9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 10 - July/August 2007

  • Text
  • Festival
  • Chart
  • Jazz
  • August
  • Toronto
  • Musical
  • Theatre
  • September
  • Concerts
  • Choir


ONTARIO CONCERTSALUMNI HALL, UNIVERSITYOF WESTERN ONTARIOLondon, ONWednesday, July 25, 7:30 pmAdmission by DonationNATIONAL ARTS CENTREOttawa, ONFriday, July 27, 7:30 pmFree Community ConcertKNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHStratford, ONSunday July 29, 7:30 pmAdmission by DonationGRANT HALL, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITYKingston, ONTu esday, July 31, 7:30 pmAdmission by DonationROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, ONWednesday, August 8, 8:00 pmTickets: Roy Thomson Hall Box Office, 416 872-4255www.roythomson.comThe Future. Hear.Visit for the full tour schedule, repertoire and news. For more informationcall 416 532-4470, Toll Free (Canada) 1 888 532-4470 or email info@nyoc.orgNational Tour and Audition Sponsor~ Canaclla 'll'rnnst jtf11~iCK-W CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETYComing in the 2007/2008 season ...10J:or St1·i11g Q1umc1 • Jt11ri11n FiolkowJlw • Dm•id .%iclair grtiror • ,\ /o11 l-loimo1·if:_ edlo •.lo11rr1Ju111 Cro\' 1·ioli11 • Do 11glos Mc-Nal.mcy 1·iola • lmJ/1mJ.y ST1'it1g Qrmrtct •!.

Beyond GTA: Wednesday July 04See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00: Westben Concerts at The Barn.Opera in the Countryside: The Gondoliers. Gilbert& Sullivan's operetta, fully staged with pianoaccompaniment. UBC Opera Ensemble, NancyHenniston, director. 6698 County Road 30, 3 kmNW Campbellford. 705-653-5508, 877-883·5777. ,; (sr); (st). For completerun see music theatre listings.- 2:00 & 8:00: Drayton Entertainment: St.Jacobs Country Playhouse. legends: ASalute to Musical Pioneers. Conceived, written &directed by Alex Mustakas, orchestrations &vocal arrangements by Robert Foster, chorea·graphed by Gino Berti; musical revue with classicsongs by Presley, Orbison, Lewis, The BeachBoys, The Everly Brothers, Elton John, ABBA,The Monkees, Simon & Garfunkel, Sonny &Cher, & more; premiere production. 40 BenjaminRd. East, Waterloo. 519-747-7788, 888-449·4463. ; (18 & under). For complete runsee music theatre listings.- 7:30: St. Mark's Anglican Church. ChapelChoir of Christ's College, Cambridge UK. 51 KingSt., Port Hope. 905-373-0867. .- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Veronique Mathieu, violin,Andree-Anne Perras-Fortin, piano. Mozart: SonataK.301; Beethoven: "Spring" Sonata; Debussy:sonata; Lutoslawski: Partita. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886·1673. ; (sr); $10(st).Beyond GTA: Thursday July 05See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00 & 8:00: Red Barn Theatre/C2 Enter·tainment. Summer of love. By Colin Stewartand Chris McHarge; concert salute to the musicof the 60's- Peter Paul & Mary, Joni Mitchell,The Mamas & the Papas, The Doors. 991 LakeDr. East, Jackson's Point. 905-722-3249,888-733-2276. ; (65+/st13+/mat);(preview/Tue); (12 & under). For completerun see music theatre listings.- 7:00: Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885·2004, 888-767-8467. Free.- 7:30: Lundy's Lane United Church. Thelittle Voices of Monaco, and Prairie Voices(Winnipeg). Choral spectacular concert. 5825Lowell Ave., Niagara Falls. 905-358-5622.Offering.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888·262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday July 06See also Festival Chart page 35- 12:15: Viola Camp. Viola Camp Campers'Performance. The Chapel, First United Church,16 William St., Waterloo. 519-743-8946.Donation.Beyond GTA: Saturday July 07See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Sunday July 08See also Festival Chart page 35- 3:00: Sharon Temple Museum Society.Music at Sharon: The Nathaniel Dett Chorale.Classical. spiritual, gospel, and jazz selections.Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, conductor. Sharon Tern·pie, 18974 Leslie St., Sharon. 416-598-3375..J UL Y 1 - S EPTEMBE R 7 2007- 7:00: Mississauga Pops Concert Band.Band Music. Couchiching Beach Park, 202 BaySt., Orillia. 905-279-2571. Free.Beyond GTA: Monday July 09See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Tuesday July 10See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00: Drayton Entertainment: DraytonFestival Theatre. The ladies of Broadway: ASalute to the leading Woman. Music direction &arrangements by Mark Camilleri; musical revuewhirlwind tour through the history of Broadwayleading ladies-Ethel Mennan, Fanny Brice, CarolChanning, Mary Martin, Julie Andrews. StarringBarbara, Sandra & Ann Mantini. 33 WellingtonSt. South, Drayton. 519-638-5555, 888449-4463. ; (prev); (18 & under). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 7 :00: Drayton Entertainment: St. JacobsCountry Playhouse. The little Singers ofMonaco. Works by Bach, Faure, Pergolesi, Rach·maninov, & others. 40 Benjamin Rd. East, Wa·terloo. 519-747-7788, 888-449-4463. .- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bands hell, Cobourg.888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday July 11See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:30: St. Mark's Anglican Church. Sum·mer Chamber Music. 51 King St., Port Hope.905-373-0867. .Beyond GT A: Thursday July 12See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00: Shaw Festival. Tristan. Musicaladaptation from Thomas Mann's short story setat a spa in the Alps; book, music & lyrics by JayTurvey and Paul Sportelli. Glynis Ranney, JeffMadden, Donna Belleville & other perfonners;Paul Sportelli, music director; Eda Holmes,director. Court House Theatre, 26 Queen Street,Niagara-on-the-Lake. 800-511-7429. Call forticket prices. For complete run see music theatrelistings.- 7:00: Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885·2004, 888-767-8467. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888·262-6874. Free.Beyond GT A: Friday July 13See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: Hastings and Prince EdwardChildren's Chorus/Les Petits Chanteurs deMonaco.Joint Concert. Youth Chorale; RudolfHeijdens, conductor. St. Thomas Anglican Church,201 Church St., Belleville. 613476-6531.Collection.Beyond GTA: Saturday July 14See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:30: Westben Concerts at The Barn. AlPurdy at the Ouinte Hotel. TBA, actor; TrioChanteclair. 6698 County Road 30, 3 km NWCampbellford. 705-653-5508, 877-883·5777. -; (st).Beyond GTA: Sunday July 15See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Monday July 16See Festival Chart page 35I~SYMP-"(TL()()·2 easonEri il~JOLIT llllTFR. MU:-ili., D!RF1., T JRCome feel the emotion, Come hear the passionIOSHAWA DURHAMSYMPHONY ORCHESTRAMARCO PARISOTTO2007 - 2008Concert SeasonThe 0050 performs a season of fantastic works by theGreat masters:StraYinsky's Rite of Spring, Respighi's Pines of Rome, Brahms' ViolinConcerto, popular opera arias and much more!Kolja Blacher, Gramophone Award Winner, one ofGermany's greatest violinists.Jose Luis Duval, star tenor at New York'sMetropolitan Opera House.Massimo Mercelli, Italy's premier flutist.Alexander Zemtsov, outstandingvirtuoso, Principal Viola of theLondon Philharmonic... and more prestigiousguests.Dates:September 28, November 8, 2007January 19, February 23, April 12, May 3, 2008Venue:Calvary Baptist Church, 300 Rossland Rd. E. Oshawa.,,.31

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