... CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAMemorial Park, 20 Lakeshore Rd. East. Missis·sauga. 905-896-5314. Free.Monday July 09See also Festival Chart page 35- 12: 15: Music Mondays at Church of theHoly Trinity. Allan Pu/ker, flute: Elena Tchernaia,piano. Borne: Carmen Fantasy; Poulenc:Sonata; Peros: Eden; Gershwin (Heifez): 3 Prel·udes. 10 Trinity Square (behind Eaton Ctr). 416-598-4521 x304. Donation, suggested min.- 8:00: Small World Music. SummerworldFestival· Sambasunda. 17 -piece new-style IndonesiaGamelan orchestra. Lula Lounge, 1585Dundas St. West. 416-631-4311. ;(adv).- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Gary Morgan & PanAmericana.2261 Dundas St. West.416-531·6604. ; .50(adv).Tuesday July 10See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: Dusk Dances. Dusk Dances 2007Festival· Withrow Park. Ten-minute site-specificpieces inspired by park's natural environment;works by Lincoln Shand, William Yong, LydiaWagerer, Michael Greyeyes, Daniela Pagliaro;see also Firgrove Park Jul 5-8. Various dancers& musicians; Band: RAW (Raging Asian Women);Lisa Anne Ross, host. South of Danforth btwLogan & Carlaw. 416-504-6429 x41. PWYC.For complete run see music theatre listings.- 7:00: Inspirational Impressions. InspirationalMusic in the Park. Reunion Quartet; KRTChoir/band; St. Joe's Dance Squad; & others.Gage Park, 49 Main St. South, Brampton. 416·885-0551. Free.- 7:00: Oakville Wind Orchestra. CoronationPark Summer Series. Chris Arthurs, conductor.Coronation Park Bandshell, Lakeshore Rd.East of 3rd Line, Oakville. 905-466-9306. Free,donations accepted.- 7:30: Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation.Tuesday Night Live!: North York ConcertBand. Barry Zukerman Amphitheatre (Rain: EarlBales Community Centre), Earl Bales Park, 4169Bathurst St. 416-395· 7673. Free.- 8:30: Hugh's Room.Fates. 2261 Dundas St.West.416-531-6604. ; (adv).- 9:00pm: Small World Music. SummerworldFestival· Nya Soleil Virtuoso guitarist playsBenskin, Mangambe, Afrobeat, Afro-jazz, funk,salsa, & reggae. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St.West.416-631-4311. $10.- 9:30pm: Parkdale Revolutionary Or·chestra. Chamber Ensemble in Concert. Originalmaterial & edgy reworkings of songs by KurtWeill, Brian Eno, Karl Mohr, Wire. Opening: ChrisWarren Trio; PRO: Kristin Mueller-Heaslip,soprano; Alex Cheung, violin; Kerri McGonigle,cello; Michael Kaler, bass; Jennifer Wardle, sax;Mike Rosenthal, drums. Mitzi's Sister, 1554Queen St. West. 647-435-9068. PWYC, suggested.Wednesday July 11See also Festival Chart page 35- 12:00 noon: City of Toronto. Fresh Wednesdays:Chris Kirby and the Marquee. Blues. NathanPhillips Square, 100 Queen Street West. 416·395-0490. Free.- 12:30: Yonge-Dundas Square. SummerSerenades: Diana Panton. Jazz vocalist. Yonge &Dundas Sts. 416-979-9960. Free.- 7:00: Twilight Concerts-in-the-Park atApplewood. Etobicoke Community ConcertBand. Grounds of Applewood Homestead, 450The West Mall. 416-622-4124. Free.- 7:30: Artists' Garden Cooperative. PleinAir Garden Salon Concerts: Jason Fowler. Contemporarysinger/songwriter/guitarist, w/ musicalpartner Sahra Featherstone. The Garden, 345Balliol St. 416-487-0705. $10. *RAIN orSHINE*- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Magna Carta. 2261Dundas St. West. 416-531-6604. ;(adv).- 9:00: Small World Music. SummerworldFestival: Syncop. Montreal meets Maghreb,middle eastern energy through Rai & Chaabi(Algeria & Morocco), reggae, & hip hop, from aCanadian perspective. Karim Benzaid, vocals;Annick Beauvais, oboe; Hassan El Hadi, oud;Noemie Robidas, violin; Mustapha Zellat, keyboards;Guilaume Landry, drums; Gabou, bass.Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. West.416-631 ·4311. ; $10(adv).Thursday July 12See also Festival Chart page 35- 12:00 noon: City ofToronto. Tasty Thursdays:Kobo Town. World. Nathan Phillips Square,100 Queen Street West. 416-395-0490. Free.- 7:00: Brampton Downtown BusinessAssociation. Thursday Night Concert Series: ATribute to Frank Sinatra -Jeff Somerville andThe Jazz Mechanics. Gage Park, 49 Main St.South, Brampton. 905-874-2936. Free.- 7:00: City of Pickering. Waterfront Con·cert: Mic & Keyes. Contemporary duet with pophits of the 50's, 60's & 70's. Millennium SquarePark, bottom Liverpool Rd. South, Pickering. 905-420-4660 x2096. Free.- 7:00: Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre.Gene DiNovi Generations Concert (Liverecording/. Generations Trio: Gene Di Novi, piano;Dave Young, bass; Andrew Scott, guitar. Koba·yashi Hall, JCCC, 6 Garamond Ct. 416-441-2345. ; (members).- 7:00: Summer Music in the Garden.Windermere String Ouartet. Schubert: Duartettsatzinc; Danzi: Quartet in B-Flat, Dp.6/2(Figaro); Beethoven: Quartet in F, Op.59/1 (twomovements); period instruments. Rona Goldensher,Genevieve Gilardeau, violin; Anthony Rapoport,viola; Laura Jones, cello.Toronto Music Garden,4 75 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free.*weather permitting*24 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM- 7:00: Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation.Family Fun Summer Festival· Cadence.5:00: Activities begin. Barry Zukerman Amphi·theatre (Rain: Earl Bales Community Centre). EarlBales Park, 4169 Bathurst St. 416-395-7673.Free.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. Humber SongwritingShowcase. 2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531·6604. $TBA.- 9:00pm: Small World Music. Summer·world Festival· Telmary, w/ Sr. Mandril & DJmedicineman. Cuban singer/songwriter extendship hop tradition; Mexicans German Gonzalez &Ramses Ramirez fuse electronic elements withacoustic & electrical instruments, playing acidjau, ambient, Latin, lounge, trip-hop. Lula Lounge,1585 Dundas St. West. 416-631-4311. ;(adv).Friday July 13See also Festival Chart page 35- 3:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Lou Applebaum Summer Music Festival2007 PowerMusic Camps Student Concert:Band. Walter Hall. Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3750. Free.- 7:00: Thiru Nagarajah.Senthi/ Kumaran'sMinna/ '01. Music by Lakshman Shruthi. MainStage, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 YongeSt.416-872-1111 . -0.- 7:30: Friends of the Museums of Missis·sauga. Dn the Verandah Concert Series: MoiraNelson, harp & voice, and Elena Jubinville, cello& voice. Original, traditional, classical and Celticstyles. Benares Historic House, 1507 ClarksonRd. North, Mississauga. 905-615-4860. PWYC.- 8:00: Yonge-Dundas Square. GlobalGrooves: Johannes Linstead. Nouveau flamencoguitarist/composer. Yonge & Dundas Sts. 416·979-9960. Free.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. SteveForbert. 2261Dundas St. West.416-531-6604. .50;(adv).- 9:00pm: Association of ImprovisingMusicians Toronto/Arraymusic. LeftoverDaylight Series. Jazz & improvised music.Arraymusic Studio, Suite 218 (rear door). 60Atlantic Ave. 416-539-8752. - Oislidingscale).Saturday July 14See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00: Association of Improvising MusiciansToronto. Music in Galleries//. Improvisedmusic in 15 art galleries on Queen St. West fromT rinity-Bellwoods to Gladstone, staggered per·formances to 5:00; see AIMT web site fordetails. 416-539-8752. PWYC.- 2:00: Northdale Concert Band. MusicalFavourites for Concert Band. Stephen Chenette,music director. Events Pavilion, Black CreekPioneer Village, 1000 Murray Ross Pkwy. 416·555-5555. Free with park admission.- 8:30: Hugh's Room. PeterE/kas. 2261Dundas St. West. 416-531-6604. 6;(adv).Sunday July 15See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00: City of Pickering. Treble in the ParkOutdoor Concert Series: WillowMyst. Original,traditional, Celtic, & classical selections. MoiraNelson, harp/voice; Elena Jubinville, cello/voice.Esplanade Park, City Hall, 1 the Esplanade,Pickering. 905-420-4660 x2096. Free.- 2:00: Toronto General Hospital.Al/anPulker, flute; Elena Tchernaia, piano. Borne:Carmen Fantasy; Poulenc: Sonata; Schubert(Galway): Arpeggione Sonata; Peros: Eden;Gershwin (Heifez): 3 Preludes. TGH, De GasperisConservatory, 200 Elizabeth Street. 416-340-4115. Free.- 4:00: Association of Improvising MusiciansToronto/Now Lounge. Jazz & ImprovisedMusic. Showcasing local talent. NowLounge, 189 Church St. 416-769-2841. .- 4:00: Association of Sound HealingTechnologies and Research. World MusicPeace Concert. Ash' tar Ron Allen, Indian bambooflute, and the Whole Wide World Music Ensemble.Upstairs Studio, The Village Healing Centre,240 Roncesvalles Ave. 416-545· 7141 . ; O(adv); free(ch w/ adult).- 4:00: St. James' Cathedral. SummerSundays. Guest organist. Christ College, Cambridge.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 4:00: Summer Music in the Garden. NoStrings Attached. Renaissance to the present.Brass & percussion sections of National YouthOrchestra of Canada, Daniel Myssyk, conductor.Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay West.416-973-4000. Free. *weather permitting*- 7:00: City of Mississauga. Sunset ConcertSeries. Time approximate, at sunset. Port CreditMemorial Park, 20 Lakeshore Rd. East, Mississauga.905-896-5314. Free.- 7:30: Opera by Request. Puccini's Tosca.Concert version, in Italian, piano accompaniment.Mila lonkova, Lenard Whiting, Henry Irwin, singers;William Shookhoff, dir. Heliconian Hall, 37Hazelton Ave. 416-455-2365. ; (sr/st).Monday July 16- 12: 15: Music Mondays at Church of theHoly Trinity. Rags, Blues and Stomps. Beider·becke: In a Mist; Armstrong: West End Blues; &others. Bill Westcott, piano. 10 Trinity Square(behind Eaton Ctr). 416-598-4521 x304. Donation, suggested min.- 7:30: Toronto Summer Music Academyand Festival. Rossini's The Barber of Seville.Italian with English surtitles. National AcademyOrchestra; Michael Patrick Albano, stage director;Agnes Grossman, musical director. 6:15:Opera By RequestPl'esentsTOSCAMila IonkovaHerny Irwin Lenard WhitingWilliam Shookhoff, DirectorJuly 15, 7:30 - 9:45 p.m.Heliconian Hall - 37 Hazelton Avenue, TorontoTickets - , Students/Seniors - $ 15Info/Reservations ca ll ( 4 16) 455-2365 or visit operabyrequest.caJ U LY 1 - SEPTE M BER 7 2007