... Festival Listings (continued)29 10:15am: Musical Morning with Mozart:Mozart Opera Arias. Julia Dawson, soprano;David English, bass-baritone; Sandra Mogensen,piano. . MR; 2:00: Niagara Pocket Operaand Cabaret: Puccini's Madame Butterfly(Raymond luedeke's pocket opera version ofAct!}. Rebecca Whelan, Natalie Rogerson,sopranos; Vanya Abrahams, tenor. KomelWolak, clarinet; Jon Osbaldeston, actor; FestivalEnsemble: Rie Watanabe, violin; NatashaSharko viola; Elspeth Poole, cello; SandraMogenson, piano. . LR; 7:30: Music andWine: On the Edge of Jazz 2. Julian Milkis,clarinet; Nina Kogan, ~ano; A tis Bankas, violin;Bob Mills, bass; Richard Moore, drums. .LR30 12:00noon: Showcase of Young Virtuosos:Schumann & ligeti String Ouartets.Participants of SUNY (Fredonia) QuartetProgram: Anna Williams, Gregory Tompkins,violins; Laura de St Croix, viola; Jonathan Vetter,cello. $10. MR; 2:00: Stravinsky's l 'histoire duSoldat (A Soldier's Tale}. A tis Bankas, violin;Julian Milkis, clarinet; Nina Kogan, piano;William Vickers, Blair Williams, actors;Christopher Newton, narrator. . MR; 7:30:Shaw and Music-English Composers:Stanford, Bax, Scott. Gould String Quartet: A tisBankas, Rie Watanabe, violins; Natasha Sharko,viola; Tiemour Sadykhov, cello; KristenTheriault, harp; Christopher Newton, narrator.. MRAugust1 7:30: Glenn Gould and Chamber Music -Celebrating the 15th Birthday: Haydn, Brahms,Strauss. Robert Silverman, piano; ChristopherNewton, narrator. . SM2 7:30: Musical Bridges· From Both Siles of theRiver: Czerny & Beethoven Ouartets.CanAmerata Quartet: Atis Bankas, AntoineLefebvre, violins; Rie Watanabe, viola; RomanMekinulov, cello. . SA3 2:00: Musical Bridges · A New Day. JuliaDawson, soprano; Michael Broder, baritone;Barbara Croall, native flutes; CanAmerataQuartet: Atis Bankas, Antoine Lefebvre, violins;Rie Watanabe, viola; Roman Mekinulov, cello.. PH; 7:30: Niagara Pocket Opera arKICabaret: Tango Cabaret. Ilona Tango, AndyKamiensky, dancers; Nelson Lohnes, baritone;John Lettieri, accordion; Simon Wynberg, guitar.Atis Bankas, Rie Watanabe, violins; NatashaSharko, viola; Elspeth Poole, cello. . PH;10:15pm:JAllafterPLA Y: John SherwoodPresents. The Warren Stirtzinger Trio. $10. ER4 11 :OOam: Musical Mornings with Mozart:Music and Wine: Mozart Flute & StringOuartets. Douglas Miller, flute; Festival Strings:Rie Watanabe, violin; George Cleland, NatashaSharko, violas; Gordon Cleland, cello. . PW;7:30: Musical Bridges· From the Other Side ofthe River T:Borodin&Schubert StringOuartets. Bravo Quartet: Ansgarius Aylward,Jaqueline Galluzzo, violins; Valerie Heywood,viola; Roman Mekinulov, cello. . SM;10:15: JAllafterPLA Y.· John SherwoodPresents. John Sherwood and The JazzExpress. $10. ER5 10: 15am: Musical Mornings with Mozart:Mozart Express: Salzburg-Munich-Vienna.Sandra Mogensen, piano. . MR; 2:00:Music at Historic Churches: Italian Feast. KomelWolak, clarinet; Atis Bankas, violin; PeterDeSoto, violin/tenor; Alexander Sevastian,accordion; Festival Strings: Rie Watanabe, violin;George Cleland, Natasha Sharko, violas; GordonCleland, cello. . MC; 7:30: Music and Wine:Brazilian Ball. Sebnem Mekinulov, soprano;Roman Mekinulov, cello; Alexander Mekinulov,piano; A tis Bankas, violin. . LR6 12:00noon: Showcase of Young Virtuosos.Grace Lee, piano, Christopher Siu, piano; JuliaMirzoev, violin; Students of the Niagara FestivalAcademy. $10. MR; 2:00: Musical Bridges -From the Other Side of the River 2: Mozart,Grieg, Dvorak. Buffalo Philharmonic Quartet:Alan Ross, Diana Sachs, violins; NataliePiskorsky, viola; Feng Hew, cello. . MR;7:30: Shaw and Music -Shaw on Grieg. MarieFischer, soprano; Elspeth Poole, cello; SandraMogensen, piano; James Mainprize, narrator.. MR8 7:30: Glenn Gould and Chamber Music· GlennGould & J.S. Bach: Two Musics in Mind (playby Christopher Dawes}. Christopher Dawes,Peter Tiefenbach, organ/actor. . SA9 7:30: Music and Wine: Norwegian KitchenParty. Monica Whicher, soprano; Atis Bankas,violin; Peter Tiefenbach, Robert Kortgaard,piano. . LR10 7:30: Niagara Pocket Opera and Cabaret -luedeke's I Confess, I Have lived. OlenkaSlywynska, mezzo-soprano; Darryl Edwards,tenor; Barbara Worthy, actress; JonOsbaldeston, actor, Festival Ensemble: RieWatanabe, violin; Natasha Sharko, viola; ElspethPoole, cello; Sandra Mogenson, piano. . PH;10: 15: JAllafterPLA Y.-John SherwoodPresents. Un Poco Latino. $10. ER11 11 :OOam: Musical Mornings with Mozart -Music and Wine: Mozart String Quartets. GouldString Quartet: Atis Bankas, Rie Watanabe,violins; Natasha Sharko, viola; TeimourSadykhov, cello. . PW; 2:00: Glenn Gouldand Chamber Music· The Menuhin/GouldProgram: Bach, Beethoven, Schoenberg. A tisBankas, violin; Alexander Sokol, piano. . PH;7:30: Glenn Gould and Chamber Music· So YouWant to Write a Fugue? -Debussy& Strauss.Marie Fischer, soprano; Komel Wolak, clarinet;Sandra Mogensen, piano; Gould String Quartet:Atis Bankas, Rie Watanabe, violins; NatashaSharko, viola; Teimour Sadykhov, cello. .SM; 10:15: JAllafterPLA Y: John SherwoodPresents. The Doug Mundy trio. $10. ER12 11 :00: Musical Mornings with Mozart -Mozart's Vienna: Beethoven & Mozart. BoraKim, violin; Benedict Park, Cissy Zhou, ~ano.. MR; 2:00: Music at Historic Churches:Salve Regina -Sacred Music. Marie Fischer,soprano; Festival Strings: Rie Watanabe, violin;George Cleland, Natasha Sharko, violas; GordonCleland, cello. . MC; 7:30: Music and Wine:French Harp. Kristen Theriault, harp; Zvi Zeitlin,violin; Festival Strings: Rie Watanabe, violin;George Cleland, Natasha Sharko, violas; GordonCleland, cello. . LR13 12:00noon: Showcase of Young Virtuosos:Mozart, Schumann, Chopin. Daniel Milkis, violin;Eli Karpinsky, piano. $10. MR; 2:00:Stravinsky's l 'histoire du Soldat (A Soldier'sTale}. A tis Bankas, violin; Julian Milkis, clarinet;Nina Kogan, piano; William Vickers, BlairWilliams, actors; Christopher Newton, narrator.. MR; 7:30: Shaw and Music: Shaw onElgar. Christopher Newton, narrator; HeatherConner, piano; Gould String Quartet: AtisBankas, Rie Watanabe, violins; Natasha Sharko,viola; Tiemour Sadykhov, cello. . MR14 7:30:A Stop on the Silk Road. Franghiz AlZadeh, piano; V. Kerimov, tenor, Azerbaijani FolkEnsemble; Gould String Quartet; Festival42 WWW. THEWHO LENOTE. COMOrchestra, lsmayil Hajiev, conductor. . SM15 7:30: Glenn Gould and Chamber Music:Happy Birthday, Glenn!Zvi Zeitlin, violin; LeonieWall, flute; Heather Conner, Alexander Sokol,piano; Gould String Quartet; Festival Strings.. SMOshawa Jazz and Blues Festival800-576-1086www.oshawajazzandbluesfestival.comMultiple venues, Oshawa I Lake ScugogArtisans' Alley (local artists & craftspeople), theSide Stage (local jazz & blues performers),Rogers kids area.August 6-12many concerts and eventssee website for detailsOttawa Bluesfest613-247-1188, 888-258-3748www.ottawabluesfest.caLeBreton Flats venues and DowntownvenuesRideau Centre Acoustic Series, 50 Rideau St.Free.Passports include general admission to all on-siteshows for the applicable period. (youth 18 &under wl 10); 5(festival); 0(festivaltransferable); (3-day[Jul 6-8or13-15]);5(4-day[Jul 5-8]).July4- 15Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, George Thorogoaf &The Oestroyers,Manu Chao, The White Stripes,Hedley, George Clinton & theP-Funk All Stars,Steve Miller Band, Blue Rodeo, INXS, KanyeWest, Solid Gold Dance PartyOttawa InternationalChamber Music Festival613-234-8008www.chamberfest.comASC All Saints Anglican Church, 317 Chapel St.CBC CBC Sparks Street StudioCCC Christ Church Cathedral, 420 Sparks St.CMS Canadian Museum of Civilization Theatre,100 Laurier St., Hull QCDC Dominion-Chalmers United Church, 355Cooper St.FBC First Baptist Church, 140 Laurier Ave.WestFH Freiman Hall, Perez Bldg., University ofOttawa, 610 Cumberland St.MS McLeod-Stewarton United Church, 507Bank St.NG National Gallery of Canada AuditoriumOCCH future site of the Ottawa CommunityConcert Hall, 150 Elgin St.RH Grounds of Rideau Hall, 1 Sussex Dr.SAP St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 82 KentSt.SJE Church of St. John the Evangelist, 154Somerset St. WestSMA St. Matthew's Anglican Church, 130GlebeAve.UB Under Plaza Bridge, east of the National WarMemorialFestival Passport: ; (st). All but 12 PassPlus concerts, which require Pass-Plus Ticket aswell.3-Day Pass: ; (st). All on threeconsecutive days but Pass-Plus concerts, whichrequire Pass-Plus Ticket as well.Pass-Plus Ticket - vvith Festival Passport or 3-Day Pass: ; without: + Single.Single Concert Ticket (door only): ; O(st).Reserved Section Ticket (Ticketmaster only, byday before)- regular concert: ; Pass-Plusconcert: .Group discounts available.July21 8:00: Gala Opening Concert. Angela Hewitt,piano; Daniel Muller-Schott, cello. Pass Plus,Piano Pass. DC22 1:00:Norteno: TangoNuevo. Free. RH;2:00:Daydreams and lullabies. Wallis Giunta, mezzosoprano;Todd Yaniw, Tristan Lauber, piano;Renee-Paule Gauthier, Janis Bales, violins; JeanPhilippe Tremblay; viola; Amelie Fradette, cello.CCC; 4:00: Duo Similia. Sergei Salov, piano;Jinjoo Cho, violin; Julie Nesrallah, soprano;Caroline Leonardelli, harp. Free. RH; 8:00: YegorDyachkov, cello, and Jean Saulnier, piano. SJE;8:00: Galaxie Rising Stars Gala Concert. SergeiSalov, piano; Duo Similia; David Eggert, cello;Jinjoo Cho, violin; Anne-Julie Caron, marimba;Wallis Giunta, mezzo-soprano; Cecilia StringQuartet. DC; 8:00: Art of the Fugue. ThomasAnnand, harpsichord. SAP23 1 O:OOam: Coffee Concert: Imo/a Pianists I.Alessandro T avema, piano. DC; 12:00 noon:Studio Sparks. CBC; 12:00 noon: Jinjoo Cho,violin, and Richard Raymond, piano. SJE; 12:00noon: Cecilia String Ouartet. FBC; 2:00: PianoFour-Hands: Grieg and Schumann. Louis Lortie,Helene Mercier, piano. DC; 2:00: YoungPeople's Concert: Meet the Double Bass!Marjolaine Laroche & friends. ASC; 5:00:Jasper Wood, violin, and David Jalbert, piano.SJE; 8:00: music a intima: Five Centuries ofSacred Music. SAP; 8:00: Angela Hewitt,piano. Pass Plus, Piano Pass. DC; 8:00: AnneJulie Caron, marimba. SJE24 1 O:OOam:/mo/a Pianists 11-1: Grieg lyricPieces & More. Philippe Ivanov, piano. DC;11 :15am: Imo/a Pianists 11-2: Grieg lyric Pieces& More. Ben Schoeman, piano. DC; 12:00noon: Studio Sparks. CBC; 12:00 noon:Under the Bridge: Duo Similia. Duo Similia Free.UB; 12:30: Imo/a Pianists 11-3: Grieg lyricPieces & More. Orazio Sciortino, piano. DC;1 :45: Imo/a Pianists 11-4: Grieg lyric Pieces &More. Jean-Philippe Sylvestre, piano. DC; 2:00:Workshop on Chinese Music w/ Red Chamber.Mei Han, zheng (zither); Guilian Liu, pipa (lute).FH; 3:00: Imo/a Pianists 11-5: Grieg lyric Pieces& More. Yingjia Xue, piano. DC; 8:00: StephaneLemelin, piano. SAP; 8:00: Beethoven StringOuartets I. Moscow String Quartet. Pass Plus,Beethoven Pass. DC; 8:00:musica intima:Secular Music. SJE25 12:00noon:StudioSparks. CBC; 12:00noon: Duke Trio. DC; 2:00: Peter and the Wolfand Other Tales. Ayorama Wind Quintet; TBA,narrator. CMS; 5:00: Music of Israel. GuyYehuda, clarinet; Jimmy Briere, piano; ReneePaule Gauthier, violin; Margaret MunroTobolowska, cello. CCC; 8:00: Mary andDavid's 50th Anniversary Concert. GryphonTrio. DC; 8:00: Red Chamber Celebrates China.CMS; 8:00: Panache: Music for Voice andHarp. Julie Nesrallah, mezzo-soprano; CarolineLeonardelli, harp. SJE26 12:00 noon: Studio Sparks. CB_C; 12:00noon: Songs of Travel. Michiel Schrey, tenor;Pamela Reimer, piano. SJE; 12:00: Brahms andDvorak: Giants of music, letters of friends.Gryphon Trio; Colin Fox, narrator. CCC; 2:00:Young People's Concert: Rythmo-Synchro. ASC;4:00: Master Class with Andre Laplante. FH;5:00: Steven Dann and Friends. Mark Fewer,Renee-Paule Gauthier, violins; Kenneth Slowick,Anssi Karttunen, cellos; Steven Dann, viola.SAP; 7:30: I Feel the Air of Another Planet:The Chamber Music of Arnold Schoenberg.Moscow String Quartet; Peter McGillivray,baritone/reciter; Martha Guth, soprano; JocelynJULY 1 - S EPTEM BER 7 2007
Dueck, Valerie Dueck, Stephane Lemelin, piano;Thomas Annand, organ; Guy Yehuda, clarinet;Leonie Wall, flute; Donnie Deacon, viola;Margaret Munro Tobolowska, cello. CCC;8:00: Melanie Conly, soprano, and PeterLongworth, piano. SJE; 8:00: Mei Han andRandy Raine-Reusch. Mei Han, zl-eng; RandyRaine-Reusch, composer/multi-instrumentalist.CMS; 8:00: Beethoven String Ouartets II.Shanghai Quartet. Pass Plus, Beethoven Pass.DC; 11 :OOpm: Late Night Cello: David Eggert.SJE27 1 O:ODam: Coffee Concert: Steven Dann,viola; Anssi Karttunen, cello; Daniel Bolshoy,guitar. SAP; 12:00 noon: Studio Sparks. CBC;12:00 noon: Young People's Concert:Ensemble Caprice. Sophie Lariviere, recorder;Matthias Maute, recorder/violin; Marie-NathalieLacoursiere, dancer. ASC; 12:00 noon:Shanghai Ouartet: ChinaSong. FBC; 2:00:Russian Masterpieces. Moscow String Quartet;Andre Laplante, piano. SAP; 5:00: EnsembleCaprice: New Music. Matthew Halls,harpsichord; Myron Lutzke, cello. SAP; 8:00:Four Trumpets with Piano and Organ. PaulMerkelo, Jean-Luc Gagnon, Russell Devuyst,Steven van Gulik, trumpets; Marie-HeleneLarouche, piano/organ. SJE; 8:00: Schoenberg'sInternational Legacy: Canadian, Italian andAmerican Apostles. David Thies-Thompson,Noemi Racine-Gaudreault, violins; Sally Benson,viola; Leah Wyber, cello; Rebecca Danard,clarinet; Leonie Wall, flute; Elaine Keillor, piano.CCC; 8:00: Crossings: A Musical Passagefrom West to East. Gryphon Trio; MaryemTollar, vocalist; Simon Shaheen, oud/Arabicviolin; Hugh Marsh, electric violin; JameyHaddad, percussion; Ernie T ollar, winds; LynnKuo, Kathleen Kajioka, violins; MichaelOcchipinti, guitar; Roberto Occhipinti, bass.Pass Plus. DC; 11 :OOpm: Late Night Tango:Norteiio. SJE28 10:00am: Shanghai Quartet Master Class.FH; 12:00 noon: Matthew Halls, harpsichord.SAP; 12:00 noon: Music for Viola, Cello andPiano. Steven Dann, viola; Anssi Karttunen,cello; Peter Longworth, piano. SJE; 2:00: LouisLortie, piano, and Augustin Dumay, violin. PassPlus, Piano Pass. DC; 4:00: Viennese Liederfrom the First Viennese School to the Second.Martha Guth, soprano; Valerie Dueck, JocelynDueck, piano; Rebecca Danard, clarinet. CCC;5:00: Bach's Influence: Kudelka, Taylor andtheTheatre ofEarly Music. Daniel Taylor,countertenor. Adrian Butterfield, violin; LaurenceLemieux, dancer. SJE; 8:00: BerlinPhilhanmonic Wind Quintet. Pass Plus. DC;8:00: The Da Vinci Codex. The Toronto Consort.CCC; 8:00: Classic String Ouartets. St.Lawrence String Quartet. SAP; 11:00pm:Junior Rising Stars Showcase. IsabelleArseneau-Bruneau, trumpet; Suren Barry, piano;Antoine Malette-Chenier; harp. SJE29 2:00: Schoenberg's Pivotal Piano Works.Yoko Hirota, piano. CCC; 2:00: Vienna PianoTrio I. Vienna Piano Trio. SJE; 5:00: CharlesDaniels. Charles Daniels, tenor; Myron Lutzke,cello; Sylvain Bergeron, lute; Matthew Halls,harpsichord. SJE; 8:00: Louis Lortie, piano, andAugustin Dumay, violin II. Pass Plus, PianoPass. DC; 8:00: Brass Banquet. Karen Donnelly,Steven van Gulik, Larry Larson, Manon Lafrance,trumpets; Jill Kirwan, Elizabeth Simpson, horns;Don Renshaw, Colin T raquair, David Martin,Doug Burden, trombones; Nicholas Atkinson,tuba. MS; 8:00: St. Lawrence String Ouartet.SAP30 10:00 am: Coffee Concert: Music fromSweden and Denmark. John Abberger, oboe;Adrian Butterfield, violin; Matthew Halls,harpsichord; Myron Lutzke, cello; Four Centuriesof Bach. SJE; 12:00 noon: Vienna Piano Trio II.SAP; 1 :00: To Think Like a Composer: MichaelDstroff's film on Stephen Hatfield. NG; 2:00:What Makes an Opera a Chamber Opera?Steven Hatfield, lecturer. NG; 2:00: YoungPeople's Concert: Junior Rising StarsShowcase. Isabelle Arseneau-Bruneau, trumpet;Suren Barry, Silvie Cheng, piano; Bryan Cheng,cello; Trio Scherzando; Three An1gos; LaraDeutsch, flute; Antoine Malette-Chenier, harp.DC; 5:00: Vocal Ouartets of Schumann andBrahms. Jaqueline Woodley, soprano; MearaConway, mezzo-soprano; Michiel Schrey, tenor;Alexander Dobson, baritone; Pamela Reimer,piano. SJE; 8:00: From Ukraine with Love. PaulMerkelo, trumpet; Sergei Salov, piano. SAP;8:00: Beethoven String Ouartets Ill. St.Lawrence String Quartet. Pass Plus, BeethovenPass. DC; 8:00: Italian Opera and Song.Mariateresa Margisano, soprano; JudithGinsberg, piano. CCC31 10:00am: Music from Belgium and Spain.Meara Conway, Iris Luypaers, sopranos; LucFowley, guitar; Pamela Reimar, piano. SJE;12:00 noon: Portrait of J.S. Bach. LondonHandel Players. SAP; 12:00 noon: El VientoFlamenco- Hot Summer Flamenco. TBA; 2:00:Alcan String Quartet. SMA; 2:00: Music of theMiddle East. Maryem Tollar Ensemble. CCC;4:00: Flamenco Master Class. FH; 5:00: LeipzigString Quartet. SAP; 7:00: East Village OperaCompany: Ottawa Community Concert HallFundraiser. DCCH; 8:00: Vienna Piano Trio Ill.DC; 11 :OOpm: El Viento Flamenco - FlamencoNights. SJEAugust1 12:00 noon: French Harpsichord Music.Laurence Cummings, harpsichord. SJE; 2:00:Music from the Netherlands. Anne Grimm,soprano; Pamela Reimer, piano. SAP; 5:00:Peter Harvey with Lute and Piano. PeterHarvey, baritone; Sylvain Bergeron, lute; PamelaReimer, piano. SJE; 8:00: Beethoven StringOuartets IV. Leipzig String Quartet. Pass Plus,Beethoven Pass. DC; 8:00: Trio Hochelaga.SAP; 8:00: Music by Ottawa Composers. JeanSebastien Lacombe, vibraphone; Donnie Deacon,David Thies-Thompson, violins; Sally Benson,viola; Leah Wyber, Christian Elliot, cellos;Kimball Sykes, clarinet; Roddy Ellias, AndrewMah, Gary Elliott, guitars; Victor Herbie!,saxophone; Fred Lacroix, piano. CCC2 12:00 noon: Masters of the Lute. MatthewWadsworth, Sylvain Bergeron, lutes. SJE;12:00 noon: Chamber Music of Debussy andBrahms. Alcan Quartet; Kimball Sykes, clarinet.SAP; 2:00: lmpressionisme. Para Arpa:Caroline Leonardelli, Caroline Lizotte, harps.FBC; 5:00: Nancy Argenta, soprano. Theatre ofEarly Music. Pass Plus. CCC; 8:00: LouisLortie, piano. Pass Plus, Piano Pass. DC; 8:00:Beethoven String Ouartets V. Leipzig StringQuartet. Pass Plus, Beethoven Pass. SAP;8:00: Music from Latin America. DanielBolshoy, guitar. FBC; 8:00: East Meets West:New Approaches to Classical Music oflndia.T richy Sankaran, mrdangam (Indian doubleheadeddrum); Suba Sankaran, vocalist}percussion; autorickshaw. SMA; 11:00pm:Late Night Curry. autorickshaw. SMA3 1 O:OOam: Coffee Concert: Portrait of Leclair.London Handel Players. SAP; 12:00 noon:Music from Serbia and Other Eastern EuropeanCountries. Marc Djokic, violin; KyokoHashimoto, piano. SJE; 2:00: Schubert's DieWinterreise. Alexander Dobson, baritone;Yannick Nezet-Seguin, piano. SAP; 5:00:Handel Arias. Nancy Argenta, Agnes Zsigovics,sopranos; Daniel Taylor, countertenor. CharlesDaniels, tenor; Peter Harvey, baritone; Theatreof Early Music. Pass Plus. CCC; 8:00: In theCompany of Angels. Tapestry. SJE; 8:00:Beethoven String Ouartets VI. Leipzig StringQuartet. Pass Plus, Beethoven Pass. SAP;8:00: Sunda Songs: Music from Sumatra.Evergreen Club Contemporary Gamelan; SubaSankaran, Maryem Tollar, Jennifer Moore,vocalists. DC; 11 :OOpm: Portrait of Handel.London Handel Players. SJE4 2:00: Purcell Odes. Nancy Argenta, soprano;James Bowman, Daniel Taylor, countertenors;Charles Daniels, tenor; Peter Harvey, baritone;Theatre of Early Music. Pass Plus. DC; 4:00:Women in Song. Tapestry. SMA; 8:00: GalaClosing Concert: The Festival's Greatest Hits.Theatre of Early Music; Trio Scherzando;various vocalists & instrumentalists. Pass Plus.DCPatria Music Theatre Projectswww.patriamusic.ca705· 7544167Bone Lake, Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve,Haliburton (see web site for directions)$ 75; (sr/st); 0(2 adults, + per under16). Buffet breakfast included.August 28 - September 3 4:00am (dawn): R.Murray Schafer's The Princess of the Stars.Prince Edward County Jazz FestivalProgramming: 6134 76-5421; tickets: 6134 76-8416, 877-4114761www.pec.on.ca/jazzfestMainstage tickets: ; three-concert-ticketpacks: (one ticket for each of three concerts).AM Armoury Mall, PictonBC Bean Counter, PictonBR Barley Room Pub, Waring House, Highway33, Picton. 613-476-7492, 800-6214956.CCC The County Cider Company, Waupoos. 613-476-1022.CR Currah's Restaurant, Picton. 613476-6374.HEW Huff Estates Winery, County Rd 1 &Highway 62. 613-393-1414.HP Hillier Park, HillierHR Harvest Restaurant, PictonMB The Milford Bistro, MilfordMl Merrill Inn, Picton. 613-476-7451.DC Olivia & Co. PictonDG Deno Gallery, Carrying PlacePIG Paper Images Gallery, PictonRT The Regent Theatre, 224 Main St., Picton.613-476-8416.SL Suites-on-the-Lake, Main Street, Wellington.613-399-2407.SMM Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 335 MainSt., PictonUCB United Church, Main Street, BloomfieldWH Waring Hall, Waring House, Highway 33,Picton. 613-4 76-7492, 800-621-4956.* · reservations recommendedAugust16 6:00: *Currah'sJazzDinnerattheCrystalPalace w/ The Canadian Jazz Ouartet. CR;7:00: Don Englert Trio. BR; 8:00: (wine bar7:00): *Bob DeAngelis: Kings of Swing w/vocalist Carol McCartney. . RT; 10:00pm:John Sherwood & Friends: After Hours JamSession. CR17 5:00: *Pre-concertdinnerw/ JoSarjeantTrio & Don Thompson. CR; 6:00: San Murata.DC; 7:00: Peter Smith Trio. BR; 8:00: (winebar 7:00): *Guido Basso w/ Pat LaBarbera &Strings. . RT; 10:00pm:JohnSherwood&Friends: After Hours Jam Session. CR18 12:00 noon: TD Canada Trust TravelingJazz Van: The Dixie Demons. HP; 1 :OD: TDCanada Trust Traveling Jazz Van: The DixieDemons. HEW; 1 :OD:* John Sherwood Trio.SL; 2:00: TD Canada Trust Traveling Jazz Van:The Dixie Demons. UCB; 2:00: OutdoorConcert: Lenny Solomon Trio. AM; 12:00noon: *Meet the Artists: Rob McConnell &Guido Basso. Ml; 5:00: *Pre-concert dinner w/Jo Sarjeant Trio & Oon Thompson. CR; 8:00:Don Englert Trio. BR; 8:00: (wine bar 7:00):Oliver Jones Trio. . RT; 1 O:OOpm:JohnSherwood & Friends: After Hours Jam Session.CR19 10:30am: Jazz Service. Rev Tim Elliott,Brian Barlow Ouartet. SMM; 12:30: TOCanada Trust Traveling Jazz Van: The DixieDemons. HR; 1 :00: Canadian Jazz Ouartet.HEW; 1 :OD: Dan Bone Trio. CCC; 2:00: TDCanada Trust TravelingJazzVan: The DixieDemons. MB; 2:00: * Tea with Ellington: JohnLamb (former Ellington bassist). WH; 2:00: Carl& Betsy Kidd. BC; 2:00: Jazz Photography byDavid Deacon. PIG; 3:00:San Murata. OG;8:00: (wine bar 7:00): *The Music of DukeEllington. The Brian Barlow Orchestra w/vocalist Heather Bambrick. . RTPrince Edward County Music Festival613-393-3798www.pecmusicfestival.comSeptember 20- 22; see September ConcertListings for details.; $10(st); (Festival Pass); (st FestivalPass).Saint-Joseph Oratory's Wednesdaysof the Organ Festival514-733-8211www.saint-joseph.orgSaint-Joseph Oratory, Montreal, Quebec(1oft); ; (sr/stl.July 11 -August 8 (Wednesdays, 7:30pm)Buxtehude 300th (Death} Anniversary. JamesDavid Christie, organ; German Romantic Music.Carole Terry, organ;Langlais 1 OOth (Birth} Anniversary. PatrickWedd, organ; Beckerath, father of the Oratoryof{Jan, celebrates 100 Years/Philippe Belanger,organ; Modern Times (1936 film} on the 30thanniversary of Charlie Chaplin's death, w/Improvised Accompaniment. Philippe Belanger,organ.Savannah Festival of Rhythms416-461-5255www.savannahrhythms.caOutdoors at The Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane,BramptonAugust 12 12:00 noon - 6:00Music, dance, visual arts, culinary delights, stiltwalkers, puppets & street carnival. Entertainersinclude: Jay Douglas & The Allstars, GlenRicketts, John Finley & the Checkmates, TheDaredevils of Soul w/ Ricky Day, Mae Cromwell,The Baby Boyz. Free family event.Sound Travels Festival of Sound Art416-910-7231www.soundtravels.caSA St. Andrew by-the-Lake Church, CentreIsland, Toronto IslandsIndoor & outdoor sound sculptures and soundinstallations, concerts, site-specificperfonmances, soundwalks, artist talks,workshops, Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium.) ULY 1 - SEPTE MBER 7 2007Back to Ad IndexWWW, TH EWH OLE NOTE.COMCONTIN U ES NEXT PAGE43