Mariposa Folk Festival705-329-2333www.mariposafolk.comT udhope Park, OrilliaJuly6 · 8Weekend pass: ; (17-24); free(16 &under, with adult)July 6: ; July 7: ; July 8: Mainstage performers:July6 Dave Gunning, Cuff The Duke, The Sa dies,Serena Ryder, Hawksley Workman and theWolves7 Jill Barber, Genticorum, The Good Brothers,Susan Aglukark, Don Mclean8 David Celia, Amy Millan, Madrigaia, The Bills,Gordon LightfootAdditional performers: Amanda Martinez, AngelaDesveaux, Bram Taylor, Chuck Baker & PeteArbour, David Bradstreet, David Woodhead, DixieFlyers, Don Bray, Greg Hobbs, Joelle Roy, LanceAnderson, Little Birdie, Matt Andersen, NeilLefaive and La Gang, Njacko Backo, Pat Robitaille,Robert Wilson, Ron Nigrini, Ross Neilsen, StephHill, Tamara Podemski, The Fates, TheKempencelts, Wayne Petti. See web site forcomplete listing & schedule.Markham Jazz Festival905-471-5299www.markhamjaufestival.comAugust 17 -19; see website for detailsAugust19 12:30: The Flying Bu/gars: Traditional YiddishTunes, Original Repertoire, Material fromForthcoming 20th Anniversary Album. DavidWall, vocals; David Buchbinder, trumpet; PeterLutek, clarinet/reeds; Tania Gill, piano; VictorBateman, bass; Frank Botos, drums. Free.Millennium BandstandMill Race Festival of TraditionalFolk Music519-622-2336, Cambridge, many venuesAugust 3 - 5 free.Belles of York, Cambridge Splinters, Charlie,Crumbly the Clown, Dixie Flyers, Doug Eunson &Sarah Matthews, Eileen McGann, Enoch Kent,Faille, The Green Man, Gypsy Jive Band, Hair ofthe Dog, Ian Bell, Leigh Cline Pantie Music Group,Les Chauffeurs a pieds, Orange Peel Morris, PhilElsworthy, Rukanas, Russell Clayton, SarahLongwing, Sheesham & Lotus, Spraoi, SteafanHannigan & Saskia Tomkins, Stuart Fraser,Tanglefoot, Toronto Morris Men, Turkey Rhubarb,Whirly Gig, Zoe the Clown.arts & crafts, children's stage, rain or shineMusic at Port Milford Chamber MusicFestival61 3-476-7647www.mpmcamp.orgFestival pass: ; (st)OTP "on the Porch" at Port MilfordSB South Bay Church, RR 1, MilfordSM St. Mary Magdalene Church, 335 Main St.,PictonJuly27 8:00: The A/can String Ouartet. ;$10(st). SM28 2:00: Student Concert: Choral, Chamber &Orchestral Free. OTPAugust3 8:00: The TokaiStringOuartet. ; $10(st).SM4 2:00: Student Concert: Choral, Chamber &Orchestral. Free. SB10 8:00: The TokaiStringlluartet. ; $10(st).SM11 2:00: Student Concert: Choral, Chamber &Orchestral Free. OTP17 8:00: MPM Faculty. $ 25; O(st). SM18 2:00: Student Concert: Choral, Chamber &Orchestral Free. SMMuskoka Lakes Music Festival705-765-1048, 888·311-2787www.artsinmuskoka.comThe CENTRE, 3 Bailey St., Port CarlingJuly 5 - August 14Toronto All Star Big Band, John Arpin, DavidFrancey, Ian Thomas .. Fred Eaglesmith, TheBebop Cowboys, Jack Hutton and Friends,Patricia O'Ca//aghan, Jennifer Tung 4Hands.The Toronto Consort.Niagara InternationalChamber Music Festival905468-5566, 877-687-3378www.niagaramusicfest.comSingle Concert: ; Musical Mornings: ;JauAfterPlay, Showcase of Young Virtuosos:$10; Students with ID: ; Top 6(any 6concerts): $125; Top 1 O(any 10 concerts): 5.ER Epicurean Restaurant. 84 Queen St., Niagaraon-the-LakeLR Loyalist Room, Queen's Landing, 155 ByronSt., Niagara-on-the-LakeMC Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre, 7021Stanley Ave., Niagara FallsMR Market Room, Court House, 26 Queen St.,Niagara-on-the-LakePH Pumphouse Visual Art Centre, 247 RicardoSt., Niagara-on-the-LakePW Peller Estates Winery, 290 John St. East,Niagara-on-the-LakeSA St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 342Simcoe St., Niagara-on-the-LakeSM St. Mark's Anglican Church, 41 Byron St.,Niagara.on-the-LakeJuly23 7:30: Opening Gala. Angel Zhou, piano; JulianMilkis, clarinet; James Hiscott, accordion; BoraKim, Alis Bankas, Valeriy Varona, violins;Richard Moore, drums; Orchestra of St. Mark's,Daniel Swift. conductor. . SM25 7:30: Music at Historic Churches: BeethovenEvening. Shoko Inoue, piano; Atis Bankas, violin;Elspeth Poole, cello. . SM26 7:30: Music and Wine: On The Edge of Jazz!. Igor Raykhelson, piano; A tis Bank as, violin;Elspeth Poole, cello. . LR27 2:00: Open Rehearsal of Mozart StringOuartet K. 499: Behind the scenes of music.Festival Strings. Free. PH; 7:30:Niagara PocketOpera and Cabaret: Puccini's Madame Butterfly(Raymond luedeke's pocket opera version ofAct/}. Rebecca Whelan, Natalie Rogerson,sopranos; Darryl Edwards, tenor; JonOsbaldeston, actor, Sandra Mogensen, piano;Elspeth Poole, cello; Kamel Wolak, clarinet; RieWatanabe, violin. $ 25. PH; 10:15pm:JAllafterPLA Y.· John Sherwood Presents.The Alastair Robertson Trio. $10. ER28 11 :OOam: Musical Mornings with Mozart:Music and Wine: Mozart Flute & StringOuartets. Camille Watts, flute; Festival Strings:Rie Watanabe, George Cleland, violins; NatashaSharko, viola; Gordon Cleland, cello. . PW;7:30: Music at Historic Churches: Anton Kuerti,piano: Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, & More.. SM; 10:15pm: JAllafterPLA Y: JohnSherworxf Presents. John Sherwood and DaveYoung. $10. ERCONTINUES NEXT PAGEMUSIC AT PORT MILFORDMPM FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES 2007Tokai String QuartetVisit "The County" andexperience world classchamber music in a locationknown for its exquisitebeaches, historic homes, biketours, antiques, local artistsand exciting new vineyards.Friday nights at 8:00 PMSt. Mary Magdalene Church, Picton OntarioTHE ALCAN STRING QUARTET, JULY 27THE TOKAI STRING QUARTET, AUGUST 3THE TOKAI STRING QUARTET, AUGUST 10PORT MILFORD FACULTY, AUGUST 17Tickets: /Students $10; Festival pass /Students Tickets available at door orBooks on the Bay, Picton; Quinte Arts Council, Bellevilleand Grande Theatre, KingstonInformation: 613-476-7647sustainingsponsorAt•