Auditions2007 - 2008Oakville Chamber ChoirStephane Potvin, DirectorWe seek experienced anddedicated choral singers,who are passionateabout choral music &strive for excellence.We are a 16 voice choirdedicated to performingclassical music.905 522 6841info@oakville-choir.cawww.oakville-choir.caVocalPointChamber ChoirMusic Director - Ian GrundyIOTH ANNNERSAR ySEASON-NEWSINGERS INVITED TOAUDffiON& PAST MEMBER.SINVITED TO RETURNTO CELEBRATE 10 YEARS OF ANEPERFORMANCES OF 16 17'11AND 20rH CENTURY WORKS &4 TRIPS TO THE NATIONAL SEMJANALS OF cac's AMATEURCHORAL COMPETITIONPHONE 416.484.0185 FOR!NFORMA llON ON AUDITIONSSCHEDULED FOR THE FALLOPPORTUNITY• MUSIC DIRECTORThe 40 members of the Toronto Chamber Choir,who specialize in Renaissance and Baroque repertoire,are searching for a new conductorwith energy and creative vision.Closing date for applications:September 30, 2007Please call 416-763-1695 oremail ANNOUNCEMENTS ... WORKSHOPS, ... ETCETERA*July 18 and August 15 7:30: TorontoShapenote Singing from Sacred Harp.Beginners welcome. St. Stephen-in· the-Fields,103 Bellevue Ave. 416· 922-7997*July 31 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club.An informal group that meets for the purpose ofperformance & exchange of songs. T ranzac Club,292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532·0900.*August 23·26: Ottawa JAZZWORKS2007. 14th Annual Summer Workshop. For alllevels of adult jazz musicians & advanced highschool students. Includes master classes, jauTHE ORATORYChurch of the Holy Family(in the Parkdale area)has a vacancy for aBass voice.This is a paid position.Extensive repertoire, primarilyRenaissance polyphonyThursday rehearsals, one ortwo services on Sunday(Latin Mass, Vespers) andoccasional extrascall Peter Bishop:416-535-5119precentor@look.cahistory, improvisation, arranging & composition,jam sessions & combos. Registration deadline:August 1. CAMMAC Music Centre, Quebec.613-521-6274,*August 28 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group that meets for thepurpose of performance & exchange of songs.Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532·0900.•August 29 8:30am· 7pm: Long & McQuade.Concert and Jazz Band Music Reading Clinic.Read, play & listen to the latest band music fromall of our publishers. Concert Hall, Royal Conserv·atory of Music, 90 Croatia St. 416-588· 7886.Free.*All The King's Voices. Summer Sight-Singingand Vocal Technique Courses. All levels & styles,with instrumental accompaniment provided. July& August. Info: 416-225·2255 orking44@sympatico.caBOSLEYREAL ESTATEDOS LEY UAL ESTATE LTD., REAL T OP.PETER MAHONSales Representative416-322-8000pmahon@trebnet.comwww.petermahon.comSINGERSThe Annex SingersA dynamic choir performingeclectic repertoire seeksnew members. Choralexperience an asset.Richard Partington416-968-7747margaret.rice@sympatico.caCHURCH CHOIRDIRECTORIn WhitchurchStouffville - experiencein choral conducting andAnglican liturgy. ParttimeThursday eveningand Sunday morning.Send resume to admin@stouffvilleanglican .ca orfax to 905-640-6659416-239-4637Violin and Cello age 3 and upSuzuki Headstart ages 2 - 4Music & Movement, Theory,Rhythmic Reading, Opera SingersDo you have a dream rolethat you want orneed to perform?11 1s e21s1e1 lhclfl yo , thi11klMore info: www.OperabyRequest.caopera by requestOn :.:rur \N, ham S tiooU~o ttChoristers Wantedjoin the newly formedSTPATRIC KSC R FGOR.IAN C HOIR_u11dt..·rSurindcr S. i\ fu ndra, / )/r"d"rConcert Venue Available for 2007 - 2008 SeasonGreat Central GTA Location (2 min. from 401 & Yonge St.)•Parking lot onsite ;...:;-;•Steps from York Mills SubwayJli)•Audience Seating Capacity - 420,, r·-
WE ARE ALL Music's CHILDRENcontinued from page 21June's Child ... Maestro Peter OundjianWholeNote MarketPlaceOver half of all TSO musicians participate ineducation programs reaching over 100,000young people each year - at RTH, Torontoschools, and recently communities such asThunder Bay, North Bay, and TimminsCompleting his third season as Music Directorof the TSO, Peter Oundjian continues to engagevigorously with musicians, audiences andmusical life. He lives in Toronto with his wifeNadine and their two children, Lara and Peter.The youngest of five, with an Armenianfather and English mother, Peter Oundjianwas born in Toronto. They moved to England,where he later attended the Royal Collegeof Music, when he was a child.I had lessons in both piano and violin. Actually,right at the time that picture was taken Iswitched from piano to violin. Also important -I sang in a wonderful choir at school - BenjaminBritten used the choir to make a few recordingson Decca. Music was a very normalthing for me, as natural as breathing andeating. I made music every day, at home andat school, and it was part of who I was.Around age JO or 11, I remember startingan essay with "Being a violinist ... " I don 't rememberthe rest of the sentence, but, I still rememberstarting it with those 3 words. At 14and 15, I did want to become a professionalsoccer player more than anything else. Then, 1developed a strong interest in modern languages.But all the while I was practisingvery many hours a day, and performing frequently.This seemed like normal life. Itwasn't until age 17 that I decided to do this.Peter was first violinist of the renowned TokyoString Quartet for 14 years. Currently in his26th year as a visiting professor at the YaleSchool of Music, he is also Principal GuestConductor and Artistic Advisor of the DetroitSymphony, and Artistic Advisor and PrincipalConductor of the Caramoor Festival.I would encourage everyone to expose youngpeople to great music of all kinds. But it'spossible to develop a love for music at anystage of life I have come across quite a fewpeople who love music profoundly, butweren't exposed to it until later.Try to imagine that you could time traveland meet the little boy in that photo ...I would tell him that if you truly want to becomea performing musician, let your ownconviction lead the way. Remember that youwill experience disappointments: you mustrise above them and be strong.JULY 1 - S EPTEMBER 7 2007EducationPIANO LESSONS·Over 40 years in business,all levels.• Extremely effective, low-costpreparation for RCM exams,competitions, concerts, etc.-,; ·from for Y, hour.r-1 ° Immediate results, or you don't pay!Vladimir Dounin 416·321·5627bethebestinmusic@yahoo.comMAESTRO DANIEL*Twenty years teaching Classical Vocal Techniquein Toronto*Specialty: Training and developing the large operaticvoice, "a dying breed" according to theN.Y. Times, Nov. 5, 2005*Vocal rehabilitation: Removing andrepairing faulty vocal habits*Guaranteed results*416· 927-9800 www.nscvs.comNORTH TORONTO INSTITUTE OF MUSIC1"Pnvate mstruchon and exampreparation by qualified teachersin the heart of Toronto.+ Piano + Voice + Guitar + Strings+ Woodwinds + Percussion + Theory+Music Theatre +Pre-school550 Eglinton Avenue East416-488-2588 www.nlimusic.coms d ...;;' "'-A Vnivet5ity Settlementc:.: . · , J Music & Arts SchoolOO~('O IN~~ q?'"' tsl 1921 Iu .. 1 ... ,::,~i;,:,·~1 1~mw Centrally loc..:ited in do wntown To~o nto !23 G'ange Roa