... CONCERTS: Beyond the GTA stein II. Cowhands & fanmers finding love &Beyond GTA: Tuesday July 17See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bands hell, Cobourg.888·262·6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday July 18See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00 & 8:00: Drayton Entertainment:Huron Country Playhouse. Miss Saigon.Musical by Alain Boublil & Claude·Michel Schonbe111.music by Claude·Michel Schonberg, lyrics byRichard Maltby, Jr. & Alain Boublil, directed &choreographed by David Connolly, starringStephen Patterson; epic love story in the tunmoilof the Vietnam War, modem, tragic update ofPuccini's Madama Butterfly. RR 1, B Line,Grand Bend. 519·238·6000, 888-449-4463.; (prev); (18 & under). For completerun see music theatre listings.- 7:30: St. Mark's Anglican Church. SummerChamber Music. 51 King St., Port Hope.905·373-0867. $ 5.- 7:30: Weston Silver Band. SummertimeFavourites. Larry Shields, music director. CentralPark Bandshell, New Street & Teen Tour Way,Burlington. 416·249·6553. Free.- 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. David Sinclair, classical guitar/composer. All·Flamenco program, most pieces bySinclair. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.West, Waterloo. 519·886· 1673. ; (sr); O(st/ch).Beyond GTA: Thursday July 19See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: eagle.ca.Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905·885-2004, 888-767-8467. Free.- 8:00: Bluewater Summer Playhouse.Boardwalk: The Doo Wop Musical. By RandyVancourt; celebration of the duo-wop melodies ofthe 50's. 707 A Queen St., Kincardine. 519·396·5722, 877·396-5722. ; (mat). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Sadie Fields, violin, and KenGee, piano. Bach: Chaconne; Franck, sonata;Tchaikovsky: Souvenir d'un Lieu Cher, Wieniawski:Variations on an Original Theme. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); O(st/ch).- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888-262·6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday July 20See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Kingston Symphony/Fort Henry.1812 at the Fort: music, drama, majesty, andspectacle. Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture (w/cannons & fireworks); & other works. Guests:Georgette Fry, blues singer; Fort Henry Guard;Glen Fast, conductor. Fort Henry National Histor·ic Site, Hwy #2, East of Kingston. 613-530-2050. ; (sr); (st); $10(7-16); free(6& under). *RAIN: tickets valid for Jul 21 perfonmance*Beyond GTA: Saturday July 21See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Chaka Chikodz. Stella RambisaiChiweshe and the Earthquake Band. The MbiraQueen of Zimbabwe. 7 musicians: 2 mbira,32marimba, guitar, bass, drums & percussion.Showplace Perfonmance Centre, 290 George St.North, Peterborough. 705·742-7469..50.- 8:00: Kingston Symphony/Fort Henry.1812 at the Fort: music, drama, majesty, andspectacle. Fort Henry National Historic Site,Kingston. See July 20. *RAIN: tickets exchangeablefor a KS 2007/08 concert*- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Members ofOrchestra@UWaterloo. Mozart: Flute Quartet,K.385; Schubert: Trout Quintet; Shostakovich:Violin Duets; Doppler. Andante and Rondo for 2Flutes and Piano; Cambini: Three T nos, Op.26.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West,Waterloo. 519·886-1673. ; O(sr); (st/ch).Beyond GTA: Sunday July 22See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Monday July 23See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Tuesday July 24See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bands hell, Cobourg.888·262·6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday July 25See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:30: St. Mark's Anglican Church. SummerChamber Music. 51 King St., Port Hope.905·373-0867. .Beyond GTA: Thursday July 26See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: eagle.ca. Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885-2004, 888-767·8467. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888·262·6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday July 27See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Saturday July 28See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Sunday July 29See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Monday July 30See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Tuesday July 31See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bands hell, Cobourg.888·262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday August 01See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Thursday August 02See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: eagle.ca. Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885-2004, 888-767·8467. Free.- 8:00: Port Hope Festival Theatre. Dkla·homa. By Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammer-WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COMcommunity in early 1900's Oklahoma territory.Capitol Arts Centre, 20 Queen St .. Port Hope.905-885-1071, 800-434·5092. ; (mat);.50(sr mat). For complete run see musictheatre listings.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday August 03See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Saturday August 04See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Sunday August 05See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: Weston Silver Band. Summer Concert.Larry Shields, music director. KiwanisPavillion Bandshell, Upper Queen's Park, Stratford.416-249-6553. Free.Beyond GTA: Monday August 06See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Tuesday August07See also Festival Chart page 35- 6:00: 4"' Line Theatre. Beautiful lady, TellMe. Musical, by Shirley Barrie; murder-mysterybased on case of Florence Kinrade, early 1900'sVaudeville singer. Rob Fortin, Susan Newman,musical directors; Molly Thom, director. TheWinslow Fanm, 779 Zion Line, 5 minute S. ofMillbrook. 705-932-4445, 800-814-0055.; (65+ /st); (5-16); (previewsAug 7·8). For complete run see music theatrelistings.- 7:30: River Run Centre. The SongbirdCate. Local acoustic singer/songwriters; heldoutside. Canada Company Hall, 35 Woolwich St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000, 800·520·2408. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg.888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday August 08SeeFestivalChartpage35- 2:00 & 8:00: Drayton EntertainmentHuron Country Playhouse. legends: A Saluteto Musical Pioneers. Conceived, written & directedby Alex Mustakas, orchestrations & vocalarrangements by Robert Foster, choreographed byGino Berti; musical revue with classic songs byPresley, Orbison, Lewis, The Beach Boys, TheEverly Brothers, Elton John, ABBA, The Monkees,Simon & Garfunkel, Sonny & Cher, &more; premiere production. RR 1, B Line, GrandBend. 519-238-6000, 888-449·4463. ;(prev); (18 & under). For complete runsee music theatre listings.- 2:00 & 8:00: Drayton EntertainmentKing's Wharf Theatre. Buddy: The BuddyHolly Story. Musical biography, written by AlanJanes & Rob Bettinson, directed by Adam Furfaro.Starring Zachary Stevenson. 97 Jury Drive,Penetanguishene. 705·549-5555, 888-449-4463. ; (prev); (18 &under). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.BeyondGTA: Thursday August09See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: eagle.ca. Bandshel/ Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885-2004, 888-767·8467. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888·262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday August 10See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Saturday August 11See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Sunday August 12See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Monday August 13See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GT A: Tuesday August 14See also Festival Chart page 35- 10:30am & 2:00: Drayton Entertainment:St. Jacobs Country Playhouse. Judy &David's GoldiRocks. Modem retelling of thebedtime classic, musical styles from Klezmer toGilbert & Sullivan; for ages pre-k to 8. 40 BenjaminRd. East, Waterloo. 519-747·7788,888·449-4463. ; ( 18 & under). Forcomplete run see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bands hell, Cobourg.888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday August 15See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Thursday August 16See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00 & 8:00: Red Barn Theatre. BroadwayTreasures. Revue with songs of Uoyd Webber,Sondheim, Kander & Ebb, Styne, Henman, &others. 991 Lake Dr. East, Jackson's Point.905-722-3249, 888-733-2276. ; (65+/st13+/mat); (preview/Tue); (12 &under). For complete run see music theatre listings.'- 7:00: eagle.ca. Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905·885·2004, 888-767-8467. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888·262·6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday August 17See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Saturday August 18See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Bluewater Summer Playhouse.Madviolet. Folk/Celtic duo. 707 A Queen St.,Kincardine. 519·396·5722, 877-396·5722..Beyond GTA: Sunday August 19See also Festival Chart page 35- 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Sunday CoffeeConcert. Guests: company actors and musicians;Shaw Festival Quartet in Residence. Lobby,Festival Theatre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara·on-the-Lake. 800-511 -7429. Free.- 6:30: Markham Concert Band. SundayEvening Band Concert. Rotary Aqua Theatre (rain:Orillia Community Centre), Couchiching BeachPark, Orillia. 705-329-7250. Free.Beyond GTA: Monday August 20See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GT A: Tuesday August 21See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg/Oriana Singers. Victoria Park Band-) ULY 1 - S EPTE M BER 7 2007
shell, Cobourg. 888·262-6874. ~ree.Beyond GTA: Wednesday August 22See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Thursday August 23See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: eagle.ca. Bandshell Summer ConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885-2004, 888-767-8467. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday August 24See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Takai String Ouartet. Haydn:Quartet in g, Op.20/3; Webern: Five Bagatelles;Debussy: Quartet in g; New Work TBA. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).- 8:00: Ontario Youth Choir 2007. /n Concert.Edward Moroney, accompanist; RobertCooper, conductor. Knox Presbyterian Church,120 LisgarSt., Ottawa.416-923-1144. $10.Beyond GTA: Saturday August 25See also Festival Chart page 35- 2:00: Ontario Youth Choir 2007. /n Concert.Edward Moroney, accompanist; RobertCooper, conductor. St. George's Anglican Cathedral,129 Wellington St., Kingston. 416-923-1144. $10.Beyond GTA: Sunday August 26See also Festival Chart page 35- 1 :OD: Ottawa JazzWorks 2007. Participants'Concert.CAMMAC Music Centre, MacDonald Lake (N. of Hawksbury ON), PO. 613-521-6274. Free.Beyond GTA: Monday August 27See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Wallace Wu, violin, JeffreyGuilliam, clarinet and TBA, piano. Bartok: Contrastsfor Violin, Clarinet and Piano; Stravinsky:l'Histoire du Soldat (trio version); Brahms: Sonatafor clarinet/piano, Op.1 20/1; & other works.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); O(st/ch).Beyond GTA: Tuesday August 28See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. The Concert Bandof Cobourg. Victoria Park Bands hell, Cobourg.888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Wednesday August 29See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Thursday August 30See also Festival Chart page 35- 7:00: eagle.ca.BandshellSummerConcertSeries. Mixed: folk, swing, concert, jazz, children,country, bluegrass, Celtic. Port Hope. 905-885-2004, 888-767-8467. Free.- 8:00: Town of Cobourg. Summer ConcertSeries. Victoria Park Bandshell, Cobourg. 888-262-6874. Free.Beyond GTA: Friday August 31See Festival Chart page 35) UL Y 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 2007Beyond GTA: Saturday September 01See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Matt Haimovitz, cello, DouglasMcNabney, viola, and Jonathan Crow, violin. Bach(arr Sitkovetsky): Goldberg Variations. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st/ch).Beyond GTA: Sunday September 02See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Monday September 03See Festival Chart page 35- Al Purdy at the Ouinte Hotel WestbenConcerts at The Barn. TBA, actor; Trio Chanteclair.Jul 21 : 7:30. 6698 County Road 30, 3km NW Campbellford. 705-653-5508, 877-883-5777. -; (st).- Ann and Seamus -A Chamber Opera.Shallaway (Newfoundland & LabradorYouth in Chorus). Words &music by StephenHatfield, dir. & production design by Jillian Keiley,based on verse novel by Kevin Major; shipwreck,courage, heroism, and love in 1828 Newfoundland.Shallaway, Susan Knight, founder/artisticdirector. Jul 7-8: 8:00. Premiere Dance Theatre,Queen's Quay Tenninal, Harbourfront Centre,207 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. -.- Beautiful lady, Tell Me. 4•h Line Thea·tre. Musical, by Shirley Barrie; murder-mysterybased on case of Florence Kinrade, early 1900'sVaudeville singer. Rob Fortin, Susan Newman,musical directors; Molly Thom, director. Aug 7-Sep 1. Tue-Sat, Aug 27: 6:00. The WinslowFann, 779 Zion Line, 5 minute S. of Millbrook.705-932-4445, 800-814-0055. ; (65+/st); (5-16); (previews Aug 7-8).- Biber RePass. Summer Music in theGarden. Biber (char. Sasso): Passacaglia for soloviolin (see Aug 2), followed by contemporaryimprovisations. Linda Melsted, baroque violin; LoriFreedman, bass clarinet/improviser; Julia Sasso,dancer/improviser. Aug 9: 7:00. Toronto MusicGarden, 4 75 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free. *weather pennitting*- Boardwalk: The Dao Wop Musical.Bluewater Summer Playhouse. By RandyVancourt; celebration of the doo-wop melodies ofthe 50's. Jul 19-Aug 10: Mon-Sat, shows at2:00, 8:00 &9:00. 707A Queen St., Kincardine.519-396-5722, 877-396-5722. ;(mat).- Broadway Treasures. Red Barn Theatre.Revue with songs of Lloyd Webber, Sondheim,Hennan, & others. Aug 16-Sep 1: Tue-Sat,shows at 2:00 & 8:00. 991 Lake Dr. E, Jack·son's Point 905-722-3249, 888-733-2276.; (65+/st13 +/mat); (12 &under).- Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story. DraytonEntertainment: King's Wharf Theatre. Musicalbiography, written by Alan Janes & RobBettinson, directed by Adam Furfaro. StarringZachary Stevenson. Aug 8-12, 14-18, 21-25, 28-31, Sep 1: shows at 2:00 & 8:00. 97 Jury Drive,Penetanguishene. 705-549-5555, 888-449-4463. ; (prev); (18 & under).- Casi Fan Tutte. Summer Opera LyricTheatre. By Mozart, in English. Jose Hernandez,music director. Jul 26, Aug 3: 8:00; Jul 28, AugBeyond GTA: Tuesday September 04- 7:30: River Run Centre. The SongbirdCafe. Local acoustic singer/songwriters. CooperatorsHall, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000, 800-520-2408. .Beyond GTA: Wednesday September 05See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Blyth Festival. TheBalladofStompin'Tom. Written by Dave Scott, with songs byStompin' Tom Connors; story of Canada's mostprolific troubadour & champion of the workingman. Eric Coates, director. Blyth Centre for theArts, 423 Queen St., Blyth. 519-523-9300,877-862-5984. ; .50(sr); $12.50(youth).For complete run see music theatre listings.Opera, Music Theatre, DancePlease note: performances are listed by show title.Shows starting with "The" are listed under T.WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM1: 2:00. Robert Gill Theatre, Uo!T, 214 CollegeSt. 416-978-7986. .- Cowboys and Outlaws. BluewaterSummer Playhouse/C' Entertainment.Tribute to Gene Autry, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers,Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson.Jul 3-14: Tue-Sat, shows at 2:00, 8:00 & 9:00.707 A Queen St., Kincardine. 519-396-5722,877-396-5722. ; (mat).- Dusk Dances 2007 Festival· FirgrovePark (Jane/Finch Neighbourhood). DuskDances. Ten-minute site-specific pieces; worksby Lua Chayenne & Roshanak Jaberi, Nova Bhattacharya/LouisLaberge-Cote, Baby Boyz, CDR·PUS, & Danny Grossman Dance Company. Variousdancers & musicians; Band: Ngoma; LisaAnne Ross, host. Jul 5-8: 7:00. South of Finch onFirgrove Gres. 416-747-5616. PWYC.- Dusk Dances 2007 Festivat WithrowPark. Dusk Dances. Ten-minute site-specificpieces; works by Lincoln Shand, William Yong,Lydia Wagerer, Michael Greyeyes, DanielaPagliaro; see also Firgrove Park Jul 5-8, plusChatham, Kingston, Haliburton, Manitoulin Island,Deep River. Various dancers & musicians; Band:RAW (Raging Asian Women); Lisa Anne Ross,host.Jul 10-15: 7:00. South o!Danforth btwLogan & Carlaw. 416-504-6429 x41. PWYC.- Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance.Summer Music in the Garden. Flamenco.Guest: Jose-Luis Perez, singer. Aug 30: 7:00.Toronto Music Garden, 4 75 Queens Quay West.416-973-4000. Free. *weather pennitting*- Garden Grounds. Summer Music in theGarden. 17"'-century music built overground basses(short, repeating dance tunes), in duding Biber (char.Sasso): Passacaglia for solo violin (dance premiere;see Aug 9). Linda Melsted, baroque violin; BorisMedicky, harpsichord; Shane Neill, baroque cello;Julia Sasso, choreographer, dancer(s). TorontoMusic Garden, 4 75 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free. *weatherpennitting*- Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel. Operaby Request. Concert version with piano, inGennan. Gillian Grossman, Trish Roach, PaulaWickberg, Jesse Clark; singers; children's ensemblefrom the studio of Marion Samuel Stevens;William Shookholl, pianist/music director. Jul 7:8:00. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·455-2365. ; (sr/st).- Jasper Station. Drayton Entertainment:King's Wharf Theatre. Musical comedy, music& lyrics by Steve Thomas, book & lyrics byNonn Foster, directed & choreographed by MarcRichard; six eclectic travellers' lives intersect asthey wait for a train to Vancouver. Jul 3-7, 10·Beyond GTA: Thursday September 06See Festival Chart page 35Beyond GTA: Friday September 07See also Festival Chart page 35- 8:00: Brad Halls. Words and Music: GreatSongs from Great Britain. Ivor Novello & NoelCoward to Ray Noble & Jimmy Kennedy, LionelBart & Andrew Lloyd Webber. We'll GatherLilacs, Mad Dogs and Englishmen, The VeryThought of You, Harbour Lights, As Long as HeNeeds Me, & more. Catherine Ford, AndreaDeBoer-Jones, vocals; Brad Halls, piano/vocals.The Concert Hall, Victoria Hall, 55 King St. West,Cobourg. 905-372-2210, 888-262-6874..14: shows at 2:00 & 8:00. 97 Jury Drive,Penetanguishene. 705-549-5555, 888-449·4463. ; (18 & under).- Jasper Station. Port Hope Festival Theatre.Books & lyrics by Nonn Foster, music &lyrics by Steve Miller. Jul 3: 2:00; Jul 4, 6: 8:00;Jul 5, 7: 2:00 & 8:00. Capitol Theatre, 20 QueenSt., Port Hope. 905-885-1071 , 800-434-5092. ; (mat); .50(srmat).- Judy & David's GoldiRocks. DraytonEntertainment: St. Jacobs Country Playhouse.Modem retelling of the bedtime classic,musical styles from Klezmer to Gilbert & Sullivan;for ages pre-k to 8. Aug 14-17: 10:30am &2:00;Aug 18: 1:00&4:00.40BenjaminRd.East, Waterloo. 519-747-7788, 888-449-4463. ; (18 & under).- legends: A Salute to Musical Pioneers.Drayton Entertainment: St. Jacobs CountryPlayhouse. Conceived, written & directedby Alex Mustakas, orchestrations & vocal arrangementsby Robert Foster, choreographed byGino Berti; musical revue with classic songs byPresley, Orbison, Lewis, The Beach Boys, TheEverly Brothers, Elton John, ABBA, The Monkees,Simon & Garfunkel, Sonny & Cher, &more; premiere production. Jul 4-8, 11-15, 18-22, 25-29, 31, Aug 1-4: shows at2:00 &8:00.40 Benjamin Rd. East, Waterloo. 519-747-7788, 888-449-4463. ; (18 & under).- legends: A Salute to Musical Pioneers.Drayton Entertainment: Huron CountryPlayhouse. Conceived, written & directed byAlex Mustakas, orchestrations & vocal arrangementsby Robert Foster, choreographed by GinoBerti; musical revue (see previous listing for details).Aug 8-11, 14-18, 21-25, 28-31, Sep 1:shows at 2:00 & 8:00. RR 1, B Line, GrandBend. 519-238-6000, 888-449-4463. ;(prev); (18 & under).- Mack and Mabel. Shaw Festival. Romanticmusical about movie director Mack Sennett &leading lady Mabel Nomnand; music & lyrics by JenyHeman, book by Michaa Stewart Benedict Campbell,Glyris Ranney, Gabrielle Jones & others, performers;Baayork Lee, choreographer; PaulSportelli, musical director; Molly Smith, director.Jul 3-Dct 28: call for days & times. FestivalTheatre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara-on· the·Lake. 800-511 -7429. Call for ticket prices.- Menopause Out loud! Panasonic Theatre.Book & lyrics by Jeanie Linders. JayneLevvis, Nicole Robert, Cynthia Jones, Rose Ryan&Jenny Hall, perfonners. Indefinite run: Tue,Thu, Fri: 8:00; Wed, Sat: 2:00 & 8:00; Sun: 2:00& 5:30. 651 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. .95.33