive support fromtheir towns and cities? A renowned bandmaster of the early twentiethcentury certainly thought so. His name was Karl King, composer of thewell known circus march Barnum and Bailey's Favorite and much otherwell-known band music. King was influential in having the governmentof Iowa enact the Iowa Band Law, which allowed cities to levy a localtax "for the maintenance and employment of a band for musical purposes."This law was eventually adopted by 28 other states.What is the dilemma faced by your band? Would similar legislationbe appropriate for Ontario? Let us hear from you.Coming Events - Please see the listings section for others.Wed July 11, 7 pm Etobicoke Community Concert Band at the Applewood HomesteadSat July 14, 2 pm The Northdale Concert Band, Events Pavilion, Black Creek Pioneer VillageSun July 15, 7 pm The Newmarket Citizens' Band at the Rotary Aqua Theatre, OrilliaSun July 22, 7 pm The Newmarket Citizens' Band at Fairy Lake Park, NewmarketSun July 29, 1 pm The Newmarket Citizens' Band at the Events Pavilion, Black Creek PioneerVillageWed August 1, 7 pm Etobicoke Community Concert Band at the Applewood HomesteadSun August 5, 7 pm The Northdale Concert Band at the Rotary Aqua Theatre, OrilliaDown the RoadOctober 13 & 14 The Canadian Band Association Composite Band Weekend at St Paul's PresbyterianChurch in PeterboroughBrass - Woodwind -String Instruments - GuitarBuy direct from the DistributorAUTHORIZED DEALER FOR:Armstrong, Artley, Besson, Buffet,Conn, Getzen, Holton, Jupiter,Keilworth, King, Noblet,Selmer, Vito, Yanagisawa1-.J!"!!!!!!"'!.~HARKNETT.Musical Services Ltd.MUSIC BOOKSBEST SELECTIONOF POPULAR &EDUCATIONAL MUSICPiano - Guitar - Instrumental905-477-11412650 John StreetOust North of Steeles}w ww.harknettmusic.comPiano & Keyboard CentreRepresenting the largest collectionof Restored Steinway Pianos in Canada.Genuine Steinway parts used.Restoration by Wayne Chen, German Steinwayfactory trained technician.Here is our partial Steinway inventory:Steinway Model K - Pol/Ebony SOLD ,995Steinway Model K- Sat/Mahogany ,995Steinway Model S - Sat/Walnut ,000Steinway Model S - Sat/Ebony ,000Steinway Model M-Sat/Ebony (w/QRS Player) ,995Steinway Model 0 - Sat/Walnut SOLD ,000Steinway Model L - Sat/Mahogany ,000Steinway Model A- Sat/Ebony ,995Steinway Model B - Sat/Ebony ,000Steinway Model D - Sat/Ebony ,000We offer top price to buy and trade Steinway pianos.For a particular model, finish, style, or forSales, Service & Concert or Recording Rentals,please call 905-709-2771or1-866-879-6741.70 East Beaver Creek Road (Hwy. 7/404)www.pianokeyboard.comOi,d qtHt k1tow ...Long & McQuade Sells Acoustic Piano~• new & refurbished instruments• Pramberger upright & grand pianos nowavailable - great value for any level of playing• 36 month financing available (OAC) on all pianos925 BLOOR ST.W., TORONTO 416-58B·7BB6 ~==~~~~~-3180 MAIMWAY DR .. BURLINGTON 905·319-3330 '&,,9833 HIGHWAY 48. MARKHAM 905-209· 1177or email info@long-mcquade.com for more de1ails.~ Long & McQuade~ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSftw w w. Ion g - me quad e . com. · I:" / tfze §2.!!.t!!f postViolins, violas, cellos, and bowsComplete line of strings and accessoriesExpert repairs and rehairsCanada's largest stock of string musicFast mail order service