9 years ago

Volume 12 - Issue 10 - July/August 2007

  • Text
  • Festival
  • Chart
  • Jazz
  • August
  • Toronto
  • Musical
  • Theatre
  • September
  • Concerts
  • Choir

~---'-IN""'S'""""'T""'R-'-U-'-CT"""'I-'-O""'"N ______,II INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLDALL THE KING'S VOICES SUMMER VINTAGE CZECH DOUBLE BASS (c. 1900)SIGHT-SINGING AND VOCAL TECH- deep, even tone, dark amber finish, excellentNIQUE COURSES. Educational and En- condition, bow and appraisal included, jpgsCLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGtertaining. All levels. David King, B.Mus., avail., 416.701.0756B.Ed. 25 + years with the Elmer Iseler Sing- I MISCELLANEOUS Iers. 416-225-2255, www.allthekingsvoices.caARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT or recit-CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS RCM al? Looking for a venue? Consider Bloortrained. Beginners welcome. Walter 416-924- Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-74392168. x22 Email: tina@bloorslreelunited.orgEVE EGOYAN seeks advanced,committed piano students( or 416-504-4297)HARMONY/RUDIMENTS LESSONSRCM exam preparation. Experienced RCMexaminer/music teacher. UofT music graduate.Downtown Toronto location. Call M. Molinariat 416-763-2236 orinfo@mariamolinari.comOBOE LESSONS: 15 years teaching experience,specializing in junior high, highschool students. Adult beginners welcome.RCM exams, theory. BathursVSt. Clair area.Karen 416-656-4312.PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles - beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams. Feelthe joy of making musicl Peter Ness, ARCT.416-767-9747.SINGING LESSONS in a friendly environmentwith a qualified teacher- MMUS. AllLevels Welcome. Phone: 416-200-4721 orEmail: your.voice@hotmail.comTHEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAININGLESSONS: All grades, RCM exam prep (rudiments,harmony, history, counterpoint).Learning can be fun and easy I Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.VOICE: DEVELOPMENT ANDTRAINING of operatic voice - all repertoires.35 years experience. Re-positioning ofimproper placement. Preparation forauditions,concerts, recordings etc. 416-636-7642.•MISTER'SMASTERINGHOUSEMUSICIANSAVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions orother functions - greater Toronto area. Forrates and info call 905-722-5618 or email us atmhpape@interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; CocktailHour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows; Classical,Contemporary: Dixieland, Traditional andSmooth Jazzl JSL Musical Productions 905-276-3373.I MUSICIANS WANTEDCOUNTY TOWN SINGERS is recruitingnew members and alumni to join the choir forour 40th anniversary Christmas concert. ContactJanice 905-728-3386 for details.SING IN OPERA! Toronto Opera Repertoireis seeking enthusiastic choristers for its2008 season. Rehearsals start in October, 2007- no audition necessary! For more info,, write or leavevoice mail at 416-698-9572.VESPERA WOMEN'S CHOIR Sarah John- Music Director. AUDITIONS 2007-2008Concert Season. To book an audition and formore information please contact Sarah John:www.vesperaensemble.comsjohn@verperaensemble.comDIGITAL EDITINGCD MASTERINGLIVE RECORDINGC ONT A C T:OPEN REEL&CASSETTE TRANSFERS96/24 CAPABILITYKARL MACHAT4 16 503 3 060 O R 647 227 KARLMIST E R S .MASTE R S@SYMP A T ICO.C AA Century of ClassicalIJkrainian Piano MusicMaria Dolnycky playsValentin Silvestrov's PianoSonata Ng 1, two worldpremieres by Yuri /shchenkoand other works.www.mariadolnycky.comVOLUNTEER MUSICIANS & VOCALISTSWANTED to help raise funds for charitywith our boutique big bands. Violins/Saxophones/Trumpets/Trombones/Guitar/Piano/Bass/Drums. and call Andrewat 416-712-2555 todaylISERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERV­ICE for small business and individuals, tosave you lime and money, customized tomeet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math.CMA. 905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985.MASSAGE THERAPY WITH ANDREWINNES, RMT. Offering the highest possiblestandards of personal and therapeutic care.Diaphramalic release, rib springing, posturalalignment, relaxation, and many other treatmenttypes available. Experience in workingwith singers. Call bodyone clinic: 416-516-2114 www.bodyone.caThe PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management,concentration, goal selling, imagery.Individualized to meet your performancesituation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinicaland performing arts psychology. 416-961-0487, www.theperformingedge.comSINGERS WANTEDSIMONE TUCCIPiano Tuner-Technician- Complete Piano Care Service - ­' Concert' Studio'Home'. Affiliated withThe Royal Conservatory of Music pianoservice staff. Registered CraftsmanMember of O.G.PT. Inc. AssociateMember of PTG. Servicing Toronto~1111111111111111111~; ;~ 314 Churchill Ave ;; Toronto , Ontario ~; M2R 1 E7 Canad a ~~ Tel : 416-224-1956 ~; Fa x : 416-224-2964 ;; MIKROKOSMOS ;; ;; ;; f~ We buy your ~I ;~ classical LP ~; '~ collection ~; ;; '~ (classical, such as ~~ ~1 Beethoven, Mozart, ;f ~~ Stockhausen) f~ ~~ ~~ we travel anywhere ~~ for good collections ~~ ~~llllllllllllHlllHl4'.Scarborough Bel Canto Choir is lool:?ingfor new members! We are a 40 voice,community based SATB choir. New membersare auditioned to determine voice range andsuitability. Repertoire includes foll:?, movies,swing, Broadway and classical selections.Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 7:30 until 10at St. Nicholas Anglican Church near Wardenand Kingston Roads.Website: Joanne Hawthorne at 416-284-4428for further information.WANTED: LISTINGS EDITORwholenoteT he W holeNote Listings Editor is responsible for preparing conceit and otherevent listings: for ongoing editorial and safes use; for publication inWhofeNote Magazine and on o ur webs ite; and for a range of other e lectronicuses. The Listings Editor generates and receives a large volume ofinfonnation,in many different fonnats - mostly electronic - that must be turned intoconsistently-formatted, user-fii endly listings in several styles. This , accurate work and a comprehensive knowledge of musical terminologyand music history. The Listi ngs Editor should expect to work at feast pait timein our Bathurst/Lennox office, and should be co111fo1table with a job involvingextensive data manipulation in a PC-based environment using a variety ofsoftware, some of it basic (MSWord), some of it new, while at the same timebuilding and maintain ing e-111ail and telephonic contact w ith groups,performers, concert presenters and venues.This is a half- to three-quarter time position, to start.Further questions or expression of interest w ith CV to David Perl111an, or by 111ail to the address on page 7.W WW. THEWHOLENOTE-COM ] ULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 7 2007

MUSIC DIRECTORThe Etobicoke Centennial Choir, a 50-voice auditioned community choir in its40 1 h season, seeks a Music Director withcreative vision and a collaborativeleadership style, commencing September2008 . The choir performs a wide range of repertoirepresented in three concerts during a 10 monthseason. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from7:30 -10:00 pm at Islington United Church.The successful candidate will have experienceconducting adult choirs; a background in voiceproduction; post-secondary education in vocalperformance/choral conducting or equivalent; athorough knowledge of choral repertoire; experiencein motivating and inspiring amateur choristers; andthe ability to work effectively with a volunteer Board ofDirectors.Preference will be given to applicants who reside inthe GTA.Qualified applicants should submit a resume withcovering letter to or toEtobicoke Centennial Choir Search Committee, c/oIslington United Church, 25 Burnhamthorpe Road,Etobicoke, ON M9A 1 G9 by July 31 , 2007For further information. visit www.etobicokesings.comtorontoartscou nci IAn""'' Q li:n9 m boC:y o f tho C•ty 0 1 :01un10AUDITIONSFOR THE 2007-2008 SEASON~WEDNESDAY EVENINGAUGUST 29TH, 2007Openings for All Jreble Voices - S1, S2, Al, AiORIANA Women's Choir is a well-establishedclassical treble-voice choir in Toronto.Rehearsals Wednesday Evenings3 Subscription Concerts, Various OthersCLASSES & LESSONSFree Sample Classes!August 25, 1- 4 PMrsvp required - full details• Over 40 different instruments & genresranging from classical to rock, jazz, folk,world music & hip-hop• Over 230 professional faculty dedicatedto excellence in music education• Classes for beginners (newborn to adult)• Choirs and ensembles for all levels• Opera Scene Study & Music Theatre• Music history, theory & composition• Chamber music• Teacher trainingThe Royal Conservatory of MusicToronto (Dufferin & Bloor)416.408.2825Mississauga (Cawthra & Lakeshore)905.891. 7944TELUS Centre for Performance and LearningOpening January 2008!For information conract ORIANA Women's Choir;Tel: 416·923-3123 Email; Web:',lg~~1.0nYt o rontdarts6oun cil/j NEWS •-• · ·~·· '~··•· t•,j•., ' " t"• •' .,.,.,,j U LY 1 - SEPTE M BE R 7 200753

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)