9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 10 - July/August 2007

  • Text
  • Festival
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  • Jazz
  • August
  • Toronto
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  • Theatre
  • September
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  • Choir

... Festival Listings

... Festival Listings (continued) McShane, music director. . CR4 11: 15am: Glenn Gould Programming: The... Sound Travels Festival of Sound ArtPerformance pass (4 concerts Sundays July 22 -September 2): ; (with ferry passes)July1 1 :DO: (check the web·site to confirm date/time): Opening Performance on/with OutdoorInteractive Sound Sculpture Synthecycletron byBarry Prophet. Dancers from Pegasus Studios;Janice Pamer, dancer/choreographer. East ofpier, south side of Centre Island, Toronto Islands.(Installation open 24/7 until October 1;performances July 22 + more performancesTBA.)22 1 :OD: SOUNDwalk & performances onBarry Prophet's Synthecycletron; 2:00: SoundTravels Indoor Interactive Installations Openingperformance: Theremins with AIM. ChristineDuncan, James Bailey, Rob Piilonen, theremins.(adv w/ ferry pass); $10. SA. (IndoorInteractive Installations July 22·September 2,Sundays 2:00·6:00. Lori Beckstead & DavidRose's The Whispering Tree interactive soundsculpture, Toronto Island Sound Map (DonSinclair and Darren Copeland), Around RadioRoadmovies (Chantal Dumas, Christian Calonand Don Sinclair), Listening Gallery. PWYC, recommended.)August7 Voca!(ezeJ Improvisation Workshop by TrevorWishart (for adults). Time & venue TBA8 Vocal(eze/ Improvisation Workshop by TrevorWishart (for families). Part of My Mississauga.Time & venue TBA9 What Zen -A World oflmprovisationWorkshop. Mei Han, Randy Raine·Reusch. Time&venueTBA9 TorontoElectroacousticSymposium-Day 1.Co-presented with Canadian ElectroacousticCommunity, and University of Toronto Facultyof Music.10 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium- Day2. Co·presented with Canadian ElectroacousticCommunity, and University of Toronto Facultyof Music.10 7:00: SOUNDwalk from Ferry dock; 8:00:Barry Truax in Concert. w/ Randy Raine-Reusch,multi·instrumentalist. (adv w/ ferry pass);$10. SA.11 7:00: SOUNDwalk from Ferry dock; 8:00:Trevor Wishart in Concert. (adv w/ ferrypass); $10. SA.12 1 :DO: SOUNDwalkfrom Ferry dock; 2:00:Randy Raine-Reusch and Mei Han in Concert.(adv w/ ferry pass); $10. SA.Southern Ontario Chamber MusicInstitute905-842-5865; tickets: 905-815-2021. 888-489-7784 (Oakville Centre Box Office)www.socmi.org4-concertseries: ; (sr/sl).August9 7:30: Penderecki String Ouartet. St. Andrew'sCatholic Church, 47 Reynolds St., Oakville. ;(sr/sl).14 7:30: TokaiStringOuartet. KnoxPresbyterian Church, 89 Dunn St., Oakville.; (sr/st).16 7:30:Duke Trio. St. Jude's Anglican Church,160 William St., Oakville. ; (sr/sl).19 2:30: SOCMI Student Showcase. Willis Hall,Appleby College, 540 Lakeshore Rd. West,Oakville. ; (sr/sl).Stratford Summer Music519·273-1600, 800-567-1600www.stratfordsummermusic.caAF Avon FlatsAR Avon RiverCC City CentreCH City Hall Auditorium, 1 Wellington St.CR Church Restaurant, 70 Brunswick St.FT Festival TheatreKP Knox Presbyterian Church, 142 Ontario St.Wednesday July 25 -Sunday, August 19.Jazz, classical, world music, folk_ Free to .After-Theatre Cabarets for single shows, for Three Cabarets/July25 9:00: Music for a Midsummer's Night:Stockie Stars in the Sky Fireworks,accompanied by Bert Carriere's music. Free. AF26 11: 15am: Glenn Gould Programming: TripleForte. David Jalbert, piano; Jasper Wood, violin;Yegor Dyachkov, cello. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: The lange!ey Ukulele Ensemble.James Hill, virtuoso; Peter Luongo, director.Free. AR; 11:30pm:After-TheatreCabarets:Manhattan After Dark. Bruce Dow, vocals;Marilyn Dallman, music director. . CR27 11 :1 5am: Glenn Gould Programming: TripleForte. David Jalbert, piano; Jasper Wood, violin;Yegor Dyachkov, cello. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: The lange!ey Ukulele Ensemble.James Hill, virtuoso; Peter Luongo, director.Free. AR; 11 :30pm: After· Theatre Cabarets:Marvellous Party: A Noel Coward Soiree. SeanArbuckle, vocals; Laura Condlin, vocals. . CR28 11 :15am: Glenn Gould Programming: TripleForte. David Jalbert, piano; Jasper Wood, violin;Yegor Dyachkov, cello. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: The langeley Ukulele Ensemble.James Hill, virtuoso; Peter Luongo, director.Free. AR; 11 :30pm: After· Theatre Cabarets:Feel Alright!· A Beatles Songbook. StratfordFestival actors Jonathan Ellul, Philip Hughes,Brian McKay, Brad Rudy, singers; MelodyMcShane, music director. . CR29 11 :15am: Glenn Gould Programming: TripleForte. David Jalbert, piano; Jasper Wood, violin;Yegor Dyachkov, cello. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: The langeley Ukulele Ensemble.James Hill, virtuoso; Peter Luongo, director.Free. AR; 7:30: National Youth Orchestra ofCanada. Yoav Talmi, principal conductor. PWYC.KP30 7:30: Young Canada on Parade Tattoo.Canadian Forces Skyhawks Parachute Team.Free. AFAugust1 12:30: BargeMusic: Swamperella. Free. AR2 11 :15am: Glenn Gould Programming: J.S.Bach: The Art of fugue. Luc Beausejour, organ.. KP; 12:30: BargeMusic: Swamperella.Free. AR; 2:00: Harry Somers lecture: GlennGould: The last Romantic (Video-lecture/. EricFriesen, speaker. Stephen Runge, piano. Free.CH; 11 :30pm:After· Theatre Cabarets:Marvellous Party: A Naef Coward Soiree. SeanArbuckle, Laura Condlin, vocals. . CR3 11: 15am: Glenn Gould Programming: GlennGould's Ideal Performance. Maxine Thevenot,organ. . KP; 12:30: BargeMusic:Swamperella. Free. AR; 2:00: Young People'sProgram: Babar the Elephant. Luba Goy,narrator; Stephen Runge, piano.$ 7 (adult), youthfree. CH; 11 :30pm: After-Theatre Cabarets:Feel Alright!· A Beatles Songbook. StratfordFestival actors Jonathan Ellul, Philip Hughes,Brian McKay, Brad Rudy, vocals; MelodyTeenage Gould, with Choristers. ChristopherDawes, organ; Choristers of the St. Michael'sChoir School, Jerry Cichocki, conductor. .KP; 12:30: BargeMusic: Swamperella. Free.AR; 11:30pm: After-Theatre Cabarets:Manhattan After Dark. Bruce Dow, vocals;Marilyn Dallman, music director. . CR5 7:00am:lukeJerram's TheSkyOrchestra(Dan Jones' A Midsummer's Night Dream fromhot air balloons; N. American premiere/. PatrickStewart, Janet Suzman, readers. Free. SkiesOver the City; 11 :15am: Maureen ForresterYoung Canadian Artists Series. Min-Jeong Koh,violin; Bo-Yon Koh, piano. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: Swamperella. Free. AR6 3:00: Music legends Series: The DukeEllington Orchestra. Guest: Barbra Fulton. ·. FT8 11 :15am: Maureen Forrester Young CanadianArtists Series. Daniel Cabena, countertenor.Stephen Runge, piano. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: Gin lane Trio. Free. AR; 2:00:Remembering Glenn Gould in Stratford· A Panel& Audience Exchange. Walter Hamburger,C.M., Gordon Jocelyn; Ezra Schabas, speakers.Free.CH9 11:15am:FocusonPiano: DavidJalbert,piano recital . CH; 12:30: BargeMusic: Ginlane Trio. Free. AR; 11 :30pm:After-TheatreCabarets: Feel Alright I-A Beatles Songbook.Stratfond actors: Jonathan Ellul, Philip Hughes,Brian McKay, Brad Rudy, vocals; MelodyMcShane, music director. . CR10 11:15am:FocusonPiano: NaidaCole,pianorecital . CH; 12:30: BargeMusic: Gin laneTrio. Free. AR; 2:00: Young People's Program:Carnival of the Instruments. (adult), youthfree. CH; 11:30pm:After-TheatreCabarets:Manhattan After Dark. Bruce Dow, vocals;Marilyn Dallman, music directors. . CR11 11: 15am: Focus on Piano: Solos and Duets.Naida Cole, David Jalbert, pianos. . CH;12:30: BargeMusic: Gin lane Trio. Free. AR;11 :30pm: After· Theatre Cabarets: MarveHousParty: A Noel Coward Soiree. Sean Arbuckle,Laura Condlin, vocals. . CR12 11 : 15am: Focus on Piano: Solos and Duets.Naida Cole, David Jalbert, pianos. . CH;12:30: BargeMusic: Gin lane Trio. Free. AR;2:00: Glenn Gould Programming: Glenn Gould inRe-Performance. Glenn Gould, piano. . CH15 11:15am: Maureen Forrester YoungCanadian Artists Series. Conor Nelson, flute;Stephen Runge, piano. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: The McDades. Free. AR16 11: 15am: Glenn Gould Programming: GlennGould's Pets· Part One, by Bill Richardson. LallyCadeau, Kyle Blair, performers; Stephen Runge,piano. . CH; 12:30: BargeMusic: TheMcDades. Free. AR17 11 : 15am: Glenn Gould Programming: GlennGould's Pets· Part Two, by Bill Richardson.Tom McCamus, Chick Reid, performers;Stephen Runge, piano. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: TheMcDades. Free. AR; 7:00:Regimental Band of the United States MerchantMarine Academy. Capt. Kenneth R. Force,USMS, director. Free. CC; 11 :30pm: After­Theatre Cabarets: All.Stars Cabaret Finales.Stratford actors Jonathan Ellul, Philip Hughes,Brian McKay, Brad Rudy, Sean Arbuckle, LauraCondlin, Bruce Dow, vocals. . CR18 11 :15am: Glenn Gould Programming: GlennGould's Pets · Part One, by Bill Richardson. LallyCadeau, Kyle Blair, performers; Stephen Runge,piano. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: TheMcDades. Free. AR; 11 :30pm: After-TheatreCabaret: Alf.Stars Cabaret Finales. Stratfondactors Jonathan Ellul, Philip Hughes, BrianMcKay, Brad Rudy, Sean Arbuckle, LauraCondlin, Bruce Dow, vocals. . CR19 11: 15am: Glenn Gould Programming: GlennGould's Pets- Part Two, by Bill Richardson.Tom Mc Camus, Chick Reid, performers;Stephen Runge, piano. . CH; 12:30:BargeMusic: Pipes & Drums and Auld LangSyne. Fergus Pipe Band. Free. AR; 7:30: Soundsof Canada: Canadian Repertoire. Bydonation(self-seating) to (reserved seating).Chor Leoni Men's Choir, Dianne Loomer C.M ..conductor; The McDades; Howard Dyck, BillRichardson, Co-Hosts. KPSunfest '07: A Celebration ofWorld Cultures519-672-1522www.sunfest.on.caFestival of world music & dance, + jazzVictoria Park, London (Dutterin/Central/Wellington/Clarence Sts); two main stages, twoSunfest Jazz stages, two side stagesJuly 5 & 6: 6:00-11:00;7 & 8: 12:00noon·11 :00; Weekend Bandshell Concerts begin at6:00 dailyFree, donations appreciatedCheck web site for scheduleInternational Headliners include: AndyPalacio & The Garifuna Collective (Belize); Lura(Cape Vende); Les Boukakes (Algeria/France);Fiama Fummana (Italy); Los Munequitos DeMatanzas (Cuba); Chirgilchin (Republic of T uva);Sambasunda (Indonesia); Tcheka (Cape Verde);Boom Pam (Israel); Louis Mhlanga (Zimbabwe)National Guest Artists include: Cache (Salsameets Jazz); Koba Town (T rinidadian); MauvaisSort (French Canadian); Lazo (Dominican); Obanito(Cuban/Reggaeton); Kleztori (Klezmer/EastemEuropean); Silk Road !Chinese); Son Ache (CubanSon); Elizabeth Hill !First Nations); Samba Squad(Brazilian)Sunfest Jazz include: Marianne TrudelQuintet; Hendrik Meurkens; Christine JensenQuintet; Namori; Yoe/ Diaz Latin Jazz Ensemble;Sylvain Cossette Quintet; Michael Kaeshammer;Annie Poulain; Sophie Milman; Amanda MartinezLatin Jazz Ensemble; Gary Morgan & ThePanamerican Band; Marin Nasturica; Sou/jazzOrchestraSweetwater Music Weekend519-371 -1754www.swmw.caConcerts: ; Weekend Package: September 21 -23; see September ConcertListings for detailsSeptember 22 1 O:OOam: Master Classes. St.George's Anglican Church, Owen SoundSymphony in the Barn519-369-3157www.symphonyinthebam.com393889 Concession 2, DurhamClassical & EclecticJuly27 6:00: Gala Reception & Chamber OrchestraConcert. 28 Full day: events TBA; 8:00: ChamberOrchestra Concert. 29 2:00: Sunday Surprise Serenade. Toronto Buskerfest InternationalStreet Performer's Festival416-964-9095www.torontobuskerfest.com44WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM) ULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 2007

St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood (Front St.between Jarvis & Scott Sts)August 23 · 25 no fixed schedule. Free(donations in support of Epilepsy Toronto)Roving rrusicians, gastronomic delights, artisans, stiltwalkers, ruman statues, chalk artists, magic &balloon twisting for kids, & streets ablaze after dark.Toronto Fringe Festival416-967-1528www.fringetoronto.comMany perfonmances are for mature audiences ...please check web site in advance. All performanc·es: $10 each, various kinds of passesJuly5 · 15theatre, with many Music Theatre, Cabaret. RockOpera offerings. also KidsVenue productionsToronto Summer Music Academy andFestival888-222-6608www.tsmaf.caGM Gardiner Museum, 111 Queen's ParkMT MacMillan Theatre, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen's ParkR330 Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80Queen's ParkVC Victoria University Chapel, 93 Charles St.West.WH Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80Queen's ParkFestival Pass (Barber of Seville & all concertsexcept Rising Stars): 0; 5(sr/st)Family Pass (Barber of Seville or any concertexcept Rising Stars, 2 adults + 3 18 & under):$125July24 8:00: Festival Gala Opening Concert: AWorld of Fantasies. Anton Kuerti, piano;Howard Dyck, narrator. ; (sr/st). MT25 12:30: TSMAStudentConcert.Free. WH26 6:45: From Street to Chamber: The ChangingRoles of Wind Instruments. Dr. TimothyMcGee, lecturer. Free. R330; 8:00: The GoldenSound of Winds. Berlin Philhanmonic WindQuintet. ; (sr/st). MT27 7:30: TSMA Student Concert. Free. WH28 6:45: Brahms' Piano Ouintet In F Minor-ACloser Look. Dr. David Beach, lecturer. Free.R330; 8:00: Passionate String Music. LeipzigString Quartet; Menahem Pressler, piano. ;(sr/st). MT31 8:00: German Songs and letters. LomaMacDonald, soprano; Cameron Stowe, piano; BarryMacGregor, narrator. ; (sr/st). WHAugust1 12:30: TSMA Student Concert. Free. WH2 6:45: Why French Song is So Different FromGerman Song. Stephen Clarke, lecturer. Free.R330; 8:00: In a French Atmosphere. KarinaGauvin, soprano; Michael McMahon, piano.; (sr/st). WH3 7:30: TSMA Student Concert. Free. WH4 6:45: Where Oid the Second Violinist Go? Dr.Robin Elliott, lecturer. Free. R330; 8:00: Gemsfor String Trios. Mayumi Seiler, violin; Teng Li,viola; Anthony Elliott, cello. ; $ 25(sr/st). WH7 6:45: Emotion and Meaning in Schubert's CMajor String Ouartet. Dr. David Beach, lecturer.Free. R330; 8:00:A Stirring World ofEmotions. St. Lawrence String Quartet; ShaunaRolston, cello; R.H. Thomson, narrator. ;(sr/st). WH8 12:30: TSMA Student Concert. Free. VC;8:00: Rising Stars Benefit Concert. MeashaBrueggergosman, soprano/host; AgnesGrossmann, Artistic Director. $100. WH9 8:00:A Celebration of Pianistic Masterpieces.Andre Laplante, piano. ; (sr/st). MTJ ULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 200710 7:30: TSMA Student Concert. Free. WH11 8:00: A Night at the Movies: Kinugasa's APage of Madness (1926) & Senett's Teddy atthe Throttle. Nexus. ; (sr/st). MT14 6:45:Dvorak, SmetanaandtheldeaofCzechMusic. Or. Robin Elliott. Free. R330; 8:00:Bohemian Treasures. Gryphon Trio; Colin Fox,narrator. ; (sr/st). WH15 12:30: TSMAStudentConcert.Free. WH16 6:15:Pre-Opera TalkwithlainScott.Free.R330; 7:30: Rossini's The Barber of Seville(Italian with English surtitles). NationalAcademy Orchestra; Michael Patrick Albano,stage director; Agnes Grossman, musicaldirector. $ 50; (sr/st); MT17 6: 15: Pre-Opera Talk with lain Scott. Free.R330; 7:30: Rossini's The Barber of Seville(Italian with English surtitles). NationalAcademy Orchestra; Michael Patrick Albano,stage director; Agnes Grossman, musicaldirector. ; (sr/st); MT18 18 2:00: TSMA Student Concert. Free. WH;6:15: Pre-Opera Talk with lain Scott. Free.R330; 7:30: Rossini's The Barber of Seville(Italian with English surtitles). NationalAcademy Orchestra; Michael Patrick Albano,stage director; Agnes Grossman, musicaldirector. ; (sr/st); MT19 9:30am: A Day at the Opera: ExploringRossini's The Barber of Seville (for ages 8- 16,lecture, workshop, matinee performance, &lunch included). ; 9:30 am: Explore TheBarber of Seville with Clayton Scott. WH;12:00 noon: Create Your Own Barber ofSeville Tour and Clay Workshop. GM; 2:00:Rossini's The Barber of Seville (Italian withEnglish surtitles). National Academy Ort:hestra;Michael Patrick Albano, stage director. AgnesGrossman, musical director. ; (sr/st); MTUp Town Waterloo Jazz519-885-1921, 800-265-6959www.uptownwaterloojazz.caAll events except Gala are free, at City Centreparking lot, William & Regina Sts, Waterloo.July 12-15Opening Night Gala featuring Emilie-ClaireBarlow.Concerts/events include: Soul Suppliers, Levonlchkhanian,lvana Santilli, Kevin Clarke, Jeff King,Cimarron.The Davidson/ Murley/ Braid Quintet,Sophie Milman, Tim Louis, John Tank, JoeyDefrancesco & Jake LangleyVancouver Early Music Festival604-732-1610www.earlymusic.bc.caJuly 29 -August 16See web site for lectures, workshops, instructionprogramsIndividual and season tickets, various discounts.Wasaga Beach Festival416-698-2 152www.wasagabeachfest.comAugust 24 · 26See web site for Family Stage entertainmentlineup, and other activities.WEMF 07: World Electronic MusicFestival416-631-8821www.wemf.comNiagara Regional Exhibition, 1100 Niagara St.North, WellandJuly 20 -223 Day Packages and 2 Day packages available(including camping) Group discounts and VIPPackages available CONTINUES NEXT PAGESeptember 21, 22, 23, 2007Mark Fewer. Artistic DirectorVirginia Barron. Associate Artistic DirectorWorld Class Music, Wide Open Countryside.For more information about our Getaway Packages, or to request a Program Guide:call: (877) 883-5777 click: www.westben.on.caWESTBENCONCERTS AT THE BARNCLASSICA.:_9~1''2.Jffe in Eastern OntarioWestben is located near Campbellford, Ontario • Approximately 2 hours East of TorontoWWW .THEWHOLENOTE.COM 45

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