On Operaby Christopher Haile9!S canadian OPERA companyr,81 R IC H ARD Bl'l:AOSHAW,GENERA L DIRECTO RBack to Ad IndexJuly and August used to be a dormantperiod in Ontario for opera lovers,but this year there are notablymore events on offer than usual.On July 7-8 Shallaway-Newfoundland& Labrador Youth in Choruspresents a new chamber opera Annand Seamus by Stephen Hatfieldbased on the verse novel of the samename by Kevin Major. It tells thetrue story of 17-year-old Ann Harvey,who lived in Isle aux Morts onthe Newfoundland coast. In 1828she, her father and her brother rescuednearly all of 200 passengersfrom an Irish immigrant ship that ranaground. The production is directedand designed by Jillian Keiley.For more information seewww.harbourfrontcentre.com orwww .annandseamus.com.This year's opera production ofthe Toronto Summer Music Academyand Festival is Rossini's TheBarber of Seville. The productionis fully staged and sung in Italianwith English surtitles. MichaelPatrick Albano directs and AgnesGrossman, the TSMAF Artistic Director,conducts the National AcademyOrchestra. The opera runs atthe MacMillan Theatre at the Universityof Toronto August 16-19.For more information visitwww.tsmaf.ca.People who remember LairdMackintosh in his days with OperaAtelier are in for a surprise. Thehandsome swain has now become astar at the Stratford Festival in MyOne and Only, a 1983 musical basedon the Gershwins' Funny Face of1927 with a completely new book.Mackintosh has traded in his danceslippers for tap shoes in the biggesttap dance extravaganza ever to hitStratford. The show plays at theAvon Theatre until October 28.Over at the Festival Theatre until November4 is the classic Rodgers andHammerstein musical Oklahoma!where the 15-minute-long dreamballet is the highlight. This year untilOctober 28 the Shaw Festivalpresents the rarely staged Jerry Hermanmusical Mack and Mabel (1974)about the romance between filmmogul Mack Sennett and actressMabel Normand. From July 14-0ctober 6 it presents the world pre-FOUR SEASONS CENTREFOR THE P E RFO R MIN G ART SOn July 7-8 Sha/laway-Newfoundland & Labrador Youth in Choruspresents a new chamber opera, Ann and Seamusmiere of a new Canadian musical,Tristan with book, lyrics and musicby Paul Sportelli and Jay Turvey.The musical is based on ThomasMann's 1903 novella of the sametitle about romance at a spa in theGennan Alps. Inescapably the influenceof Wagner's opera is felt inboth Mann's story and in the musical.As for modem Canadian opera,Patria Music/ Theatre Projectspresents a revival of R. MurraySchafer's work The Princess of theStars on August 28-September 3 inthe Haliburton Forest and WildlifeReserve. The opera first staged in1981 serves as the Prologue toShafer's massive "Patria" cycle often operas and an Epilogue. For ticketsand more information phone 416-596-8585 or visit www. patriamusic.ca.As usual Summer Opera LyricTheatre and Research Centre(SOLT) has three staged workshopproductions on offer. First up isHandel's 1710 opera Rinaldo sungin Italian that marked the composer'sarrival in London. Performancesrun July 28 and 31 and August 4and 5 with Raisa Nakhmanovich asmusic director. Next is Gian CarloMenotti' s 1946 opera The Mediumon July 27 and 29 and August 1and 4 with Nathalie Doucet-Lalkensas music director. Finally, there isMozart's Cosifan tutte sung in EnglishJuly 26 and 28 and August 1and 3 with Jose Hernandez as musicdirector. All are performed withpiano accompaniment at the RobertGill Theatre, 214 College St. Anoffer of three operas for only ends on July 7-for this, phone 416-922-2912 or visit the website atwww.solt.ca.As the cornerstone of the celebrationsfor the 150th anniversaryof the choice of Ottawa as the nation'scapital, the National CapitalCommission (NCC) presents OperaUnder the Stars, featuring Canadianopera stars, the Canadian OperaCompany Orchestra and Opera LyraOttawa Chorus under the directionof COC General Director RichardBradshaw. The two companiespresent two free evenings of operaexcerpts on June 29th and 30th,2007, at the NCC's new LeBretonFlats Park in downtown Ottawa.The all-Canadian line-up includessoprano Isabel Bayrakdarian, baritoneRussell Braun, tenor DavidPomeroy, soprano Joni Henson, andbass Robert Pomakov. Singers fromthe COC's Ensemble Studio-sopranosVirginia Hatfield and Yannick-MurielNoah, mezzo-sopranoLauren Segal, tenor Lawrence Wilifordand bass-baritone Andrew Stewart-roundout the cast. The programmeincludes excerpts from BorisGodunov, Don Giovanni, Faust, Laforza del destino, The Golden Ass,Lakme, Das Land des Liichelns, Lohengrin,Louis Riel, Norma, LesPecheurs des per/es, I puritani andSemiramide .For more information on OperaUnder the Stars of 2007, contact theNCCat613-239-5000or 1-866-774-1857, or visit the website atwww.1857 .gc.ca.TRYPTYCHAmercian Comic Operas in MiniatureDouglas Moore's GALLANTRYMeyer Kupferman's IN A GARDENDominck Argento's THE BOORJuly 27, 29, 30 and 31, 2007 8 PMTrinity Presbyterian Church416 763 5066 I info@tryptych.org I Tickets: A TrypTych Opera Workshoptryptychoperaworkshop.comWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM J UL Y 1 - SEPTE MB ER 7 2007
WE ARE All Music's CHILDRENby mJ buellJULY I AUGUST's Child ....JUNE's Child ... wasMaestro Peter OundjianEarliest musical memory? ... Listeningto"Peter and the Wolf" underneath myfather's piano on a little record player.Think you might know who July &August's child is?Send your best guess tomusicschildren@thewholenote.com.(Anecdotes are welcome!) Winners will beselected by random draw among correctentries received by Augustl5'\ 2007."There is no question as to who this child is. This smile has lit up theentire Toronto firmament in a manner that has not occurred for decades.We could title this picture "The Little Oundjian that Could - andWould - and Did!" .... the powers that be ought to change the name ofthe Saint Andrews subway station to Saint Peters ... " (William Findlay)On page 51 you will find more smiling faces, and Peter Oundjian 'sown comments about his musical childhood.CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS!and keep up the good guessing!TICKETS! RECORDINGS!Myrna Foley and a fortunate companion, will be guests of the TorontoSymphony Orchestra for Pictures at an Exhibition (Thursday September27), with Jon Kimura Parker, piano, directed by Maestro Peter Oundjian.The concert includes Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. Ravel),the Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2, K abalevsky's Colas BreugnonOverture and Freedman' s " Structures at Dusk" from Images.A Star is Born (Sunday November 11). Lis and Jim Muir, andLynn Verhoef (with her guest), will have the pleasure of hearing 19 yearold Rozalyn Chok, winner of the Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee'sBosendorfer National Piano Competition. Directed by Maestro PeterOundjian, Ms. Chok will play the Chopin Piano Concert No. I with theTSO. The programme also includes Pictures at an Exhibition, and Elgar's"Nimrod" from Enigma Variations .FOUR tickets go to Kieren MacMillan and three young (or youngat heart) friends for a performance of Roald Dahl's Little Red Riding Hood(Saturday October 20). The title character in this version is no faint-heartedvictim - featuring actors, puppets, costumes, lights, and of course theTSO!Hanna Feuerriegel, Lorna Rogers, Margaret Couse, andWilliam Findlay each will receive two TSO recordings - these MusicallySpeaking CDs, sponsored by Sun Life Financial, contain highlights from the05106 and 06/07 seasons, under the direction of Peter Oundjian.Music's Children gratefully acknowledges the generous participationof the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Jennifer Bryan, and Liz Parker.Are you hoarding a treasured old photo? Know someone whosephotograph should appear on this page?musicschildren@thewholenote.comindex of advertisersSUPPORT THE ADVERTISERSwho keep WholeNote ticking!In the gym of Brunswick Street United Baptist ACROBAT M usic 59No STRINGS THEATRE PRODUCTIONS 25Church, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Circa ALDEBURGH CONNECTION I IOAKVILLE CHAMBER CHOIR 50/986 ALL THE KING'S VOICES 17 OFF CENTRE M usic SALON 29ANNEX SINGERS OF TORONTO 50 Ow MILL INN AND SPA 47Don't be fooled by the barefoot diva's shinybrown shoes!ATMA CLASSIQUE 5BROTT SUMMER FESTIVAL 3OPERA BY REQUEST 24, 500RJANA WOMEN'S CHOIR 53BURLINGTON CIVIC CHORALE 49 OTTAWA CHAMBER Music FESTI VAL 2CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY 20 PASQUALE BROS. 54CANCLONE SERVlCES 59PAT RJA M USIC THEATRE PROJECTS 12CATHEDRAL BLUFFS SYMPHONY PETER MAHON 50ORCHESTRA 13PIANO & KEYBOARD CENTRE 15CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK JAZZ PIANO GALLERY, THE 46VESPERS 19RCM COMMUNITY SCHOOL 53CHRIST CHURCH STOUFFVILLE 50 RED BARN THEATRE 41CHRISTMAS OPERA COMPANY OFREMENYI HousE OF Music 11TORONTO 9SCARBOROUGH BEL CANTO CHOIR 52COLOURS OF Music FESTIVAL I 0 SOUND POST 15CosMo Music 14SOUNDSTREAMS CANADA 290UNOURN PRESS 64SouTHERN 0NTARJO CHAMBER MusicELMER lSELER SINGERS 8[ NSTITUTE 37ETOBICOKE CENTENNIAL CHOIR 53 ST. JOHN'S YORK MJLLSETOBICOKE SUZUKI SCHOOLANGLICAN CHURCH 50OF Music 50ST. p ATRJCKS GREGORJAN CHOIR 50ExuLTATE CHAMBER SINGERS 49 Sr. TrMOTHY's ANGLICAN CHURCH 48FESTIVAL OF THE SOUND 39STEVE'S M usic 14GEORGE HEINL 14STRATFORD SUMMER Music 39GLENN GOULD STUDIO 6SUMMER OPERA LYRJC THEATRE 34GLIMMERGLASS OPERA 34SWEETWATER M USIC WEEKEND 45GUELPH JAZZ FESTIVAL 11THE ORATORY, CHURCH OF THE HOLYHANNAFORD STREET SILVER BAND 9 FAMILY 50HARKNETT M USICAL SERVICES 15 TORONTO CHAMBER CHOIR 50HELICONIAN CLUB 54TORONTO CHORAL SOCIETY [ 6JAPANESE CANADIAN CULTURAL TORONTO CLASSICAL SINGERS 28CENTRE 24TORONTO MASS CHOIR 48KITCHENER-WATERLOO SYMPHONY TORONTO Music GARDEN 23ORCHESTRA 31 TORONTO PHlLHARMONIA 28K-W CHAMBER Music SOCIETY 30 TORONTO SUMMER M usic FESTIVALLONG & MCQUADE 15 AND ACADEMY 23MARJA DOLNYCKY 52 TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 63MARKHAM THEATRE 4 TORONTO YOUTH WIND ORCHESTRA 48MIKROKOSMOS 52 TRYPTYCH PRODUCTIONS 20MISSISSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETY 49 u OF T FACULTY OF M usic 3MISTER'S MASTERJNG HOUSE 52 VOCAL ART FORUM 21M usic AT M ETROPOLITAN 17 VOCALPO!NT CHAMBER CHOIR 50M usic AT PORT MILFORD 41 WESTBEN CONCERTS AT THE BARN 45Music GALLERY 13 WESTON SILVER BAND 27M usic MONDAYS 22 WHOLENOTE CLASSIFIEDS 52M usic ON THE HILL 19 WHOLENOTE INDEX OF ADVERTISERS 21M usic TORONTO 7 WHOLENOTE MARKETPLACE 51, 54NATIONAL YouTH ORCHESTRA 30 WHOLE NOTE: WHO 's REA DING 1r? 8NEW ADVENTURES IN SOUND ART 22for Singers:Performance Opportunitiesand Trainingcontact:416-876-5859www.vocalartforum.ca• The Vocal Art ForumJULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 2007 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 21