9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 10 - July/August 2007

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  • Festival
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  • Jazz
  • August
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  • September
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Back to Ad Index... Festival Listings (continued) ,(sr/st). PFestival of the Sound, continuedJuly1 7:00: Canada Day Cruise on the Island Oueen.Celebrate Canada's birthday with a traditionalEast Coast Kitchen Party. ; $10(5-12).20 7:30: RBC Gala Opening Concert: Songs ofthe People. Elmer lseler Singers, Lydia Adams,conductor; True North Brass; Darrett Zusko,piano. ,; ,(sr/st). P21 12:00 noon: 5th Anniversary Celebrations.Songs performed by the student composers,accompanied by Katherine Wheatley. Free;6:00: Overture: Keith Horner talks with HowardCable. Free; 7:30: Music for a Summer Evening:The Village Band. Hannaford Street Silver Band,Curtis Metcalf, resident conductor; HowardCable, guest conductor. James Campbell,clarinet. ,; ,(sr/st). P22 2:00: Remembering Charles W. Stockey.New Zealand String Quartet; Moshe Hammer,violin; Paul Stewart, piano; Darrett Zusko, piano.,; ,(sr/st). P; 7:00:Sunsetonthe Bay Musical Cruise. Canadian GuitarQuartet; Andrew Scott, jazz guitar; Pat Collins,bass; Joel Haynes, drums. . Town Dock, 9Bay St.23 2:00: Guitar Masterclass. Benjamin Verdery.Free; 8:00: (canapes 7:00)Jazz atthe Ridge.Andrew Scott jazz guitar; Pat Collins, bass.Ridge at Manitou. .24 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning.Benjamin Verdery, guitar. ; $12(sr/st). P;12:00 noon: Music for a Summer Noon.Canadian Guitar Quartet: Philip Candelaria.Denis Donegani, Patrick Roux, Louis Trepanier.; (sr/st). P; 7:30: Guitar Gala. CanadianGuitar Quartet; Benjamin Verdery, guitar.Andrew Scott, guitar; Russell Braun, baritone;Suzanne Shulman, flute; Guitar Orchestra.,; ,(sr/st). P25 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning: AMorning in Italy. Festival Baroque; BeverleyJomston, percussion. ; $12(sr/st). P;12:00 noon: Music for a Summer Noon: TheWorld on a String, Music of World Cultures.Benjamin Verdery, guitar; Suzanne Shulman,flute; New Zealand String Quartet; BeverleyJohnston, percussion. ; (sr/st). P; 2:00:Music from the Inside Out: Footprints in NewSnow, by Christos Hatzis. Radio documentarycomposition about the Inuit & their culture. Free.Parry Sound Station Gallery; 7:30: Music for aSummer Evening: Of War and Peace. MonicaWhicher, soprano; Russell Braun, baritone;James Mason, English horn; Guy Few, trumpet;Benjamin Verdery, guitar; New Zealand StringQuartet; Festival Baroque; Carolyn Maule, piano;Beverley Johnston, percussion. ,;,(sr/st). P26 1 O:OOam: Film: Beethoven's Hair. $12; O(sr/sr). P; 12:00 noon: Music for aSummer Noon. Paul Stewart, piano. ;(sr/st). P; 2:00: Music for a SummerAfternoon. Julie Baumgartel, violin; Mary­Katherine Finch, cello; Edmund Battersby, piano;New Zealand String Quartet. ; (sr/st).P; 6:00: Overture: Genius Fulfilled, JeffreyStokes discusses the later works of Beethoven.Free; 7:30: Music for a Summer Evening.Russell Braun, baritone; New Zealand StringQuartet; Edmund Battersby, fortepiano; CarolynMaule, piano. .; ,(sr/st). P27 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning.Glen Montgomery, piano. 5; $12(sr/st). P;12:00 noon: Music for a Summer Noon.Monica Whicher, soprano; Russell Braun,baritone; James Mason, oboe; JulieBaumgartel, violin; Festival Baroque. ;(sr/st). P; 2:00: Music From the Inside Out:Memories of Glenn Gould. Keith Homer indiscussion with Walter Hamburger (Gould'sfirst manager), James Campbell and SuzanneShulman. Free; 5:00:National Youth Brass Bandof Wales. Free; 7:30: Music for a SummerEvening: Piano Gala, The World of PiaflfJ.Anagnoson and Kinton, piano duo; EdmundBattersby, piano; Guy Few, piano; GlenMontgomery, piano; Paul Stewart, piano.,; ,(sr/st). P28 9:00am: Handel on the Bay, on the M. V.Chippewa. Festival Baroque. ; 7:30: CarmenUnzipped. Jean Stilwell, mezzo soprano; PattiLoach, piano. . Chippewa Dock, 17 Bay St.29 2:00: Music for a Sunday Afternoon:Primadonna Chara/is. Mary Lou Fallis, soprano;Peter Tiefenbach, piano; Orpheus Choir ofToronto, Robert Cooper, conductor. ,;,(sr/st). P; 7:00: Sunset on the BayMusical Cruise. Sharlene Wallace, Celtic harp;George Koller, bass; Loretto Reid, Irish flutes/concertina. . Town Dock, 9 Bay St.31 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning.Suzanne Shulman, flute; Glen Montgomery,piano; Festival Winds; Gryphon Trio. ;$12(sr/st). P; 12:00 noon: Music for aSummer Noon. Gryphon Trio. ; (sr/st).P; 8:00: (gather 5:30, dinner 6:00) Gala Dinner& Concert at Manitou. Festival Winds.August1 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning:Dvorak Hears America: Symphony, Trains andSong. Glen Montgomery, piano; Festival Winds.; $12(sr/st). P; 12:00 noon: Music for aSummer Noon. Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin;Steven Dann, viola; Roman Borys, cello; JamesAnagnoson, piano. ; (sr/st). P; 2:00:Music From the Inside Out: Feedback. ChristosHatzis & Steven Dann discuss the NoonConcert. Free; 6:00: Overture. Leslie Kinton ispassionate about Dvorak! Free; 7:30: Music fora Summer Evening. James Ehn es, violin;Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin; Steven Dann,viola; Anssi Karttunen, cello; Festival Winds..; ,(sr/st). P2 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning.Anagnoson and Kinton, piano duo. ; $12(sr/st). P; 12:00 noon: Music for a Summer Noon.Suzanne Shulman, flute; Anssi Karttunen, cello;Madawaska String Quartet; Leslie Kinton, GlenMontgomery, piano. ; (sr/st). P; 2:00:Music Scores for Adults. Christos Hatzis &Jim Ferris connect you with 21st centurycomposers through guided listening torecordings. Free; 7:30: Music for a SummerEvening. James Ehnes, violin; James Campbell,clarinet; James McKay, bassoon; JamesSommerville, horn; Steven Dann, viola; RomanBorys, cello; Joel Quarrington, double bass;James Parker, piano; Anagnoson & Kinton,piano duo. ,; ,(sr/st). P3 11 :OOam: Music From the Inside Out. JamesCampbell hosts a discussion on Messiaen'sQuartet for the End ofTime. Free; 12:00 noon:Music for a Summer Noon: Messiaen: Ouartetfor the End of Time. James Campbell, clarinet;Gryphon Trio. ; (sr/st). P; 6:00:Overture: Music, Mozart and Film. ChristosHatzis & George Bloomfield discuss filmMozart Loves Me. Free; 7:30:Music foraSummer Evening. James Ehnes, violin; JamesSommerville, horn; Glen Montgomery, piano;Festival Orchestra; Festival Winds. ,;4 10:30am: Children's Workshop: Open Ears,Open Minds. Amanda Gibley director; UstadShahwali, instructor. $ 5; 12:00 noon: FamilyConcert. Children from workshop, with UstadShahwali. Free; 7:30:Jazz Canada: Blues &Gospel & Jazz. Michael Dunston, vocals; GailBerry, Lorraine Scott. backup vocals; BernieSenensky, piano; John Johnson, saxophone;Steve McDade, trumpet; Ben Riley, drums;Brian Legere, guitar; Dave Young, bass..; ,. p5 2:00:HomeFree: World Music. George Gao,erhu (China); Muna Mingole, vocalist (the BlueFlame of Cameroon); Ustad Shahwali, singer/instrumentalist (Afghanistan). ,;,(sr/st). P; 7:30: Swing, Swing, Swing.Swing Shift Big Band; Jim John, bandleader;Dave Statham & Larisa Renee, vocals..; ,(sr/st). P6 7:00: Sunset on the Bay Musical Cruise, on theIsland Oueen: Jazz Standards and the Blues.Michael Dunston, vocals; Bernie Senensky,piano; Dave Young, bass; Ben Riley, drums; JohnJohnson, saxophone. . Town Dock, 9 BaySt.7 8:00: Just Gene & Jim at Manitou. GeneDiNovi & James Campbell. Inn and Tennis Clubat Manitou. .8 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning.James Campbell, clarinet; Anne Robert, violin;Graham Oppenheimer, viola; Stephane Lemelin,piano. ; $12(sr/st). P; 12:00 noon: Musicfor a Summer Noon: German Romantics.TrioHochelaga. ; (sr/st). P; 2:00: MusicScores for Adults. Jim discusses this week'schamber music. Free; 7:30: Music for aSummer Evening. Natalya Kraevsky, soprano;Pittsburgh Piano Trio; St. Lawrence StringQuartet. .; ,(sr/st). P9 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning.Stephane Lemelin, piano. ; $12(sr/st). P;12:00 noon: Music for a Summer Noon:Russian Romantics. Natalya Kraevsky, soprano;Pittsburgh Piano Trio. ; (sr/st). P; 6:00:Overture: Chamber Music Treasures. JeffreyStokes explores this week's chamber music.Free; 7:30: Music for a Summer Evening.James Campbell, clarinet; Chris Costanza, cello;St. Lawrence String Quartet; StephenPrutsman, piano. ,; ,(sr/st). P10 10:30am: Music for a Summer Morning:Morning Colours. Beverley Johnston,percussion; Jennifer Orchard, violin; Mikhaillstomin, cello. ; $12(sr/st). P; 12:00 noon:Music for a Summer Noon: FrenchMasterpieces. Graham Oppenheimer, viola; TrioHochelaga. ; (sr/st). P; 2:00: MusicScores for Adults. Jim Ferris discusseslistening to classical music. Free; 7:30: Musicfor a Summer Evening. Jennifer Orchard, violin;Graham Oppenheimer, viola; Mikhail lstomin,cello; Paul Marleyn, cello; Pittsburyh Piano Trio;St. Lawrence String Quartet; StephenPrutsman, piano. ,; ,(sr/st). P11 12:00 noon: Family Concert: Strings Acrossthe Sky. Andrea Hansen, with students from theParry Sound area. Free; 7:30: Music for aSummer Evening. James Campbell, clarinet;Graham Oppenheimer, viola; Stephen Prutsman,piano; Beverley Johnston, percussion; St.Lawrence String Quartet; Trio Hochelaga;Pittsburgh Piano Trio. ,; ,(sr/st).P; 1 O:OOpm: After Hours: Buster Keaton ImSherlock Junior. Music by Stephen Prutsman,played by the St. Lawrence String Quartet andPrutsman. $12; O(st/st); free(with ticket toEvening Concert). P12 2:00: Music for a Sunday Afternoon. GeoffNuttall, violin; Jennifer Orchard, violin; AnneRobert, violin; Scott St. John, violin; FestivalOrchestra. ,; ,(sr/st). PFestival Orford819-843-3981, 800-567-6155 x244www.arts-orford.orgCentre d'arts Orford, Orford , Quebec819-876-5851, 888-876-5851July 6 - August 12Tickets unless noted othervvise: -;(st.13-25); (ch 5-12).3- & 5-Concert Subscriptions, Season Tickets,Passports, Group Rates, Concert & DinnerPackagesJuly 4 - August 8also: Free concerts by students of theAcademy of Music, Beaux Concerts de laReleve Galaxie CBC () (Tues. & Thurs.), andClassic Blue Tuesdays (Students from theOrford Arts Centre's Academy) Jul 3-Aug 28at12:00 noon, (incl guided tour)FrancoFolies de Montreal514-876-8989, 888-444-9114www.francofolies.comJuly 26 · August 5World's biggest francophone block party, 11 days& nights of international rhythms, from rock toelectronica to hip hop. See web site for details.Glimmerglass Opera607-547-2255www.glimmerglass.orgCooperstown, New York, USAJuly 7 - August 28Opera .50 · 7.00 (discounts available).m =matinees (Sat: 1 :30, Sun-Tue: 2:00),evenings (8:00)Jacques Offenbach. Orpheus in the UnderworldJul 7, 9m, 15m, 24m, 29m, Aug 2, 4m, 7m, 10,13m, 18, 26m.Christoph Willibald Gluck/Hector Berlioz OrpMeet Eurydice. Jul 8m, 14, 22m, Aug 3, 6m, 9,11 m, 19m (3:00; very limited), 25, 28m.Claudio Monteverdi. l 'Orfeo. Jul 28, 30m, Aug5m (3:00; sold out), 11, 14m, 17, 20m, 23,25m.Philip Glass. Orph!fe. Jul 21, 23m, 31m, Aug 4,12m16, 18m,21m24, 27m.Franz Joseph Haydn. l 'Anima de/ Fi/osofo (Orteaed Euridice). Concert Performances. Aug 5 & 19:11 :OOam; very limited.Guelph Jazz Festival519-763-4952www.guelphjazzfestival.comSeptember 5-9; see September ConcertListings for details.September 5- 7; see web site for Guelph JazzFestival Colloquium "People Get Ready" TheFuture of Jazz is Now!, Macdonald Stewart ArtCentre, University of GuelphHarbourfront Centre/RBC WorldRoutes Summer Festivals 2007416-973-4000www.hamourfrontcentre.comThemed music weekends June 29 toSeptember 3, in and around York Quay Centre,235 Queens Quay West. 200 + concertperformances complemented by dance, film, food,theatre, visual arts, craft sales, workshops & funfilledhands-on activities for festival lovers of allages.All events free. For all festivals, see HarlJourfrontweb site for details.38www.THEWHOLENOTE.COMJ ULY 1 - SEPTEMB ER 7 2007

J U LY 1 - SEPTEMB ER 7 2007WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COMJune 29 - July 2: Generations: Canada DayGlobal performances by emerging creators &established artists explore our diversity, July 1focus on Canadian history, dance performance,theatre, film & music from across Canada.BR Brigantine RoomCS Concert StageLT Lakeside TerraceL TT Lakeside Terrace TentST Studio TheatreTSS Toronto Star StageJuly1 12:DD noon: Swearing in Ceremony. BR;1 :DD: Melis Fiddler quartet w/ Lawrence Houle("Teddy Boy") and Jimmy Flett. TSS; 1 :3D:Balloonroom Dancing (children). LT; 1 :3D:Generations: True Patriot Love - LIFT (liaison ofIndependent Filmmakers of Toronto). ST; 2:DD:Digging Roots. CS; 2:DD: The Great CanadianBBQ. L TT; 3:DD: Freelance Rhythm (dance).TSS; 3:3D: Amanda Martinez. CS; 4:3D:Gathered in the Light Canadian Short Stories(theatre). BR; 4:3D: Sir Jerry (music for allages). TSS; 5:3D: Melis Fiddle Workshop. LT;6:3D: Generations: True Patriot Love- LIFT(Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto).ST; 6:3D: African Dance Workshop. TSS;8:DD: Do Make Say Think. CS; 9:3Dpm: FinalFantasy (aka Owen Pallett). CS; Comedy Lounge. BR2 1:DD:TheGreat Canadian BBQ. LTT; 2:DD:Tum on the Tap (dance). TSS; 3:DD: AndyPalacio & the Garifuna Collective. CS; 4:DD:AIM (the Association of Improvising MusiciansToronto). TSS; 4:3D: Pepsi Concert· LosMunequito De Matanzas. CSJuly 6 - 8: Beats, Breaks & CulturePresented by NOW; tour the history of electronicfllJsic, starting with its roots in soul, funk andjazz; listen in on the present, then continue tothe future, where electronic music interminglesand meshes with contemporary global sounds.See web site for information on workshops,multi·media, dance, film, & other events.July6 7:DD: Man with a Movie Camera, filmfeaturing score by Cinematic Orchestra; TorontoPremiere. ST; 8:DD: Kieran Hebden(experimental electronica & drumming) & SteveReid CS; 9:DDpm: Cinematic Orchestra CS;11 :DDpm: Do Right Music Required ListeningSession One: Vancity to T.O. BR; 11:DDpm:John Kameel Farah (double·manual harpsichord,electric piano, electronics, computer),Vitaminsforyou LT7 2:DD: King Sunshine CS; 3:DD: Felix & GaniTSS; 3:3D: Agape featuring Nadia Harris CS;8:DD: Plaster CS; 9:3Dpm: Shout Out Out OutOut CS; 11 :DDpm: Upper Class RecordsShowcase featuring Cadence Weapon, RussianFuturists and Canseco BR; 11:DDpm:INTERFACE with Sumkidz LT8 2:DD: DJ Ray Prasad TSS; 3:DD: Jeff MilliganTSS; 3:DD: Spam All Stars CS; 4:3D: DJDolores & Aparelahgem CSJuly 13 - 15: World RhythmsMusical showcase unites four comers of theglobe, instruments & icons from around the worlddemonstrate how music is the universal language;also features food, dance and visual arts fromaround the world. Sa-Ra Creative Partners(futuristic funk mash-up), Motown guitar GodDennis Coffey, Nuno Christo (musician & worldinstrument craftsman demos Mbira, Berimbau,Sintar, & Cavaquinho), Caroline Ishii and GreggLewis of Zen Kitchen (slow food movement),Beyond the Pale (cross-culturally influencedklezmer), Global Rhythms of the Feet (little PearCollective, Tum on the Tap).July 2D - 22: Dim Sum Chinese FestivalChinese-Canadian artists offer dance, food demos,theatre performances & visual art, traditional &contemJXJrary Ctinese art and culture. Bi Gu YunIN.A. premiere of 77 year old Peking OperaMaster), A Moving Sound (fusion of Taiwanese,Chinese & Asian musical ideas), Chi 2 (Moby'sstring section & electronic & violin assaultspecialists), Julia Kwan (screening & Q&A),Battle of the Lion Clans (martial art competition)_July 27 - 29: Global Hip Hop: The FourElements. Presented by NOW, focus on the massglobal impact of Hip Hop culture in music, art,politics & lifestyle, roots encompassingelectronic music, tablas, djembes, rock, soul, funk& R&B, examining the culture with workshopsand discussions. Nomadic Massive (culturallydiverse rhyme collective with message ofuniversal understanding), Telmary (Cuban poetess/rapper, blend of funk, hip hop, salsa & Cuban jazzw/ live band), Wild Style 25 (celebrating 25thanniversary of film's release, screening & concertw/ Busy Bee, Grand Wizard Theodore & more),FreeStyle urban dance & DJ competition.August3-6: lslandSoulRepresentation of the broad spectrum & historyfrom the Pan-Caribbean Diaspora, with fooddemonstrations, music performances fromrenowned ska, reggae, soca, calypso and zoukartists. Barrington Levy (Jamaican singer),Calypso Dreams (Black Stalin, Lord Superior,Singing Sandra, Valentino & more), Latin UrbanDance & Culture Showcase, History of Jamaican& Caribbean Dance (Baby Boys & more).August 1 D -12: Hot & Spicy Food FestivalLocal, international and celebrity chefs dish upspicy cuisine; workshops, panel discussions &tutored tastings to educate visitors about allthings food. Red Hot Grandmothers CulinaryStage (traditions, stories & recipes), Afro Reggae(Brazilian rhythms), Mi Young Kim DanceCompany (fusion of Korean drumming & dance),10 years of Hot & Spicy, Hot & Spicy Iron ChefCompetition, Tutored Tastings for Kids (SugarMountain with candy-covered bugs)August 17 - 19: Filipinos Making WavesCo-produced with Philippine Arts & CulturalExperience (PACE), exploration of the Philippinesthrough food, dance, music (latino & ballroom) &traditional crafts. Features Filipino film premieresand theatrical presentations. PalabunyanKulintang Ensemble (melodic rhythms using gongsin a row), Ati-atihan group (from Province ofAklan), Banda Kawayan (18-~ece bambooorchestra), Fluvial regatta (recreates Philippines'river parades).August 24- 26: Taiwan: /Iha Formosa (BeautifulIsland}: Elaborate digital & visual artpresentations, puppet shows, music, &International Noodle Fair. Chef Chen & Chef Liu(noodle champions), DIGlart@e Taiwan (digitalizedartistry), Kaohsiung City (multi-faceted exhibition),Gina Lin (singer/songwriter in English, French &Mandarin), Bossa Nova (Magic Show &Harmonica).August 31 - September 3: Ukrainian labavaFeatures actual traditional Ukrainian wedding,complete with cultural rituals, music & dance.Separate live music performances, food, arts &crafts. Dleh Skrypka & Le Grand Orchestra (jazz& ethno-disco). Ephyra (Eastern Europeaninfluenced hard rockers), Desna Ukrainian DanceCompany (tradition & contemporary vision),Ryshnyky Arts Exhibition (wedding towels andcostumes).CONTINUES NEXT>,;, ~~~~wJfa1cJO H N A . MILLER. ART I ST I C rRODlTCERJULY 25 TO AUGUST 19, 2007TICKETS 1.800 .567.1600 I s

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